Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 758: Target: Hong Kong Index

"This is my lack of consideration," Guo Shouyun said after a long silence, "Now is a very sensitive period. Bad and bad debts in banks can easily lead to a break in the capital chain. If at this time, If there is someone who is interested in it, then once there is a run on the situation, the consequences will be quite serious.\\w/Be prepared for a rainy day, I think we are like this, the idle funds I have now are relatively rich, in addition, such as satellite network projects. The disbursement of funds for large projects can also be postponed for a period of time, the two of you will calculate and see how much the total bad and bad debts are on hand.

As mentioned above, the situation of Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov is different from that of the Far East. Their commercial banks do not have the backing of local fiscal and taxation, so when facing financial risks, They can only rely on their own financial strength to fight hard. At the same time, as two commercial banks that use investment and loan interest collection and currency speculation as their main means of profit, the funds they have on hand are flowing almost all the time. Therefore, in the face of sudden risks, they are likely to face the danger of the capital chain being cut off. Why would a rich man worth tens of billions go bankrupt because of a mere 100 to 200 million capital losses? The fundamental reason is the disconnection of the capital chain.

Take, for example, Khodorkovsky's Menagep Bank, whose assets include savings worth nearly four trillion rubles, while his personal interests include petrochemicals, urban infrastructure, seaport operations, entertainment and catering. There are tens of billions of investment in other aspects. In this way, when people calculate their worth, they will be calculated according to the "annual profit amount" of their various investments. Well, now Menajab Bank has a large number of bad loans, which may be in the form of bad and bad debts. It may also be in the form of loans that cannot be recovered in the short term. And these loans are occupied household savings. In this case, once the internal information of the bank was leaked, or affected by the external environment such as the financial crisis, the residents who had deposits in Menajab experienced a run on the ground. There's a good chance Khodorkovsky won't be able to raise enough money to fill the savings gap anytime soon. As a result, those people who are worried that their savings will be wiped out will make trouble. The social influence is about to expand, and it won't be long before the Federal Central Bank launches an investigation into Menatjap, freezing his account funds, movable and real estate, so that he cannot borrow funds from other places to fill the vacancy, and then, in order to quell public anger, In order to stabilize the social order, the central bank also needs to evaluate and auction its investment projects in various aspects—it is very interesting to evaluate the auction. When the units participating in the auction of stock prices, when valuing projects including petrochemicals, urban infrastructure, etc., they do not look at the annual profit of these industrial institutions, but simply look at their actual value, such as: how much is the equipment? , How much is the land, how much is the factory, etc. Use a valuation method like this. A five-star hotel with an annual profit of over 70 million and a real estate value of 10 million. It is very likely that it is not even worth 10 million. It is precisely because of the existence of this phenomenon that there are some special cases of "small fish eating big fish" in shopping malls.

As an old friend who has been working together for a long time. The cooperation they know each other well, the current Guo Shouyun. He never wanted Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov to fall, so he had the heart to give up his previous plan and lent the funds he had raised to advance into Southeast Asia to his two old friends.

"Haha, it is very valuable to us that Shouyun has this kind of heart," Vinogradov took a deep look at the young man opposite, and then smiled sincerely, "As for the funds, we It may indeed be dismantled from you, but not now, after all, we also know that you need money at this juncture."

"Yeah, wait and see," Khodorkovsky said, "I know, you must go and watch this big drama in the Southeast Asian financial market, especially in Hong Kong. We know the relationship between those Hong Kong businessmen, and this time the international hot money attack will definitely not let go of this big fat. As for the two of us, to tell you the truth, we already have plans and are ready After a while, I will go to the financial market in South America. Hehe, South America is the main source of raw materials in Southeast Asia, and at the same time, it is also the main export destination of cheap commodities in Southeast Asia. Besides, the financial order there is basically the same as that of Southeast Asia. It is full of loopholes and riddled with holes. It can be said for sure that as long as a large-scale financial crisis breaks out in Southeast Asia, South America will definitely be affected most directly. Therefore, the two of us have planned to allocate 6 billion funds to speculate in the past. Frying, as long as there are no major problems, it should be no problem to get a small vote."

"This is also a way," Guo Shouyun tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Well, as for my consideration, is it like this, I plan to follow the trend in the near future, speculating in Thai baht, not to be the leader, not to take risks The risk of bottom-hunting, after that, I will follow wherever the international hot money goes, and make as much money as possible. When the hot money is starting to attack the Hong Kong dollar, I am ready to officially enter the market and have a good time with them in the Hong Kong dollar speculation. fight once."

"No, no, I think there is a certain error in your thinking," Vinogradov shook his head and added before Guo Shouyun finished his words.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun was stunned.

"In my personal opinion," explained Vinogradov, "it is a foregone conclusion that international hot money will sweep East and Southeast Asia this time, but when it comes to dealing with Hong Kong, they should not focus on hyping the Hong Kong dollar, but rather It should be more concentrated on the Hong Kong stock index, um, the Hang Seng Index.”

"Yes, I think so too," Khodorkovsky agreed. "We should be clear that the Hong Kong dollar is different from the Thai baht. Hong Kong implements a linked exchange rate system, and the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar is directly pegged to the US dollar. Judging from the situation in the first stage, a large amount of international hot money is increasing the amount of US dollars, which means that they should use the US dollar as the reference currency during this speculative operation. In this case, they Suppressing the Hong Kong dollar is tantamount to smashing the US dollar with the US dollar. The profits that can be obtained in this process are relatively small. With the usual behavior of international hot money, they should not see this profit. Furthermore, the three parties of China, Hong Kong and Macao The US dollar foreign exchange reserves held are as high as 340 billion, which is an astonishing figure, and at the same time, it is also a very deterrent figure. Even if the leader of the attack on the Hong Kong dollar is still Soros, those retail investors who follow the trend are in They will also become hesitant before taking action, which will affect the coordination of their shots. As a well-known figure in the financial speculation world, it is impossible for the always cunning Soros to fail to consider these issues - small profits, Only an idiot would do a risky investment. What do you think an old fox would do? In contrast, it is obvious that there is a greater risk of hitting the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index, which continues to soar, and taking the line of speculating on the stock index. In addition, as long as the economies of Southeast Asia and East Asia collapse, Hong Kong, which has always been export-oriented, will definitely be hit hard. Under such circumstances, it will be much easier to lower the Hong Kong stock index. So, if you really plan to fight the old fox of Soros, you should target the Hang Seng stock index, not the outer Hong Kong dollar for foreign exchange speculation.”

The reminder of the two old friends made Guo Shouyun's mind flash. To be honest, the reason why he had such an illusion was because he had received too much propaganda in his previous life. How to keep the Hong Kong dollar strong, how to tumble the reports of international hot money with Soros as the chief, as for other aspects, there is basically not much contact. Now, after being reminded by Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov, he suddenly remembered the bleak situation of Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index in 19798 in his previous life-a sniper attack by Soros, which made the Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index plummeted from 18,000 points to 6,000 points. If the old fox secretly shorted the stock index in the process, how much profit would he gain from this slump? No doubt, that number is staggering.

"Building the plank road in the Ming Dynasty, darkening Chencang in the dark." God knows that an old man who is a master of financial and money skills actually has a deep research on the military skills of seeking the country handed down from the ancestors of China.

Obviously, if Huo and Wei's guesses are correct, then in this future Hong Kong dollar sniper battle, the purpose of Old Man Suo's suppression of the Hong Kong dollar is nothing more than to create a panic. While people’s confidence in the Hong Kong dollar is shaken, they also lose their trust in the Hong Kong index to a greater extent—with suppressing the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar as an auxiliary means, and shorting the Hong Kong index as the main goal, combining the two, supplemented by A number of spread news, so as to achieve the real purpose of misappropriating money.

Then again, in the face of such a two-handed offense, how can you maximize your profits? Obviously, if you want to boost the stock index, it is not enough to just throw a lot of money to do more. Only by boosting the confidence of investors, and relying on the advantages of the general trend, can we hit the opponent to the maximum extent and lock the victory. In this case, where is the good news that Guo Shouyun needs? Don't ask, he'll find a way.

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