Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 749: Unlimited business opportunities

?It's still the same sentence, "It's endless fun to fight with others." Today's Guo Shouyun has completely grown into a strongman who regards power struggle as the highest pleasure in life. Vladimir is about to rise and will eventually become his greatest He is not afraid of the opponent's "potential enemy". On the contrary, he is even full of expectations for the future with such opponents. \\

For the sake of being Guo Shouyun, there are many things that cannot be speculated with ordinary people's psychology. He can retaliate, he can meet with a smile, and he can be very concerned about some seemingly unfounded "threats". It is possible to turn a blind eye to the contradictions and conflicts that are on the surface. All in all, his thinking seems to be full of uncertainty. At the same time, it is this uncertainty that makes his opponents fear him.

After seeing off Korzakov, who came in a hurry, Guo Shouyun shut himself in the room and smoked a cigarette calmly. During this process, no one knew what was on his mind. Of course, It is even more impossible to know what kind of decision he made, but what people know is that when he walked out of the room again and rushed directly to Fangfeiyuan to attend the meeting of industrialists, the smile on his face was full of Confidence and vision.

Maybe people in the world today have seen the huge business opportunities in the Russian Federation. There are a lot of people participating in the five-party industrialists talks this time. When Guo Shouyun entered the conference hall, the venue was already full of people. As the only representative of the Far Eastern Republic, Guo Shouyun's arrival naturally attracted the attention of all present.

"Mr. Guo, this way please." When the official Guo appeared at the door of the venue, a blue-skirted beauty who had been waiting in the doorway greeted her, she made a gesture to the right with a virtual palm, and said at the same time. "According to the arrangement of the leaders and the request made by Mr. before, we have specially arranged a seat for you."

"Oh, thank you," Guo Shouyun smiled as he nodded in return to the people who greeted him at the venue.

"On your left is the chairman of the Hong Kong Shipowners' Association. Mr. Liao Qingyuan is also the current chairman of the Hong Kong Shipbuilding Board." The beautiful woman led the way. He did not forget to introduce Guo Shouyun about the situation near the seat, "And on your right, there is a negotiator from Hutchison Whampoa Group, as the chairman of Hutchison Whampoa. Mr. Li was unable to come this time because of his sensitive identity. He made a special trip for us to convey an apology to you, sir, and invites you to visit Hong Kong at your convenience."

"Hehe, you are too polite," Guo Shouyun said with a smile. "Please refer to Mr. Li for me. Compared with him, I, Guo Shouyun, is still a junior. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely go to Hong Kong to visit his old man's place."

"Okay sir. We will convey your message for you," the two of them walked through the scarlet-carpeted lobby one after the other and walked to the top three rows of seats.

"Sir, please take a seat," the beautiful woman stopped in the corridor between the seats, she turned around and smiled, "You can chat with Mr. Liao and Hutchison Whampoa Mr. Cheng first, if you need anything. , you can call me anytime."

"Thank you," Guo Shouyun glanced at the left and right sides of the empty seat. According to the guidance of the beauty just now, Liao Qingyuan, who was sitting on the left, was a thin but shrewd man who looked about fifty years old. The position of Cheng Zhihua, the plenipotentiary negotiator from Hutchison Whampoa, is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a slightly fortunate figure and a modest face. When they saw him coming, the two stood up in unison, and it seemed that they were about to come out and say hello.

"Mr. Guo." Sure enough. At the same time when Guo Shouyun and the beauties had finished their greetings. Liao Qingyuan was the first to speak. He stretched out a large hand that looked a little thin. Simultaneously laughed. "I've heard of your name for a long time. It's just that I haven't had the chance to meet before. Today, I can meet the president of the dignified Guo Group here for a while. Liao is very honored."

Liao Qingyuan is a native of southern Fujian. He spoke Mandarin with a distinct Hokkien accent. Guo Shouyun really couldn't understand if he didn't listen carefully. But luckily it is. Opening remarks on occasions like this. Often it is full of watery polite words. So come out without listening. Also innocuous.

"Each. Each other." Shake hands warmly with each other. Guo Shouyun laughed. "At the banquet the night before yesterday. I heard Mr. Bi of your association mentioned Mr. Liao's name. I was still regretful at the time. I didn't get to know Mr. Liao during this trip to Beijing. Haha. I didn't expect the wind to turn suddenly today. Mr. Liao I made a special trip to Beijing. This is an unexpected surprise for me.”

"Haha. I can find an opportunity to do business with Mr. Guo. How could Mr. Liao not come?" With a hint of a smile that felt like a spring breeze. Cheng Zhihua spoke up. He held Guo Shouyun's big hand. laughed. "Actually, it's not just Mr. Liao. There are not a few people from the shipowners' association who come to negotiate with Mr. Guo. But it's a great pity. We, Mr. Li, have recently contracted a cold, so we can't make the trip. Otherwise, Hehe. I'm afraid I'm about to lose this opportunity."

Guo Shouyun could hear it. Cheng Zhihua's remarks. Not to be polite to myself. Of course. It is even more unlikely that it is to grab the limelight with Liao Qingyuan. He was apologizing to himself from the other side. It was stated that there were objective reasons why Mr. Li could not come to attend the Beijing talks.

actually. Before preparing to deal with the shipowners. Guo Shouyun had a comprehensive understanding of this powerful organization once. To some extent. The most powerful industrialists in Hong Kong today. Almost all members of the shipowners' club. Such as Bao Yugang, the ship king who just passed away a few years ago. Chinese rich Li Ka-shing. The current head of the Gu family is Gu Jianzhou. Dong Chee-hwa, the head of Dong's Shipping, and so on. Say it bluntly. In Hong Kong, there are people who can be called earthly names. Or you are a member of the Shipowners' Association. Or it is inextricably linked to it.

So, looking back, what is the use of knowing these things to Guo Shouyun? The effect is very obvious, just like now, when he faced Liao Qingyuan and Cheng Zhihua, the first thing he thought of was one thing - the big consortium in Hong Kong is not only interested in investing in Far East shipping and shipbuilding industry. In addition, it seems that he wants to make a difference in other fields.

Why do you say that? The reason is very simple. If Hong Kong businessmen only want to invest in the shipping industry, it is enough for the shipowners to participate in the negotiation. As for how to distribute the benefits after the investment, I believe that the shipowners will definitely have their own coordination methods. . But what about now? In addition to the shipowners' meeting, there was also a negotiator "Hutchison Whampoa" who appeared at the venue. What does this mean? It goes without saying that this only shows that Hutchison Whampoa is planning to talk about other businesses.

After a few simple courtesies with the two wealthy businessmen from Hong Kong, the three of them returned to their seats. Then, naturally, someone brought tea, snacks and various fruits. At the same time, those industrialists who were arranged in the back, They also left their seats one after another, and those who walked in the corridor met and talked with industrialists who were interested in them. For these industrialists, such an occasion is the best opportunity for them to establish outreach relationships. It is necessary to get acquainted with each and every powerful industrialist, because in the business field, there is no One day you will ask for someone, and with a one-sided friendship, you will be able to talk more when you ask for help in the future. To give a simple example, in the "Wharf War" launched by the ship king Bao Yugang for the acquisition of "Wharf", his opponent was a wealthy British consortium. In that battle, in order to remove Bao Yugang from Kowloon After being squeezed out of the warehouse acquisition case, the British-owned consortium aggressively raised the share price of the Wharf warehouse and set off a rush to buy at the price of 100 yuan per share, and finally almost forced Bao Yugang to a dead end. But not long after, specifically, in just three days, Bao Yugang raised a huge sum of 2.1 billion through the channels of his friends, thus completely turning the tide. In acquisitions like this, where did Bao Yugang's funds come from? There is no doubt that it could not have been loaned from a bank controlled by the British, but that his friends in the mall had collected it for him. For ordinary people, lending others hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of oceans may be considered generous, but for those rich tycoons who are all-powerful in the business world, as long as they look right and think that something can be done, then Even if it is hundreds of millions of billions, they are willing to borrow it. That's why it's so important to make friends in the mall.

After the necessary transition before the formal negotiation, Guo Shouyun's negotiations with Liao and Cheng are officially launched. During this process, as the actual head of the Far Eastern Republic, it is also the main formulation and decision-making of economic policies in the region. Guo Shouyun did not go around in circles. , he bluntly explained to Liao and Cheng that the current economic construction of the Far East has already started, and all aspects of infrastructure work have also been put on the agenda. The capital investment of the department and Yuanshang Bank in several investment projects has begun to face the situation of drying up. For this reason, the Guo Group has the idea of ​​attracting foreign investment.

In the face of Guo Shouyun's direct response, Liao Qingyuan replied that the Hong Kong Shipowners' Association has been observing the economic trend of the Far East in the past two years. Due to the vast area of ​​the Far East, there are many excellent natural ports. At the same time, Under the construction of the former Soviet Union, the shipbuilding industry and ocean shipping industry in this region are relatively advanced, so there are many places suitable for shipowners to invest.

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