Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 745: why live

?Sun Hongyu's words gave Guo Shouyun a basic grasp of Liu Haitao, who met for the first time, from the bottom of his heart. There is no doubt that in his opinion, this young man is by no means a simple role. The latest chapter of the whole book\novel\web is provided by online reading

A ** from a wealthy family, a top student at Peking University in the 1980s, someone like this would definitely be able to easily find a chance to stand out in China, but what about this young man in front of him? However, when he was young, he chose to go to the Xinjiang Construction Corps, which has the most difficult conditions in the country, and stayed there for several years. He tanned himself like charcoal, and his hands were covered with thick calluses. Big old man. In addition, according to the hints between the lines of Sister Hong, this Sun Haitao is obviously a person who lives quite frugally and has a fairly clean style - a person from his background, now his monthly salary is only more than 2,000, and he came out to invite You have to pay for the meal yourself, and all of this is the best proof.

In Guo Shouyun's eyes, there are only three kinds of people in this world, one is those who live for the sake of fame, the other is those who live for the sake of profit, and the last type is the disabled who know neither fame nor profit. Among these three types of people, the last type either died prematurely or was admitted to a mental hospital, so it can be ignored. As for the first two types, those who live for the sake of fame are obviously better than those who live for profit. Much more difficult to deal with. With such a view in front of him, this Sun Haitao obviously belongs to the type of person who is firm in his will and cannot be bought with money at the same time. In the face of Sister Hong's praise, Liu Haitao did not show any complacent expression on his face. He rubbed his nose shyly, shook his head and smiled: "Since we haven't seen each other for so long, Sister Hong still likes to tease people so much. In my opinion, the top students of Peking University are not worth boasting about, in contrast, I have really learned a lot during the six years in the Construction Corps."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun seemed to be quite interested in this topic, and he moved closer to the table. Said, "Brother Haitao, can you be more specific?"

"Haha, since Big Brother Shouyun is interested in listening, I'll just say a few words," Liu Haitao nodded. Said, "Speaking of the six years of building the Corps, I have learned a lot, and these things cannot be learned in books. To experience it on the spot, ordinary people can't feel the real artistic conception contained in it. Soldiers in a platoon share a tea tank full of dusty sewage. No matter what status you are, it doesn't matter if you are an ordinary soldier Even the platoon leader, the squad leader, can't drink even a sip. Especially when the sandstorm blows. Because everyone knows that if you drink one more sip, it means that someone will fall down, and when the people around you take a sip. After you fall, you can't stand it anymore. From this point of view, the first lesson the Construction Corps taught us is fairness, a living fairness that uses everyone's life as a bargaining chip..."

Liu Haitao sat in his seat and said that Guo Shouyun and Sun Hongyu sat beside him and listened, speaking frankly. This black boy has a good eloquence. Like telling a story, he tells his six years of life in the Xinjiang Construction Corps, from fairness to unity, from unity to perseverance, from perseverance to patience, from patience to optimism, For nearly an hour, he kept talking so eloquently. It didn't stop for almost a second. As he told the story, Guo Shouyun and the two seemed to see magnificent pictures one by one: countless soldiers in green military uniforms, their faces covered with dust, fighting storms, wolves, wolves, Fighting the severe cold and resisting the scorching heat, these young people spend all day on the deserted Gobi desert. No one pursues any money, beauty, wine or delicacies, no one pursues any power and nobility, and no one pays much attention to one's birth and status, which can be said in Liu Haitao's words. Life there is quite fulfilling. It is a thousand times, ten thousand times more fulfilling than university life in Beijing.

human life. Heaven is destined, this sounds very reasonable, but from another perspective, if you add an acquired temper, a flower that grows out of a greenhouse will not turn into a towering tree. The key problem is that , This flower has not so much perseverance. Tolerating the unbearable, and the unreachable, this is the truth in life.

"Actually, in my heart," Liu Haitao cast his erratic eyes on Guo Shouyun at the end, "Compared to going to Beiyuan to report on work, the Construction Corps is a better choice, but unfortunately, The old man had his considerations, so I came back. And according to my personality, if I don't do anything, I have to do my best. Therefore, from the day I took over as chairman of Beiyuan, I made up my mind. The idea is to make it happen. Today, Sister Hong introduced Brother Shouyun to me, which is a great help to me. Hehe, even though there is a bit of a relationship between the two of you, I am still very happy. Because I really saw it, Shouyun is a sinister person on the outside but affectionate on the inside. People like this are often unscrupulous when calculating enemies or opponents, but they are sincere and trustworthy when it comes to dealing with friends. , I will feel gratified to associate with such people, even if the cooperation fails."

Although it is still unclear whether Liu Haitao is acting or is telling the truth, at least in Guo Shouyun's eyes, this young man is still very good, not impetuous, not arrogant, courteous, cautious in words and actions, similar to Such people are the ones who really want to do great things, and are the ones who can provoke courage and set things up. From the current point of view, if the Beiyuan Group falls into the hands of such people, it will not be able to achieve greater development.

The meal with Liu Haitao was a bit long. By the time the show was over, it was already ten thirty in the evening. As said before the meal, at the end of the meal, the young man invited him. Watching him count the old and new fifty-dollar bills one by one in the Zhongshan suit's pocket, and finally put a dozen yuan in change. Carefully put it back in his pocket, Guo Shouyun felt uncomfortable in his heart. He wondered, if this young man was not acting, at the same time, what would the country be like if there were more young people like him, young cadres in the country? At least, I'm afraid I don't have to do the Hope Project, right?

"What do you think about Haitao?" After sending Liu Haitao away, and returning to the room with Sun Hongyu, Guo Shouyun took off his jacket and hung it on the hanger at the entrance of the living room, while asking without looking back.

"Let me see?" Sun Hongyu walked to the sand and sat down. Rubbing both ankles. said absently. "To be frank. I haven't seen him for a long time. I'm kind to him. He's a man. I don't know much better than you. But I think so. Dealing with it. Then your little fox spirit may not be so easy to use. After all, people do it in a straight line."

"Haha. Yes." He shook his neck vigorously. Guo Shouyun also walked in front of the sand. He picked a seat next to Sun Hongyu and sat down. Then he took a deep breath. That's what he said. "It can be seen. This time the personnel changes in Beijing have directly brought some new trends to the political environment here. At the same time, there will be new problems that I have to face."

Speaking of here. Guo Shouyun stopped. He stretched out his hand. Carefully put his arms around the woman's shoulders. Take her into his arms. Then he continued: "There is something I haven't told you yet. After returning from here this morning. I attended another small meeting."

"What little time? Does it have anything to do with me?" Sun Hongyu asked in surprise.

"If you don't believe what you say, this matter has nothing to do with you." Guo Shouyun laughed. He pouted and took a sip on the woman's cheek. said. "But if you can really keep your promise. If you go to the Far East with me. Then this matter has something to do with you."

Sun Hongyu is also exquisitely pierced. Naturally, she could hear what it meant.

"Then I won't ask," she snickered as she stabbed a finger on the man's rib fork, "because I'm suddenly undecided now."

"You can't make up your mind until now, don't you think it's a bit late?" Guo Shouyun laughed, "To tell you the truth, from the moment we entered the door, you have no way back, now, I This little fox has eaten you."

"I'm sure of me? Not necessarily?" Sun Hongyu said with a half-smile, "Think about it first, once we are really together, how are you going to settle me? Tell you, I'm not Yelena, she I can live a secluded life in Vladivostok and live a peaceful and peaceful life, I have my own ambitions, my own goals in life, and…”

"It's enough for you to have me." Before the woman could finish her words, Guo Shouyun pressed her down on the sand with force, and said at the same time, "It's now, and I still think about what those messed up things are doing."

"No..." Sun Hongyu panted as she grasped the man's big hand that reached into her collar, "Let's make it clear first, so that you won't regret it in the future."

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, you say it," Guo Shouyun said absentmindedly, pouting and arching back and forth on the woman's full breasts.

"I want you to hand over the business of Far East Mobile to me," Sun Hongyu said solemnly while holding the man's face, "especially the network service business."

"Why are you suddenly interested in that?" Guo Shouyun was stunned.

"Because that one can make money, and it's a lot of money," Sun Hongyu's eyes were full of stars, she seemed to be back a few years ago...

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