Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 737: kidnapping

?The distance from Beijing to Tongzhou is not very far, but turning back, and then from Tongzhou to Baoding, this distance is not too close. Besides, Baoding's nightlife is far less rich than Beijing these days, Sun Hongyu has to choose. Going to Baoding to eat donkey meat roast in the middle of the night is a ridiculous request, and this is exactly what Guo Shouyun knows. . qβ5, the latest chapter is provided by online reading

It is not easy to live in this world, and as a woman like Sister Hong, it is naturally even more difficult to truly live her own life. To be frank, I saw her in front of the Beijing Hotel today. From the first moment, Guo Shouyun felt the hardship of this woman. Her bright appearance could not hide the helplessness in her deepest heart----to live for herself? This sentence seems easy and easy to say, but if you really want to do it, it will be difficult, not to mention her Sun Hongyu, even now Guo Shouyun does not dare to say that he can truly live for himself.

A taxi that runs all night, a couple of men and women who are talking and laughing on the surface but know their hardships in their hearts, a young brother who gave up the opportunity to rest and rushes all night to make money, a journey from Beijing to Tongzhou and then from The long night road from Tongzhou to Baoding, all of this, as an indelible mark, is firmly engraved in the deepest part of Guo Shouyun's heart, although there is no warm bed in the bedroom, nor the delicate care of a woman's graceful body, more There is no bone-biting lingering, but for Guo Shouyun, he had a very fulfilling night, even an unprecedented fulfillment.

What Guo Shouyun didn't know was that when he and Sun Hongyu were running around, the taxi they were riding in never escaped the surveillance of some people, and at the moment when he and Sun Hongyu were in the opposite direction, Diaoyutai. In the small conference hall of Fangfeiyuan of the State Guest House, the brains of China, Russia and the three Central Asian countries reached a package of agreements on mutual trust and disarmament on the borders of the five countries through overnight negotiations. , the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan on the strengthening of the border areas of the military field of confidence in the draft agreement. It was officially introduced, and for the leaders of the five countries, if this agreement is to be transformed from a draft into a formal memorandum document, it still needs to go through a procedure, that is, to obtain the approval of the Far East Military Region. In accordance with the terms involved in this agreement, from the date of entry into force of the agreement. The border garrison of China and Russia along the Amur River, Heilongjiang and Ussuri River will be completely abolished, and the border garrison of the Far East Military Region and the Far East Border Guard will shrink to the Far East by more than four-fifths. At the same time, the former Far East region The ground-based and sea-based missile units will be transferred to Chukotka and Yakutia. The original six rotating units of nuclear weapons in the Far East will no longer target nuclear bombs in China.

It is clear. For an agreement like this to take effect, it is doomed from the very beginning to be inseparable from the support of the Far Eastern Republic, which is precisely why. On that night, the Chinese and Russian negotiators added an hour to the negotiation time, with the purpose of formulating countermeasures and finding ways to lead Guo Shouyun to the road they needed to see.

A night should be a long time for a sleepless person, but on the contrary, these few hours passed too fast in Guo Shouyun's impression, he felt that it was so dazzling that the sky was bright. ?

On the square outside the building of the Beijing Hotel, there is an endless stream of people leaving the hotel in the early morning. In the hotel parking lot full of high-end cars, the red Xiali taxi is really eye-catching. Looking at the noble people who are dressed in high-end clothes and sometimes cast strange or disdainful glances at themselves, they are driving. The young brother, who had been sitting on the seat for nearly an hour, felt a little uncomfortable. He pondered that the woman in the back who looked like a fairy didn't know when she would wake up. The big man is here to sit with her for a day?

Compared with the younger brother, Guo Shouyun, who was sitting in the back seat, looked calm. It's not that he can't see the surprised eyes of the so-called "noble people", and it's not that he doesn't know what these people are thinking. Originally, this is the Beijing Hotel. In the huge parking lot, when has a taxi appeared? ? But then again, how can this be? I haven't seen anything fresh, so I'll give you a good look today. We have the money to live in a Beijing hotel but don't have the money to buy a private car. How to.

The woman beside her remained silent. She leaned over and leaned on the man's right side. Xiu's fluffy little head leaned on Guo Shouyun's shoulder, and her closed eyes smiled and curved two graceful arcs even in her sleep--it could be seen that this night's bumpy exchanges, she She was really tired, but she should be happy in her heart. Tired and happy? What kind of happiness would this be?

Guo Shouyun has been in one position for nearly an hour and a half. Guo Shouyun feels that his lumbar spine is sore and numb, and the entire arm on the right side has long since lost consciousness. The woman woke up, and to be honest, he had never made such a significant "sacrifice" for a woman.

In the past hour, Guo Shouyun thought about a lot of things in a daze, and after he woke up just now, the only thing he remembered most clearly was that he thought of Xi Quina, who looked crazy and had an extraordinary cleanliness. the best woman. To a certain extent, she and Sister Hong should be the same type of women, but they took two completely different approaches when pursuing their own happiness. Siquina is gone, she has disappeared from her side for a few months, and what about Sister Hong? She is still by her side now, but how long this warm and memorable moment can last, I can't judge yet, but one thing is for sure, I will work very hard to keep her—— For her, but also for myself.


Just when Guo Shouyun was full of thoughts. There was a sudden screeching noise outside the taxi window. A black Mercedes-Benz sedan came in from the entrance of the parking lot. Arrived steadily in front of the taxi head. The young man in the car sits in the driver's seat. The car horn sounded like an earthquake. It was clear that Guo Shouyun, a tattered taxi, had to give up a parking space.

pregnancy. "The young brother turned around. He shrugged. He said helplessly. "Look. This... Shall we move to another place? "

at this time. Accompanied by a soft moan. Sun Hongyu, who had been in a sweet dream, shivered. Dazedly woke up and turned around. She opened her eyes dimly. Look around. Only then did he cast his gaze on the man beside him. "What's the matter? Where are we?

"My auntie. You are awake." With a wry smile. Guo Shouyun said. "That's not it. The Beijing Hotel. You waited for me for an hour and forty minutes last night. I waited for you for an hour and thirty-five minutes today. Now, we'll be even."

"Oh. Isn't it five minutes away?" Sun Hongyu burst out with a smile. Yan Ran said. "what time is it now?"

"A quarter past eight," Guo Shouyun shrugged looking at the watch in his hand.

"Hey, it's so late," Sun Hongyu looked at his watch again and said, "Why didn't you wake me up earlier? Don't you have a meeting today?"


Before Guo Shouyun could speak, the Mercedes-Benz in front was whistling again, and it could be seen that the young man with sunglasses was impatient.

"Sir, are you staying at the hotel, or are you planning to go somewhere else?" My brother couldn't help it anymore, he turned his head and asked, "We can't afford to offend this man in front, we can move him. Let's move quickly."

"On the schedule given to me yesterday, there are no important meetings this morning," Guo Shouyun said with a smile to the woman beside him, ignoring the driver's urging, "So, we still have time. Well, you are planning to go now. Let's have some breakfast, or... hehe, let's go up and warm up?"

"Breakfast should be skipped," Sun Hongyu glanced at the white Mercedes-Benz in front and said absently, "I ate too much last night, and I'm not hungry at all now. Well, as for warmth, I don't want it for the time being. You go back first, I think your business should be indispensable today, wait for the evening, you can come back in the evening, I have reserved a suite in Block A, you can come directly when the time comes."

"It's night again?" Guo Shouyun smiled bitterly and said, "Let's talk about it first, you won't be going to Chengde, Tangshan, or Tianjin tonight, are you? My old bones have limited energy, if I run another one tonight. circle, that would be really unbearable.”

"Don't worry." Leaning over and kissing the man's cheek, Sun Hongyu giggled, "I'm already very satisfied with this night. Tonight, even if you want to go, I can't bear it." "Then That's fine, that's fine." Nodding again and again, Guo Shouyun made a foolish look and said, "Look at what I made you toss about, it's a heart-pounding plop."

Sitting in the front seat, the young brother is going crazy. He really doesn't know if he pulled two lunatics last night. Don't they know where Beijing is? In this place, it is possible to offend a stubborn guy, and it will make people die without a place to die, but they are better. Facing a master who can drive a Mercedes-Benz, they still ignore it so carelessly, and now... ....It's alright now, the rich master has already got off the bus, and this time it is estimated that he will not be able to leave.

Watching the young man on the opposite side jumped out of the car and walked towards him angrily, his elder brother began to chant Amitabha in his heart. But at this moment, before the young man wearing sunglasses walked to the taxi, two strong men who got out of nowhere rushed up, pinched the young man, and fell all fours upside down. , and then, in front of everyone's eyes, dragged him into the Mercedes-Benz and poured out of the parking lot in a flash.

"Kidnapping?!" This was the only thought that flashed through the young brother's mind.

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