Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 734: Come back to Beijing

?From the map, it seems that Beijing and Khabarovsk are located in the same longitude range, but in fact, there are three time zones between the two cities. Board the plane from his hometown and wait for Guo Shouyun to arrive in Beijing. It was eight o'clock in the evening. /w/Because this visit to Beijing is a semi-open visit, when Guo Shouyun and his think tank advisory group stepped off the special plane at the Du Airport, they were greeted with a high profile by the Du concierge group, and in this concierge group, There were actually two vice-ministerial officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

However, for Guo Shouyun, this high-standard way of welcoming him did not make him feel the slightest honor. On the contrary, his heart was still full of dissatisfaction. When he came to Beijing in the past, he often hoped to be able to He received a similar welcome, but at that time Beijing ignored his request in this regard, and now, he hopes to keep a certain distance from Beijing, but this side has sent him such a late offer. "enthusiasm".

During this period, Beijing was very strict on public security work. Just four hours before Guo Shouyun and his party arrived at the airport, Russian President Yeltsin, Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, and Kyrgyz Republic President Akayev. , President of the Republic of Tajikistan Rakhmonov arrived in Beijing together. This is the first time that the leaders of Russia and the four Central Asian countries have gathered in Beijing since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which is of great significance to the stability of northern China and the development of border trade.

At the same time, in China, the State Council Work Conference and the National Symposium to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party have just concluded, and preparations are underway for the Sixth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee to be held in early October. Therefore, at this special moment, maintaining and strengthening the social stability of downtown Beijing has become the ultimate goal of all walks of life in the city.

Accompanied by the concierge group, Guo Shouyun's motorcade left the airport and headed straight to the Diaoyutai State Guest House, and then, at Guo Shouyun's own request. The Far East Economic Delegation stayed in the 12th building of the Diaoyutai State Guest House.

In the room where he was staying, he simply packed his luggage and hurriedly took a hot shower. Before Guo Shouyun could smoke a cigarette, he received a notice from the hotel front desk----concierge reception The organizing committee invited him to attend the reception at Fangfeiyuan.

Looking at the watch on his hand, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, facing the invitation letter for the reception. Guo Shouyun couldn't help but feel a little troubled. He had long been tired and unbearable after taking the plane all the way. If he could, he would prefer to have a good night's sleep now, instead of going to the wine party of Lao Shenzi. Furthermore, according to the agreement he had made with Sun Hongyu before, he would go to the Beijing Hotel to meet her at two o'clock tonight, so it was at this time. Where would Guo Shouyun be willing to attend a reception? But having said that, in diplomatic occasions like this, what matters is a protocol rather than a personal will. Even if Guo Shouyun was exhausted to death, he had to attend this reception. On this point, he himself was very clear.

After coming out of Building No. 12, Guo Shouyun declined the car service provided by the hotel, and instead chose the six-wheeled convertible battery car that the State Guest House introduced not long ago, and then led the two leaders of the think tank advisory group all the way to Fangfei Garden.

All the way from the 12th building where he stayed to the grand banquet hall of Fangfei Garden, when Guo Shouyun entered the reception venue under the guidance of the guide lady. In this banquet hall, which is hundreds of square meters, it has long been full of conference delegates from all over the world. Among them, the Russian economic delegation, including giants such as Khodorkovsky and Berezovsky, is also among them.

After several years of development, the Far East and the Guo Group have long become a symbol of power in the Federation. Whether it is at the political or economic level, the powerful parties from the Federation and even the Central Asian countries dare not despise such a powerful The presence. For this reason, when Guo Shouyun and his entourage appeared at the main entrance of the banquet hall, especially when his name was announced in the loudspeaker. The hall, which was still a little noisy, was quiet for a while, and everyone's eyes turned around, and they were projected on the strongman who held the military, political, and economic affairs of the Far East with one hand. After about four or five seconds, with the sparse applause, the hall burst into applause.

The following procedures were a bit boring, according to the most formal state banquet and reception procedures. Guo Shouyun briefly greeted the representatives of political forces in the mainland including the Chinese delegation and the four-nation presidential delegation. Say some decent words on the official side, and then offer a few auspicious words to wish the five-party talks a smooth progress. Then, I had a chat with the representatives of the Chinese side, the three Central Asian countries, and the Russian economic delegation in turn. After this set of procedures was completed, nearly an hour had passed, that is, until after ten o'clock, this dinner party It is time to enter the official "eat".

Guo Shouyun had always hated attending such unaffordable banquets. in his eyes. Banquets like this are not so much for eating. It is better to say that it is to speak. People from all walks of life gathered in a hall. People at the political level. Economic level to people. People at the educational level. Gather in groups. They can be described as distinct from each other. At the same time. This pile of people is also divided into distinct levels. National Yuan and National Yuan get together. the rest. Get together at ministerial level with ministerial level. Vice-ministerial and vice-ministerial get together. And on an economic level to those people. They are divided according to their reputation and asset size. Take Guo Shouyun, the giants from the Russian Federation, for example. Almost all of them are from the economic and political oligarchs of Central Asian countries. Responsible for accompanying them Haikandi people. It is from Beiyuan Group and the heads of China's financial sector, petrochemical sector and railway transportation sector.

For an ordinary person. If you have the opportunity to attend such a dinner party. That is definitely a rare opportunity for qb5. Don't say anything else. These people just casually revealed two or three sentences. There may be huge business opportunities. If anyone can seize even a business opportunity like this. That would definitely be able to realize the dream of getting rich overnight. Just when Guo Shouyun was chatting with his group of people. He heard no less than two dozen potential business opportunities from Chinese economic officials. And in this one. Several officials from the Development and Reform Commission talked about a poverty alleviation policy. In their words. the day before. The Central Poverty Alleviation Work Conference just concluded successfully in Beijing. at this meeting. **The Central Committee and the State Council have made changes to the poverty alleviation strategy. The poverty alleviation strategy will be shifted from the relief-type poverty alleviation in the past to the open-type poverty alleviation in the future. Provinces, regions and even counties, cities and towns across the country. In order to formulate preferential policies for attracting investment. Attract foreign investment. Guided by investment and selection of regional economic projects. Drive the region out of poverty and become rich. At the same time. Decisions are made in accordance with poverty alleviation offices. Similar poverty alleviation projects. It will also be used as a major criterion for evaluating the performance of government officials around the country. in other words. This is to adopt the responsibility system of regional poverty alleviation.

As an economic giant with previous life experience. Guo Shouyun almost didn't need to think about it. From this, you can see huge business opportunities. It is for sure. As long as similar policies are issued. Then in the next ten years. There will be another wave of investment in the whole of China. In Guo Shouyun's view. Such a policy is inherently good. It is established and implemented. Fundamentally, it reflects Beijing's strong determination to increase economic development and improve people's living standards. Just on the other hand. on this policy. Beijing can only hold the power of implementation and review. As for the specific implementation work. That must be handed over to local officials to control. because of this. construction in the following years. In many parts of the country, a large number of people who violate the law and discipline themselves and rely on speculation to make a living will appear. At the same time, they can enjoy the "pseudo-industrialists" of the local shelter.

Guo Shouyun's past life. I know many "black celebrities" who started their business by this means. These people themselves are hooligans. They use various means. Extract large amounts of loans from the financial sector of remote banks. Then in the name of investing in the construction of factories. Return to your ancestral home to invest. Because the central government adopts the local poverty alleviation strategy, it is the local government responsibility system. therefore. Investment projects like this. Often will immediately attract the attention of local government departments. Then. Local Poverty Alleviation Offices and even senior Party committees and government officials will welcome this investment with great enthusiasm. And hyped up similar investment projects in the local media. It won't be long. Investors transfer the first money from the place where they apply for a loan from a bank in another place. The local government department receives the audit report from the banking department. Naturally, there is not much doubt about this investment. Therefore. Follow the procedure. Including land grant, approval and other processes. Investors will enjoy great discounts.

Wait until a similar procedure is completed. Those local government officials can't wait to report this achievement to the higher-level leaders. After all, these things are directly related to their career future. And relatively speaking. Those investors are waiting for such an opportunity. Until the local officials report this achievement. Higher-level leadership departments will also give instructions. These investors will find all kinds of excuses. If it is their own business group has encountered difficulties. Or there is a problem with the capital chain. All in all, one point. It's a bad investment. Investors are running out of money.

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