Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 725: Destiny is shit

"Hehe, I knew you would give me such an answer." Shaking his head, Sun Hongyu shook his head and smiled, "It's been so long, the world has changed a lot, and everyone I've come into contact with has changed a lot. Only you, Shouyun, it has been almost five years, and you are still the same you. You are always so persistent in the pursuit of interests, you will not change for anyone, and you don’t want to change for anyone.\\.qβ5.c0m "

"Jiangshan is easy to change, and it's hard to change," Guo Shouyun said with a slight smile, "It's not that I don't want to change, but my reason tells me that if I want to survive in this world, I must always maintain my personality. Without it, there will be no me, Guo Shou

"Can't you make a change for me? Or make a small sacrifice for me?" Turning her head, Sun Hongyu stared at the man's not handsome but attractive face, and said softly, "I Think, apart from this time, next time even if you want me to beg you like this, I'm afraid you won't have a chance."

With a mind in his heart, Guo Shouyun met the woman's gaze, trying his best to see some clues in her eyes. He could hear that the sister Hong beside him, the woman who had been working with him for five years, the woman who had been traveling between China and the Far East since his rise, had reached a major milestone in his life. at the turning point.

"Sister Hong, tell me, what's on your mind?" Gently rubbing the woman's calf, Guo Shouyun changed the subject and said in the most sincere tone, "You know, in my heart, although we are on the field of cooperation Your opponent, and at the same time, is also the best friend. I not only called out this sister Hong in my mouth, but more often in my heart. I once said that I will always support your choice. It used to be like this. , and it is still so, if..."

"Before I came to Khabarovsk this time, I had already submitted my resignation to Beijing." Before the man could finish speaking, Sun Hongyu had already opened her mouth, and she said calmly, "That is to say, this is the last time I have sent a letter to COSCO North. The identity of the group president has been negotiated with you."

"Why? Could there be any changes in the policy in Beijing?" Almost subconsciously, Guo Shouyun raised his brows. he blurted out.

She shook her head at first, then within two seconds, Sun Hongyu nodded again, and then said: "For a country, policy changes are always inevitable, after all, the world is changing too fast, and the policy formulation For example, the adjustment of relevant policies has naturally become inevitable. However, the reason why I thought of resigning this time is not because of the changes in the above policies. At least, the relationship between the two places is not big. "

"Why is that?" Guo Shouyun naturally didn't believe Sister Hong's remarks, and he asked.

"It's very simple. I'm tired and want to have a good rest," Sun Hongyu said with a shrug that pretended to be indifferent, "It's been five years, the fight between us has never stopped, hehe, if you don't bother me I'm bored. Besides, Sister Hong is in her thirties this year. She's about to become an old woman. For a woman, power and money are not the most important parts of her fate. It really belongs to my own life. That’s why I have to make such a choice.”

"This can only be used to deceive ghosts." Shaking his head, Guo Shouyun said disapprovingly, "Others may not know you. But I know your temperament too well. If there were no special reasons, you would never choose to back down. As for what fate, marriage, etc. are said, it is even more absurd."

"Haha. It looks like you have to ask a question today." He smiled sadly. Sun Hongyu said indifferently. "But you ought to know. Some things are better than pretending to be confused. What's more. You can't help me much in this regard."

"You don't say it. How do I know if I can help you?" Guo Shouyun shook his head and said.

"That's good. I'll tell you everything today." Sun Hongyu pondered for a while. said. "Just. I hope you don't think about it. Because these things have nothing to do with it in the first place."

Nod. Guo Shouyun made a look of listening intently.

Did not directly say what was on his mind. Sun Hongyu got up. I took my handbag from the coffee table. After groping inside for a while. Pull out a black patch of cloth. Then just toss it lightly. Dropped in a few places around. Guo Shouyun squinted. It was astonishingly discovered that it was a sleeve roll with the word "Dian" written on it. as a Chinese. It was impossible for him not to know what that thing represented.

"You haven't paid attention to domestic news for a while now, have you?" with a bitter smile. Sun Hongyu said. "A month ago. My uncle died."

Guo Shouyun was silent. He knew the relationship between Sister Hong and her uncle, as well as the status that the old general enjoyed in the domestic military. Of course, he also knew what the death of the old man meant to the Sun family. In fact, fundamentally speaking, there is not much difference between the situation in China, the situation in Russia, and even the situation in other countries in the world. The prosperity of an aristocratic family is often due to the rise of one person. Similarly, an aristocratic family The decline of the first is often because of the loss of a person.

But having said that, the Sun family is a military family in China. In their ethnic group, there is not only one senior general in the military. The two elders of Sun Hongyu are senior military officials, even if one of them dies Now, this family is not going to fall, right? Could it be that.....

"And two weeks ago, my father and his old man officially resigned from the military and returned to his hometown to take care of his life." Sure enough, Sun Hongyu continued, "Just think about it, as all of us, how could we abandon his old man's home? Regardless, he continues to run around? What's more, his old man has also found a marriage for me, intending to let me get married before the end of the year, so that he can see his grandson in his lifetime. So, during this time, I I thought about it a lot, didn’t the ancients say that since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety cannot be both. As a man, it is natural to focus on the family, the country, the world, and the loyalty rather than filial piety. As a woman, my choice should be the opposite.”

Hearing what Sister Hong said, Guo Shouyun completely understood. It seems that the situation in the mainland is not so stable. With the death of an old general, the situation of the Sun family has changed a lot. In order to maintain the status of the family, Sun Hongyu, as the only daughter of the Sun family, is probably involved in a political affair. in marriage. Although the country has undergone a long-term reform and opening-up construction, the situation of patriarchal preference has still not been fundamentally eradicated. When family interests are involved, women often become a tool for marriage. As the only daughter of the Sun family, Sun Hongyu This marriage is estimated to be a similar sacrifice.

Thinking of this, Guo Shouyun thought about it at a deeper level. According to his memory in his previous life, the period from the end of 1996 to the end of 1997 was a very sensitive period. The replacement of the old and new power classes... ...Hey, something like this is too complicated, Guo Shouyun is no longer in the mood to think about it, he knows that at this time, Sun Hongyu will make such a choice, and it is probably very helpless.

Sister Hong, as a woman who had a complicated relationship with herself during the Guo Group's start-up, after five years of contact, she seems to have become a very special existence outside the Guo family. Now, this woman is about to marry and become a married woman. And he will be completely away from his life circle. In this case, what can he do?

Men are greedy after all. Although Guo Shouyun has always had no nasty thoughts about the woman around him, but at this moment, when she thinks of her about to become someone else's wife, when she thinks of the near future, she will be in a certain place. A man pupated into a butterfly and turned into a real woman. Guo Shouyun felt very uncomfortable when he thought that she would moan gracefully under the ravages of a certain man.

Almost as soon as he had this idea, Guo Shouyun's heart flashed with a hint of shame. He suddenly realized that as his status and power increased, so did his domineering character as a man. To be honest, he never I hope that there will be some ambiguous relationship between myself and Sister Hong that will become more friendly, but now...

"How is it, now you understand everything," Sun Hongyu said with a wry smile after expressing the helplessness suppressed in his heart, "Does this make your heart feel better?"

"The marriage is settled?" Guo Shouyun asked softly without answering the woman's question.

"Well," Hearing the man ask this question, Sun Hongyu's heart throbbed inexplicably, she snorted lightly, and answered.

"Who is the other party?" Guo Shouyun continued to ask.

"Do you need to know?" With an indifferent smile, Sun Hongyu said, "Even if you say it, you can't possibly know it. Haha, fortunately, I am still very familiar with this person, and unfortunately, it is also me. too familiar with him."

Guo Shouyun heard it, and Sun Hongyu was obviously very dissatisfied with her fiancé.

"Are you willing?" After a moment of silence, he asked softly.

"Is this important?" Sun Hongyu did not answer the question, and her answer was also hidden in this question.

"In my opinion, most of the time a person's future is to be won by herself," Guo Shouyun said with a slight smile, "Fate is a piece of shit, if you always put it at ease and keep an eye on it. In it, you'll always feel sick, and if you ignore it, it's always a piece of shit, insignificant and worthless."

"Haha, it's a very vivid metaphor, but to me, this **** can't get rid of, can't get rid of," Sun Hongyu said with a soft smile.

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