Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 723: embarrassment

? Thick and cloudy clouds rolled past the large floor-to-ceiling glass windows on the top floor of the building, surrounded by muffled thunder. Although the window glass had a sound insulation effect, Guo Shouyun, who was sitting in the sand, could still clearly hear the "rumble".

The weather in August is always so unpredictable. When you wake up in the morning, it is still a clear sky. In the afternoon, it becomes cloudy. In less than half an hour, this thunderous and pea-like torrential rain came to the top of the head. In addition to being stuffy, Guo Shouyun had to admit that the weather was like the political arena in Moscow, and no one could predict what the future would be like before the next moment.

The work report in hand is as heavy as bricks and stones. The stack of documents is thick enough to make ordinary people crazy. For Guo Shouyun, the reports submitted by the secretariat today have to be read and signed by him himself. It's not because of anything else, because these things are all the Far East's financial approval reports for the first half of 1996. From the salary requirements of various government departments, to the defense budgets of the Far East Military Region, the Pacific Fleet, and the Border Guard Forces, to the funding requirements of various educational and scientific research institutions, etc., Guo Shouyun must approve them. Hold it firmly in your hand, otherwise, something will happen to the Far East.

God is pitiful, the more power people have, the more uncomfortable life seems to be. What do the current bosses advocate? Everyone pays attention to what a secretary should do, but it's okay... that's what a secretary is, but Guo Shouyun, there's nothing wrong with being a "what" secretary, but he still has to do it himself.

"Boom rumble..."

Along with another dull thunder, Guo Shouyun calmly moved the funding approval document to the next category, "The General Headquarters of the Council's Funding Requirements for the Second Half of the Year." On the header of this document, there is a regular title in Russian. The standard is striking, but when he saw this line of words, Guo Shouyun's brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

"This thing..." He pulled the form down with a bang, Guo Shouyun shook it in his hand, and met the **** little secret who was standing behind him and massaging him. "Who brought it here?"

"It's Miss Larissa, sir," said the little secretary.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun glanced at the total budget listed at the end of the form, lifted his eyelids, and said. "She didn't say anything else? Just sent a form like this?"

"Ah, she didn't send it here in person," Xiao Mi said, "it was sent by her secretary. If it's other issues, it's nothing."

Nodding his head, Guo Shouyun returned his gaze to the form, and after thinking for a while, he lifted the pen. Draw a big "x" on that budget total, then re-fill in a number, and then sign your name at the end of the document.

Watching the boss move. A lot of question marks appeared on the little secretary's forehead. Just a simple modification just now. Boss Guo deducted 15 million from the parliament's budget for the second half of the year. Since the Far Eastern Republic was founded. It has been using the US dollar settlement model. therefore. This is equivalent to deducting nearly one-fifth of the parliamentary budget.

The secretary behind Guo Shouyun worked in the group for nearly two years. Because people are beautiful. And he knows how to please men. In addition, he has a diploma in finance and economics from Oxford University. Therefore, her status in the group secretariat is also relatively high. There are relatively many things in contact with the ground. In her opinion. in the past two years. The boss beside him is dealing with the financial budget of various departments of the republic government. Always be generous. Whether it is the ministries of the government, the parliament, the military. when approving the budget. He is basically responsive. He will approve as much as the other party wants. And today. This seems to be a little different. Parliamentary budget requirements. He is one-fifth of a deduction. Do something like this. Not sure what it is for.

In fact, although the small secretary is more involved in group affairs. But after all, she is still a small role. Although Guo Shouyun often sleeps with her. But it has absolutely nothing to do with Yin-Yang dual cultivation. So he thought about those things. This little secretary will never be able to understand.

"This approval... um. List it separately." He deducted his own special approval seal on the signature of the document. Guo Shouyun put it on the sand armrest. Turned his head to the secret. "Before three o'clock this afternoon. You remember to find someone to send it to the firm's financial accounting for approval. What's more. Make another copy. Send it to the parliamentary presidium. Give it to Larissa."

"Okay. Sir." The little secretary held out his hand. Pick up that form. Put it in a handbag that straddles the back of the sand chair. "I'll take it there myself. You can rest assured."

"Boom rumble..."

At this moment, there was another muffled thunder outside the window, and at the same time, the pouring rain seemed to fall even more joyously. Sitting in Guo Shouyun's position, one could hear the intensive "crackling" sound when the rain clicked on the glass window.

Closing the documents in his hands and throwing them aside, Guo Shouyun stretched his waist vigorously, let out a long sigh, and lay down on the sand, closing his eyes tiredly.

"Are you tired, sir?" Little Mi, "Would you like to relax?"

Opening his eyes, he casually glanced at the woman beside him, Guo Shouyun just shook his head a little, then closed his eyelids again.

"Then, sir, secret, "the body and appearance are very good. Mr. Polaninov has investigated and there is no problem with her in all aspects. Do you want to..."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun closed his eyes and said absently, "Secret?"

"Sir, I haven't asked about these things for a while, so..." Little Secret.

"Go and call her," Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said before the other party finished speaking, "Remember to explain things to her clearly, I don't want to cause any trouble for myself."

"Okay sir," the little secretary nodded, got up and walked out of the room.

It's been two years...

Hearing the footsteps of the little secretary walking out the door, Guo Shouyun closed his eyes and thought.

Since the establishment of the Far Eastern Republic, his control over the parliament has been limited to the division of factions and the selection of most parliamentarians. As for the issue of power struggles in the conference, he rarely asks, and it can even be said that he never asks. But during this period of time, especially after his half-month vacation, Guo Shouyun calmed down and pondered the problems existing in the parliament. He considered that in the face of the upcoming federal election, it was necessary for him to give those who like to quarrel endlessly. Members of Parliament reminded. I have to tell them myself, don't think that the parliamentary quarrel in the Far East can solve all the problems, if they want to keep their own position, they have to rely on the support of the Guo Group.

As an actual manipulator behind the scenes, if Guo Shouyun wants to remind the members of the parliament, he will never speak openly. He has many ways to achieve his goal, and there are many ways to make those people understand his own Intentions, such as deducting those guys' budgets.

"Dong dong!"

Just as Guo Shouyun was thinking about these issues, there was a slight knock on the door in the room.

"Come in," Guo Shouyun said with a muffled groan without even opening his eyes.

In the room, the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the wooden floor sounded, and then, the person who came was obviously stepping on the carpet, and the brisk and exciting footsteps disappeared.

"I'm a little tired," Guo Shouyun said absentmindedly, smelling the fragrance like a musk of musk drifting into his nostrils, "I think you should know what to do?"

"Hehe, what do you want me to do?" A familiar woman's voice sounded in her ears, and the playful tone made Guo Shouyun's mind instantly flash a woman's figure.

"Sister Hong?" Startled, Guo Shouyun suddenly opened his eyes and said in a voiceless voice.

"Who do you think it is?" Standing in front of the sand, it was Sun Hongyu whose shoulders were soaking wet. She stood in front of Guo Shouyun pretty and smiled ambiguous.

"Oh, what, I thought it was a secret," hehe, what, I just asked them to find someone to give me a massage, but I didn't expect, hehe, I didn't expect you to come, Sister Hong. Oh, yes, why didn't you come here to say hello? It's raining so hard, so I can arrange someone to pick you up. "

"It's not an outsider. I'm here to meet my friends, do I still need to give notice in advance?" Sitting down opposite the man, Sun Hongyu took off his half-wet jacket and laughed at the same time, "When I came in just now, I touched When it comes to your... well, secretary, I told her not to inform you."

Having said that, Sun Hongyu glanced at the thick stack of documents next to the sand, and said with a smile, "Why, are you tired of work?"

"Yeah," rubbing the corners of his brows, Guo Shouyun kept his secret in his heart, "You have also seen that the semi-annual budget approval must be done, and for this, I have been busy all morning, even closing my eyes. no time."

"Hehe, why do you feel so wronged?" Sun Hongyu said with a smile, wiping her wet arm, "You can leave someone else to do something like this, otherwise, be a rich man and do what you do. Come on, isn't it too miserable?"

"There's no way," Guo Shouyun said with a wry smile, shrugging his shoulders, "I've worked so hard just to keep myself from being too miserable."

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