Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 711: new situation

? The gunfire inside and outside the White House finally stopped, and the conference of representatives that had never given up against the Kremlin since the disintegration of the Soviet Union was also completely disbanded, including Hasbulatov, Lutskoy, An The main leaders of the congress, including Pilov and Achayev, were arrested and imprisoned on charges of... rebellion.

As Guo Shouyun had guessed before, with the disintegration of the Congress, the largest opposition group, the political structure of the Russian Federation underwent a comprehensive reorganization. On the fourth day after the Congress was disbanded, the "Yaolu" group The leader Yavlinsky became the chairman of the Federal Constituent Assembly, and soon after that, Gederian became the chairman of the Russian People's Party. At the same time, the Russian Communist Party led by Zyuganov began to expand its forces with great fanfare. With the disintegration of the opposition at the Congress, their influence in the federation was further expanded, and the number of party members doubled in a very short period of time.

On October 6, the day after the "violent" resolution of the Moscow incident, the Russian Communist Party held an all-federal congress in Moscow. At this meeting, Zyuganov formally proposed the new program of the Russian Communist Party. , and on the first page of this program, it is clearly stated that the fundamental political point of the Russian Communist Party is to permanently oppose the capitalist system. Zyuganov pointed out, "What capitalism is dominant in most parts of the world today is a society in which both material and spiritual production are governed by the laws of the market, maximizing profits, and accumulating capital in an endless greed. Everything has become a commodity, and money has become the only standard for measuring everything, which determines the extreme decadence of capitalism.” For this reason, he believes, “For Russia, the most scientific and most in line with national interests is the ideal choice. the road to socialist development.”

Undoubtedly, judging from the current situation of the Russian Federation, this initiative proposed by Zyuganov largely caters to the ambivalence of most citizens of the Federation, three years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. For the vast number of citizens of the Russian Federation, they have not gained any benefits from the "completely westernized" private ownership reform and democratic construction. They cannot feel the democratic atmosphere of the country. A day troubled them to live. Under such circumstances, even the most ordinary and least politically concerned people began to reflect on a question, which is the path that the Federation is now taking. Is it really correct?

In this comprehensive reflection on the political status quo, two extreme ways of thinking have emerged. One is the recollection of the Soviet system, that is, the ideological line of left thinking. A wave of extremely decadent anarchist ideas. The emergence of the former thought led to the rapid increase in the strength of the Russian Communist Party in a short period of time, and the latter thought appeared. This led to the overall growth of extreme nationalism, extreme anarchism and even mafia gangs in the federation.

The stability of a country and society requires not only a clean and efficient government, but also a clean and efficient government. There is also a need for a common idea that can guide people's thinking. Now, the federation obviously lacks a lot in both aspects. Therefore, the stability of the federation state and the federation society is destined to be a long and complicated process.

On October 5, the day after the Moscow incident, Kazannik, who was a member of the Presidential Council, was appointed as the Federal Prosecutor General, and Kobets continued to serve as the Federal Deputy Minister of Defense. With the addition of the military inspector general, Gaidar was reinstated and officially served as the first deputy prime minister of the federal government, and Shumeko served as the minister of federal information... And these people, from the moment they took office Since then, it has become a frequent guest at the family banquets of various giants.

On October 6th, before Guo Shouyun returned to the Far East, Ryzhkov visited Queshan Villa, the next day. Under the proposal of Guo Shouyun, he was later appointed as the first vice president of the Federal Natural Gas Conzern Group. After taking office, the first thing Ryzhkov did was to propose a plan to build a pipeline from North Yakutia. The long natural gas pipeline to South Korea. According to the arrangement of the planned project, the Federal Central Bank will provide the Far Eastern Republic with $16 billion in project funds in three phases. This amount of funds started to be paid at the end of 1993 and completed in the middle of 1994, until several years later. This project is also not completed. The government of the Far Eastern Republic did not give an official answer until 1996 - there were a lot of technical problems in the engineering design, and there was no guarantee that Shi was also on October 6th. Five economic oligarchs including Guo Shouyun held a secret dinner at the Queshan Villa. It was at this banquet that the five giants reached an agreement that from now on, within three months, they will hold a meeting at the Queshan Villa to fully discuss the situation. Coordinate the interests of various groups.

On October 7, Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky officially left Moscow on Yeltsin's presidential special plane and flew back to Khabarovsk, the capital of the Far Eastern Republic. At that time, there were hundreds of people at the airport to see them off. , Almost all key officials including the Kremlin Presidential Office, the Ministry of Defense, and the ministers of various government departments were present. The influence of the giants has grown unprecedentedly in the federal political arena, and their power is like a cloud in early October. the entire Russian Federation.

After returning to Khabarovsk, Guo Shouyun, the president of the Guo Group, did not stay for long. After a leisurely four-day vacation in Sakhalin with Nina and the daughters, he suddenly disappeared from the federal parties in mid-October. Within the sight of the forces, even the Kremlin has not received any news about his departure. The only thing everyone knows is that there has been a large-scale personnel change in the Guo family, and the second head of the Guo family Guo Shoucheng was appointed as the vice president of the Guo Group, and from October 17th, the interim president has the power.

After the news came out, it caused a sensation in all parties. Some media speculated that there may be signs of a power struggle within the Guo Group. For this reason, Guo Shouyun began to strengthen the family-style centralization method, and some media speculated that Guo Shouyun There may be some condition in his body. In order to avoid the chaos of power struggle in the group after his death, he began to look for a formal successor for himself. What's even more outrageous is that there are still people who speculate that Guo's group may have a power grab, and in this unknown chaos, Guo Shouyun has been killed, and Guo Shoucheng's temporary power is just an illusion. .

Compared with all kinds of speculations in various places. The situation in the interior of the Far Eastern Republic is quite stable. October twentieth. That is, the third day after he came forward as the acting president. Guo Shoucheng, the No. 2 head of the Guo Group, has rarely appeared in front of the media. In a low profile, he attended the economic work conference of the state governments of the Far Eastern Republic. Subsequently. He also went to Komsomolsk City to inspect the Komsomolsk City Aviation Industry Complex. Face to face all interviews. Guo Shoucheng, who has always been taciturn, refused to make any statement on the whereabouts of his eldest brother. compared with him. On the contrary, Nikita, who has been acting as the mouthpiece of the Guo Group, was interviewed by TASS in less than fifteen minutes. It was in this interview. She said implicitly. within the Guo Group. The real master of power is still Guo Shouyun. As for his mysterious disappearance... She only expressed an irresponsible "no comment".

until the twenty-fifth of October. When all the forces in the federation tried their best to inquire about Guo Shouyun's whereabouts. Another frightening news came. Khodorkovsky, the No. 2 figure in the joint land of the Big Three. After attending a military meeting of the North Sea Fleet. also inexplicably disappeared.

Two opponents mysteriously disappeared. Make Berezovsky and others inexplicably at the same time. Also increased vigilance. They didn't believe these two guys would simply die. They disappeared mysteriously. It can only be said that a trick is brewing. And most likely it was an earth-shattering trick. In order to avoid a sudden blow. Berezovsky and others withdrew their big hand that they had intended to reach into the Kremlin for power. Put on a stance of waiting for the ground. Always ready to meet the attack from the opponent.

Just when Berezovsky and others contracted their offensive. Hornikova, who has just entered the political arena of the Russian Federation, has begun to appear frequently on various occasions. Touting her political ideas that seem a little naive. As a female politician who got her start in the Moscow event. On the one hand, she caters to the political leanings of the Kremlin. Vigorously promote democratic and free standards. On the other hand, they identify themselves as women in the new era. Raise the banner of feminism. It is hoped that this will gain the support of women who make up the majority of the federal population.

October 30. Under the full push of Hornikova. The first federal foundation for women's rights and education support was established in Moscow. At the foundation's inaugural reception. Hornikova announced publicly. She will be involved in federal parliamentary elections at the end of the year. Once selected. She will rely on her status as a member of parliament. Fully safeguard the democratic rights of federal women.

It was at this public reception. A part of the media with ulterior motives mentioned a very sensitive topic to the enthusiastic Hornikova. That is the ambiguous relationship between her and Guo Shouyun. to this. Hornikova made no secret of it. She admits that she and Guo Shouyun have a kind of close and friendly relationship. And the relationship has been going on for two years. But she doesn't think this is a manifestation of the loss of feminism. on the contrary. This is also an expression of emphasis on women's rights. because of any woman. All have the right to pursue their own happiness. And when Youji asked her behind her political career. Is it supported by the Guo Group? Is she in her own ** and beauty. Time to accumulate political capital. Has always liked to maintain an amiable image in front of people Hornikova Thunder. On the spot, she scolded her **** head for raising this question. In her own words. There are always some conspiracy theories in this world. They think dirty. Always like to wear colored eyes to measure those women who have achieved a successful status. in the eyes of such a person. any woman to succeed. It seems that they all obtain land by selling their flesh and blood. And such people exist. It is also the biggest obstacle to safeguarding women's rights.

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