Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 78: mood

?The bright morning light was projected on the scarlet carpet in front of the purple warm bed through the heavy window curtains. The woman beside the bed lay quietly on the soft pillow, and there was a faint sound of snoring in the ups and downs of the fragrant back. This chapter is provided by the net to read online

It has been half an hour since he woke up from his sleep and turned around, but until now, Guo Shouyun didn't want to get up. He stared at the roof in a daze, forcing himself not to turn his head and just recall the appearance of the woman beside him from memory. It's a pity that, after so long, he still couldn't recall the slightest clue as to what the woman at the bedside looked like.

Last night, after arriving at the headquarters of the Kontemirovsky Division with Hornikova, Guo Shouyun did not go to the "Ostankino" state TV station with the two armored companies, but with several Kangjie The commander of Mirovsky's division went to the Villa Mountain for a drink, and the woman beside him was a signal soldier from the division headquarters.

This female soldier from the bank of the Don River who has just turned 19 years old, has been in the army for less than a week. She completed her "masturbation ceremony" on this big bed yesterday, but until now, Guo Shouyun only remembers this woman's figure Very good, the cry on the bed was very pleasant, as for the rest, the giant was vaguely impressed.

After pondering wildly in his mind for nearly forty minutes, Guo Shouyun finally gave up all his efforts. He turned to his side, stretched out his hand and gently lifted the gold that was scattered on the face of the woman beside him, and glanced casually. The woman's appearance is not so outstanding, at least not as charming and alluring as Hornikova's, but overall, it's not bad, first class.

"Well, sir, you're awake." His movements obviously disturbed the woman's sound sleep, she trembled slightly, sat up suddenly, and after a moment of daze, she said cautiously.

"I woke up early," Guo Shouyun gave her another look. He said absently, "What time did you look at?"

The woman turned her head subconsciously and looked around, and found the side standing in the corner of the bedroom—the clock was seven past nine.

"I'm sorry," the woman said, bowing her head, in a voice not much louder than a mosquito humming.

"No need," he waved his hand. Lying back on the bed again, Guo Shouyun said, "Go wash and prepare to go back to the army. I think there will be a big move on your side today."

"Well, thank you sir," the woman said, pulling a blanket over her chest and slowly crawling out of bed. "You, do you have any other orders?"

"No more." Guo Shouyun said expressionlessly. "Oh. Remember to turn on the TV for me. Tune in to the second news station."

"Okay. Sir." The woman hissed softly. First, he walked quickly to the side of the TV. For the male host will turn on the TV. Tune the channel. Only then did he retreat into the bathroom in the bedroom.

"Twelve hours. The second news channel of Ostakino State TV has been working normally for twelve hours since the rebroadcast." On the TV. Hornikova looked valiantly standing on the roof of the TV station building. Facing the morning sun and morning breeze. Incessantly "proclaiming her achievements". "For the Muscovites. Even for all the Commonwealths. Twelve hours of struggle and struggle for democratic freedom. In these twelve hours. From Kontemirovsky The soldiers in the division. They are all making unremitting efforts to protect the federal citizens' right to know. Until now. The fighting in front of the TV station building is still going on. Those armed thugs who are trying to subvert the federal government have not given up their criminal attempt. …”

When she said this to here to the time. The camera rolls around on the TV. A street scene with billowing smoke appeared on the TV screen.

can be seen from the screen. The front door of the Ostankino TV Center building was riddled with bullets. In the defensive position composed of several armored vehicles. A large number of dusty, weary-faced soldiers were building sandbag lines. And at the corner of the street ten meters in front of them. There were also several embarrassed corpses lying there.

"According to the news just came from the Kremlin's Presidential Press Office. Mr. President has returned to the Kremlin by helicopter half an hour ago." TV. Hornikova's voice continued. "And this news has been a strong response to the rumors spread by the rebels such as Khasbulatov and Rutskoy... Now. Several units belonging to the Moscow Garrison Military District are underway. Quickly marched to several major areas in the city. And the White House, occupied by the insurgents. It has been surrounded by heavy siege. It is certain. Their armed rebellion is not far from the final annihilation time."

"Sir," the woman took a short bath, and within five minutes, she got out of the bathroom, "I, I'm leaving."

"Well, let's go," Guo Shouyun said absentmindedly, looking at the TV screen.

The woman simply packed up the clothes on the ground, hugged them all in her arms, and walked out of the bedroom door naked.

Hearing the woman's inaudible footsteps walking to the door, Guo Shouyun finally couldn't help turning his head. He glanced at the woman's back, and after hesitating for a while, he coughed and said, "Cough, wait."

"Do you have any other orders, sir?" The woman stopped and turned around and asked.

"How do you go back to the headquarters?" Guo Shouyun asked.

The person was stunned for a moment, and then said a little embarrassedly, "I can walk back, the road is not very far."

This question asked by Guo Shouyun is really difficult to answer. There are riots everywhere in Moscow now, and the subways and buses have stopped long ago. It is rude to say that even the private cars on the streets are now blocked. Not anymore. The most important thing is that the confrontation between the army and the people in Moscow is very fierce now. A woman like her wears a military uniform on the street, not to mention blocking a car, it is very good to be able to walk back safely.

"Well, it's really not very far, but it's just across half of Moscow." Guo Shouyun said in a dissatisfied tone, frowning slightly. He didn't know why the woman in front of him was so afraid of him. If she could relax, talk and laugh in front of him, and don't be so restrained, then everyone could be friends, but now...

However, when Guo Shouyun was thinking about these things, he obviously did not consider a heart-to-heart issue, nor did he think about it. With his current status, how many people can talk and laugh freely in front of him?

"Let's do it," Guo Shouyun said casually, playing with the remote control in his hand, "you go to eat first, I think the people below have already prepared breakfast. After breakfast, you go to the parking lot to find Small Nov, the one who drove me last night, let him drive you back, and said it was my order."

"Thank you sir," the woman didn't say much, she nodded, then turned around and walked out.

After a while, the woman had already thanked herself twice, and Guo Shouyun didn't know what she was going to thank him for. In this world, there is always such a big difference between people. Hornikova can be so pleasing to men, but the woman in front of her is the same as her, but she can only pass her by. What kind of truth exists in this difference, Guo Shouyun can't figure it out, and he doesn't plan to ponder this issue, he still has more important things to think about. Yeltsin returned to the Kremlin, which means that the various troops stationed in Moscow have begun to officially advance to the inner city area. At the same time, it also means that the moment of devastating blow to the power of the Congress has officially arrived, then At this time, the battles in various areas of the city should also be in the final gestation period. It is a rare opportunity for Guo Shouyun to have the opportunity to be in the smoke-filled Moscow.

Knowing that it is impossible to see anything useful on the news of Channel 2, Guo Shouyun completely lost all interest after watching the news program for less than ten minutes. He got up from the bed and put on the fastest speed. Clothes, not even lunch, so hurriedly grabbed Khodorkovsky, who had not gotten up, and dragged him away from the Queshan villa area.

Today, for the whole of Moscow, it is destined to be a day worth remembering and regretting for a long time. Guo Shouyun's past life memory of the historical fragment of "Bombing the White House" will inevitably reappear. At this juncture, Guo Shouyun felt that it was necessary for him to be "on the front line" and to watch a big hilarity from a close distance----a qb5 big hustle and bustle.

To be honest, as one of the six giants of the Russian Federation, Khodorkovsky did not intend to watch this lively together with Guo Shouyun. In his opinion, watching a victory or defeat is already divided despite the swirling bullets. It's better to hide in the villa area and take a good night's sleep. With wine in hand, beautiful women on the pillow, and delicious food on the table, who has the heart to watch war movies? But after all, he couldn't resist the persistence of his old friend. Therefore, although he was full of complaints, he finally got into the car and accompanies Guo Shouyun all the way to the city.

"I said keep the clouds," Khodorkovsky said absent-mindedly while sitting in the spacious and comfortable car, playing with a platinum bracelet, "In my opinion, it will take two or three days at most. , the situation in Moscow will stabilize, when are you going to go home?"

"The day after tomorrow," Guo Shouyun said casually, looking at the messy street scene outside the car window, "Two or three days? Hehe, your estimate is too optimistic. According to the current situation, it will take two days for the turmoil to subside. Three days."

"Oh?" Khodorkovsky didn't question the other party's estimate, he said directly, "Then you really intend to throw Khornikova in this mud pond?"

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