Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 70: bloody red square

"How many people are needed to shed blood to build a country?" In the lounge on the top floor of the Moscow Department Store, Berezovsky stood quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the large mirror with a glass of red wine in his hand. Looking at the dark crowd in the square outside the window, he said in a deep voice, "If you can't figure this out, then a person in power will never try to take his place firmly. /qβ5, /Similarly, as an opposition, he And never think about the day when you will officially take power."

"The question you are talking about is too profound." Standing opposite him, Guo Shouyun handed out a glass of wine and clinked with the short man who was both an enemy and a collaborator. After the crisp sound of "ding", he smiled. said, "I only know that wherever there is power, there will be bloodshed and sacrifice, and these people who lie down are undoubtedly heroes, but the saddest part is that they will never Become a victory, because the real victory can only belong to those who survive. So, in my concept, there is a heroic spirit, and everyone who likes to lead the way and lead the pack is always a failure, because it is difficult for such people to live to the end Hey, being able to die in a heart-warming and generous way is indeed a very exciting movie plot, but a movie is a movie, I would like to watch it, but I don’t want to act it, and I don’t want to be arranged according to the plot of the movie. Instead of dying to earn those few fake tears, why don’t I hide in a corner and live ordinary? Like you said, Boris, to be alive is victory, hehe, then we are now with Lou Compared with some people in the lower square, it is undoubtedly a real victory."

Berezovsky smiled and didn't speak. Instead, Gusinsky, who was sitting in a chair not far away, spoke up and said, "Actually, it's up to oneself to choose how one's life should go. Yes. Smart people, like you and me. Although they love power, they don't like to show their faces all day with power, hehe, it's like, like..."

"It's like lest the world don't recognize him," Smullensky added with a smile.

"Yes, that's it." Gusinski laughed. "That's why so many people are desperately trying to squeeze into the Kremlin on the opposite side. Does it mean that a person has power or not? See where he lives? It's a joke, in my opinion, the Kremlin is just a place that attracts contradictory eyes, the people who live there. No matter how much good things are done, there is no shortage of opposition, and what about us. No matter how much bad things we do, not many people will notice us. In a way, that's the difference between good and bad."

"All of you are philosophers," Khodorkovsky said without looking up, sitting in front of a crystal coffee table, fiddling with the cards in his hand, "everyone say a word. , always with endless philosophies, what is the outlook on life. The world outlook, you will be dizzy after a while. Now, I don't think about anything, just consider whether this thing can be done. "

Speaking of which, he paused, tilted his head and glanced at Guo Shouyun, and asked, "I said Shouyun, is it almost time? Why is there still no movement outside?"

"What are you doing in such a hurry?" Guo Shouyun laughed, "I set a time for them at half past nine. It was agreed in advance, not a minute earlier, not a minute later, now..."

Saying so, he raised his arm, looked at the watch on his hand, and said, "But it's almost time now, there are still three minutes, everyone, please wait patiently."

"Is the person who arranged it credible?" Smullensky looked a little uneasy. He stood up. Went to the coffee table and took a cigar, and cut the seal off the cigarette with delicate silver pliers. said at the same time.

"Haha, for such a big thing, would I use an unreliable person?" Guo Shouyun smiled and didn't answer the question.

"The land user is unreliable. Now there is no need to continue talking about the meaning of the land." Berezovsky shook his head and said. "The key issue now is. Shouyun. You must consider silence. Notice. Once there are any problems left in this regard. It's not just you alone. None of us can get rid of the trouble."

"Don't worry." Guo Shouyun smiled lightly. said. "I've always been neat and tidy. You don't want to get into trouble with this. I'm also not going to get into this dirty water. So say. Quit the problem. I arranged it early. Today is over. The channel will be blocked. Except for a few of us. No one will learn the secret."

"I hope so," Gusinski said. "but......"


"Da da da... da da da..."

Gusinski just said those words. There is no clear indication of intention. Outside the lobby on Red Square. First there was a dull gunshot. Then. It was a crisp sound of an assault rifle.

"Let's begin!" Guo Shouyun said casually, suddenly turning around and looking downstairs more than ten meters high.

"Hehe, Shouyun's choice of local people is really reliable, at 9:30, not bad." From the coffee table, he and Khodorkovsky walked over quickly, looking out the window. A smile.

But at this time, Guo Shouyun was no longer in the mood to pay attention to the praise of the other party. His sight and mind were completely occupied by the noise on the Red Square.

Today, in order to formally challenge the public opinion of the Kremlin, the parade organized by the representative meeting is very large. At the same time, coupled with the help of Guo Shouyun and others, the number of demonstrators gathered on the Red Square at this moment is estimated to be as many as 40,000 to 50,000 people. , And among them, there are not only the masses and soldiers who support the Congress, but also the masses and soldiers who support the Kremlin. In order to ensure the stability of the scene, the Dzerzhinsky division responsible for the security of the square mobilized more than ten armored vehicles and dispatched hundreds of soldiers to maintain order. These people gathered together, armed with weapons, and banners with banners. Looking at it from a distance, the Red Square of Nuoda was full of black heads and colorful flags and banners.

At this moment, the source of the gunshots is less than ten meters away from the department store. At this position, two armored vehicles from the Dzerzhinsky division parked on the outer edge of the road. More than 20 people were armed with live ammunition and fully armed. Soldiers are responsible for the security and defense of the region. According to Guo Shouyun's arrangement, the person responsible for provoking the incident must first attack the soldiers responsible for on-site security, because according to common sense, the soldiers of the troops in this situation are highly nervous, and any slight disturbance may lead to them. strong reaction. And now the facts have proved that the development of the situation is exactly in line with Guo Shouyun's prediction.

Looking down from the window where the five giants stood, you could just see that in the middle of the two armored vehicles, several soldiers were gathered together, dragging a wounded soldier to the inside of the outer defense line, while in their Behind them, more than a dozen armed police officers holding tempered glass riot shields were standing in a row, struggling to resist the onslaught of the surrounding people. The most eye-catching one has to be the position two meters behind the armed police. There, there were two people lying down. Judging from their attire, they should be ordinary people participating in the demonstrations. , and the blood slowly flowing out from under them, is enough to explain the serious consequences of the string of assault rifles just now.

"Why is there no response elsewhere?" After looking at the window for a while, Gusinski picked up a pair of binoculars placed on the window sill, and frowned as he leaned in front of his eyes and said, "On this scale, it can't be achieved. our purpose."

"Don't worry," Berezovsky said calmly, "a riot is a storm, and it needs to spread little by little. In my opinion, the gunshots just now were too rapid, and the guys below were all frightened. , At this juncture, as long as someone picks the lead, a larger-scale conflict will appear immediately... You see, it begins."

As Berezovsky said, riots are like storms, but they spread much faster than storms. The sudden gunshot sounded just now, obviously startling the people in the square, and when they reacted, a more chaotic situation emerged——the timid people planned to leave the scene, the daring people If you want to come forward to watch the excitement, those with ulterior motives will have to take the opportunity to create more trouble. As a result, in just a few minutes, the black crowd on the square was like a pot of boiling water being boiled, and the huge turbulent flow spread to the surroundings one by one.

What is the scariest thing about a group conflict like this? The answer is not violence, nor shooting, but crazy and unrestrained trampling. In the crowd running around, as long as someone falls to the ground, then there is no chance for him to stand up again. Enough to trample a strong man as strong as an ox to death. For more people, a person who falls to the ground is equivalent to a stumbling block. While he himself is trampled to death, more people will be tripped to the ground by him and become the next victim. , the next stumbling block.

Having been in Russia for such a long time, Guo Shouyun has seen many large and small demonstrations, but he has not been as tall as he is today. The riot, in his opinion, the wild buffalo group on the grassland is probably not as exciting as the current scene. To be honest, if you haven’t seen such a scene, you don’t know how small you are; if you haven’t seen such a scene, you don’t know how worthless human life is; in the same way, if you haven’t seen such a scene, One does not know how powerful power is...

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