Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 682: Lao Guo's Treasure

"Time changes and the world changes?" Siquina smiled bitterly inwardly. She knew that although the man under her lived secluded in the Far East, the major international events could not be hidden from his eyes, and the many domestic problems in the United States could not be hidden from his eyes. , and also can't hide it from his eyes. After all, for a political decision like him, it is a homework that must be done at any time to keep an eye on international affairs. \\

In the past few months, in Washington, the United States, with Clinton's coming to power, the policies of the White House and the Pentagon have been greatly adjusted in many aspects, and all the facts have proved that this guy, Clinton, is an ambition. A very big politician, when he came to power, he began to pursue political governance to a certain extent and get rid of the tendency of economic chaebol control. In order to limit the power of the Morgan consortium, he largely cut the Pacific Fleet's financial budget in the second half of this year, and at the same time, he also included several countries in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and East Asia on the list of economic sanctions, thus affecting the economy of Morgan. The tentacles produced a great touch. Subsequently, in order to limit the strength of the Eastern Federation of Finance, he formulated many restrictive policies in the insurance business. At the same time, he also proposed a requirement to relax economic supervision on a wider scale, thereby encouraging American society to invest in the banking industry. concentrated. The current situation is that the Morgan family and the Eastern Federation of Finance are both under pressure from Washington. In comparison, the strength of the Rockefeller and other established political and economic families is moving towards a revival, or even a peak. Decisions like this have been fundamentally changed. The comparison of political power in the United States, the Kennedy family began to feel the threat.

In contrast, in the Russian Federation, the Guo Group has undergone a series of political changes, especially after the countdown to the formation of the Far Eastern Republic, its strength has undergone a qualitative change to a certain extent. The Guo Group is no longer a purely commercial group, but a real power organization that integrates the lifeblood of the local government and the local economy. If it is said that the major financial groups in the United States can embezzle 8% of the United States' GDP every year. .shu that the Guo Group can embezzle 100% of the Far Eastern Republic's annual gdp. It turned out that if the multinational consortium of the United States wanted to enter the Far East, they could still wave the flag of Moscow, but now, this flag has no effect at all. That's why. In the process of dealing with the Guo Group, the Eastern Financial Alliance is already in a relatively weak condition - without the Eastern Financial Alliance, the Guo Group can still rely on the strength of the Harrison family to enter the United States. The Guo Group and the Eastern Federation of Finance cannot enter the Far East at all.

"Darling," after thinking about it for a while, Siquina came back to her senses, she reached out and stroked the man's chest and smiled bitterly. "Can we put aside the problems of the past and look at the cooperation between us only with the eyes of the present?"

"Hehe, this seems a bit difficult." Guo Shouyun lifted his ** and swayed a few times in the woman's body before he gasped and smiled, "For me, if I don't take a good look at the past, I can't discuss the present at all. The problem, well, as those historians say, any method of research that separates history is wrong. And this statement, or this logic, is also applicable at the level of economics , what do you say ? baby

A man and a woman, the two naked images are still intimately fused together, but they are fighting a fierce battle in their hearts, and it is a fierce battle that is **** for tat and will not give in to each other. For such a pair of men and women, who can expect such a sincere love between them?

Biting his lower lip. Siquina straightened her body, she held the man's chest with both hands, and hurriedly went up and down, until after the **** in her body burst out, she slumped down and leaned on the man's body tightly. Breathing softly, he asked intermittently, "Then, tell me. What are you going to do? How can you take a step back?"

Maybe it's because there are too many issues in mind. .. Guo Shouyun's ** that has not been leaked is slowly fading, and he stretches out his hand to wrap the woman's naked back. While stroking the sweat-stained but smooth and smooth skin, he smiled and said: "What you said is so unreasonable, you know, this time you came to the door. And until now, I don't know about you What is the purpose of this trip, let alone what you plan to get from me, how can you make me give up one step, and you plan to make me give up the cooperation plan with the Harrison family?" If that's the case, can you accept it? ? "Hyquina drew a circle on the man's chest with one finger and said softly.

"That's impossible," Guo Shouyun said without hesitation, "to say something that may not be easy for you to accept, under the current circumstances, I would rather give up the cooperation with your Eastern Financial Federation than with Harry. The cooperation of the Sen family, on this issue, I hope you don't blame me, because I need to consider the future of the Guo Group more than the future of you and me."

"You and me in the future?" Siquina seemed to have thought of this answer long ago, so the man's words did not touch her too much, "Then if I change the request and ask you to marry me , can you accept it?"

"What did you say?" Guo Shouyun was startled, he lifted the woman in his arms, first looked at her face carefully, and then smirked, "Aren't you joking?"

"Do you think I look like I'm joking?" Siquina raised her hands and folded the gold scattered on her forehead. Yan Ran smiled. said.

"Repeat again..." Guo Shouyun swallowed. Said in a dry tone. "You. You mean..."

"Don't worry. You heard right." Siquina raised her eyebrows. said. "I said I want to marry you. We get married. And it's a formal marriage. From now on. I, Xi Quina, is your Guo Shouyun's wife. And you. You are my husband. At the same time. With this marriage You are an official member of the Kennedy family. According to the rules of the family. You have the right to take over all the resources I control."

"Hehe. This sounds good." Guo Shouyun was silent for a while. Dry smile. "But you should know. I'm married. And Nina just gave birth to a son for me. As far as I know. You are in the laws of the United States. It seems that bigamy is not allowed."

"It's very simple," said Siquina disapprovingly. "You can get married. Divorce, of course. It seems to me. At present, the woman Nina can't help you any more. General Semyon is dead. Victor is almost the same. For a man. She has lost In order to use the value of the land. Why do you have to tie your marriage to her? Compared with her. I can provide you with more help now. Marry me. You will not only get a fortune Incredible wealth. At the same time. To be able to get the best status to officially enter the United States. Plus. You can also get a lot of political resources from me. For an ambitious man. It should be easy for you to choose this way. In front of. To make the most appropriate decision."

"Huh?" Guo Shouyun frowned. Long silence. This is a light smile. said. "Sounds good. But...but have you ever thought about it. If I abandon Nina for profit today. Will I abandon you for profit tomorrow? In other words. In your eyes Is such a man worth your trust for life?"

"It's worth it," Siquina said without hesitation, "because we are the same kind of people, as you just said, for people like us, feelings are always a luxury that can't be consumed, so , for me, as long as the interests are right, it is worth entrusting my life to you."

"But to me, it's not worth it," he turned over and pushed the woman on his body to one side, Guo Shouyun sat up naked, took a cigarette and lit it for himself, and took two sips before he said, "I can tell you very frankly today, in my Guo Shouyun's eyes, anything can be traded, but the only thing that is special is family love, no matter when it comes, I will not put them Put it in the list of trading items. Indeed, as you said, Nina is not very helpful to my career now, but for me, the greatest meaning of her existence is to provide me with a A safe haven for feelings, not a point of interest, more precisely, she is a precious treasure in my mind. You know? When I get along with you, my mind turns every minute. No less than 50 thoughts, every word you say, every action you do, every look you look at, I have to think about it, and even try to guess your intentions. If I like to listen to you, when I get along with you, in a short period of time, I will feel **, I will feel excited, but after a long time, I will feel sleepy, and even have a feeling of going crazy. But in front of Nina, I don't have to think about it so much, I know that every word she said, every action she did, and even every look she cast on me was full of love. She never tried to please me, but she always Supporting me silently, we have been together for nearly three years, there is no **** between us, and there is no such feeling of excitement, but some are a kind of bland care... Hehe, of course, this point You'll never understand it."

"Miss Xiquena," Guo Shouyun reiterated after thinking for a while after saying the above words, "I solemnly tell you today that if you want to discuss cooperation with me, then we can talk about anything, but the only exception is, don't Put your attention on Nina, otherwise, I will never tell you any sympathy."

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