Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 674: relative violence

?Clearly, of course clear, how could Korzakov, who is the special envoy of the president, not be clear on issues like this. When it comes to assisting the Big Three to deal with Smurensky, the Kremlin's policy is to delay it. If it can’t be delayed, it will be delayed. Today’s situation is complicated. In Moscow, there are countless people who can threaten the Kremlin, but among them, Smurensky is definitely not one of them. This guy has huge financial resources but is as timid as Rat, he will not offend those who can not offend, and at the same time, even if he can offend, he is cautious and avoid direct conflict with each other as much as possible.

"Hehe, Mr. Guo must have misunderstood." Korzakov is a noble person, and a noble person should be able to keep his face and heart from blushing when he panics. He has obviously done a good job in this regard. Very successful, "Our cooperation with you is absolutely honest, but the current situation has shown signs of getting out of control. Therefore, the key thing we need to deal with should be to fully deal with this political crisis. Mr. Guo can rest assured that Kei's crimes will be dealt with as soon as the situation stabilizes."

"Really?" Guo Shouyun smiled and said, "Then you will become very busy in the next period of time? You have to help me deal with Smurensky. You have to deal with the tedious official business of the Federation, and at the same time, you have to be busy again. Working on a new constitution, haha, hard work, really hard work..uda"

"Haha. This is what it should be," Korzakov ignored the sarcasm in the other party's words, he smiled, "Actually, for us, we can do the work that needs to be done and deal with it. If the good things are handled well, and the benefits that should be distributed are evenly distributed, it is already the greatest satisfaction in life. As for hard work or not, we still have the mood to consider such issues. "

"Well, it seems that you are not easy to hear." Guo Shouyun smiled indifferently and said, "As an ordinary citizen of the Federation, even if I, Guo Shouyun, only look at your attitude of working hard for the country, I should do my best. As much as you can, tell me, what do you need me to do this time?"

"It would be great to think so, sir," Korzakov said with a smile on his face, nodding and smiling. "This time, what we need Mr. to do is relatively not difficult, mainly speaking here, he stopped, turned his head and glanced at Kobets, who was sitting beside him. The Deputy Minister relayed the following question.

"Cough" it was finally his turn to speak, Kobets seemed a little excited, and he coughed twice. He carefully took his leather bag, first found a notebook with a black envelope from it, turned it back and forth in his hand, and found the location that he wanted to check, and then said, "Mr. Guo, the current situation has Obviously, Hasbulatov and others' attempts to seize power are becoming more and more obvious, of course. They are essentially out of point. It may be to display their political ambitions and bring more lasting stability and prosperity to the federation. But the reality is that the series of measures they have taken have seriously affected the political situation and social stability of the Federation. Now, they are more like making a fool of themselves and creating chaos in this country. Mr. Guo, do you think I said Does this make sense?"

"Well, um, it makes sense," Guo Shouyun nodded with a smile on his face, "Go ahead, I like to hear this kind of topic."

"And now the most serious problem is that they have re-formed the second Moscow center outside the Kremlin," Kobets continued, licking his lips, "Obviously, the two Moscow centers appear, It will bring a series of serious political consequences to the country. First, the coexistence of the two centers will fundamentally weaken the prestige of the Moscow center, and to the greatest extent, cause confusion to the minds of the people; second, the two centers The coexistence will directly cause the loss of the federation's international national reputation, which will greatly affect the expansion of the federation's foreign trade and economic cooperation; third, the coexistence of the two centers will divide the entire federation society in a far-reaching sense, and even cause localities further divisive tendencies"

When he said this as scripted, Kobets felt a pain in his foot, and suddenly closed his mouth. And Korzakov, who had just kicked him on the foot, was staring at him fiercely at this time.

Kobets immediately understood that his mouth had said the wrong thing again. Originally, he was talking about the division of the country in front of Guo Daguan people. This is not referring to the monk and scolding the bald man.

"Well. Mr. Kobets's discussion is very comprehensive." Fortunately, it is. Guo Shouyun didn't take these words to heart. He glanced meaningfully at Korzakov. Said with a smile. "I have to admit. With your remarks. I can feel the urgency of the current situation. Hasbulatov. Lutskoy. They only care about personal interests. They only care about power guys. It's so outrageous. As you said. This problem is serious. It must be solved in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous. But Mr. Kobets. You said so much. I still don't see what your plans are. Of course. I don't even know what you plan to do with me."

"Don't be in a hurry, sir." Kobets threw the notebook aside in annoyance. Re-adjusted the thinking. said. "Given the current tensions. We are on the Kremlin side. We are ready to take coercive measures if necessary."

"What kind of coercive measures?" Guo Shouyun understood. The Kremlin intends to use violent means to forcefully disperse the conference. So as to achieve the overall goal of unifying Moscow's political situation. And from a deeper level of perspective. That is, in the past, Ye's government in Taiwan was relied on holding high the banner of democracy. Finally decided to finally tear off the mask of the so-called democracy. The use of violent means that the Bolshevik Party did not dare to use in those days was no longer used to attack political opponents.

"Well. Specifically. We will try to take a more moderate approach. However. If the situation does not allow it. We may also take relatively more violent measures." . He said with a plan.

"The army was used to forcefully disperse the meeting of representatives. Both sides fired guns and cannons outside the parliament building and even drove armored vehicles and tanks into the streets. Is this just a relatively violent measure?" Guo Shouyun sneered. "Emotionally, the October bloodshed in Moscow that shocked the world is in the eyes of the Kremlin. In Ye's eyes. It's just relatively violent? It's so funny."

"His" thought to himself. Guo Shouyun would never say that on his lips. He took a long breath. nodded and said. "If it is on the premise that both sides can exercise restraint. Is it necessary to use violent measures? As a businessman. Although I am willing to support you in taking any necessary measures. But I do not want any bloodshed. Therefore. I hope you Be more cautious when it comes to these violent measures. Don't make hasty decisions out of anger."

"Of course, of course," Korzakov hurriedly said, "trying to avoid excessive measures is the most basic principle for us to consider issues. But Mr. Guo also knows that in a complex political environment, any unexpected Things can happen, and for this reason, while maintaining restraint, we also have to make the necessary preparations in advance to deal with all possibilities, what do you think? Mr. Guo."

"Well, it makes sense," Guo Shouyun said with a smile. "It's good for you to have such a cautious attitude. At least, I don't have to worry about it, I won't say more, you continue."

"Okay," Kobets continued, "as Mr. Korzakov just said, we've been trying to avoid drastic measures as much as possible, but to avoid being caught off guard when the unexpected happens, we We must be prepared to resort to violence if necessary. Mr. Guo should know that violence is very sensitive to us, even though we have already won the Hasbulatov conference in the previous polls , but in this victory, our advantage is not obvious. It can be seen that among the federal people, there are still many people who oppose our ruling, so if an unpredictable situation occurs, we are forced to take violent measures If the , our military advantage is not obvious, so Mr. President now has a concern that once an unexpected situation occurs, the military district system in the federal region will be unstable, which will affect the overall situation."

"Also," Korzakov added, "at a time like this, we also have to take into account the international situation."

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