Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 670: beautiful woman travels

?The scorching sun in July is in full swing. Even if he is hiding in his jeep and blowing the cold wind from the air conditioner of the car, Guo Shouyun can still feel a potential heat in his heart. He can even hear the dark roof of the car being scorched by the sun. Painful moans. , qв5.

"Sir, where are you going?" the driver sitting in front, holding the steering wheel, asked frowning. Two minutes ago, Mr. Guo, who was behind him, jumped into the car and said nothing after that. He didn't say where he was going or what he was going to do. The expression is creepy.

"October Farm." The driver's words brought Guo Shouyun back to his senses. He glanced out the window blankly, then waved his hand and said weakly.

"October Farm?" The driver asked in surprise, "Is that the October Farm that was given to Miss Yelena?"

"Well," Guo Shouyun snorted from his throat, and then fell silent again.

"But" the driver seemed to want to say something, but when he saw the livid face of the boss in the rearview mirror, he swallowed the sentence that was sent to his throat. At this time, it is better to do more things and talk less to be more stable. The boss has not been in a good mood for the past two days. Government officials from various states were scolded one by one by his nose and face at the meeting yesterday afternoon. Dayton, under such circumstances, who would dare to provoke him?

"Buzzy inserted the car key into the keyhole and set it on fire. The driver was about to start the car and run towards the October farm. But at this moment, the figure of Polaninov came out of the front door of the group headquarters building. The inside flashed out. As he ran down the stairs, he was waving his arms again and again and gesturing in the direction of the car.

"What's the matter?" Guo Shouyun apparently saw his secretary too. He first reached out and patted the driver's shoulder. He motioned to him not to drive, and then rolled down the window, and said to Polaninov, who ran to the front.

"Sir, Korzakov and Kobets are here," said Polaninov through the car window. "Their plane has arrived at the airport, and it is estimated that they will arrive at the group in ten minutes. Just now. Kobets The secretary called. I hope you can wait for them at the group."

It goes without saying who Korzakov is, the current director of the Presidential Security Service, and Kobets is the Federal Deputy Defense Minister and the President's Defense Adviser who just took office.

"What are they doing here?" Guo Shouyun was in a bad mood, so he spoke in a more blunt tone. But as his secretary, Polaninov knew that the boss's temper was not directed at him. So there is nothing awkward about it.

"I don't know." Polaninov shook his head. "The secretary of Kobets didn't say anything. He just told you to wait here."

"Why?" Guo Shouyun turned his head. said angrily. "What are they. Want me to wait here. I have to wait here? I have something to do now. Wait for them. Let them wait for me here. If it's urgent. Let them Find me at October Farm."

"Mr. Good." Polaninov didn't say a word. he nodded.

"Drive." Roll up the window again. Guo Shouyun turned his head over onto the seat. Annoyed, he said something.

The driver in front was stunned for a few seconds. Then he hurriedly moved the car. Opened towards the door.

It is not unreasonable for Guo Shouyun to be upset. Yelena is gone. Just like when she first came here. Come alone. And left so alone. And she left a land for the Guo Group. It is a significant think tank group. And an administrative proposal with more than 100,000 words.

This administrative proposal was written by this woman in ten days, day and night, and the issues involved included political, economic, social, educational and other issues in the Far East, and among them the most precious. Here, she used tens of thousands of words to summarize some of the current problems of dozens of ethnic groups in the Far East, and to describe it with what Yelena said in the book, that is, in the past few decades, due to the Soviet Union Under the influence of the government's Great Russian chauvinism, too many contradictions have accumulated among the various nationalities of the Federation, and these contradictions also exist in the Far East. As the actual decision-making of the Far East, Guo Shouyun cannot ignore these ethnic conflicts if he wants to take good care of this place and make it his strongest foundation.

For Guo Shouyun, Ye Liena has always been a mystery, her mind is like a deep night fog, making it impossible for anyone to see or understand. "The world is bustling for profit, and the world is for profit." This sentence from the "Historical Records" has always been believed by Guo Shouyun. In his eyes, all people in this world have He did what he asked for, but now, the appearance and disappearance of this woman, Yelena, completely confused him, and he still couldn't figure out what this woman was after.

revenge? Is it really a simple revenge?

"Maybe it is." Now, Guo Shouyun can only find such an answer for himself.

"The kingly way of governance, the overbearing decision-making, people like you shouldn't have people like me." The words the woman said more than ten days ago are still haunting Guo Shouyun's ears, frankly. Said, it made him feel very painful, does it mean that when a person stands at the top of the power pyramid, he really can't have close friends by his side?

The black Gaz bulletproof jeep was driving slowly on the streets of Khabarovsk, but Guo Shouyun's mind was completely plunged into deep memories.

Turning back to look at the road he has traveled in the past three years, he really feels tired. At that time, he could prostitute women with Yakov. Now, he has women, but Yakov is dead. At that time, he could gag with Sister Hong and make fun of them, but now? The relationship between the two is like a thick steel plate separated by dozens of inches, and they are incompatible with each other. At that time, he could be brothers with General Ivanov and have a good time with each other. Now, even those generals in the military region are not in harmony with each other. He rarely showed a sincere smile in front of him. Every time they laughed, Guo Shouyun could see a kind of compliment, a kind of apprehension and fear in their eyes. In addition, there are also women like Hornikova and Xenivagina, Guo Shouyun feels that he has been very good to them, but why are they getting farther and farther from him now? Are there so much flattery and hypocrisy in their words?

Life, this is life, Guo Shouyun has a feeling that he wants to laugh wildly, God is so **** fair, while he gives a person power, he also takes away everything he can enjoy as an ordinary person, what kind of friendship , love and so on, all of them have no relationship with him, and counting down, Guo Shouyun doesn't know whether he should feel happy or unfortunate now.

"My friend, you should take a good vacation by yourself, your mental state is very dangerous." Lying in the car, Guo Shouyun, who was thinking wildly, echoed what Khodorkovsky once said to him. After that, he pondered, maybe it was time for him to take a good rest.

But at this moment, Guo Shouyun's mind suddenly flashed a terrifying thought to him - why did he know Yelena was going to leave, and he didn't think about keeping her? Why didn't he want to look for her after she left? why is that? Could it be that, from the bottom of my heart, I still hope that this woman can leave? Could it be that he really intends to take the road of "hegemony of decision-making"

Just when Guo Shouyun was confused for Ye Liena, where did this woman go? Maybe Guo Shouyun didn't expect that at this time, she had already arrived in Leningrad, in front of the old fox Victor.

In the small room of the Smolny Palace, Yelena sat quietly in front of Viktor, who was ashen-faced. There was hardly any emotion in her pale blue eyes.

"You didn't expect me to appear in front of you, did you? Mr. Victor." The two sat opposite each other, silent for nearly ten minutes, before Yelena finally spoke up. She hush and said in a flat tone.

"What are you doing?" Victor's tone was extremely indifferent. To him, the woman in front of him seemed to be treasonous. When he was in the former Soviet Union, he would definitely execute her without hesitation.

"It's nothing, I'm just here to see you and see how lonely you are now. By the way, I'll sing a requiem for you in advance," Yelena was not intimidated by the other party's indifference, she raised a finger , said swaying left and right.

"Then you got your wish," Victor said with a self-deprecating smile, and he changed his seated position. "It's just that I don't see how this will do you any good."

"Of course it's good, to tell you the truth, I've been waiting for this day for too long," Yelena sneered, "Since the day I can remember, I've been looking forward to this day, waiting for this day. Now , this day has finally come, do you think I can't feel excited?"

"But I still don't see what you're excited about," Victor said dismissively, "Do you think Far East, um, Guo Shouyun, will really do what you've ordered? Do you think he really does? Will you take the path you arranged for him? Ha, then you underestimate him too much."

"I will never underestimate anyone," Yelena smiled. "On the contrary, you are the one who likes to underestimate people. Indeed, I can feel that now Guo Shouyun is no longer willing to be manipulated by others. , I told him several times about my plan to leave the Far East, and he never said a word of retention, so I knew that it was time for me to leave, but hehe, you thought I left the Far East, just Lost all influence over him? You'd be wrong to think that."

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