Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 668: Governance Essentials

"Then there's no other way," Yelena said in a cold tone, turning her body to the side, "The power you have now has far exceeded your ambitions. In my opinion, this is the greatest power in you. In the same way, this is the most special problem I have ever seen. In my knowledge, people's ambitions tend to increase with the expansion of power, and you, on the contrary. If When it comes to fighting wits, I don't care who I choose to be my opponent. It can be said that in the past ten years, I have not been defeated in the battle against Victor, but it is a pity that this time I miscalculated and he chose you. , I also selected you, but so far, hehe, my influence on you is obviously far less than his influence on you."

Guo Shouyun didn't say anything, he smiled slightly, then reached out and patted the woman's smooth shoulder to show comfort.

"Forget it, it's your own business anyway, the decision should naturally be made by you," Yelena shook her head and said with a bitter smile, "For me, it is very satisfying to be able to get to this point, and more importantly Yes, Victor is seriously ill, and his death is not far away. Without his opponent, hehe, my mission is complete. Now, as a friend... Of course, the premise is that you really As a friend, I have a few important pieces of advice that I need to briefly share with you."

"Why are you talking like Victor now? It's inexplicable," Guo Shouyun had a bad feeling in his heart. He frowned and said, "He's about to go into the ground, what about you? What are you going to do?"

Yelena smiled lightly and didn't answer the question, she changed the subject and said, "Shouyun... This is the first time I've called you that, no matter if you consider me a friend or not, I I have to tell you a few things..."

"In my eyes, you are not only a friend, but also my Guo Shouyun's woman," Guo Shouyun interjected, "Can't you feel it?"

smiled. Yelena turned her face to the side of the man, and said, "In my opinion, there are still big problems in the Far East. In terms of the most important aspects, there are three main points: first, regional The economy is developing very fast. But there is no corresponding regional culture to accompany it. In other words, the Far East has not yet formed its own unique cultural atmosphere. Shouyun, I can see that you are not suitable to be the real leader of the Far East. , your talent lies in economic governance. As a person who relies on the Confucian family of national policies, your front is the best economic decision-making, and your back is the best destruction of economic policy. Now, since you will Far East Think of it as your own home. And you don't have the ambition I expected, then you should abandon the unsure attitude of the past and leave the things you are not good at doing to real experts. Let go. Looking at the Far East today, the continuous improvement of the economic situation will inevitably lead to a reduction of the people's living burden. The Russians and Chinese have different temperaments. They do not pay attention to the continuity of blood, but pay more attention to the improvement of their own quality of life. Therefore, when the living standard of the family as a unit improves, the first thing they need is a kind of spiritual enjoyment. On the other hand, if you look at the Far East today, the major media organizations are completely in the hands of the Guo Group. And what is broadcast on TV every day is completely from China, Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States, especially the Russian Federation. If this situation is maintained for a long time, then the regional sense of belonging in the hearts of Far East people will be lost. With the economic development, it gradually weakened until it disappeared without a trace. Previously, the Americans went to the Far East to shoot film and television, and in the next step, they will dump a lot of these things, and use the American culture to subtly influence. The Far Eastern way of thinking, the so-called cultural invasion, refers to this situation.”

"Cultural invasion?" Guo Shouyun also admitted that he is not a material for governance, and no matter how confident a person is, he cannot regard himself as an omnipotent god. Otherwise, it is not self-confidence but blind arrogance. And in daily work in a country. In addition to the work of economic construction, there are many other contents. For example, the formulation of education policies, the formulation of cultural policies, the formulation of national united front strategies, etc. Just imagine, with so many problems piled up, how could Guo Shouyun himself be able to grasp it all? Even if Zhuge Liang is reborn, he probably doesn't have that ability.

"What? Look down on this question?" Turning her head and glancing at the man beside her pillow, Yelena smiled, "Tell you, this question is the key to the Far East and even the entire Russian Federation today. Although I hate the Bolshevik Party, I can't help but admire their policy strategy. In their policy program, they have been focusing on one issue for decades, and that is national ideology. Because of this, in the past few decades, the Soviet Union has A large number of social problems in China make those sociologists in the West unable to see through, touch, and study. Whether it is patriotism or heroism, in the final analysis, they are all means of ideological guidance. This is similar to religious belief, which binds hundreds of millions of people in the entire country firmly with one kind of thought. An impression that the country where I live is always under pressure and threat from all directions. In this way, any class contradictions in the country can be weakened or even covered up to a large extent. During the Soviet period, did the so-called problems of shortage of living materials and government officials ** only start in the 1980s? Obviously, the answer is not like this. To put it bluntly, these problems have already appeared since the Stalin period. Why was there no political crisis within the alliance at the end of the 1980s? In my opinion, the main reason is that the alliance's work in grasping national ideas is very reliable, and a large number of social problems are artificially covered up. With Gorbachev's reform, this work was fundamentally abandoned. Gorbachev sought cooperation with Western countries externally, and liked to one-sidedly exaggerate the alliance's friendly relations with Western countries. Internally, On the other hand, he vigorously advocated reforms, and in his mouth, all kinds of contradictions in the alliance seemed to be deeply rooted. Affected by his actions, the people of the alliance would naturally have a kind of ideological loosening, they believed that the country was not There are external contradictions, but there are many internal problems, and these problems cannot be solved by that kind of reform. In this way, a political crisis within the whole alliance has emerged. "

Since Guo Shouyun came to this world, even in his previous life, he liked to think about the factors of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. In this regard, he has also heard, seen, and thought about countless reasons. Among them, the national thought The factor of sustenance has also been involved in the past, but it has not been discussed so deeply. Now, listening to Yelena talking about this issue, he will inevitably directly consider the issue of the Far East. At this juncture, it is obviously necessary to talk about this issue. At least, it can play a guiding role in the initial construction of the Far Eastern Republic.

"The problem of the Soviet Union has now become a thing of the past, and even if history has repetitions, it is impossible to reappear in people's field of vision." Yelena continued, "But for you, this issue cannot be careless. Consider, after all, the ethnic situation in the Far East is complex, and at the same time, the regional ideology and culture have not yet formed a unity. Balance, the same problems that the Soviet Union faced, you may also encounter. For this reason, you should start preparing for such a crisis from now on. Culture is a very complicated thing, but also a kind of Invisible things, which cannot be seen or touched, can have a strong influence on the stability of the society. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the rule of any country to take it lightly. It is based on this For a little consideration, I suggest that you should focus on the two departments of culture and education when organizing the Far East government departments. The quality education of the people should be combined with strong ideological education, the auxiliary role of the news media, and cultural propaganda such as film and television books and periodicals. With the implicit guidance of tools, it will take ten years for the Far Eastern people to stabilize their thinking again, and only then will they abandon the ideological precipitation of the past two years and get rid of all interests-based national concepts. In addition, while doing this work, you must also highlight the special status of the Guo Group in the Far Eastern Republic. The best way is to create an ideological illusion for the Far Eastern people through a series of propaganda and guidance, and let them A one-sided view is that the Guo Group is actually a state-owned enterprise in the Far Eastern Republic, a state-owned economic entity dominated by the so-called public ownership, whose operation and development are for the benefit of all Far Easterners. Only in this way can the Guo Group get rid of the Jealous glances from within the Far East, thus effectively occupying Far East resources in a fundamental way.”

Other people's reforms are all about the state-owned, but Ye Liena's suggestion is to make Guo Shouyun change the seemingly existing economic group, the Guo Group, into a state-owned. This suggestion seems absurd on the surface, but if you go deeper If you think about it, you will discover the subtle mystery that exists in it.

Guo Shouyun, or the Guo brothers and sisters, are they short of money now? The answer is obviously no. Therefore, no matter how large the scale of the Guo Group is and how extensive its development is, it is just the same tool used by Guo Shouyun to seek power. And now, the entire Far East has fallen into his hands. The importance of the Guo Group has obviously dropped to the second place. In this way, a very implicit affiliation is formed, that is, the Far East Union Republics. --Guo Group, in this case, whether the Guo Group is owned by the Guo Brothers or the Far Eastern Republics, what is the difference? Especially if he doesn't intend to leave the estate to future generations.

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