Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 657: Killer

"Sobchak?" Guo Shouyun's heart flashed with the deepest helplessness. , qв5.\ Frankly. He had not thought of this possibility. Just out of an indescribable state of mind. He never wanted such a vision to come true. You can even say that you don't want it to appear in your mind. Because this is for the Commonwealth. even to this world. All too sad. The two compare decades. Old comrades who have gone through countless ups and downs together. when one of them was about to die. The other betrayed him mercilessly for power. If so. What else is credible in this world? What else is worth moving? Could it be that. The emotion in people's hearts. Really only rely on lies and deceit. Or is it only by relying on film and television dramas and novels to come out? That is so sad.

all the time. Guo Shouyun thinks that he sees the world too dark and helpless. With the rise of status, the power increases. He gradually realized it. The world was actually darker and more helpless than he had seen. he thinks. If one's will is not firm. Or maybe someone with a little bit of conscience in their hearts. long-term exposure to these things. Sooner or later there will be two results: 1. world-weary. two. mad.

But then again. If you think about it in depth. Combined with certain cognitions from past lives. Then combine these things that you have encountered in this world. Guo Shouyun also felt that this inference may be the closest to the truth. Sobchak was framed. forced into exile. Estimates are not as simple as previously guessed.

"That's right. It's Sobchak." Yelena was like a persuasive... witch. More like a devil who lures humans into hell. She never gave up any opportunity to instill evil thoughts on Guo Shouyun. her wisdom. her insight. It seems to be used to guide Guo Shouyun to a completely dark road. "Now I'm eighty percent sure. I'm sure he leaked the news. Haha. If only Viktor was dying. Then the power hierarchy in Leningrad wouldn't collapse so quickly. It is conceivable that .As long as the old fox is alive. With Sobchak's help. Then as long as the old man doesn't die. Those in Leningrad's powerhouse will listen to him. Few dare to challenge his authority. On the contrary. If Sobchak made up his mind to part ways with the old fox. Even blatantly dragging his feet behind him. Then the power structure in Leningrad will be a different picture. Well. Like it is now. Viktor is not dead. He People have started to rebel."

Guo Shouyun did not speak. He was thinking of other questions. And these questions push women's inferences one step closer to being 100 percent accurate.

Coincidentally. as he pondered these questions. Yelena also began to discuss the evidence.

"Of course. In addition to these considerations. I have other ideas. It can be used as supplementary evidence for this speculation." Yelena continued. "As you said. In Leningrad. Viktor didn't give you any news for three days. And before that. Tymoshenko came to you first. Then. After three days. Old Fox No. 1 When I met you once, I put forward this condition. At the same time, I also showed all the power he has in front of you. Haha. Regarding this series of events, I don’t know if you have ever thought about it. Have you ever asked a why? Now. Let's do a reverse reasoning. Let's assume that the news of Viktor's critical illness was leaked by Sobchak. Then there is no doubt. The unsuspecting old fox will be deeply affected by this. He was about to die. He suffered the greatest betrayal of his life. A steadfast comrade he trusted the most. He never doubted. Betrayed him at the last moment of his life. Just imagine. In this case. He would What kind of reaction? If it is an ordinary person. I will definitely collapse in front of this blow. At least I will be exhausted. But I know. Victor is not such an ordinary person. Saying a word is not a compliment to him. If there is one person in this world that I can admire, it must be Victor. In my eyes. This one has stood for decades in Soviet and Russian politics. I gave up for this country. The old man of everything. With steely willpower. Chernenko didn't break him. Gorbachev didn't break him. Sobchak couldn't break him either. The one who could really break him. Only The disease that haunts him. So. After Sobchak betrayed himself. One of the most likely things Viktor would do.

Yelena said this. Guo Shouyun let out a sigh from the deepest part of his heart. to him. This sigh was for the old father-in-law Victor. at the same time. And for all true patriots like him. Think back to that meeting at Smolny Palace. It was hard for him to imagine the sadness behind the old father-in-law's smile. Sobchak's betrayal. It's like throwing the spiciest handful of salt on his bruised, broken heart. But this old man... he hadn't given up on his beliefs by then. As Yelena said. He really has a willpower of steel.

Think back. if the former Soviet Union. Those in power in Moscow. All are characters like Victor. So what would the Soviet Union look like back then? no doubt. Whether it is China or the United States. It will probably be difficult. But then again. People like Victor are only in a certain period of time after all. Characters that can only appear in certain circumstances. And such a person. Most of them are unable to grasp the dominant power of the state. Therefore. in human history. There will be countless generations of dynasties. Human history can move forward step by step.

"Natural selection. Survival." Of course, people who are too weak cannot adapt to the progress of human society. And the same goes for people who are too tough. Because they are the minority. The most important of the organizing principles of the Soviet is democratic leadership. The minority obeys the majority.

"Now. We can sing an elegy for Victor." There was an imperceptible wetness in the corner of Yelena's eyes. She turned her face to the sky. Looking up at the ceiling inlaid with seal carvings. Said in a hollow voice. "The day he passed away. The day patriotism was wiped out as a species. Without him. This country has turned a new page. And my mission . . . is done."

"Your mission?" Guo Shouyun woke up from his reverie. asked in astonishment.

"Oh. Haha. Off topic." Ye Liena's body trembled. He seemed to be suddenly awakened. But she adjusted her mood very quickly. Almost in a split second. A peaceful smile appeared on her face. "We haven't finished analyzing our problem. Hmm. Where did we just say? Ah. Right. In my opinion. Victor's fighting back. It's the most direct incentive to fulfill you. If I'm not wrong. Old fox During the three days of hiding, he must have made a series of arrangements. He wanted to effectively distribute the power in his hands, so as to prevent them from falling into Sobchak's hands completely. In the arrangement of the series. As the actual leader of the Far East, you must be at a very critical link."

"Isn't that possible?" Guo Shouyun shook his head and said. "Like you said. Viktor never gave up on my wariness. In this case. How could he assign the power he wielded to me?"

"Haha. It depends on what you think." Yelena smiled slightly. A very simple sentence.

on this problem. The woman didn't make any in-depth prompts. But from her eyes. Guo Shouyun didn't have a cold feeling all over his body at the moment.

"Yeah." He nodded in agreement. Guo Shouyun gave his own answer with emotion. "Power is sometimes a weapon for murder. But sometimes. It is also a weapon for suicide. It's the so-called innocence. He also has to play the trick of killing three soldiers with one hand and two peaches. I really don't understand. Is it in his heart. Except for this country. Is there really nothing?"

"Haha. Chinese is really a wonderful language. It's a very complicated thing. It can be summed up in a few words in this language." Clap your hands. Elena laughed. "Every man is innocent. He is guilty. Two peaches kill three scholars. Hmm. These two sentences are too appropriate to put here. If I am not wrong. The old fox should have made a good distribution of his power system. In this coveted political legacy. Both you and Sobchak will be direct beneficiaries. And Zyuganov, who is an insider, will be a bystander who gets nothing. Hehe. Victor gave you ten years Operating the Far East. This is equivalent to giving Zyuganov and Sobchak ten years of infighting. Ten years. The two traitors should have been divided. One side. Will be able to challenge you most directly. At the same time. In ten years. According to the arrangement of Victor, the old fox. You may have lost absolute control of the Far East. Offensive from the center of the federation. You will end up on the road to destruction."

"There is a loophole." Guo Shouyun said with a frown. "Don't forget. According to your words. One of the three soldiers is still alive."

"Really?" Yelena smiled slightly. said. "In terms of age. In ten years, you think. Sobchak. Zyuganov. How many days do they have to live?"

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