Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 655: revenge

? Spreading out his hand, showing the note in his palm, Guo Shouyun handed it to Shoucheng, motioning him to give it to General Ivanov, and said at the same time: "These people, I took them to Leningrad, including There are exactly 30 people, including Major Tolocneyev, Ivanov, you turn around and hand it over to the military district for me, um, let General Sijakhov do it himself, and find out what these people are. The situation, including the place of origin, family, etc., I have to find out all the situation, and then prepare a detailed file and give it to me, especially the twelve brothers who died. I need to understand their situation in the shortest possible time. .The whole/this\small/said\network other things are left to you to do by yourself."

"What's the matter, big brother?" Shoucheng asked.

"You will go back to Khabarovsk tomorrow," Guo Shouyun said, "withdraw 80 million from my private account and ask for cash, which will be useful after I go back. Also, call Khodorkovsky for me. Call and ask him to come to Novosibirsk in the past two days, I have something to discuss with him."

"Big brother, what should I say about the sister-in-law?" Could it be that Shoucheng, after all, Nina and the others are about to give birth, and it's somewhat unreasonable that Big Brother doesn't rush back at this time.

"Just say it straight," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "your sister-in-law is not a woman who doesn't know the whole thing. They can understand my decision."

Alright," Shoucheng knew that he couldn't change his elder brother's decision, so he didn't say anything more. "Sanariva," turning his head, Guo Shouyun said to the woman who had been staring at him from the beginning, "You Go back with Shoucheng. "

"Why?" Shanariva asked in a low voice, somewhat reluctantly.

"Because I still have something for you to do," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "After I go back, you can check one thing for me, about the plane crash. No matter what method you use, I need to get a copy of this matter. A detailed report, including the cause of the crash, the exact location of the crash, the specific circumstances of the crash rescue, etc. I estimate that it will be very difficult to investigate this matter from the Siberian Military Region, the biggest possibility is that. In the end, nothing could be found. So I'm going to start with the plane crash."

"Shouyun, haven't you recovered yet?" Hearing what he said, General Ivanov smiled, and he added, "If you start from the military area, it is impossible to find out the details, then other places. Isn’t the possibility less likely? Moreover, the Siberian military region has a bright hand, and the Leningrad airport is a dark hand. The difference between the light and the dark. The difficulty of the investigation is obvious, your current thinking Wouldn't it be far too far away?"

"Hehe, you have a very conventional way of thinking." Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled, "Imagine, our opponents can naturally consider the issues that you can take for granted. Therefore, in the Siberia Military Region, they are doing tricks. It will be very clean and very careful, if I am not wrong. Lieutenant Colonel Pskov is probably not so bad now. And in the case of instigating the plane crash, our opponents are not likely to be so Be cautious, so if you start to investigate from this aspect, you may be able to get unexpected results."

"Sir's idea is correct," Yelena nodded and said, "Actually, if you want to start the investigation from Leningrad, you can start from many angles. The difficulty of handling is not much higher than starting from the Siberian Military Region. But having said that, we must act fast, otherwise, once the news of Mr. turning the corner is announced, those instigators will definitely spend a lot of effort to wipe out the evidence, and in Leningrad, it is estimated that they will not let it go."

"Okay then." There was a serious matter in front of him. Shana Riva no longer insisted on staying in Novosibirsk. She nodded. said. "Shoucheng and I will return to Khabarovsk tomorrow. Arrange work in this area as soon as possible."

"Trouble." Maybe it was the side effect of running away for two days. Guo Shouyun's attitude was unprecedentedly polite. He smiled at Shana Riva. She softly said something that moved the woman from the bottom of her heart.

"General Ivanov." Avoiding the woman's gentle gaze. Guo Shouyun turned to Ivanov and said. "I still have two things I need you to do for me."

"What's the matter?" Ivanov exhaled a puff of smoke. Confused.

"Say hello to the military region for me. Let them come forward to negotiate with the Siberia military region. Let that lieutenant colonel Pskov **** me to Novosibirsk as soon as possible." Guo Shouyun said coldly. "Although this guy may have turned into a corpse now. But there is a slight chance. We can't give up. Besides. If this guy is really dead. Let's go to the Siberian Military Region and ask for someone. We can also give They create a certain amount of pressure. Hehe. I know Khodorkovsky is now bargaining with there. As a cooperation. Let's take this opportunity to give him a hand."

"There is no problem with this." General Ivanov chuckled. said. "I'll get it done in a minute. Don't worry."

"Another thing," Guo Shouyun sank a little, then continued, "the day before yesterday, when I was about to arrive at Yekaterinburg on the ground train, a team of soldiers got on the train to search me. Yes... um, yes, car No. 6, you ask the military region to ask me who was entering car No. 6 at that time, and by the way, let the Siberian military region send these people to me to the Far East , remember, one cannot be missing."

"Why are you looking for these people?" General Ivanov asked suspiciously, "Is it because they didn't find you, so you are planning to reward them?"

"Contrary to what you said," Guo Shouyun sneered, "These people gave me the biggest humiliation in two days, know what to do?"

"Ha, got it," General Ivanov smiled, he shrugged and said, "It's a simple matter, I don't think the Siberian Military Region will rashly offend us for a few unhindered pawns. .You guys put your heart in your stomach, those guys will be able to find out in two days, and they will bring you a pot at that time."

"You don't need to bring it to me," Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled, "You can just deal with it yourself, I'm too lazy to pay attention to those scumbags."

A wolf is a wolf after all. When in distress, it may clip its tail at a certain moment, but once it returns to the jungle and its own territory, it will hold its tail high. Raised, at the same time, but also to show that mouth full of sharp fangs. As for Guo Shouyun, he was just such a vicious wolf. After two days of running for his life, he did not hesitate to hide in the toilet and rely on the cover of a woman to escape the bad luck. Now, the bad luck has been lifted and he has returned. On his own territory, then following him, it must be an extremely **** revenge. If you fight a tiger without dying, you will have endless troubles. This sentence is so reasonable.

"I'm really confused." When Guo Shouyun finished the assignment and Shoucheng and the others all left the study, Ye Liena walked to the desk and sat on the desk in the way she liked the most, with a smile on her face. He said, "Is your luck really that good? From Surmant to Tyumen, the Sixth Division of the Siberian Military Region has arranged for thousands of people to search for you, just helicopters, and they will use them. Nearly 20, to put it bluntly, along the way, they set up an airtight net for you. But even so, you escaped inexplicably, and you still rely on your own strength to drill Out of this circle. Tell me, are you God?"

"Actually, I never told you," shrugged, Guo Shouyun smiled bitterly, "God, the old man is my godfather, and he personally presided over my hundred-day baptism."

"Hehe, I said, I think you have something to do with God," Yelena jokingly said while covering her mouth.

"Tell you, I'm actually very confused," Guo Shouyun said, reaching out and stroking the woman's calf, "In the past two days when my life and death are unknown, um, when others are worried about my comfort, what is in your heart? What are you thinking about, have you ever worried about me?"

"Want to hear the truth or a lie?" Yelena asked with a light smile.

"Tell the lies first, then tell the truth." Guo Shouyun sighed and said sullenly.

"The truth is, it's about worrying and not worrying," Yelena said with a smile, "I am not a hard-hearted person after all. It would be a lie to say that I don't care about my first man at all. But compared to this, I hope that you will have some accidents, because then, my purpose is directly achieved, whether you die in Leningrad or on your way home, in short, Moscow and Leningrad can't get rid of the relationship, in this case, the **** seven-step poem in the Far East is just around the corner? As for the lies, then there is nothing to say, I am worried about you, I am worried to death, hehe, but similar Would you believe such a lie?"

"I believe you are a ghost," Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled, "Hey, even though you are a woman with no conscience, and you pretend to hate me, I still want to tell you a piece of good news today, um, even if It's a reward for telling the truth."

"Good news?" Yelena said disapprovingly, "This is something I don't dare to hope for, you know, since you made up your mind to go to Leningrad, I've been wondering if I can bring you good news. Don't hold out my expectations... Forget it, let's talk about it, did Victor give you some conditions, such as admitting that the Far East was incorporated into the Far East in the form of a republic?"

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