Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 652: give you a way

"Okay, I see." It took nearly three or four minutes for Guo Shouyun to regain his composure. He weakly patted the captain's shoulder and smiled bitterly, "You did a good job, but... …”

Speaking of this, Guo Shouyun's eyes narrowed slightly, he turned his head to look at the pale girl Chen Hongbing behind him, and then continued: "What did you see just now?"

"I didn't see anything, sir," the captain replied in a loud voice, although he was rough, but his brain was not stupid at all. Other than that, I don't know anything else."

"Well, very good, very good," Guo Shouyun smiled, he turned around and held Chen Hongbing's small hand, then while pulling her out, he moved to the captain's side and said in a low voice, "Don't worry about today's events. Tell others, if the slightest bit of information is leaked, I'll take your big head off and use it as a football kick."

"I don't know anything sir, so there is no news to leak." The captain raised his head, suppressed the smile on his lips, and replied loudly.

The dignified president of Guo's Group, the family of No. 1 Far East, hid in the toilet in order to avoid the pursuers, and hid in the toilet with a little girl. It's too embarrassing to say this. Guo Shouyun wants to save face, naturally Everything has to be explained in advance.

"Well, just remember," Guo Shouyun rubbed his nose and said with a bit of embarrassment, "Okay, let me ask you, how many people are you here this time?"

"Mr. Report, the entire 16th Division is here." Following behind Guo Shouyun, the captain gestured to the soldiers, motioning them to get out of the car and make an announcement, and replied, "It's just that we are the only ones around here. One battalion. But you can rest assured, it is important that we send the notice out. In less than half an hour, the generals and the others will be able to come here."

"Why is there such a big commotion?" Guo Shouyun is a typical master who has healed the scar and forgot the pain. As soon as he was out of danger, he began to think about the impact.

"Mr. Report, I don't know," the captain replied loudly. "But. But we seem to be going the wrong way, sir, the door is this way."

"I still have a friend in the carriage." Ignoring the captain's suggestion, Guo Shouyun clenched the little girl's big hand and said with a smile, "Sister, what are you thinking?"

"Ah. No. I didn't think about anything." Chen Hongbing lowered his head. said sullenly.

this moment. She already knew who the "little brother" in front of her was. Guo Shouyun. This name is very loud in the circle of Chinese and Russian businessmen. It's just that he has few good people. There are many people who call him a bad place. It is because of his existence. Those domestic businessmen who run the Sino-Russian border trade do not need to worry about personal safety in the Far East. Especially those from Harbin. Those old hairs were very polite to them. Even the mafia to protect the money are not received on their heads. But then again. Also because of his existence. The Far East will fight two trade wars with China in a row. It has caused the Sino-Russian Far East border trade to be interrupted twice. Affected by this, there are not a few businessmen who have gone bankrupt.

In the past, Chen Hongbing heard a few elder brothers talk about this person's name. in her heart. This person should be a fierce man with eagle eyebrows and leopard eyes. But now. This man was standing in front of his own ground. And he also spent two whole days with his siblings. in two days. This person left an impression on himself. Just... kind, erudite, and gentle. in addition. There are too many downfalls. Could it be that this is the president of the Guo Group who is known to be omnipotent in the Far East? There is a huge contrast between speculation and reality. The little girl was a little uncomfortable.

"Don't be afraid of me." Guo Shouyun saw the little girl's thoughts at a glance. He sighed. said. "Actually. Brother is just an ordinary person. He will be happy and angry. He will be timid and afraid of death. If he doesn't eat a meal, he will be very hungry. When he sees a soldier coming to his door, he will shiver and pee his pants. Hehe. If you If you want to. I will always be your little brother. Well. The little brother who hides in the toilet and dares not go out. That old cow knows that the sunset is late. You don't need to whip the whip and fight yourself."

"Puchi." The little girl was amused by his words. Maybe it's because of the two days we spent together in the past two days. in her eyes. The innocent and happy eyes flashed again.

The two were surrounded by a large group of soldiers. Cross the aisle. Go back to the pungent-smelling compartment.

Chen Yongjun, who went to the dining car for a drink, was almost back at this time. He saw Guo Shouyun and his little sister coming with him, followed by a large group of soldiers with live ammunition. For a small businessman like him, there are two things he is most afraid of when he comes to Russia to do business. One is to provoke the underworld, and the other is to provoke a soldier. Of these two, the latter is the most taboo among the taboos. For them, getting into the underworld can still be solved by spending money, and getting into a soldier, that is, it is impossible to save the family.

Fortunately, Guo Shouyun is very good at figuring out people's hearts. In front of Chen Yongjun, he doesn't have so many taboos. He explained his identity in a few words, and the worry and fear in this "third brother" disappeared. tracked.

I have to admit that Chen Yongjun is indeed a neurotic, or a person with an open-minded nature. After knowing Guo Shouyun's true identity, he is not too uneasy, and there is no place where he can't let go. Facing the "Far East" The "big brother", the "third brother", he accepted it calmly, and he did not mean to refuse the invitation of the other party as a guest. In his opinion, Guo Shouyun or Xiaoniu brothers, that is One of his friends - the other party's wealth and power is his friend, the other party is penniless, destitute and invisible, and he is also his friend. There is not much difference between the two. This time, in order to find Guo Shouyun, Ivanov's 16th Division was all mobilized, and Captain Yefim's armored battalion was also arranged along the railway line, specially responsible for searching the passing trains. When Guo Shouyun and the others got off the train, all they saw at a glance were 16 brand-new armored vehicles parked in the wilderness.

"Hey, good guy," accompanied by Guo Shouyun, the Chen brothers and sisters entered the temporary camp of the armored battalion, and Chen Yongjun climbed into an armored vehicle eagerly, stroking the machine gun on the roof, and sighed, "Rostock armored vehicle, Good thing, it's much more advanced than our domestic 86-step battle."

"Oh, the third brother still understands this thing," Guo Shouyun sat on a military folding chair, looked at the third brother who climbed into the armored vehicle, and smiled, "That is much better than me, for this thing, I know it There are four wheels and nothing else."

"How can I say that we are also veterans of the Thirty-Eighth Army, and have been in Baoding for three years," Chen Yongjun sat on the turret of the armored vehicle, twisted back and forth, and said, "Unfortunately, it is a car soldier, at that time, There is always a chance to pass by the military region headquarters on Qiyi Road, and every time we see the tank in the compound, we feel jealous."

"No need to be jealous," Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled, "If you want to try it out, I'll arrange it for you when you return to the Far East. You can drive the latest t9o as you like. Now, don't think about it for now. Come on, come down, I have something to discuss with you." "What?" Chen Yongjun slammed another punch on the turret, and then slipped down from the top, standing in front of Guo Shouyun, and asked carelessly .

"Remember what we said two days ago?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "At that time, you told me that you were going to find a new business, and I gave you an idea to continue the fur business. , it just needs to be done in a different way, that's it, do you remember?"

"Hey, how can I forget this," Chen Yongjun said straightforwardly, "To be honest, at that time, I thought you were a fool, brother, but now, I have already thought about it, and I will do as you say when I go back. Go for it, according to your experience, it will definitely work."

"Third brother is a happy person, straight," Guo Shouyun lowered his head and thought for a while, then said, "I'll tell the truth, in fact, I didn't plan to have deep friendship with third brother at that time, this... This specific reason You can guess if you think about it. However, the situation is different today. In my opinion, the third brother, you are my real third brother, and the little sister is my real sister. , so, I won't go around in circles with you if I have ideas, let's talk straight."

"That's good," Chen Yongjun said with a smile, "I also like to say it straight when I have something to say, cover it up, and hide it is boring, that's what girls do."

"The third brother's speech is really ugly," Chen Hongbing said dissatisfiedly while squatting on the side, fiddling with a piece of grass. "That's it," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, reaching out and stroking the little girl's head, "In my opinion, there are three serious problems in the business you are doing, third brother. First, the danger is too great. , I believe you yourself understand this point; second, the prospects are not good, buying such wild fur is tantamount to drying up the pond and fishing, and although the federal government has not strictly investigated it, it will one day make great efforts in this regard in the future. ; Third, the market is not smooth, the potential huge profits in the business are all made by others, and all you can get is a small head."

"Brother is right, I am aware of these problems," Chen Yongjun nodded in agreement and said, "But you also know that we have no other choice."

"Who said there is no choice," Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled, "In my opinion, there are only things that can't be done in this world, and there is nothing that can't be done."

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