Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 640: Join or die

? "Boom..."

There was another thunder crawling through the window. This lightning was very close to the Smolny Palace. The lightning rod on the opposite clock tower was blue, and the incandescent lamps in the whole room were flickering. , qв5. Book And just in the flash of this light, Guo Shouyun vaguely felt that the old father-in-law's face was paler than ever before.

"At that time, we young people put forward a lot of personal opinions in response to various problems in the country. I think that if we want to reverse the crisis at that time, there are only two ways for Moscow to take. First, it is determined to carry out economic reform and adopt the The new economic system policy proposed by Comrade Kosygin before his death effectively combined the two economic forms of market and planned, with the market as the guide and the plan as the norm, and used the time of the two five-year plans to comprehensively reverse the domestic economic decline. Second, clear the gangsters in all respects, use the KGB as a sharp blade, and use the most iron-blooded means to kill the worms that have penetrated into the leadership of the party." When the light in the room stabilized, Victor continued, "But I This idea of In terms of the political system of China, the simultaneous development of these two policies means the beginning of a disaster. Those bourgeois elements hidden in the party will never miss this favorable opportunity. They will do their best to overthrow the The leadership of the Soviet Central Committee. The market is capitalist, and planning is socialist. For the Bolshevik Party, only by adhering to the root of socialism can it have the strongest ruling significance. The concept of the market, even if the reform is successful, what is the meaning of the existence of the Bolshevik Party?"

Hearing Victor say this, a look of disapproval flashed across Guo Shouyun's face. There is no doubt that Suslov was too paranoid. The problem he expounded was a contradiction between adhering to the program and paying attention to the people's livelihood. In the choice of this conflict, he obviously followed the path of adhering to the program. that road. And give up the concern of people's livelihood.

"Similar discussions that night continued until two in the morning," Victor said. "In the end, we came to the conclusion that our Bolshevik Party has accumulated troubles due to historical problems, which means that Poland The fate of the United Workers Party. We cannot avoid it. At that time, considering a series of problems that may arise in the future, especially the emergence of organizations like Solidarity, Comrade Shususlov decided to take a slanted path. Route, plan ahead, grab as much campaign capital as possible before the crisis really hits."

"Campaign capital?" Guo Shouyun was stunned. He couldn't understand how such a Western-style political name could appear on a Taoist guard.

"Yes, campaign capital," Victor nodded. "I believe that Comrade Suslov must have had a foreboding at that time. He knew that under the accumulated evils, the fate of the Bolshevik Party in the next ten years will become complicated and confusing. In order to avoid future crises, we will be caught by surprise. , he advocated the establishment of a political context that was unknown to the world and that was hidden outside the entire state power system."

Guo Shouyun was secretive, he knew. The old man finally got to the point now. The resources he had at hand should have really appeared and entered full operation from that time.

"You should know about Zweigon, right?" Having said this, Victor suddenly asked another question.

"Oh, yes," Guo Shouyun nodded and said, "As far as I know, this person seems to have been the vice chairman of the KGB. He was the most trusted right-hand man of Brezhnev. Also with the support of President Bo, he Climbed to the position of KGB vice-chairman. And openly competed with the then KGB chairman Fedorchuk for power, and finally ... seems to be suicide?"

"It seems that you know a lot," Victor said with a smile, "but compared with the real facts, these things you know are not even basic fur."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun shrugged. said. "Of course. Hehe. Compared to you. The kid is an ignorant pig at best. He has no knowledge and has a shrinking brainstem. So. At best, I can only see some superficial things."

"You are already very difficult." Victor smiled lightly. said. "Actually. It started from that night. The organization work, led by Comrade Suslov himself, has already begun. The whole plan is entering the second year. Under his arrangement. I became the most important person by Andropov's side. A think tank. Under our control. Brezhnev's authority was challenged by the KGB. Maybe he felt the threat from the KGB. Andropov was threatened. Brezhnev made his cronies Tsvigon was transferred to the KGB Central Committee. In order to divide the former power. And this seems to cater to the ambition of Zweigon. This guy entered the KGB within two months. He has personal prestige to Andropov. A challenge was raised. At that time, Comrade Suslov had almost entered a state of dying. In order to eliminate this hidden danger. In the last week of his deathbed, he secretly met with Zweigon. Two options were presented to him face to face. The only way. One is suicide. To protect his name. The other is to wait for others to investigate. In the end, it is still a dead end. At the same time, it has to lose everything. In the end, Zweigon chose the front. He was in The night of the meeting, he committed suicide in the apartment. On the same night, Comrade Suslov fell into a coma. Until his death six days later. He never woke up again. Hehe. Unceremoniously said. Vigon was frightened to death. He just had to hold on for another hour. This catastrophe would be avoided."

Guo Shouyun was speechless. Maybe just from the death of Zweigon. It can be seen how high the status of Suslov was in the Soviet leadership at that time. A dignified KGB vice-chairman. A close confidant of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. He was forced to death in a few words.

"That's when the whole project went into full swing," Victor continued. "A few months later. Comrade Brezhnev passed away. With our support. Andropov successfully assumed the post of general secretary. And as his think tank. I began to advise him. I did my best to reform the country's economy. At the same time, Fedorchuk entered the KGB. He took over from Andropov. He became the new chairman of the KGB. During his tenure, the KGB was expelled from a large number of elites from all walks of life. One year In time. A total of 132 former KGB leaders have been removed. And there is only one real reason for them to be fired. That is, they are loyal to the country. They are loyal enough to the KGB."

"What do you mean to say. Are these people involved in the plan?" Guo Shouyun said suddenly. "So. They were fired above their name. Actually. Behind their backs. They're still serving the KGB. Even..."

"It can be said. But this statement is not entirely correct." Victor smiled lightly. said. "They do work. Not for the KGB. They work for the country."

"Who are these people? I really want to know." Guo Shouyun stuck out his tongue, licked his lips, and asked in a dry voice.

"Actually, you know many of them, huh, there are a few, and you even sit with them from time to time to talk about Far East governance issues," Victor laughed, "even more, you even meet with them from time to time. Take a bath with someone in Sakhalin and go to the thermal baths in Sakhalin. And two days ago, when you met Tymoshenko at the October Hotel, she had mentioned to you her husband, Alexander Tymoshen Ke, oh, and her old father-in-law, hehe, I can tell you frankly that they are a part of it."

"This... this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible," Guo Shouyun's smile was a little silly, he shook his head repeatedly, trying to prove that the old man was lying in this way.

"If you want to go down the political road, then you have to learn a skill, that is to believe and admit the most untrustworthy thing as a fact," Victor said indifferently, "as it is now, If I tell you the whole list of candidates, you will probably think this is a fantasy."

The old man stopped here, picked up the thick yellow book in his hand and handed it to Guo Shouyun, then continued: "Look, the things you don't believe are the most detailed here. Prove that the existence of these people is the most powerful bargaining chip for Leningrad to become independent from Moscow."

Almost impatiently taking over the yellow paper, Guo Shouyun impatiently opened the title page, starting from the first line of the first page, and turning back ten lines at a time. At this moment, he is like a pupil thirsting for knowledge, eager to find the truth he expects from this book.

"In ten years, many things in this world are constantly changing day and night," Victor said, looking at his son-in-law, "I must admit that the plan has gone against the original intention of the past. But the problem is, we have no way out. If we can't continue the plan, the sacrifices we have made in the past will be in vain in an instant. After two days of careful consideration, and some of us Looking through the research, now, there is another option available to you, and that is: add your name to this roster, otherwise, the consequences you can imagine."

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