Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 629: il-96

?With a huge roar, a blue and white Far Eastern Airlines Il-96-3oo passenger plane landed steadily on the twelfth runway of Leningrad International Airport, as the newest aircraft of the Yakutsk aviation industry complex. The first brand new model produced, the Il-96 immediately attracted a lot of attention as soon as it landed at the airport. Before the book, in order to be able to bring this passenger aircraft to the market, the Yakutsk Aviation Industry Complex had spent a lot of money on advertisements in Moscow. According to them, this is the updated model of the Il passenger aircraft. It is pure Russian technology, domestically produced in Russia, and the adoption of advanced technologies such as critical wings, glass cockpit, and fly-by-wire flight control system makes this model capable of challenging international airlines such as Airbus and Boeing. Qualifications. For Guo Shouyun, who took this plane this time, although he did not know whether the Il-96 was qualified to challenge Airbus and Boeing, he realized that in terms of stability, this kind of plane is more stable than the previous one. The plane of planting and planning is much stronger, at least it is not so bumpy to ride.

The Il-96 of Far Eastern Airlines has a nice Chinese name - "Huangshan", which was given by Guo Shouyun. In fact, according to what he meant, the plane's name should be "First Grade Huangshan". Then he marked the fuselage with eight characters in Chinese: "The sky is high and the clouds are clear, first-grade Huangshan". As for why it is so neat, the reason is very simple. One of his favorite cigarettes in his previous life was Yi-grade Huangshan.

That's right, this Il-96 luxury passenger plane, which is unique in all Russia and even in the world so far, is the special plane of the Guo Group, or more precisely, the special plane that Guo Shouyun has equipped for himself, and this time he came to Lenin. Greer, is the first public appearance of this special plane.

"Mr. Guo, Leningrad Airport is here," the beautiful flight attendant in the emerald green Far Eastern Airlines uniform smiled sweetly, and she stood beside the large sandy seat. Said to the man lying in the sand and sleeping with his head covered.

"Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo, Leningrad Airport has arrived," the man may have slept too much, and the flight attendant hesitated for a moment when he saw that he did not respond. Then he stretched out his hand and pushed it on his shoulder, and said in a softer voice.

"Well," with a slight shake of his body, Guo Shouyun woke up from his sleep. He rolled over in a daze, and lay on his back with his feet on the ground. His two blank-eyed eyes looked around, and finally he realized The beautiful flight attendant with a smile on her face.

"Where am I?" After a few hours of sleep, his mind was a little confused. For a while, he didn't even know where he was.

"Mr. Guo, we have arrived at Leningrad Airport now." The stewardess smiled, "Major Tolocneyev came over just now, and let me urge you to say yes..."

"Oh, I see," Guo Shouyun had already climbed up before the beauty could finish speaking, he rubbed his cheeks forcefully, and said vaguely in his mouth. Go tell him, let him pass the order on and get ready to disembark. "

"Okay Mr. Guo," the stewardess bowed and slowly exited Guo Shouyun's luxurious box.

"Hey, Leningrad, here we are," Guo Shouyun scratched the back of his head when he heard the door behind him closing gently. He stood up from the sand, muttered to himself, then grabbed the trench coat hanging on the ledge, wrapped it lightly on his back, and walked towards the door.

Get out of the box at the front of the plane. Take a break through the flight attendant's ground. Outside is a very spacious cafe. And go through the corridor along the cafe. Houjinli is a small bar that can accommodate more than 20 people. To understand boredom. There is also a small stage in this small bar. during long air travel. Aircraft owners can also watch beautiful flight attendants do a striptease here. Step out of the bar. The back is the exit channel and the location of the hatch. Back again. There are also some deluxe rooms for guests.

Walked all the way from his own box. Guo Shouyun finally woke up after a drowsy sleep. He didn't go straight out of the hatch. Instead, he sat down on a seat at the end of the departure corridor.

Before leaving Khabarovsk. Yelena specifically explained some detailed issues to him. According to this woman to say. This visit to Leningrad is definitely dangerous. Even with a lot of preparation work done before. Unexpected situations are still possible. For example: Victor did not dare to publicly take down Guo Shouyun. It may be possible to take some implicit and despicable means. Again. Except for Victor. Those who had long hoped that he could be put to death. It is also possible to take this opportunity to start. to this end. To ensure the maximum safety factor for this trip to Leningrad. Guo Shouyun must be careful about everything. Always be on guard.

In order to be able to raise the safety factor to the highest. Ye Liena suggested Guo Shouyun not to take his bodyguards on the road. Those people are well trained though. But it is probably not enough to use it to deal with the "Leningrad crisis" this time. Not elsewhere. Just because they can't carry powerful enough weapons. Like an assault rifle or something. From this perspective. On the road with a few bodyguards. It is not as effective as bringing a dozen or so capable soldiers in a dignified manner. Therefore. This time Guo Shouyun came over. He brought a major named Tolockneyev Air Force. As well as his twenty-nine fully-armed airborne special forces.

A businessman travels. But with thirty heavily armed soldiers. Saying it this way seems inconsistent. but it does not matter. Guo Shouyun had already thought of an excuse. Speaking to the outside world. Thirty soldiers. It is to go to the 34th Airborne Division in Moscow to perform its mission. In order to minimize the burden on the Far East Military Region. Boss Guo came to Leningrad. Just brought them along. Although this explanation is far-fetched. But it is an explanation after all. Anyone who has an idea. have opinions. Then go to the Far East Military Region to discuss it. "Mr. Guo. We are all ready." Guo Shouyun sat on the chair for less than five minutes. A young man in the new version of the Russian major's uniform appeared at the other end of the passage. He just turned the passage. shouted loudly.

This major is huge. That posture can only be described by a tiger-backed waist. Maybe it's because of too much muscle. He walked with both arms pinned. Bright leather boots stomped on the cabin floor. A muffled sound came out. Follow closely behind the major. It was those airborne special forces who came to protect Guo Shouyun. These soldiers were all selected from the 23rd Air Force Group Army's Special Operations Forces. Whether it is personal ability or weapons and equipment. They all belong to the mainland leaders of the Far East Airborne Forces. Camouflage uniforms, ear protection helmets, satellite communication communicators, bulletproof armor, fighting blades, gas masks, and more. Anything that can be equipped with special forces. They all have. Two dozen burly men dressed in this way poured out. Just the momentum. enough to be depressing.

"Let's go." Standing up from the chair, Guo Shouyun first glanced out through the circular glass window, and then waved his hand.

"Yes," Major Tolocneyev responded with a stern voice, and then took the lead, striding out of the cabin.

According to the previous arrangement, when getting off the plane after arriving in Leningrad, Guo Shouyun must be the last to go out, because according to Yelena's calculations, if someone wants to assassinate him, this is the most likely time to be selected. The soldiers who came out of the cabin were responsible for cleaning up suspicious people around the airport runway and inspecting the surrounding environment. Guo Shouyun was able to leave the plane only when they figured out the situation and determined that there was no danger.

Regardless of the fact that Major Tolokneyev is only forty years old, in the twenty-three empty episodes, he is the most experienced officer in special warfare. This kid once served in the Sino-Vietnamese border conflict ten years ago. The special warfare instructor of Vietnam's so-called "Gold Star Division", although he said that he almost became a prisoner of the "four fields" of the People's Liberation Army in the Battle of Cao Ping, but after all, he is still a commander who has participated in real wars, and he is still rich in command. experienced.

Getting off the plane's ladder, Major Tolocneyev ignored the people who came to pick up the plane. He directed his soldiers to set up temporary defenses around the runway and ordered the three snipers who came with the team. Check high-rise buildings such as airport towers, hangars, and departure halls where snipers can hide. This tossed for nearly six or seven minutes, and after all the observation positions had said "ok" to clean up, he walked back to the elevator unhurriedly and made a gesture toward the hatch.

If it was put a year ago, such strict protective measures would definitely make Guo Shouyun sneer, but now, he will never think so again. To be honest, if it is not for the conditions, he even hopes to bring a reinforcement group. Come here, a group of soldiers in three layers outside and three layers surround themselves tightly, that is basically safe.

"Shouyun, you are..." When Guo Shouyun stepped down from the car ladder, Vladimir in a suit was the first to greet him. He held the other's outstretched hand and looked around. The soldiers who were waiting in battle all around said in disbelief.

"Hehe, these leopards have never been to Leningrad. Today, they finally come here, they have to show their prestige and ignore them," Guo Shouyun said calmly after glancing at the expressionless Tolokneev beside him. .

"Oh, is it?" How could Vladimir believe such an almost absurd excuse, he shook his head and said, "This way of posing with authority is really... special. But you put them Bring it here, what is the idea?"

"It's very simple, their destination is Moscow," Guo Shouyun said with a low voice, "The 34th Division has been unstable recently, and the generals in the Far East are uneasy, so they plan to send Major Tolocneyev. Call over and check the situation. Of course, this is just an excuse for the outside world. As for the real reason, I think you know well, hehe, they came to deal with my old father-in-law. "

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