Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 623: national interest

?Doubt, everything is a question. Facing the news of Viktor's terminal illness, Guo Shouyun's brain went through a short circuit and then raised a series of mysteries. There are still many mysteries that I have not figured out, and among them, the most important one is obviously Sobchak's resignation and the problems in the process of Vladimir's comeback. Full/Ben/Small/Said/Net

From the critical illness of Viktor to the unoptimistic future situation of Leningrad, Guo Shouyun guessed the purpose of Vladimir's call almost immediately, no doubt, including him and even Sobchak The fact that "Old Fox" was terminally ill, foreshadowed the threat that Leningrad was destined to face in the future. If the Leningrad faction is an unfinished building, then Victor, the old fox, is the main load-bearing wall of the building. Now, this wall is in danger of collapsing. Who would dare to take such a threat lightly? ? Vladimir's contact with the Far East at this time is nothing more than to find out the attitude of the Guo Group, so as to prepare early to prevent being caught by surprise in the future.

"Shouyun, what are you thinking?" He couldn't hear the other party's voice on the phone for a long time, and Vladimir was a little flustered, and he couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, it's nothing." Putting away the distracting thoughts in his heart, Guo Shouyun shook his head subconsciously, then remembered that he was on the phone, and the other party couldn't see his movements, so he said, "Nina came in just now, I was thinking, hey , I'm thinking about how to tell her about this. ^^^^ You also know her current situation. She is about to give birth, and you can't bear any stimulation. The most important thing is that Yakov has just had an accident, if Ni When Na learns this news, she will definitely try to get in touch with the Japanese side. At that time... a double whammy. I'm afraid she will..."

"What should I do then?" Vladimir didn't know this concern, but the problem now is that Victor will continue to stay in Leningrad to recuperate in the future. It is absolutely impossible, and let him go to Switzerland, the stubborn old man will not agree. Therefore, Vladimir sees an optimal compromise. It was to invite him to the Far East to guard Nina, who was about to give birth. This was an excuse to hide from the public.

In fact, when Vladimir asked, Guo Shouyun was also thinking about this issue. Arrange for the old man to go to Switzerland. It is the best way to hide the eyeliner from all aspects. Undoubtedly, the old man was invited to the Far East first, in the name of visiting Nina, to release a smoke bomb, so that all parties would not become suspicious, and then consider other issues. **** But the problem now is that this matter must not only be hidden from the eyes of all parties, but also Nina, who is pregnant with Liujia, otherwise, it is difficult for Guo Shouyun to imagine what kind of situation will happen.

Again. The old man is getting sick. Going to Switzerland is not something that can be solved in a day or two. If he stayed in the Far East for too long, it was bound to attract suspicion from all sides. People might not think that the old fox was terminally ill, but they would guess whether the Leningrad faction had come together with the Guo clique again, thus , and also caused trouble for Guo Shouyun himself.

Hey, this is really a tricky question.

"I don't have any clues now," Guo Shouyun said helplessly after thinking for a while, "Well, first, you guys find a way to reveal this news to the old man from the side, don't worry, I know what kind of person he is, something like this It's impossible to defeat him directly, on the contrary, it will only make him more fighting spirit. Then... Then ask him what he means, and we will contact again."

"Okay then," Vladimir hesitated for a while on the other end of the phone, and finally agreed, "I'll take a look and call you later."

Guo Shouyun didn't say anything, he hung up the phone, then quickly walked out of the study and went straight downstairs. \\At this time, he had to ask Yelena about countermeasures. Although this woman is too cruel, her mind is open and different from ordinary people. Therefore, if he can't think of a countermeasure, this woman may have good idea.

In the living room downstairs, several women from the Guo family were chatting with Sun Hongyu. It could be seen that they got along quite well. The atmosphere of the conversation was very harmonious and the laughter was endless.

"Hehe, what are you talking about, laughing so happily?" Turning from the corridor, Guo Shouyun carried his jacket in his hand, and laughed aloud while putting it on.

"It's nothing, Sister Hong told us some interesting anecdotes in Southeast Asia. You know, she just went there some time ago." Nina sat on the sand and smiled without looking back.

"Oh, is that so?" Guo Shouyun said as he sorted out his clothes, "Then you guys continue to talk, I'll go out."

"It's so late, where are you going?" Nina turned around and saw that her husband was fully dressed, so she asked in amazement.

"I can't help it, my father-in-law has an order, my hard-working son-in-law has to work overtime all night." Guo Shouyun is a genius in acting, he said casually with a casual look. ^^^^

"Then when are you coming back?" Nina, who had planned to ask questions, was embarrassed to open her mouth after hearing what her husband said. She glanced at the man apologetically and said softly, "Do you want me to wait for you? "

"No need, you can arrange Sister Hong." He walked over to his wife and kissed her on the forehead. Guo Shouyun first accused Sun Hongyu of the crime, and then said, "If I can make it in time, I may come back early. One point, if I can't make it in time, I'll be back tomorrow morning."

"Would you like me to go with you?" Shanariva came over, straightened the man's collar naturally, and asked softly.

"What are you doing with me, are you afraid that I will be taken away?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will take more people out." "Then pay more attention to your own safety," Nina said. "When you get there, give us a call, and I'll let the family remember it."

"Got it," waving his hand, Guo Shouyun turned around and walked straight out the door.

A few minutes later, as a black jeep drove out of Guo Shouyun's villa, almost the entire villa area moved. Starting from the southernmost side of the villa area, jeeps came together and formed a continuous convoy. The main entrance of the villa area was opened mightily, and the dark night was quickly introduced. ^^^^

"Is it April Fool's Day today?" In Victor's room in the Smolny Palace, the pale old fox looked at the medical certificate in his hand and giggled, "Even if it's April Fool's Day, this joke seems to be a joke. It's also a little bigger."

Opposite the old man, Sobchak with a sad expression sighed, while beside him, the young Vladimir remained silent. At this time, no one knows what to say.

"Oh, from the looks of you, this shouldn't be a prank." The turbid yellow eyes glanced at the faces of the two people opposite, and the corners of old Victor's mouth twitched slightly, and then, on the wrinkled face, A smile flashed. With trembling hands, he folded the appraisal certificate and carefully put it in his jacket pocket, then smiled, "Well, then tell me, how much time do I have?"

"The doctor said there are three to five years left," Sobchak hesitated and sighed. "Hehe, three to five years?" Victor shook his head and said, "My most trusted old friend, we've been together for nearly thirty years, you've never lied to me, why is my deadline approaching, but you want to Are you panicking? Hey, okay, okay, let me infer. Remember what I said to you back then? I believe 30%, um, 30%, which means that I won't make it through the end of the year at most. Is that so?"

"Ivanov..." Sobchak shuddered and said in a voiceless voice.

"Okay, okay, don't lie to me again," shrugged and Victor laughed, "Did you forget, I have studied medicine, this identification book is in my hand, what is my specific situation? , can't I see it? Nine months, after conditioning, maybe it can last for two or three years, hehe, I know it very well."

Standing up from the sand with force, Victor moved slowly to the right wall. He looked at the portraits of great figures hanging on the wall, and said sarcastically, "I once thought of many plots for my own death, For example, being assassinated, or being shot to death, there are thousands of calculations, but I didn’t guess such a result. Hey, death is not scary to me. When it is scary, it comes at an untimely time. Three steps... No, maybe it only takes two steps, only two years, and we can achieve success, but why... why at this time, can it be said, my whole life , destined to play a tragic role?"

"Ivanov, things may not be as serious as you think," Sobchak comforted, "You said just now, as long as you pay attention to recuperation, there is no problem in persisting for two years. Vladimir has just After contacting the Far East, Shouyun suggested that you go to Switzerland for a period of recuperation, the medical conditions there are good, if..."

"Does the little fox know about this?" Before the old friend could finish speaking, Victor's brows furrowed, and he said, "Who informed him?"

"I, sir," said Vladimir.

"Confused!" Victor scolded unceremoniously, "Anyone can inform about this, but he can't know, what are you thinking about?! Do you want him to rebel?!"

"Ivanov, what are your concerns?" Sobchak asked, "In my opinion, it should be the wisest decision to notify Shouyun in advance of the matter. After all, our situation is very passive. If... ..."

"There is no if in this kind of thing," Victor shook his head, "you must know that even if this kind of thing is known to our political opponents, it will only affect the interests of our side in Leningrad, but if it is caught by that small The fox knows that what will be affected is likely to be the interests of our entire federation, the interests of the country, have you ever thought about it?!"

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