Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 621: liver cancer

?Since it is a negotiation of cooperation, then the two parties involved must have a good deal. The party who rejects it can talk to the death, and the party who is rejected does not need to be discouraged, take a step back and find someone else. Re-intervention from a lower angle may eventually lead to a compensatory gain, and in this negotiation, Sun Hongyu has patience, and this is what she pursues. , qв5.

In the face of Guo Shouyun's unhesitating refusal, after a brief insistence, she took the initiative to lower the standard and changed the original requirement of wholly-owned acquisition of four heavy industry enterprises to capital injection and reorganization, that is, the four enterprises, owned by Beiyuan Holdings Thirty percent, and the rest is controlled by the Guo Group. In terms of military and shipbuilding cooperation, she also lowered Beiyuan's requirements to a level and handed over the initiative to Guo Shouyun. According to her new idea, Beiyuan will inject funds into Guo before the end of the year. At the same time, Guo will accept some technical colleges from China and arrange them "selectively" into Amur Shipbuilding, so as to cultivate domestic training. technical talents in this field.

To a large extent, the two improvement plans proposed by Sun Hongyu have suffered a lot in China, which is equivalent to putting the decision-making power in the hands of the Guo Group, but on the other hand, this is the current Beiyuan the best possible solution.

You must know that the cooperation between Beiyuan and Guo has not been smooth in the past period of time. Based on this, Guo Shouyun is full of doubts and concerns about this partner. Therefore, Sun Hongyu believes that in order to truly establish a relationship between the two This kind of candid relationship of mutual trust and cooperation, Beiyuan can not be in a hurry, but can only take it step by step, relying on time and sincerity to win the final trust of Guo Shouyun, by then, such technical cooperation problems will be much easier to solve.

And Sun Hongyu's concession seemed to be in Guo Shouyun's favor. After a brief consideration, he approved the cooperation plan. What does the Far East need now? no doubt. One is stability, and the other is capital. Don't think that the Guo Group has strong financial resources and can solve all the investments needed in the Far East. It is simply impossible. The most important thing is the funds in the hands of the Guo Group. It is not all policy investment in the Far East, it still needs to operate, and it needs to add value to the group's assets. Therefore, Guo Shouyun also needs to introduce funds and foreign investment. And the most important point is that, according to his established policy, in order to maintain the balanced position of the Far East among the three major forces, Guo needs to guide the funds from the "south side" into his own territory. Let Beijing put a foot in, thereby stifling their interests. Now, these several projects are cooperating. This is the sign of the official opening of this policy.

"Now, can I say something: I wish us a happy cooperation?" The "Riverside Consultation" with Guo Shouyun lasted for nearly two hours. Stand up and say with a smile.

"Of course," Guo Shouyun looked at his watch, it was already six o'clock in the evening, "but it's obviously not enough to just say goodbye, we still need a good drink. You don't know. Some time ago, I cooperated with Beiyuan. When it broke down, Nina complained a lot about me. In her words, I was neither righteous nor righteous. Haha, from the beginning to the end, I was a mercenary. Today, Sister Hong, your arrival, It can be regarded as a complete redress for me, and I have to let Nina know. Her husband is definitely not as hopeless as she thinks."

"Let's go, it's getting late," Guo Shouyun pushed aside the chair behind him, took a step forward, and took Sun Hongyu's arm lightly, leading her to the river bank while laughing, "I guess Nina They should be waiting."

"Speaking of which, I forgot to ask." He walked up the river with the man. Sun Hongyu glanced at the brightly lit villa and asked. "I heard that Nina's due date is next month? How about it, is everything still normal now?"

"Very good," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Now I have to check every few days. She is more nervous than anyone else, and she is mumbling all day, for fear of any accident."

"She still doesn't know about Yakov, right?" Sun Hongyu hesitated and asked.

"I don't know. I'm not going to tell her." Guo Shouyun frowned slightly. said. "I've arranged everything. Find a way to hide it from her."

"Can you hide this kind of thing?" Sun Hongyu asked. "How long can you hide it?" Shaking his head. Guo Shouyun said.

"As long as you can hide it." Almost at the same moment. Thousands of miles away in Leningrad. Sobchak with a sad face. Said the exact same words.

Under the setting sun, the Smolny Palace flashed all over the place. But there is not much space in the Leningrad Mayor's office. But it appeared dimly lit. Surrounded by six or seven doctors. Became the most staunch democratic fighter to Sobchak. It seems to have aged a lot in an instant. In his puffy eyes. His eyes were full of sadness and pity.

at this time. on the desk in front of him. There is a diagnosis report just issued by the doctors. Report the place name header location. Marked with the name of Victor. And in the frame of the diagnosis result. Then wrote a long paragraph. It roughly means. It is abnormal liver function. Alpha-fetoprotein test was negative. Cancerous symptoms are obvious. The local abscess is serious. For the later stage of subsequent liver cancer.

"Tell me honestly. How much time does he have?" He picked up the medical certificate on the table and took a look. put it down. Pick it up again. Take another look. After doing this several times. Sobchak sighed. said. "To be honest. I don't want any consolation right now."

"Mr. Mayor, this kind of question is hard to say," a doctor stepped forward and said, "It mainly depends on the patient's mentality and degree of relaxation. The most important thing is how he is receiving treatment. If he is in a good mood, his mentality If we relax and cooperate actively with our treatment, it may last two to three years, or even longer. But according to Mr. Victor's previous situation, he obviously can't do this, which means thinking about the worst. , he may still be able to hold out until the end of the year."

"There is no other way? There is no way?" Sobchak's hand trembled for a while, and then he raised his voice.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor, there's nothing we can do." The doctor lowered his head and whispered.

"Okay, I see, you go out," Sighing deeply, Sobchak seemed to have been drained of all his energy. He lay on his back in the chair, waved his hands weakly, and said, "Remember, Stay, as I said just now, this matter must not be leaked, even if it is just a few words, otherwise, you can imagine the consequences."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Mayor, we understand." Several doctors agreed, turning around and walking out of the office.

"Teacher, you." As the mayor's assistant and the most trusted student, Vladimir has been waiting at the door of the office. After the doctors left, he closed the door tightly, walked quickly to the desk, and lowered his voice. said.

"Don't talk, I need to be quiet for a while," Sobchak sighed without waiting for the other party to finish his words with his eyes closed.

"Okay, then I'll go out first." Being able to understand the teacher's mood at this time, Vladimir didn't say much, he nodded, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait, stay, I might have something to explain to you later." Stopping him, Sobchak said, "You sit for a while, I'll sort out my thoughts, I"

Having said this, the old man finally couldn't control his emotions. He grabbed the teacup in his hand, threw it hard, and threw it straight to the wall on the right.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, the porcelain teacup was smashed into pieces, and the wet tea leaves splashed on the white wall. At first glance, it would make people feel disgusting.

"Why? Why is this happening?!" Suddenly standing up from his seat, Sobchak shouted excitedly, "Did we do something wrong, did we pay for the future of this country and the millions of people? Isn't it enough? That's why the retribution falls on us. Or, God can't allow peace in this world, so everything we've tried so hard to do will only end in failure?!"

"Teacher, don't get too excited, your heart is not good," Vladimir was startled, he rushed to the old man's side in two steps, and helped him to sit down again, while persuading him, "What's more, , now is not the time for you to be excited, you must also find a way to let Mr. Viktor cooperate with the doctor to receive treatment at the same time. Today Leningrad cannot do without him, even if it is for your cause, he You also have to stick with it and stick with it for as long as possible.”

How could a teacher not be clear about what the students said, Sobchak's heart was like a mirror. Today's Leningrad forces seem to be powerful and have the strength to compete with other forces, but in fact, this is just an appearance, a "false prosperity" based on Victor's personal authority. For such a long time, the left-wing forces of the former Bolshevik Party led by Zyuganov did not attack Leningrad, not because they did not dare, but because of the existence of Viktor, their faction could not reach a unified opinion. Furthermore, the reason why the Far East has flirted with Leningrad and made a song about it is also because of the existence of Victor. Also, the reason why the Cheka Club joined the Leningrad side was also because of the existence of this old man. But now, with a sudden coma, the old Victor was diagnosed with severe liver cancer, and he didn't have much time to persist. Under such circumstances, Sobchak could not imagine what the Leningrad power party that lost Viktor would look like.

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