Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 596: Are you going to pop champagne?

"Of course, in addition to Yavlinsky, we also looked for other allies, such as Zhirinovsky and his Liberal Democrats," reaching out to brush away a wisp of debris from her forehead, Tatyana continued. said. The whole novel network

"Hehe, an anarchist Yavlinsky, a federal neo-Nazi Zhirinovsky," Khodorkovsky stood up from the sand in a dismissive tone , said sarcastically, "It seems that after our Kremlin has realized the concept of democracy and freedom, the choice of allies has become a lot more free. But I feel strange that Zhirinovsky's political philosophy is not related to that. Are there commonalities in the Kremlin's dominant policies? What is the basis for your cooperation?"

Having stayed in Russia for so long, it is impossible for Guo Shouyun not to know about Zhirinovsky, let alone the existence of the Liberal Democratic Party. In fact, to be honest, Zhirinovsky's Liberal Democratic Party is the most senior political party in the Russian Federation other than the Bolshevik Party. It was founded in 1990, that is, it was not fully When it fell, it was a tool used by the conservatives of the former Soviet Union to attack the democratic radicals, so to a certain extent, it should be regarded as a political existence of a left wing. It's just that as a higher animal, things like humans are the most complicated, and under the control of various selfish intentions, rebellion has become a type of game that often appears. After the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, Zhirinovsky, the guy who single-handedly manipulated the Liberal Democratic Party, quickly revised the political program of his party. While completely whitewashing himself as a democratic fighter and a nationalist politician, he also transformed this party into a extreme nationalist right-wing forces.

In Guo Shouyun's heart, Zhirinovsky is a lunatic, and the various propositions made by this guy are even ridiculous. For example, this guy advocates selling the southern Kuril Islands to the Japanese at a price of 50 billion US dollars; advocates starting a war with the Americans in the Persian Gulf to break the international blockade of Iraq; the most terrible thing. This guy is a typical nuclear war madman. He also advocates that Russia withdraw from the international nuclear non-proliferation system and declares that it can take nuclear strikes against any country.

Just such a madman, he is neither acceptable to Beijing nor to Washington. But bizarrely, his Liberal Democratic Party is flourishing in the federation. Among the fifty-five states and republics of the federation, he has established grass-roots organizations in twenty-four subjects, claiming to have fifty party members. 10,000, and most of its party members are young people between the ages of 16 and 26. In fact, a large part of the notorious "skinheads" of later generations in Russia were derived from the Liberal Democratic Party. From this point of view, the West's criticism of Zhirinovsky as a Russian neo-Nazi does not seem to be exaggerated at all.

"Cooperation without common interests does not exist at all." Two fingers fiddled with the brown buttons on the coat, Tatyana smiled, "For us, the Hasbulatov conference is the biggest threat, For Yavlinsky and Zhirinovsky, this threat is also great, don't forget, one of them is right-wing and the other is far-right. From a political point of view, they share the same The Slatov side is itself incompatible. Therefore, there is a point of interest in the cooperation between us from the very beginning. In our opinion, in the face of the current complicated situation, we seek to find a company with certain strength. Cooperation is the first priority, as for who these cooperation are and what kind of filthy thoughts they have. It is not something we need to consider.”

"I see," said Guo Shouyun, nodding his head, "No wonder there is always some news in the Moscow newspapers these days, saying that some opposition support blocked the Congress Building and prevented the people's representatives from entering the venue. It seems, These things must have been done by Zhirinovsky, right?"

"Mr. Guo, you need to know. Although we cooperate with Zhirinovsky, it doesn't mean we support their violent methods," Tatyana raised her dark eyebrows. He said calmly, "So, the behavior they manipulated has nothing to do with the Kremlin."

Guo Shouyun smiled indifferently and said nothing. In his opinion, Zhirinovsky's cooperation with the Kremlin is actually the direct cause of the full-scale rise of Russian gangsters. Whether extreme left or extreme right, there are often large-scale organized crime groups behind them. From the appearance to the spread of the skinheads, to the heyday, the whole process is inseparable from their infiltration into the political arena, and Zhirinovsky, the godfather of the mafia in the cloak of a politician, is obviously inseparable from this. .

Looking at the Mafia problem in Russia, from this perspective, we cannot only consider a simple level of social security and economic poverty, but also the deep-level political reasons, and this reason is often the most important.

Of course, Guo Shouyun didn't care about the Mafia and not the Mafia, and he didn't even bother to pay any attention to Zhirinovsky's "stick" thing. After all, his brother was not the only person associated with the Mafia One, fundamentally speaking, Guo Shouyun himself has done more thoroughly than him. The entire gang in the Far East is counting on the Guo Group to support them.

"Miss Tatyana." After some careful consideration. The relatively old-fashioned Vinogradov asked tentatively. "I can hear it. The Kremlin is planning to remove the White House government now led by Gaidar. For us. It doesn't matter. After all, Gaidar's group lives and dies. It has nothing to do with us. But A very critical issue. The way the Kremlin reforms the federal oil industry. To be precise. It is how our interests will be realized. For us, this is the most worthy of our concern." "Hey. Don't misunderstand Mr. Nogradov." Tatyana heard the hidden temptation in the other party's words. she laughed. "I just talked about what the White House did that made us unhappy. But I never said anything about the Kremlin's plan to oust the current government. As for how your interests will be realized. I think you should be able to do this. I want to get it. Simply put. There is only one way. That is to auction as always. Specifically, our current intention is to divide the oil exploration and chemical industry of the entire federal land into four strategic areas for exhibition. Namely: Far East Saha The Lin Continental Shelf oil and gas field development project, the Siberia oil and gas field development project, the northern oil development project and several oil field development projects in the southern region. For these four development projects, we decided to release the exploitation license. At the same time, they are willing to transfer the mining rights to the conglomerates who are willing to contribute to the construction of the federal economy. For example, take the Weining oil and gas field in the Sakhalin. At present, the federal government has only completed the preliminary geological exploration work. Its oil reserves are close to 170,000. 10,000 tons. The natural gas reserves are 260 billion cubic meters. In order to effectively develop this oil field, the Kremlin has initially decided to sell 80% of its mining rights to the outside world. As for the price issue? Haha. These details. Mr. Guo will make it clear later."

Guo Shouyun did not speak. He was thinking about the oil and gas fields in the Far East. as far as he knows. in the Far East. In addition to the most resource-rich Yakutia. The most abundant oil and natural gas reserves. It is necessary to count the continental shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the Sakhalin region. At present, this area has a record area that can be exploited for oil. There are four major blocks of Keeling, Vening, Ayash, and East Odputinsk. Their ground-breaking potential is amazing. Maybe that's why. since the beginning of last year. There are people in Moscow who are thinking about this. But it was blocked by Guo Shouyun's means. in the Far East. Especially in the oil and gas development projects on the continental shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. It is too easy for the Guo Group to set up obstacles. This area is the main area where the Pacific Fleet operates. As long as there are objections from the fleet. No one would even think of setting up half an oil well on this sea.

The same is true. The reason why the oil extraction capacity of the Russian Federation has dropped so much in one year. It's not just an economical reason behind it. The separation of local political forces is also a reason that cannot be ignored. Just like Guo Shouyun. There is such a ideological tendency in most parts of the Federation now. That is "I can't open a mine and others don't even think about it". under these circumstances. SHKP projects will not go up. In-place projects are restricted. It is a strange thing that oil production does not decline.

And now. The Kremlin is clearly enlightened. They face increasing financial difficulties. Finally decided to wisely lift restrictions on the oil industry. Will that only be a token mining license. It was handed over to the private consortium that actually held the power in various places. Throw away flashy mining licenses. In exchange for real political and financial support. This wisdom is full of helpless decisions. It is estimated that the Kremlin can only make it after careful consideration. As for whether this deal can be done. Now it's up to Guo Shouyun, Khodorkovsky, and Vinogradov to combine the three giants of the group.

"Shouyun. What do you mean?" Vinogradov thought for a long time with his head lowered. He looked up and exchanged glances with Khodorkovsky. asked immediately.

"I mean. Should we be opening a bottle of champagne now?" He rubbed his cheeks vigorously. Guo Shouyun said with a smile. Subsequently. Will be a symbol of friendly cooperation to the big hand. Reached in front of Tatyana's ground.

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