Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 594: Tatyana

"Hey, as expected of my Khodorkovsky's cooperation," he laughed, Khodorkovsky said cheerfully, "You guessed right, the Kremlin is indeed doing this kind of plan at present, they I hope we can reject the election of the people's representatives within our respective spheres of influence, so as to fundamentally boycott the convening of the Eighth National Congress and gain time for their national elections. . . . . / "

"It's impossible, I won't accept this kind of request," Guo Shouyun said decisively without hesitation turning his head, "You must know that for us, the Congress is not only a means to show our existence, but at the same time, It is also the best bargaining chip to limit the Kremlin, and of course, it is the best way for us to guide the political situation. Without it, we will lose a lot of opportunities, a lot of benefits, and a lot of things that money can’t buy.”

"Shouyun is right," Vinogradov agreed. "It is certain that this is a trick of the Kremlin to kill two birds with one stone. Once such a plan is carried out, it will not only be damaged by Hasbulatov and the others. Those people, and the three of us idiots. In my opinion, the best way now is to maintain the status quo, let Hasbulatov's congress to compete with the Kremlin, and no one will grow too large, Only in that way can we have both sides and protect our own interests to the greatest extent possible.”

"How can I not understand what you said?" Khodorkovsky shook his head and said, "But do you know how tempting the Kremlin's offer is?"

"No matter how tempting it is, we can't accept it," Guo Shouyun said without hesitation. "This is a question of fundamental interests, a place that cannot be moved at all, the Kremlin."

"We are willing to investigate Smolensky's Capital Savings Bank and limit his personal freedom as much as possible within the next two months," Guo Shouyun hadn't finished his sentence. Outside the open door of the living room, a clear voice suddenly said, "We even plan to restrict the activities of Capital Savings Bank and various industries under the name of Smolensky for a week. offensive operations to create convenience.”

As these words fell to the ground, a woman with a slightly fat body, about thirty years old, walked through the door and walked to the three giants.

"Mr. Guo Shouyun, Mr. Vinogradov, you won't tell me that this proposal is not tempting, will you?" She smiled with full confidence on the woman's chubby face.

"Oh. Miss Tatyana, when did you come to the Far East?" Guo Shouyun knew this woman, and she was at some previous parties in Moscow. He also had several connections with this woman, who was Tatyana, the youngest daughter of the old man Ye in the Kremlin.

"Why didn't you let me know in advance, so that I can prepare, hehe, it is the friendship of the landlord." Standing up from the chair, Guo Shouyun made a seat for the other party, and then walked while talking. Go to the side to get a chair again.

Don't think that Guo Shouyun's remarks are purely polite. Between the lines, he hides a series of temptations, the most important of which lies in the "host".

To know. Tatyana is Ye Shidi's biological daughter. She came to the Far East to negotiate on behalf of the Kremlin. its identity. It's like being a presidential envoy. And Guo Shouyun. He was a businessman in the Far East. But he spoke openly and honestly about being a host to others. What kind of meaning is hidden here?

As a woman from a political family. Tatyana can naturally hear the temptation in the other party's words. Honestly. She is angry. There was even an urge to slap Guo Shouyun in the face. But then again. She still didn't dare to do that. Because she also knows what it means to be stronger than people. under the current situation. Any kind of action that offends the Big Three. All irrationally. must be avoided. ,

"Mr. Guo is too polite." He smiled and sat down on the chair. Tatyana looked at the young Chinese people around her. Said without changing his face. "Actually for us. If you can give full support to the Kremlin, sir. It will be more luxurious than any form of friendship between landlords."

"Haha. That's of course." Guo Shouyun said modestly. "Actually. Just based on our relationship with Mr. President. There is no need to discuss these issues at all. We can give him support. No matter when it comes. We will not be stingy."

"Is it the truth?" Tatyana definitely has political maturity beyond her age. Her eyes glanced lightly on the faces of the three giants. grinned. "That's good. The matter mentioned by Mr. Khodorkovsky just now. Can it be settled now? I think. If you have the three of you to do it. In the absence of dozens of people's representatives. Ha. The Slatov initiative will be a waste of paper. We have nothing to worry about anymore.”

"Well. Miss Tatyana is right. This matter can be settled now." Vinogradov said first. "But we can give you the answer. I'm afraid it's a little different from what you need. True. We now hope to be able to **** Smolensky, who has been indecisive. The conditions you put forward are also full of The temptation. But take a step back. Use this form of cooperation. Even if we overthrow Smolensky. I'm afraid there will be no practical benefit. On the contrary. There is a sacrifice on the chessboard. Haha. I am a more direct person. Unlike the two young people. I always like to talk in a ****. Therefore. I hope that Miss Tatyana will forgive me."

Indeed, as Vinogradov said, the Big Three used this kind of cooperation in exchange for the Kremlin's "killer" against Smolensky, and as a result, it is likely to end in a losing game. Analysis: On the one hand, the Big Three lost their representatives at the Congress, and on the other hand, they officially entered the battle against Smolensky. So what does the Kremlin get after this battle is over? There is no doubt that, on the one hand, they eliminated the potential threat of Smolensky, and on the other hand, they broke down the obstacles from the conference. Under such circumstances, who will the Kremlin, which has freed up its hands, be the next target for eradication? Is it the clique of Berezovsky and Gusinsky? Or the Leningrad political faction? Or is it the Big Three who just concentrated on destroying Smolensky and suffered some losses? It's hard to say such a thing. As a person with far-reaching vision, it is impossible for the Big Three to be more careful.

"Mr. Vinogradov is thinking too much," Tatyana could naturally hear the meaning of these words, she shook her head and smiled, "You have to believe that for the Kremlin, the three of you will have a very long future. For a period of time, it can only be our best cooperation, not a competition for potential interests, let alone an enemy whose life is at stake. In fact, from another perspective, you should also have absolute confidence in your own strength. , If nothing else, take Mr. Guo as an example. He now manages the entire Far East like an iron barrel. In this case, even if we plan to do something to you, I am afraid there will be a kind of scruples. Hehe, Or, the three of you don't have much confidence in your alliance? Are you worried that Mr. Guo will take the decision to go out of the way when necessary?"

Tatyana is indeed a cunning woman. In front of the three giants, she forgot a little trick to steal the concept, and easily pushed the three giants' concerns about the Kremlin to themselves. On the one hand, they can refute their "skepticism", and on the other hand, they can provoke the relationship between the Big Three.

But then again, what this woman said is also an indisputable fact. Due to the alliance situation between the three giants, coupled with Guo Shouyun's absolute control over the Far East, to a certain extent, this has created the most stable foundation for the "three alliances". The problem now is that as long as Guo Shouyun's position in the Far East does not fall, then no matter who is trying to unite the three, he has to consider the danger of a complete split in the Far East. Conversely, if the status of the two giants is stable, Guo Shouyun will not have to consider the threat from Moscow. These three complement each other and form a solid triangle position. As long as there is no split crisis within them, no force in the federation can pose a direct threat to them.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Miss Tatyana to have a very good eloquence," Guo Shouyun glared at Khodorkovsky, who has not spoken since the woman appeared. What the **** was going on, or maybe he had some sort of agreement with this woman before.

"However, even the best eloquence can't change the fact of the interests," leaning over, Guo Shouyun supported his chin with one hand, fixed his eyes on the woman, and said, "Indeed, we really hope to get rid of Small. Smolensky is a huge stumbling block, but you, the Kremlin, do not want to see that day appear. Therefore, for you and me, jointly fighting against Smolensky can only be regarded as a win-win situation. The emergence of the situation, and in order to seek the emergence of such a win-win situation, you only intend to make us pay the price, this seems a bit unreasonable? What do you think, Miss Tatyana?"

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