Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 568: The wise know themselves

"How to intervene?" Larissa said, "Mr. may not know yet, the privatized securities currently circulating on the black market in our Far East are not just local corporate factories in our Far East. According to the situation reported by the states, here we are There are even securities issued by Volgograd. If our state governments come forward to stabilize the market price, then the loss of the Far East will be huge, after all, the securities there are worthless.”

"Of course not. My Guo Shouyun's money didn't come from strong winds, so I won't do stupid things like rubbing **** for others." Shrugging, Guo Shouyun said.

"Then what should we do?" Larissa said stunned, "You must know that these privatized bonds can be purchased, but they must be distinguished and controlled in the market, which is impossible, especially distinguishing, We can’t always go public about this and declare that it is only a hedge for Far East corporate private bonds, not right.”

"Damn," Guo Shouyun smiled before the woman could finish speaking. He raised a finger and flicked it on Larissa's clean forehead, "Who said it was going to be an acquisition? It's difficult. Don't you really want to buy me all the large and small enterprises in the Far East?"

"Then," Larissa shrank her neck and said hesitantly.

"When looking at the problem, you need to grasp the essence, to solve the problem, you need to root out the root. If you want to do economic work, you have to learn how to make a lot of money and get the maximum profit with the least effort. Do you understand?" Guo Shouyun smiled, "I'll tell you how to do it, sit down. Right."

"Yes," Larissa burst out laughing, she felt that her man might be really boring today.

"You inform those people from the states, and ask them to prepare a systematic dividend plan immediately after they go back." Shaking his head, Guo Shouyun relaxed the muscles in his neck and said, "The dividend limit is six thousand no. 90 million US dollars, I will pay the money separately according to their plan. Three requirements: First, the companies selected to participate in the dividend must be the companies that our Guo Group has an advantage in holding and a certain number of privatized bonds into circulation, or that sentence In other words, my money is not blown by the wind, and my money is spent on myself as much as possible; second, a single dividend should not be too much. It should not be too little. I think it is set at 500 to 700 rubles. Specifically, let them decide according to regional consumption differences; third, announce more good news. For this work, you might as well let Nikita cooperate with him. Well, the reporting direction is mainly focused on supporting enterprises in various states. In terms of measures, plus some corporate reports on turning losses into profits. Set up a few examples, don't care about other things, just blow it up. Hiss. I would like to add that this matter is left to Shana Riva to do it. I'll clear the black market all over the place, don't give me all the **** here, think I'm not troublesome enough, right?"

"Mr. wise," Larissa said suddenly. She's not stupid either. As soon as Guo Shouyun said these three points, she understood what he meant. There is no doubt that stabilizing the price of privatized bonds is similar to stabilizing the stock market. To stabilize the stock market, a few pieces of good news are often enough. So why can't the same method be adopted to stabilize the price of privatized bonds?

"Stop flattering." He reached out and squeezed the woman's face. Guo Shouyun smiled and said, "Do you know what wisdom is? You know yourself. Wisdom self-examination, if I can fool you with this flattering trick, is it still called wisdom?"

"Hee hee, it seems that Mr. flattering himself is louder," Larisa stood up, smiled coquettishly, and joked.

"If you don't hit you for three days, you will go to the pot platform." Guo Shouyun reached out and kicked the woman's buttocks. But he was cleverly dodged by the other party.

"Sir. I'll make arrangements now. Do you have any other orders?" Bent his lips. Larissa had a happy smile on her face. asked.

"Go. Go." He waved his hand. Guo Shouyun was somewhat emotional. He said it twice in a while. The women around him seem to be very busy. to the end. In a villa on the ground. There is no one who can speak to him.

"Are you bored, sir?" He walked briskly to the door. Larissa seemed to remember something. She stopped. turned his head and asked. "Would you like to arrange for someone to come and accompany you?"

"No need." Guo Shouyun shook his head and said. "The weather looks good today. I'll go out for a while. I glanced at the rain-covered window curtain in amazement. Larissa grinned. She shook her head. She turned around and went out.

"Ah. It's hard to be alone in an empty boudoir." The beauty disappeared without a trace in an instant. The vast living room was once again deserted. Guo Shouyun sat on the sand. God was stunned for a while. Raised orchid fingers suddenly. In a very pure Beijing accent, he performed a piece of Hua Dan. Then jump. "Deng deng deng" ran into the bedroom. Get dressed in three pairs. Went out the door in a hurry.

"Crackling, crackling" The raindrops from the ground hit the brown bulletproof glass window, making a dull sound.

Little Victor, who hadn't been out for a long time, knelt on the seat of the car, his delicate little face pressed against the window glass with a gap, and looked at the rain outside the car with relish.

"Sir," the driver in front held the steering wheel with one hand, glanced back from the rearview mirror, looked at Guo Shouyun with his chin in his hand, and stared blankly at Guo Shouyun outside the window, after hesitating for a while, he said.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Guo Shouyun came back to his senses and asked.

"Oh, it's fine." The driver swallowed the words that had just been put to his mouth, scratched his scalp, and smiled naively.

"It's okay?" Guo Shouyun smiled, "It's okay, what are you doing? God changes seasons, do you plan to change your head?"

"Hey, it's something," the driver laughed.

"If you have something to say, hesitantly," Guo Shouyun shook his head and said, "I have been with me for so long, and this is the first time I found out that you have added a new problem."

"Yesterday, I just added a daughter." The driver said, "I'm planning to ask Mr. to give me a name."

"It's a good thing, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Guo Shouyun smiled. He knew what his special driver meant. This kid planned to make himself a godfather to his daughter. This kind of thing is very normal in Russia, and it is very common, "I can prepare a red envelope for you or something. You know, we need to increase the population in the Far East now. If you have the ability, just learn from me and have more children. Piece."

"Hehe," the driver smirked again.

"Let's name it, um, what's it called?" Looking at the continuous rain outside the window, Guo Shouyun rubbed his chin hard and thought, "For us in the Far East, every newborn baby is hope now, the economy is recovering, The society is tending to be further stabilized, and the situation in all aspects is improving step by step, this is what I hope to see, let’s call it Nadezhda, what do you think?”

"Hey, just as Mr. said," the driver nodded vigorously and smiled, "Nadezhda, hehe."

"At the time of the hundred days, remember to bring her to the manor. Anyway, I am the first time to be the godfather." He reached out and patted the driver's shoulder, Guo Shouyun smiled, "Although I am not religious, this ceremony still has to be done properly. a little."

"Okay, sir, I remember." The driver looked a little excited. Indeed, for him, finding such a godfather for his child is equivalent to finding a talisman for his child's future. In the Far East, who would dare to touch Guo Shouyun's godson?

"Yeah!" At this moment, little Victor, who had been lying in front of the car window, suddenly made a noise. She danced her small arms, slamming the car glass, and turned her head to Guo Shouyun. shouted.

"Oh, baby, let's not eat this anymore, it's not nutritious, and it's not good for the body." Guo Shouyun didn't even need to look to know what the little guy saw, he stretched his arms, took the little girl into his arms, and coaxed, "Let's go. eat"

"No, eat." The little guy twisted and twisted like a twist in Guo Shouyun's arms, and a small arm was still trying to grab the door handle.

"Okay, eat, eat," don't say, Guo Shouyun's size, really can't deal with this little guy, she can't do anything about it, it's worth calling the driver in front, "Quick, turn back and eat the **** ."

To be honest, with the economic recovery of the Far East, there have been quite a few international catering brand stores pouring into Khabarovsk during this period of time, such as Pizza Hut, Kahunawei, Sukutai and so on. Running a store, but this little guy Victor is strange, as long as every time he comes out, it's either KFC or McDonald's, other than that, I haven't seen her choose anything else.

"Poor children are easy to support," Guo Shouyun could only give such a comment.

A minute or two later, a small convoy of three jeeps stopped in front of the store where the portrait of the white-bearded old man was displayed. Under the protection of several bodyguards, Guo Shouyun carried the little Vic who smiled with a flower on his face. Get out of the car door and go straight to the store door.

"Mr. Guo"

"Good morning"

Along the way, for more than a dozen steps, the citizens walking with umbrellas along the way greeted the "yellow bear" who actually controls the Far East. Although in the Far East, most people know that the government is actually controlled by the Guo Group and Guo Shouyun, but they still have a great impression of this young man, not for anything else, just because of his existence, for the Far East People have brought benefits, tangible benefits that can be seen and felt.

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