Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 56: give an identity

A person will have ambitions, and the more shrewd and capable people are, the bigger his ambitions tend to be. Indifference to fame and fortune and being indifferent to humiliation does not mean that a person is calm, it only means that he does not have the ability to fight for it, at least he lacks it. Confidence to win.

Because of this, Guo Shouyun didn't believe what Ye Leena said at the end. He was sure that this woman had great ambitions. She was far more powerful than Shanariva. It can be understood from the point of view of the problem.

As the Guo Group grows step by step, and the power in his hands expands day by day, Guo Shouyun's heart continues to grow, and among all kinds of sex, the share of possessiveness and manipulation of women is really not high. small. But having said that, this does not mean that he regards women as pure tools for venting. On the contrary, he has always been very jealous of ambitious women, such as Hornikova, she is a very Obvious example.

In Guo Shouyun's view, compared with men, women may be weak in many aspects, but when it comes to fighting and scheming, women who are sensitive and delicate by nature have more advantages. Women are absolutely the nightmare of most men.

"Hehe, it seems that I have also made redundant explanations and made the rudimentary mistake of not having three hundred taels of silver here, just as it is impossible for Mr. Sincerely, Mr. will not dispel that concern." Seemingly able to guess Guo Shouyun's thoughts, Yelena raised her head and smiled, "But it doesn't matter, as long as Mr. doesn't plan to kill me now, then my purpose today is It has been achieved. The Chinese say: it is better to listen to the words than to observe the deeds. It is better to observe the deeds than to observe the deeds. Whether I am trustworthy or not, whether there is an evil intention, sir, can be judged by time, I believe You will give me enough trust one day."

Thousands of thoughts ran through Guo Shouyun's mind for a while, but he finally suppressed that kind of savage thoughts. :::: Turned to a nonchalant smile and said, "Sentence through time, um, this sentence is very good, frankly speaking, I already have some trust in you."

Saying so, his big hand on the woman's neck slowly moved down, pulled the collar along the small lapel, stroked the tender white chest that was tired of not leaving his hand, and directly held the woman's silk bra. Plump and crispy milk wrapped.

Soft with firm and very elastic meat. Without disturbing Guo Shouyun's mind, he unconsciously rubbed the ball of warm meat, but he was still pondering the question just now: What kind of attitude does this woman named Yelena have towards the Cheka Club? What is her attitude towards the Federal Central Committee? Is everything in fact as simple as she herself said?

"Big brother," just as Guo Shouyun was thinking about these questions, with a soft call, Shoucheng, dressed in a blue and white navy uniform, pushed in the door. . "Look, how do we look in this dress, doesn't it look very..."

Shoucheng stopped before he could finish his words. He watched his eldest brother pull his hand out of Ye Lena's collar, and the expression on his face became extremely embarrassing for a while.

"You're an adult when you're married, why are you so reckless?" Glancing at Li Shengyan, whose face was flushed, Guo Shouyun clapped his hands and scolded with a smile, "Look at what rank you two are? Second lieutenant, and I am The captain's room of the frigate. That's at least where the major general rests. Do you know that trespassing in such a place is a serious violation of discipline?"

"Hehe." Knowing what his eldest brother was, it was no wonder that Shoucheng faced the scene just now, he pulled the bride towards him, scratched the back of his head, and said with a dry smile, "I didn't expect the general Comrade is busy with work, be sure to pay attention next time, hehe, be sure to pay attention. ===="

Li Shengyan was obviously dissatisfied with her new husband's remarks. She rolled her eyes. He secretly twisted on Shoucheng's waist.

"That's about it," pretended to turn a blind eye to the sneaky movements of the young couple. Guo Shouyun nodded with satisfaction, walked over to the bed and sat down again, and then smiled, "Sit down, orderly, pour the water."

There were only four people in the room, and when he said the orderly, he was referring to Yelena.

"Hey, eldest brother, what about our clothes?" After Yelena walked out of the cabin, Shoucheng ran directly to the bed, sat down next to the eldest brother, and asked with a smile, "This is considered a newlyweds. The dress, doesn't it feel particularly handsome?"

"Handsome ass," Guo Shouyun rubbed his nose and blurted out, "You leave our Guo's dignified vice-president to do nothing but wear such clothes, why are you planning to run to the ship and serve as an orderly for Sironov? You don't care, I can't afford to lose that person."

"It's just a temporary wear, it's not like it won't take it off," he stretched out his hand and pushed it on the eldest brother's shoulder, and Shoucheng said with dissatisfaction, "And then..."

"Okay, okay, don't do this or that," interrupting his brother's words with a smile, Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said, "Just tell the truth, what are you going to do this time? Don't forget, I'm your brother. You just grew up, and when you roll your eyes, I'll know what's on your mind, so, if you have something to say, just say it directly, don't give me a **** here."

"Oh," Shoucheng scratched his forehead, glanced at Li Shengyan, who was sitting opposite, and after a long murmur, he hesitated, "Then I can say it, don't disagree."

"As long as it's serious business, I will naturally consider it." Guo Shouyun smiled, "You stinky boy, you have only been married for less than a day, why, you are going away from me as a brother?"

"Where did you say it went, I just feel that it's a little troublesome to do, I'm afraid you won't agree." Shoucheng laughed. It can be seen that during the time he stayed with Li Shengyan, the stupid boy who has always been dull and cheerful is a good thing, and it is enough to make Guo Shouyun feel relieved.

"Let's talk, brother is afraid of everything, just not afraid of trouble." Holding his brother's shoulder, Guo Shouyun smiled.

"Then let me tell you," Shoucheng smiled and said, "It's like this, I was on the deck with Shengyan for a while, and suddenly I had a plan. We thought that this official wedding should not be held in Khabarov. It's too extravagant and wasteful to do it. You know, the economy in the Federation is very difficult now, and there are many people who can't afford to eat. In this environment, if we spend a lot of money on a wedding, it's a bit unreasonable. So, let's discuss it. If you want to do things simply, just have that meaning. Hehe, just right, Shengyan likes the sea, and she has fantasized about becoming a navy one day since she was a child. We consider Now, if you can, when we get back to Vladivostok, the two of us will settle the marriage on this boat. Brother, do you think this is okay?"

"You hummed for a long time, just for this?" Guo Shouyun said with a frown.

"What, big brother thinks... inappropriate?" Shoucheng asked cautiously.

"Is this Shengyan's idea?" Turning his head, Guo Shouyun said to his younger brother and sister sitting opposite.

In the Guo family with a large power but a single member, Guo Shouyun, the eldest brother, is the head of the family. His authority is not only shown outside, but also at home. Li Shengyan has long experienced this. Therefore, she Although he dared to argue on some issues, he was also full of fear for this big brother.

At this time, in the face of her elder brother's gaze, she first looked at her husband as if asking for help, and after a long while, she nodded helplessly.

"How should I say, this marriage is about the two of you, I shouldn't have intervened more," Guo Shouyun said with a sigh, "You want everything to be simple, this kind of thinking is good, Sheng Yan accepted it since childhood. There is nothing wrong with a frugal education, but the key is that frugality also counts, and in some specific cases, luxury is also very necessary. Take your marriage as an example, why do I have to hold one in Khabarovsk? Is it just to spend more money and show off your arrogance? Obviously not like that, and my eldest brother is not a hillbilly or a tycoon, so is it necessary to show his financial resources all the time?"

"Sir is right," Ye Liena just happened to walk in with a brown tray. She brought a water glass to Li Shengyan and smiled at the same time, "I believe he is thinking about Miss Shengyan. You know, In this society that pays attention to status everywhere, there are only three ways for a person to gain recognition from others: power, money, and relationship. The Guo family is a very special existence in the Far East. In the interest group formed by the three elements, everyone has a place of their own."

Walking to Shoucheng and handing him another glass of water, Yelena continued: "While these people are trying their best to protect their status, they are also doing their best to squeeze and suppress other people who can move. Mr. Shoucheng has his own place in this ***, I believe that no one in the Far East will attack him, because the attitude of Mr. is always clear, everyone knows that he takes this brotherhood very seriously, So I don't dare to act rashly. And Miss Shengyan is different. After all, you are an outsider, and you are only Mr. Shoucheng's woman. Unfortunately, in this ***, women have no firm position, she The level of identity often depends on the power behind her. Because of this, Mr. intends to arrange a grand wedding for you. His purpose is to use this to send a signal to everyone Miss Seong Yeon can stand in this **** faster and more smoothly."

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