Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 495: morning bath

The golden morning light appeared on the eastern horizon again, and Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky, who woke up early in the morning, soaked in the large swimming pool with a leisurely look on their faces, breathing in the fresh morning breath. Air. /. qb5. c0m

"You need more exercise for your body," Khodorkovsky suddenly turned over on the edge of the pool, swam back and forth quickly in a freestyle posture, poured a handful of water on the old man, and laughed, " Don't spend all that energy on eating, drinking, and having fun all day, and be careful that one day you will put your own life in a woman's crotch."

"Don't eat, drink and have fun, without a woman's crotch, what's the point of a man having a small life?" Guo Shouyun said with a shy sigh, "Do you believe it, if this world is completely Without a woman, there must be no more fights, such as power, money, etc., and no one will fight anymore."

"That's wrong," Khodorkovsky swam to the pool, took a cup of coffee from the pool girl's hand, and took a sip to his lips before laughing, "As far as I'm concerned, You know, in the history of your Chinese people, there was once a person called eunuchs, after they lost their male functions, didn’t they still fight lively?”

"Hey, that's because there are still women in the world," Guo Shouyun argued forcefully. "Therefore, there are still a large number of people fighting, and the environment where right and wrong are brewing is still there. Think about it, if there are no women, then How can there still be eunuchs? Since there are no eunuchs, how can the battles caused by the eunuchs appear? The argument you are looking for just proves my point of view. Women can actually create a group of eunuchs out of thin air. You How good are they at provoking right and wrong?"

"Yeah!" Khodorkovsky gave a thumbs up with a laugh. He praised, "Your argument is indeed very reasonable. According to your statement, if anyone destroys women as a species, then the permanent Nobel Peace Prize will be him."

"Wrong, it is foreseeable that such people will definitely be eliminated immediately," Guo Shouyun waved his hand and smiled. "Because he moved the thing that shouldn't be moved, that is the source of chaos. The world has always been chaotic. From the moment of the birth of human beings, the sages and politicians of all dynasties have been working hard to create contradictions. Create chaos. In my opinion, the greatest assertion in Marxist philosophical principles is the exposition of the universality of contradictions. From the perspective of anthropology, the struggle of contradictions is the greatest driving force for the evolution of human society. If one day There is no more fighting in this world. All people can coexist peacefully, and the Great Harmony has been achieved on a global scale. The day when human beings as a species will go extinct, because every individual person has lost the struggle. Their goals have all lost their ideals and lost the value of their existence.”

"Yeah," Khodorkovsky's eyes were blurred for a moment, and he said after a moment of thought, "Our country. Since the moment of its establishment. It has been in various struggles, From the initial opposition to foreign interference, to the domestic class struggle, to the struggle to eliminate the rich peasantry, the struggle for power within the party, the struggle for the Great Patriotic War, and then to the long-term ideological-based Cold War struggle, various The struggles are intertwined and appear alternately, and their existence maintains the vitality of the entire country. Until Comrade Gorbachev appeared, he wanted to eliminate all contradictions and achieve the so-called peace, so..."

"So a bigger contradiction appeared, and it also created the best opportunity for us to appear," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "And now, we have become the outermost contradiction, and the Kremlin should be able to understand that if we are in the At this juncture, these contradictions among us have been eliminated, and his political life has come to an end."

"Wait!" Khodorkovsky said in surprise, holding an enamel coffee cup, "Just now we seemed to be talking about fitness, and then we talked about women. How did you bring the topic here step by step? of?"

"It was brought over step by step," shrugged, Guo Shouyun smiled, "Why, aren't you going to talk about serious issues? That's okay, let's continue to focus on women, um, let's talk about what's behind you This, when you are doing it with her, what do you feel the most comfortable in?"

Saying so, he also pointed to the golden mixed-race beauty with a tray in her hand and naked all over her body.

"Forget it, I'm not too interested in this topic," Khodorkovsky laughed, "If you're interested, you can try it with her yourself, I don't mind."

"You should have told me this last night," Guo Shouyun said with a smile. "As for now... I'm not in the mood. Now I would like to know more about Vinogradov's thoughts. When you went to see him yesterday , what did you say?"

"There are not many valuable things for us," Khodorkovsky shook his head with a wry smile, "He has not fully recovered from his current mood, and the follow-up effects of that fright have not passed. During this time, he He is busy arranging immigration for his family, and it can be seen that he is really planning to leave Moscow."

Guo Shouyun nodded and said nothing. In his memory, in the previous life when the two Russian centers were fighting, Vinogradov did go abroad, and his whereabouts were very mysterious. It was not until the Moscow incident that he returned to China and joined the well-known Sparrow. Mountain Club.

"He told me last night that the union of the three of us can't be delayed any longer, and he won't relax after he goes abroad. He will inform us about the specific and convenient contact method. Part of the political power will also be handed over in order to dominate the situation in a more timely manner," Khodorkovsky continued.

Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, and then a strange feeling rose in his heart. He wondered if Vinogradov also had some degree of union with Khodorkovsky in his previous life. During the period of time he left the Federation, the political power in his hand was swallowed up by the latter, which finally caused the complete destruction of Vinogradov? The idea is interesting, but also very likely.

But now, Guo Shouyun is not too worried about this possibility. After all, he is still sitting here. As long as he has no ambition, then Khodorkovsky wants to take over the politics of Vinogradov. Land is not an easy task.

"To be honest, I never thought that, with Vinogradov's character, he would trust us so much, hehe, wouldn't he be afraid that we would play tricks and eat the whole cake that originally belonged to him?" Putting the coffee cup in his hand back on the tray, Khodorkovsky hissed.

"Haha, can you?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"Without you, I would," said Khodorkovsky cheerfully, shrugging, "because I am afraid that after an assassination attempt, Vinogradov has lost confidence, and I must protect myself look for the best guarantee of security.”

"What about you?" After saying a word, he threw a handful of water on Guo Shouyun and asked back.

"Hey, don't make a fuss, the water is cold," Guo Shouyun said, shaking his stomach, "To be honest, I think the same as you. But the strange thing is that I don't even have any plans for this now. Hehe, of course it's not. Speaking of how bright and upright I am, I just feel from the bottom of my heart that the interests of the three of us have truly been connected, even though the plan for joint financing has not yet been officially launched."

"Yeah," after taking a long breath, Khodorkovsky moved his body and dived into the water. He didn't jump out until the water was above his head, shook his head vigorously, and said, "Cooperation , Hehe, I have been negatively or even actively resisting this thing in the past, but now it seems that I have begun to enjoy this feeling. At least the two of you are by my side, I don't have to worry about being alone all the time, you may not Believe me, my women say that my personality is much brighter during this period, and I spend far more time joking than gloomy time, is this a good sign?"

"Of course," Guo Shouyun turned around, climbed onto the pool with both hands and feet, found a reclining chair and lay down, hummingly said, "You know, in fact, my friends often feel the same as you, because I am very capable. , can always share their concerns for them, and you obviously belong to that."

"You mean, you are better than me?" Khodorkovsky pouted and said rather resentfully.

"Of course," beckoned to a girl standing not far away, and motioned for her to massage herself, Guo Shouyun said, "Don't you admit it?"

"Well, I admit, at least your brazen skills are better than mine," Khodorkovsky laughed while wiping his wet head, turning over and jumping out of the pool. "Also, have you figured out what to do with this negotiation? I threw away a lot of good things after following your ** yesterday, do you have the ability to get them back for me? Tell me You, if you can't get it back, you can never get on the plane today."

"Don't worry," Guo Shouyun said absentmindedly, turning over on the reclining chair, lying on his back, enjoying the pleasure of those cold little hands rubbing against his chest, "You thought I was only in the Hall last night. Did Nikova put any force on her? Tell you, I have already prepared the draft documents for the negotiation, and now I am waiting for the Kremlin to make the greatest concessions."

"Oh? Where's the stuff?" Khodorkovsky asked enthusiastically, throwing away the towel in his hand.

Guo Shouyun closed his eyes, pointed to the place where he put his clothes, and said, "There, see for yourself."

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