Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 311: Mr. is right

?The Khabarovsk government building invested and built by the Guo Group, although it does not look good from the outside, its interior, from construction to decoration, is a typical example of extreme luxury. The usable area of ​​the hall is more than 700 square meters. If nothing else, just the eight crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling full of various reliefs, the estimated cost is no less than tens of thousands of rubles. The office building is an image project. No matter how dry the government's financial situation is, no matter how high the unemployment rate in the state is, or how difficult the life of ordinary people is, this image project must be done well.

Stepping on the scarlet soft carpet, Guo Shouyun held Nina in one hand and Victor, who pouted because he couldn't see the fireworks. In the banquet hall, as soon as you entered the door, those two thick black eyebrows couldn't help but gather up.

In terms of personality, Guo Shouyun doesn't like lively occasions. Maybe few people like him like noise. Today, this grand banquet hall is very lively. The mayor and the heads of various important departments gathered together, plus the coquettish girls who were dressed in coquettish and bare breasts, it is natural to imagine how lively these hundreds of people can get together. .

Guo Shouyun was frowning, and the expression on Nina's face was not good-looking. She never attended such occasions in the past, so she felt very uncomfortable with the smoky scene in front of her. There is no doubt that the people who are qualified to attend tonight's banquet are all prominent and respectable political figures in the Far East, but looking at their current appearance, how can there be any trace of "decent people" to follow?

"What's going on with these women?" Glancing at the banquet hall, Nina couldn't help turning her head and whispered in her husband's ear.

"Haha, socializing. These people are indispensable," Guo Shouyun said with a brow furrowed, and said with a light smile, "These guys, don't they like this tune, they are all in their 50s or 60s. Bringing the yellow-faced mother-in-law at home to show her face?"

"It's not a good thing at all!" Nina was stunned for a moment, then she pouted, and such a sentence popped out of her throat.

"That's natural, if it's a good thing. Can I let him stay here?" Guo Shouyun muttered to himself, but said with a smile, "Don't count me in, I'm not the same as them. , Hehe, at least there are social events in this area. I always have to bring you to attend, um, it is the same now, and it will be the same in the future."

"It sounds nice." Although she knew that her husband was not telling the truth, Nina still felt very comfortable. What should I say. Today's Nina is like an ostrich. She can feel safe with her head stuck in the soil. She doesn't care how many women Guo Shouyun has outside and how many women he maintains this ambiguous relationship with. After all, caring can't solve it. problem. Living with such a man, you can't be too serious, let alone too greedy. Nina is well aware of this.

"I'm telling the truth." Guo Shouyun smiled, took the timid little Victor beside him into his arms, and said to Larisa, "Go, let these women go out first, I have a few words to say."

"Yes, sir," Larissa nodded, and then just flexed her fingers and knocked twice on the door.

She knocked on the door not loudly. But the effect was quite obvious. With these two taps, the noisy sound in the banquet hall was like a rolling tide. It started from the door and quickly weakened. until finally it became silent.

"Everyone who doesn't matter goes out!" Standing behind Guo Shouyun. Larissa waved her hand and lightly parted her red lips. Said without expression.

What good is power? Undoubtedly, one of its greatest benefits is that it can make others obedient. For these people in the banquet hall today, although Larisa has neither the title of mayor nor the title of councilor, her No one will question the authority, because there is still Guo Shouyun standing in front of her. As long as this man is still standing there and supports the woman behind him, then Larisa's authority will be solid and unbreakable.

"What do you want to eat?" Seeing those women with heavy makeup and slender figures exiting from the side door, Guo Shouyun led Victor to a table full of various pastries, bent over and whispered asked.

The girl first glanced timidly at the strangers in the hall, then licked her pink lips, squeezed into Guo Shouyun's arms, glanced at a plate of Vietnamese spring rolls on the table out of the corner of her eyes, and whispered, "I want to eat... ."

The little girl's intelligence has always stayed at the level of a child, so she has always had a soft spot for eating. In the past, when she was at home, she never paid attention to etiquette, and the food she liked was always Whoever wanted to catch her, the little girl didn't cry or make trouble, so she just squatted in a corner by herself. Guo Shouyun also has no temper with her habit, so if there are occasions such as banquets, he should either not let her appear, or find her food first.

"This?" Ignoring the focused gazes of the whole hall, Guo Shouyun pointed at the plate of spring rolls opposite the table, and said with a smile, "Is it this?"

"Well," Little Victor obviously seldom attends such crowded banquets. The well-dressed strangers around made her feel a little scared, but under the temptation of eating, she couldn't help but put her little head away from Guo Shouyun's. The armpit sticks out, and a mosquito-like response is heard.

This time, Guo Shouyun didn't need to speak. A middle-aged man with a big belly standing opposite the table had already reached out and handed over the whole plate of spring rolls.

"Hehe, thank you," Guo Shouyun, a fat middle-aged man, knew him, the former chairman of the Prospecting California Soviet and the current governor Mashkov. Taking the plate from his hand, Guo Shouyun laughed while coaxing little Victor, "Mr. Mashkov, I haven't seen you for a while, you are blessed with your body shape, they all say that relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, relying on The sea eats the sea, your appetite for the sea can be controlled, and you can taste the salmon and trout occasionally. Eating too much is not good for your body.”

"Yes, yes, yes, what the gentleman said," Mashkov was quite happy at first. After all, it was a good thing that Guo Shouyun could remember his name, but after hearing this, he felt terrified. . To be honest, Mashkov didn’t lose a lot of money during this time. Since he took over the post of Governor of Prospecting California, the fishery under his name can be said to be booming. In addition to the regular fishing business, he also instructed people to hunt for huge profits from salmon and trout protected by former Soviet law. Today Guo Shouyun's remarks are obviously aimed at him.

Like everyone present, Mashkov may be able to ignore Moscow's laws and regulations, but he cannot ignore any of Guo Shouyun's words. Under the current circumstances, it seems difficult for Moscow to investigate and deal with him as a corrupt official, but it is very easy for Guo Shouyun to deal with him. Judicial review, evidence collection, court judgment, these procedures do not have to go through, as long as Guo Shouyun wants to clean him up for a few days, it is estimated that tomorrow he, the governor, will disappear for no reason.

"What's the purpose of being an official? It's nothing more than seeking money." He handed the spring rolls in his hand to little Victor. Guo Shouyun then continued, "I know who you are, and you also know who I am, so we have a tacit understanding of our relationship now, how much money you have looted in the past few months, I am too lazy to go. Don't worry, but having said that, after all, you are still officials of the federal government, not bandits occupying the top of the mountain. No matter what you do, you still have to leave a few places for others to live..."

"Eat, eat," Guo Shouyun was instructing the officials. Little Victor, who was chewing a whole Vietnamese spring roll in his mouth, held half a spring roll to his mouth with his oily little hands. said vaguely.

"..." Guo Shouyun stopped talking, looked down at the little guy with bulging cheeks, and laughed. Then he lowered his head slightly, took a bite from the half of the spring roll, and said, "Well, it's fragrant. It's delicious."

Saying so. Guo Shouyun turned his head to wink at Larisa who was standing by the door, and then walked over quickly. He coaxed and persuaded little Victor away.

"What did you say just now?" Turning his attention back to the government officials in front of him, Guo Shouyun grabbed a tablecloth, wiped it on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Oh, yes, stay alive. I believe you all know what the situation is: unemployment remains high, there is no market for high-end consumer goods, and the price of low-end consumer goods has skyrocketed. In addition, more and more immigrants from Chita, Buryatia and even Siberia are coming. The number of immigrants who move from the west every month ranges from tens of thousands to more than 10,000. This part of the population is increasing little by little. Our Far East is not a light burden. The problem, these are all problems with hidden social unrest, right? Therefore, I don't know if you have considered it carefully."

The officials present on the 100th looked at each other in dismay. To be honest, they have considered all these problems, but there is no solution, and there is a very important point, that is, the current low-end consumer goods in the Far East, such as rice, flour, oil , salt and other necessities of life, more than 50% of the purchase channels are in the hands of Guo's trade, and its prices are soaring, which is inseparable from the strong man in front of him. In this case, Who dares to take any action against this issue?

"Today is New Year's Day. After this day, it means that the new year of our Russian calendar will start again," Guo Shouyun said while fiddling with the Chinese tablecloth, "and this new year, for us in the Far East It is very important even for the entire federation, because the elections for state legislators are just a few months away. In this case, if you do not perform well, how can you win the support of public opinion? What do you say?"

"Yes, Mr. is right..."

The number 100 people present naturally agreed for a while. It doesn't really matter whether "Sir" is right or wrong. The key is that he said it, and that's enough. In the Far East, what "Sir" said is correct. , wrong or right, if you can't remember this, even if you have a good performance, you will not get the support of the so-called public opinion.

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