Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 255: Man of the Year

"You hurt me," Hoornikova raised her small fist and slapped Guo Shouyun's chest lightly while covering her sore cock. She rolled her pale blue eyes and complained. /

"It will hurt you for a while," Guo Shouyun said casually when he reached out and pulled the woman into his arms, and then dragged her towards the sky blue Bentley sedan on the side of the street without turning his head. He said, "Elders, you can handle this by yourself, brother, I'll go ahead."

"Are you going to the White House banquet tonight?" Gusinski asked behind him.

"Don't go, I'm too lazy to join in the fun, whoever of you likes to go can go." Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said absent-mindedly.

"Why don't you go?" Standing in front of the driver's just-opened car door, Hornikova pouted and said, "This kind of public appearance is the best chance to gain popularity, um, let's go, okay? Honey?"

"Fuck you," Guo Shouyun glared, grabbed the woman's neck, stuffed her into the car, and then hunched over and got in.

"If you don't go, don't go, what's so great," Sitting in the car, Hornikova crossed her legs, folded her arms across her chest, and said in a dissatisfied tone, "Anyway, in a public place like this, you never want to take me with you. Go, as if I'm ugly and can't handle it."

Guo Shouyun smiled and ignored her, took out a cigarette and lit it for himself, and smoked it leisurely.

"Sir, where are we going? Are we going back to the manor?" The driver's car, separated by a brown glass, asked.

"Well. Go back." Guo Shouyun replied casually.

The car moved quickly, made a circle in the square in front of the Youth Building, and drove straight to the west of Mozaisko Street.

"Hey, my dear," said Hornikova's angry expression, which lasted less than three minutes, and then vanished abruptly. Having been with Guo Shouyun these past few days, she has come to understand a temper of this man, that is, if he says no, don't entangle him, because entanglement is useless.

Guo Shouyun still did not speak. Still leisurely smoking his cigarette.

"You're talking," Hornikova said, leaning over, putting her hands on the man's lap, and shaking vigorously.

"Why, don't you lose your temper?" Guo Shouyun chuckled in his heart, he put the cigarette between his fingers, turned his head to look at the woman beside him, and said expressionlessly.

"How dare you," Half leaned in Guo Shouyun's arms. Hornikova opened her small mouth, took a sip on Guo Shouyun's suit, and said gruffly.

"It's good to know if you don't dare." Guo Shouyun smiled, "Thank you for admitting your mistake early, otherwise, I'll throw you out of the car after I finish smoking this cigarette."

"Then you're not afraid that others will pick me up?" Hornikova said with a smirk.

"Pfft," the driver in front finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

"What are you laughing at, drive your car honestly," Khornikova turned her head around, scolded with a smile, and pressed the automatic window in front of her.

To say that this high-end car is good. It also has soundproof brown glass windows. Once this thing is put down, it is impossible for the driver to know what is going on in the car.

"I want to go to the United States with you," Hornikova got up from her seat after closing the isolation window. Spreading her legs, she straddled Guo Shouyun's knees and said while rubbing her elastic buttocks on the man's thighs.

"Aren't you doing your work here?" Guo Shouyun opened his mouth and sprayed a puff of blue smoke onto Hornikova's delicate little face.

"You said it too. It won't be long. I won't die without the newspaper office," Hornikova secretly rejoiced. She knew that since the man asked that, it meant that her request had a door.

"Besides, compared to you, what is work?" She stretched out a slender finger like bamboo shoots, and drew a circle on Guo Shouyun's chest, Hornikova said in a coquettish voice, "Isn't it just that? I want to stay with you for a few more days, once you leave Moscow this time, I don’t know how long it will take to come again, can’t you give me more time to serve you?”

"Xu," Guo Shouyun smiled. He put the cigarette **** in his hand in the ashtray by the door, and then reached out and twisted the little nose of the woman in his arms, "But I like to hear it."

"So you promised to take me?" Hornikova said happily.

"It doesn't matter if I take you there, but, hehe, I'll have to see your performance." Guo Shouyun reached out and stroked the woman's soft lips, and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Hornikova naturally knew what she should do. She opened her mouth and put Guo Shouyun's fingers in her mouth. Then he gently twisted his waist and slipped off Guo Shouyun's legs little by little, and finally buried his head under his belly.

Outside the car window, the bare tree shadows on the street flashed backwards, and those who were still rushing around for their lives could not get a moment's rest in such weather. Enjoying the pleasure brought by the service of the **** woman's lips and tongue, watching the Moscow streets flashing backwards and out of the car window, Guo Shouyun felt an unprecedented comfort in his heart: "What's so great about Lao Maozi? What big country chauvinism, what big Russia National sentiment, Guo is a yellow-skinned foreigner, that's true, but in this Moscow, in Russia, which is a big country, I live more comfortably than most of them. You for the point of a few hundred rubles Salary, I will be busy and dizzy, and I am ** a woman you can only watch but dare not think... What is the world? This is the world, you don't know, so you are poor, I know , but I just won't tell you."

Thinking so without a conscience in his heart, Guo Shouyun put his hand on Hornikova's head and pressed her hard against his crotch...

When Guo Shouyun sprayed a turbid liquid on Hornikova's charming face, the car just drove into the main entrance of the manor, which was far away. He saw several people standing in front of the main entrance of the villa, not knowing what the guards in the park were talking about. Among these people, the one who was leading was someone he was familiar with.

Wiping the lifeblood that was about to fall into a weak state on the woman's slightly open lips, Guo Shouyun hurriedly tied his trousers and said, "Quick, clean up your face, there are guests here."

"No, who made you insist on getting it on someone's face, I'll go out like this in a while, Ernikova froze with her two little hands. She said vaguely with a shy little face full of filth. But she She stopped before she finished speaking, because she saw the gloomy expression on Guo Shouyun's face. This is a sign of a man's temper. At this time, it is better to be honest.

Taking out a pink handkerchief from her pocket, Hornikova wiped the stains on her face, glanced out the car window, and said, "What guest, is it so important?"

"You don't know. I'll introduce you to me later." Guo Shouyun looked at the woman's face and pointed out that she had not wiped clean.

Fortunately, Hornikova is very confident in her skin and appearance, so she does not have the habit of wearing makeup. Otherwise, it will be quite busy. Not some important people, I have never seen their faces. "Stuffing the handkerchief under the seat, Hornikova said while sorting out the messy clothes while looking out the window.

"You know shit!" Guo Shouyun said dismissively. VIP? Do important people have to show up all day? How many people standing in the foreground are not puppets?

"Humph!" In the face of the man's scolding, Hornikova didn't mind at all, she gathered the supple gold draped over her forehead to the back of her head, wrinkled her nose, and made a face at Guo Shouyun.

When Hornikova had everything sorted out, the car stopped. when the driver opens the door. Guo Shouyun got out and didn't wait to gain a firm footing, and a most sincere smile appeared on his face.

"Hi, Vladimir, when did you come to Moscow? Why didn't you say hello in advance?" There was a dozen steps away. Guo Shouyun laughed loudly.

"Keep the clouds!" Yes, the one waiting in front of the villa was Vladimir, who had just been designated as the deputy mayor of Leningrad. Seeing Guo Shouyun getting out of the car, he hurried up to greet him, and first gave him a warm hug. Then he said. "I just arrived an hour and a half ago, no. I thought I didn't know where to grab a hearty dinner, so I came to you."

"Something went wrong!" Guo Shouyun felt this at the moment when Vladimir hugged, because he saw a deep worry in his eyes.

"Ha, then you've found the right place." Although he felt this, Guo Shouyun didn't say anything. He put his arms around Vladimir's shoulder, and then pointed at the few people standing outside the steps, smiling. He said cheerfully, "Why, these people are very familiar, won't you introduce me?"

"This is not in a hurry," Vladimir looked at Hornikova, who was following closely, and smiled, "You should pay attention to the gentleman's demeanor. You should introduce this beautiful lady to us first."

"Hornikova, if you're happy, just call her Misha." Guo Shouyun said without looking back.

"Hehe, Miss Misha, it's a pleasure to meet you," Vladimir listened to Guo Shouyun casually, so he didn't take Khornikova to heart anymore, he said something casually, and turned his eyes to him. Several people with him.

To be honest, Guo Shouyun met for the first time with the few people who came with Vladimir this time, but three of them had names that he was familiar with: Sergei Ivanov, Anatoly . Serdyukov, Dmitry Medvedev.

Vladimir's introduction to the entourage was very simple, but Guo Shouyun had a strange feeling in his heart. He knew that Vladimir, who had just begun to take a small step in the political arena, had already begun to build his own There is a political team, and once this team is formed, the so-called "St. Petersburg Gang" that will sweep Russia in the future will be considered a real formation.

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