Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 222: Wang An Company

? The train is running fast on the vast plain, and the thick windows are covered with a thick layer of fog due to the difference in temperature inside and outside.

Guo Shouyun leaned on the head of the bed, drew a picture on the car window with the cigarette **** that had just been extinguished, and wrote a line: "Go out and melt in." After writing this paragraph, he was silent for a while, and then wrote another line. : "Wang An Company."

For today's people, maybe everyone knows ibm, but they don't know that in the world computer market in the 1960s and 1970s, there was a company created by Chinese people, which once attacked ibm at that time, and this company , is the Wang An company built by the Shanghai native Wang An. In 1986, the company entered the top 150 large enterprises in the United States with an annual income of over 3 billion US dollars. Wang An himself, who is a computer doctor, also ranked among the top ten in the United States with a net worth of 2 billion US dollars. List of the rich. In addition, Wang An himself has also won the "Freedom Medal" awarded by Reagan himself, and his name has also been included in the Mingjia Hall of Fame in the United States. This Hall of Fame, founded in 1900, only includes Edison. of sixty-eight people.

To be honest, whether in his past or present life, Guo Shouyun did not have the slightest understanding of this Wang An company. In the first step, choose this desperate enterprise.

Rilke has made plans for this in advance. He has a very in-depth understanding of the current situation of Wang An Company. According to him, Guo Group chose Wang An Company as the first step to enter the United States. At least six advantages: first. Wang An's company is currently under joint suppression from similar industries in the United States, and their financial situation is in a real dilemma, and Guo's group has nothing else now, but is rich, backed by hundreds of billions of rubles in the foreign exchange market. Spending money can also make Wang An's company fatter; second, Wang An's financial crisis has directly affected its market value in the stock market. To put it bluntly, shareholders have already regarded the company's stocks as junk stocks, and the Guo Group chose to enter the market at this time. On the one hand, it is easy to reach a compromise with Wang An's company, and on the other hand, it can also open up Guo's to the greatest extent. Group's popularity. Originally. The stock market is one of the places where economic news spreads the fastest. When Wang An Company was facing bankruptcy and bankruptcy, suddenly there was a powerful infusion of foreign capital. The stock market’s first response was to investigate the background of the source of the funds. In that case, the Guo Group will enter the sight of Americans in the shortest possible time. From this point of view, even if Wang An's company is an Adou who can't be helped, the Guo Group can pass this step. To achieve the main purpose of entering the American market; third, the market of any country is of an exclusive nature, and Wang An Company, as a large-scale enterprise based in the United States, must have strong social resources, and use it as a springboard. The group will obtain a realistic opportunity to enter the US market in the fastest and easiest way; fourth. As an old-fashioned computer manufacturer, Wang An Company itself has a very complete system of practice in this field. The company's technical research institution is Wang An Laboratory. Hundreds of software and hardware technical experts in the computer field have been expanded. At the same time, the company also holds more than 30 patents in the computer field. At present, several powerful computer companies in the United States are eagerly waiting for Wang An to go bankrupt. in order to get what they coveted at the last minute. From this point of view. Wang An's problems mainly lie in after-sales, development ideas, and high-level decision-making, which have nothing to do with the real company technology. Rilke thinks. The acquisition of such a company will certainly be of great help to the future profitability of the Guo Group. Fifth, the computer field has developed rapidly in recent years, and the Soviet Union itself has a large number of experts in related fields, but at present, domestic Because of the political turmoil and the shrinking market, the computer industry has not formed any scale. If nothing else, even the National Computer Center in Moscow is laying off a lot of people. The domestic giants are not interested in this aspect. Therefore, the Guo Group can take advantage of this opportunity to make a move on both sides. one. At that time, the technical strength of the combination of the East and the West may not be able to grab a place in the international computer market; the sixth point, which is the last point, in Rilke's view, Wang An Company is a Chinese company, and Guo's Group is essentially a Chinese company. Speaking from the above, it is also a Chinese company, so from this aspect, the two industries have the innate conditions for mergers and acquisitions.

Rilke's analysis is very comprehensive and in place. If Guo Shouyun is still not interested in this situation, then he is a club. As someone who has come from the 21st century, Guo Shouyun knows how big the computer market will be in the future, and how high the profit will be in it. Several major related groups in the United States have been obsessed over and over. Of course, those things are just nonsense. The acquisition of shares in Microsoft and IBM is pure nonsense. If you can buy it with money, it will be changed to China's foreign exchange reserves, Airbus, Microsoft, etc. Last name? For such a large-scale technology conglomerate in the United States, let alone acquiring half of their shares, whoever can acquire 1 or 2 percent is estimated that the intervention from the US government will soon follow. In addition, if you have an acquisition of shares, there is a theory of diluting shares and increasing holdings through multiple channels. If a foreign capital cannot reach a compromise with the upper management of the enterprise, without the acquiescence of the government of the country where the enterprise is located, it will rush over. Wanton acquisitions, it is purely because too much money burns your hands, and you come to your door to send you to death.

But now Guo Shouyun is facing a different situation. Rilke's analysis is very specific. Wang An's company is about to go bankrupt, and at the same time it is facing the squeeze of the domestic industry. In this case, they urgently need the injection of foreign capital. In terms of intervention, this business is promising. If there is any difficulty now, it is how to avoid the intervention of the US government and let them make way for the capital of the Guo Group.

Avoid? Guo Shouyun knows that there is no intervention that can be avoided in this world, only a compromise that can be reached through a transaction. Who is this transaction with? Compromise on what? It's too unfortunate that Guo Shouyun, the traitor, now has many opportunities to choose from - Morgan Stanley is seeking cooperation with him, which is a factor sufficient to take advantage of, but Guo Shouyun doesn't want to touch it now. In addition to this consideration, he has a better choice, and that is Gusinski. Behind this old Jewish ghost, there are dense shadows of Americans. People with a slightly more sensitive nose can even get from He smelled the Fed. The old boy bombed the new main building of the Far East Commercial Bank some time ago, and almost killed him Guo Shouyun. Now the feng shui turns, and it is the original next family's turn to speak. Can't you be busy?

Looking at the two lines written by Guo Shouyun on the car window, Rilke was secretly delighted. He knew that the young man in front of him had already made up his mind. Maybe after returning from Moscow, the plan to acquire Wang An's company would be immediately It's on the agenda.

It is no wonder that Rilke is so concerned about the affairs of the group. Although he is not the leader of the group, for a Jew who has been depressed for most of his life, Rilke's life during this period can be said to be the one he never had before. Can't even imagine. He has never felt that he is so energetic, and he has never felt that he is so young, just like what he often told his daughter--"In this world, only after the Guo Group can there be The real Rilke, and my hard work, my life, everything I have, are all in the group's business."

Every step taken by the giant is quite slow, but when the footsteps land, it can often bring violent tremors. Today's Guo Group is not a real business giant. At best, it is a huge volume. , a ** complex filled with pus. But fortunately, as the founder of the group and also the first-generation leader of the group, Guo Shouyun and his staff have deeply realized the importance of "skeleton": taking the erosion of blood as a guide, The local power and strong capital gained after the harvest are the foundation, and the lively and positive publicity is the skin, and the industrial skeleton is used as the support. Only when all this is in place, an assembled giant can be regarded as a real giant. stood up. At that time, what will appear in front of the world will no longer be a ** group, nor a black gang that runs the family by speculation, but a flesh-and-blood business that makes people feel powerful and at the same time is closely related to the interests of the world. joint.

Now that he has decided to enter the US market in a big way and has decided to acquire Wang An Company, which is on the verge of bankruptcy, Guo Shouyun believes that it is necessary to adjust the plan for this trip to Moscow. Originally, his plan was to stay in Moscow for only one day and return home after attending the main meeting of the Economic Reform Forum, but now it seems that he needs to stay for two more days. On the one hand, he has to reach a compromise with Gusinski, and let this old man arrange his way into the American market for him. On the other hand, he has to contact the National Computer Center, which is short of funds. Isn't there a layoff? ? It doesn't matter, the more you lay off, the better. The Guo Group needs these people, you lay off and I will pay, everyone is happy.

Oh, Guo Shouyun is so worried, the group is getting bigger and bigger, but there are still a few people he can use. Maybe... Maybe after returning from Moscow, he went out for a walk. It's time.

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