Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 213: this world

"Yun, are you doing this too much?" In the car, Nina sat on the right side of the back seat. She saw Guo Shouyun get into the car. Glancing at the pale people outside the car, he said softly. /. qв5. c0m

"Crack," the door closed behind Guo Shouyun.

"Madam, you are thinking too much. Guys like these should have disappeared long ago. Since you are determined to be someone else's tool, you must be ready to be brought back to the furnace at any time," Shana Riva said. Sitting in the front seat, he heard the words and turned around and said with a smile, "Not to mention how many people are waiting to see how Mr. reacts now, from this point of view, he must also make iron-blooded revenge, otherwise If so, I don’t know how many people intend to ride on his head in the future.”

"Hey, you heard that too," Guo Shouyun sat next to Nina, stretched out his hand to take her into his arms, and smiled, "It's not that your husband is cruel, but I have to do this to survive. Alright, alright, today It's a day worth celebrating, let's not talk about these spoilers. Let me ask you, I haven't gone back these two days, did you miss me at night? "

"Hey," Nina blushed, and before she could react, the driver in front couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"What are you laughing at? Drive your car." Sanariva scolded with a slap on the back of the driver's head.

"The ghost misses you," Nina said angrily with the roar of the car moving, rolling a glance at Guo Shouyun. "Then why are you willing to leave Grandpa and come here to pick me up?" Guo Shouyun laughed.

"Grandpa is always sleepy today, so he made up for bed early in the morning," Nina chuckled. "Also, that Khodorkovsky and a few people stayed at our house and talked a lot about economic reform strategies and so on. , I don't understand. I just felt stuffy, so I took the opportunity to come out and get some air."

"Oh? Vinogradov and the others are here too?" Guo Shouyun was taken aback. asked casually.

"Yes sir, he and Chubais just arrived half an hour ago," said Shanariva, turning her head. "I heard Larissa say. They were going to meet with Small in Berezovsky. Before Lemsky and the others came over, they discussed some things with you first, so they came over without even taking a break."

Guo Shouyun didn't have to think about it, he knew what Vinogradov and Khodorkovsky were thinking. They just want to take this opportunity to unite themselves as much as possible and weaken Gusinski's strength to the greatest extent possible. To a certain extent, Gusinski is Guo Shouyun's enemy, and killing his own enemy is a very refreshing thing, but then again, the excessive blow to this old thing is not in line with Guo Shouyun's Benefit. Just like there are no forever friends, on the road of exhibition. There is no permanent enemy. To be Guo Shouyun as a human being, it is necessary to distinguish between grievances and interests. If he was single-minded and straightforward, and pursued too much what he said about the grievances and grievances, then he would not have come to this point. Pay attention to grievances and grievances, and when necessary, you must get rid of them. This is the mentality that the superior should really uphold.

In Guo Shouyun's view. With Far Eastern Commercial Bank out of trouble. As well as the reversal between Viktor and Gusinski, the grievances in the past period of time have been revealed. He got what he wanted, so there was no need to hold on to that feud again. It is particularly important that the current five giants have also been separated. As the betrayed Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov, the two of them want to avoid suffering from Gusinsky and Berezovsky. If you want revenge, you must unite your own strength. In this case, too much weakening of Gusinski will likely break this delicate balance, which is not in his long-term interests of Guo Shouyun. The way of checks and balances is always the top magic weapon in the field of power, tactics and arithmetic. Whether it is to overcome the enemy to win or defend itself, this magic weapon is the only way to maintain everything. Only by grasping the balance of power among the five giants can Guo Shouyun stand in an advanced position. In the best position where you can attack, retreat and defend, how do you say that sentence... "As long as your situation changes, I will know it in my heart."

Vinogradov and Khodorkovsky's purpose is not difficult to speculate. For Guo Shouyun, what he is most concerned about now is what this guy Chubais is doing. When he got married some time ago, Guo Shouyun had some contact with Chubais, the "father of private ownership reform" in Russia, but not much contact, only a dozen words. In fact, to tell the truth, Guo Shouyun has always admired this "top reform expert in the world", and the most admired thing about this guy is his "robber reform theory"----" No matter who the property is distributed to, even to the robber, as long as the property is taken away from the state. If the robber becomes the effective owner of his own capital, he will no longer be a robber." Listen, What is the most insightful reformer? What is the most unique politician? What kind of sociology expert has the deepest grasp of human nature? Undoubtedly, just with this set of reform theories, Uncle Yau should deserve a Nobel Prize. Just letting him lead the country's reforms is obviously a talent, and he should be appointed as the Minister of the Interior, because according to his logic, the most effective way to deal with criminals is not to go to prison, nor to go to the execution ground, but to tell them A daughter-in-law, after all, "if a criminal has his own daughter-in-law, they will not be a criminal again."

Of course, whether Chubais's "robber reform theory" is a universal truth or a ridiculous paradox, these are not what Guo Shouyun cares about. What he really cares about is Chubais. When will he officially lead Russia's national reform plan, and the real purpose of his return to the Far East this time.

The liar's little head can't be idle for a moment. Some people say that thinking is a very tiring job, while intrigue can be regarded as a job that is exhausting and exhausting, but for Guo Shouyun, these things are the same. This kind of fun is the most colorful spice in a boring life.

The car drove fast in the center of Khabarovsk. When passing by the headquarters of the Far Eastern Commercial Bank, Guo Shouyun glanced outside and saw that there was an endless stream of people entering and leaving the bank. It is conceivable that most of them are afraid All come to deposit, the continuous good news and new measures to raise interest rates are very tempting for depositors in the Far East. Now that the country's economy is sluggish, it is not in the hearts of the people to spend their money. Relatively speaking, they are more willing to save their money in a place that they can trust 100% to deal with crises that may arise at any time in the future. At this time, the Far East Commercial Bank was like a **** paper crocodile. On the one hand, it greedily devoured everything that could be devoured in front of it, but on the other hand, it could not bear the coming tide. Guo Shouyun pondered that the fight against Gusinski this time was beneficial to him to a certain extent. At least now the Far East people have more confidence in the Far East Commercial Bank. There was plenty again, and the funds allowed him to make bigger investments.

The sage said: A gentleman loves money, and he takes it in a proper way. Because of this, the sages are equivalent to the poor, and all their achievements are concentrated in unrealistic rhetoric. "Spend other people's money and do your own business. Let the world say whatever they like." This is Guo Shouyun's logic of getting rich, and at the same time, it is also the logic that all rich people in this era have been adhering to.

Look at these people entering and exiting the gate of the bank, they are like the lambs raised by a small group of people like Guo Shouyun. The layer of wool that the lambs have worked so hard to accumulate, just for the handful of hay for the winter, was harvested cleanly in an instant. Sadly, this kind of harvest is not an occasional sudden appearance, but an eternal cycle of reincarnation that lasts for generations - the lamb is a lamb, and the son of the lamb is also a lamb... There is no momentary genetic mutation, accurate. It is said that if a sheep does not want to be a wolf, it will never get rid of the fate of being harvested.

After the bizarre reincarnation of life, Guo Shouyun has completely transformed from a sheep in wolf's clothing into a real wolf. From this point of view, Avrora, as a sheep, rashly rushed out of Guo Shouyun's game** * Come here, it is indeed self-destruction. She couldn't see through, wolves have wolf's cockroaches, sheep have sheep's enclosures, and a fresh and tender little lamb has to go around in the wolf's game, what will be the result?

Avrolla and the others are good for Guo Shouyun, and for Gusinski and the others, they are nothing more than a white horse. They have no value other than taking them out and using them when needed. . As Avrora's father, Josbayev acted as a tool to attack Guo Shouyun in Moscow. The plan failed, Guo Shouyun let him leave the Far East, but he did not return to Moscow alive after all, he was useless. , and there are too many things to know, so some people don't want him to go back alive. And this time it was the same, Avrola went down her father's old path and sadly became a tool of struggle in the hands of others. Therefore, even if Guo Shouyun let them leave the Far East, they would not be able to live in peace, because They also know something they shouldn't know.

A war that started between Guo Shouyun and the Big Five, in just a week or two, caused heavy casualties: the merger of the two gangs in the Far East and Novosibirsk; the collapse of the new main building of the Far East Commercial Bank; the explosion of seven villas in Moscow The case and the four naked and beautiful corpses that appeared overnight in the Moscow River. Of course, that doesn't include the scapegoats pushed out to quell these cases. Well, now a hidden war has come to an end, how many people died in the war, how many families are broken, how bad the social impact, these are not what Guo Shouyun and the big five need to be concerned about. What they need to care about now is to sit down and talk about cooperation calmly. Anyway, there is no substantial loss for everyone, and they can meet and laugh at each other.

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