Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 211: good news

"Faced with the recent financial crisis, Far East Commercial Bank held a press conference today at the soon-to-be-built Far East Securities Exchange Center and announced that from now on, Far East Commercial Bank will introduce a new interest rate adjustment measure: the one-year savings rate. , On the original basis, an increase of 50 basis points, that is, an interest rate increase of 0.5%. qb5. At the same time, a senior official of the bank, who did not want to be named, said that recently, Far East Commercial Bank is negotiating with the Chinese side. A major cooperation proposal. According to the person, China is currently preparing for the Eighth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee to be held in November. After this plenary session, a state-owned policy bank, China Import and Export The preparatory work of the bank will be put on the agenda. A few days ago, the Preparatory Committee of the Export-Import Bank of China has sent an invitation to the Far East Commercial Bank for expected cooperation. …”

“According to the introduction of the Chinese government, the Export-Import Bank of China, which is about to start its preparatory work, will serve as an important force in the foreign economic and trade support system and an important part of the financial system. It provides the main channel of policy financing for product import and export, foreign contracted projects and various overseas investments. At the same time, it will also become the main on-lending bank for government loans in other countries and the lending bank for foreign preferential loans. Its international credit rating will be equal to that of China Sovereign ratings remain consistent..."

"Menajab Bank President Khodorkovsky arrived in Khabarovsk today. According to reliable sources, Huo's trip to the Far East is aimed at negotiating a total amount of 20 billion rubles with Guo Shouyun, President of Guo's Group. Regarding the previous arrest of Guo, Khodorkovsky publicly stated that this action taken by INTERPOL under the circumstance of insufficient evidence is not only suspected of ultra vires, but also seriously violated The purpose of INTERPOL has been affected. It has affected the political and economic stability of the Far East. He called on relevant parties to launch a comprehensive and vigorous investigation as soon as possible to prevent such incidents from happening again..."

"Earlier today, Oshinsky Bank President Gusinski was summoned by the central bank's investigation department. A joint special investigation team composed of the Central Bank, the Foreign Affairs Commission, and the Ministry of Commerce also entered the Moscow headquarters of Osohashi Bank and announced the temporary suspension of Hashimoto's Bank's operations. All external business... The relevant departments have not made further explanations on this incident, but according to well-informed sources, at present, the central bank suspects that Gusinski is involved in a large-scale money laundering fraud case.. …”

A brand new day.

The major newspapers and periodicals in the Far East seem to have become economic publications overnight. They published the good news of the Far East Commercial Bank in a series of articles. The number of people congested and running in front of the various branches of the Far Eastern Commercial Bank decreased, in contrast. The number of people who came to save money is slowly and rapidly rising----speaking of which, ordinary people are so pitiful that the bank where they save their money is in financial crisis. They thought about trying their best to take out their own money. As for the interest deducted from the regular changes, they didn't even think about it. And once the past is endangered, even if there is only false positive news in the bank, they will swarm back again, put the deposit they just took out of the interest, and then deposit it in such a big way, vaguely, they even feel that Take advantage of yourself. Of course, as for the conspiracy behind this good news and risk news. They don't care anymore.

For the common people in the Far East, they just experienced a false alarm these days: first, there was news that the Far East Commercial Bank was about to close down, and the president of the bank was also arrested by Interpol. If the money saved is not withdrawn, it will be gone. But then, these news proved to be false. Far Eastern Commercial Bank has credibility. Look, they not only have a new cooperation with Menateb in Moscow. There is also further contact with the increasingly wealthy Chinese. Now, they are raising the deposit rate again. If you want to save money, where can you save it? But what these ordinary people don't know is that behind these good news, what is really hidden is a shell bank that is about to run out of water. As long as they run wildly for another day, this bank is called "good" by newspapers and TV. Commercial banks will be officially declared bankrupt because they cannot pay off depositors' deposits.

Guo Shouyun was reincarnated, but this reincarnation did not eliminate the bad roots in his bones. He was a little liar in his previous life, but in this life he was reborn as a "giant liar", and the most ironic thing is that this world treats little liars and giants. Liars have two completely different attitudes----little liar, find out and kill. Big liar, big guy helps him hide the scam.

During this period of time, Far East Commercial Bank was faced with two completely different possibilities: profit and bankruptcy. Between these two possibilities, there was only a layer of window paper, which was pierced. The truth of Guo Shouyun's illegal use of public savings to speculate in foreign exchange and illegally transfer funds will be revealed to the world. But just when this layer of window paper was about to be pierced, a large hand stretched out from all directions to protect this layer of dangerous window paper. In this way, the empty shell of Far East Commercial Bank survived, it still remains. It is the most trusted financial institution for millions of people in the Far East.

In fact, not long after Guo Shouyun got the news of the establishment of the Commercial Bank's Asset Verification Committee, Sun Hongyu made a secret contact with him through the Chinese consular department in the Far East. team. According to Sun Hongyu, China can consider this special period and provide Guo Shouyun with a huge loan to help him tide over the current difficulties. But on this issue, Guo Shouyun has his own considerations. His little brain has a lot of calculations. He knows that this sum of money is not so easy to borrow. And this favor will be repaid with more concessions in the future. Therefore, after some thought, his answer to Sun Hongyu was that he didn't need a huge loan, just a piece of good news at a critical moment, and he decided to take a risk. To create a huge scam, a big scam targeting both political and economic forces in the Soviet Union, and also a massive scam targeting more than 100,000 depositors in the Far East.

Obviously, in order for this scam to be successfully deployed, the most important point is not to give Gusinski too much preparation time, and we must try our best to get him to start with the Far East Commercial Bank as soon as possible. As we all know, if you want to spread risky panic news through public opinion, you need plenty of time to arrange it. Its preparatory work is also crucial. Guo Shouyun can be sure that before Gusinski brewed this plan, he must have investigated and estimated the funds that he could use on hand. Then, based on this data, he will specifically arrange the time and form of the attack. and make relevant adjustments at any time. At the same time, Victor and the others must have relevant estimates. They can't watch themselves die because it's not in their interest to die completely. Therefore, it can be said with certainty that when this struggle continues to a certain extent, Victor and the others will definitely intervene.

For a person like Guo Shouyun, since he has climbed to this position, he has to be cautious at all times. No one has permanent friends, whether in business or politics, and Victor really supports himself. But this does not mean that they will always support themselves, or that they are willing to see themselves growing step by step in the Far East. Like picking a time from time to time, finding a suitable opportunity to hit yourself and weaken your strength, I believe that Victor and the others are willing to do it. of course. They'll do it stealthily, as they've always done.

Gusinski wanted to kill himself; Viktor didn't want to kill himself. But they want to weaken their own strength; there are contradictions within the Big Five, and a split can occur at any time; the country can provide a piece of good news that is beneficial to them at a critical moment. The combination of these factors is like a jigsaw puzzle, as long as the pieces are placed in the right place, it is possible to form a good picture. Combining these factors, Guo Shouyun felt that the first thing he should consider is how to urge Gusinski to attack himself without being prepared; how to interfere with the thinking of Victor and others, forcing them to reach their limit before they reach the limit. At that time, he took the means of thunder to intervene; choose an opportunity, get in touch with the ambitious among the five giants, and release the good news to maximize the benefits after the game. In this way, with detailed and in-depth consideration step by step, the plan arranged by Guo Shouyun officially started with the madness of Shanariva.

In itself, Sanariva's madness is a signal, it is equivalent to telling everyone that Far East Commercial Bank is Guo Shouyun's biggest weakness, and it can't bear excessive blows here. This hidden signal of weakness will bring Gu Xin. Skye and Viktor think in very different directions. The former will speed up the attack, in order to put Guo Shouyun to death before the external intervention comes, and then re-evaluate Guo Shouyun's ability to resist strikes, consider intervening in advance, or even increase the intensity of the intervention. In fact, Guo Shouyun's goal was indeed achieved. Victor signaled Gusinski twice before to let him exercise restraint to a certain extent. However, Gusinski, who thought he had mastered the overall situation and was able to seize the Far East territory in one fell swoop, turned against Victor at this time, because he knew that as long as Guo Shouyun's influence in the Far East was destroyed, then Victor's group would be defeated. You need to rely on yourself more, so it doesn't matter whether you listen to this old guy or not at this time.

In this way, with the gradual evolution of the game, especially the arrest and imprisonment of Guo Shouyun, the attack from Gusinski started in an all-round way, and at this time, Victor also learned of China's firm position through diplomatic channels. , In the face of an uncontrolled Gusinsky and a Guo Shouyun who was in a crisis but had external support, Victor couldn't sit still, and his intervention came immediately. Khodorkovsky, who had long planned to gain more power, did not know that the phone contact between him and Victor had been wiretapped by Guo Shouyun's people, and Victor asked him to immediately provide a loan to the Guo Group to pay for it. Help Guo Shouyun to tide over the difficulties----At this time, Guo Shouyun is still eating prison rice, which he eats deliciously.

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