Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 29: try prison meal again

? The situation I am currently facing is indeed very difficult, but in Guo Shouyun's view, there is no need to keep this difficulty on the face all the time. It will not have any effect other than creating pressure on the people around me, not to mention... .... a man, it's not enough just to hold it up and put it down, you have to be able to carry it. \\. qβ5.

The driver could also hear that Guo Shouyun was joking with himself, in fact, to make himself feel at ease. He glanced back at his boss and said nothing. He swiftly moved the car, steered a dozen times, and threw the gas jeep. Drive onto the sidewalk outside the work disaster isolation area.

There is a distance of nearly 200 meters from the side road to the main road in the urban area. According to Guo Shouyun's plan, when the construction of the commercial bank building is completed, this side road will also be widened. The area is nearly 200 meters long. , but also transplant lawn, build a decent green belt in front of the building. The project was supposed to start in the spring, but now it seems that it must be delayed.

The gas jeep was driving on the sidewalk, and just as it was about to hit the main road, a convoy of more than a dozen blue and white police cars rushed from west to east on the main road. The car passed by, and then it spun around on the highway, blocking the middle of the road impartially, blocking Gas Jeep's path.

Guo Shouyun's driver's driving skills are quite good. In the face of this sudden obstacle, he first slammed the steering wheel to make the car draw a nearly "Z"-shaped curve on the road, and then hit reverse gear and turned the car from the right side of the road. He retreated straight to the left, thus easily circumventing the circle of these police cars.

Just at this moment, several jeeps followed, and with a squeak of brakes, a dozen bodyguards got out of their cars, armed with weapons, on the highway. Face off with those Interpols.

"Looks like the lesson from last time wasn't enough." Guo Shouyun said with a light smile, looking at Officer Avrora who got out of a police car, "Our just officer Avrora is now addicted to blocking the road."

"Would you like to hit it, sir?" The driver was very confident in his new car. He turned to look at Guo Shouyun and asked.

"No, let's see what she's doing again this time," Guo Shouyun said with a blank face, looking at Avrora who was arguing about her coming from the window.

Avrora obviously knew that Guo Shouyun was sitting in the car, so she walked straight to the front of the car and tapped on the brown window.

"Officer Avrolla. What, your Interpol's salary is not enough?" He lowered the car window. Guo Shouyun looked at Avrora outside the car, and said with a smile, "Otherwise, why do you always come to grab the jobs of the Highways Engineering Bureau recently?"

"Mr. Guo, didn't expect us to meet again so soon?" Facing Guo Shouyun's sarcasm, Avrola didn't care at all, she smiled lightly and said, "But this time I'm not here to make fun of you, Mr. Son. Come down and come with us."

"Did you say I'll get off the bus if you let me walk with you? Haha, am I so obedient?" Guo Shouyun smiled, he glanced at the police officer in front of him contemptuously, and said dismissively.

"What's the matter?" As the two were talking, Nikita in the car behind had come over. She frowned at Avrora in a police uniform. asked.

"Miss Nikita, isn't she? A celebrity in the Far East," Avrolla said, still staring at Guo Shouyun in the car. "You're here at the right time, it seems that your media will have important news to broadcast tomorrow: Mr. Guo Shouyun, the president of the Guo Group, was arrested by the international community for being suspected of large-scale arms smuggling and suspected manipulation of several large-scale violent incidents. Interpol brought it back. To assist in the investigation. How about it. This kind of news is very shocking, isn't it?"

"Who are you?!" Although she knew who the female police officer in front of her was, Nikita still asked.

"Avrolla, head of the Soviet Union of Interpol." Avrolla took out her credentials and shook it in front of Nikita.

"Officer Avrolla, I warn you, do you know what you are doing?" Nikita pretended to look at the documents, and then said with a serious expression, "As far as I know, Interpol's actions in its member countries are , the permission of the government and relevant security departments of the country should be obtained first..."

"Of course, of course," Avrolla said hurriedly before Nikita could finish.

As she spoke, she took out two folded pieces of paper from her pocket, unfolded them, and handed them to Nikita.

"Miss Nikita, this is the permit document approved by the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, and this is the authorization document signed by the Foreign Affairs Committee," Avrolla said with a smile, "Look, there are these two things, I am Isn't it the right to act in the Far East?"

"Hey, what a great power, let me have a look," Guo Shouyun stretched out a hand from the car, took the two documents from Nikita's hand, glanced absently, and then insisted , "呲" tore the two documents in half, "Officer Avrolla, do you think you can take me Guo Shouyun away with these two things? You are overthinking things too simply. Who gave you the share? Is it Berezovsky or Gusinsky? No matter who it is, you go and tell him that there are rules in the contest between us, unruly things, some people are not Like to see, let him be careful to restrain himself."

"I heard that Mr. Guo is very bold, but now it seems that this is true." Seeing Guo Shouyun tearing her authorization document in half, Avrora was not angry, she crossed her arms and said indifferently. Mr. Guo said, "Well, since Mr. Guo doesn't want to assist us in our investigation, then we have no choice. Just like everyone knows, the Far East is your territory, Mr., so we people will naturally not be in your eyes. But …”

Avrolla sank here, her tone sounded a little gloating.

"But I still want to remind Mr., it doesn't matter if you don't assist us in our investigation. Regarding the suspected arms smuggling, there are people who can assist us in our investigation," Avrora said, "May I give you a message, our people happened to be yesterday An arms smuggling boat has been found in the waters of the southern Indian Ocean, and the people on board have been detained by us. I heard that one of them is very close to Mr.

Avrolla's words shocked Guo Shouyun, and there was no doubt that the person she was talking about was Shoucheng.

"Oh, now our people are getting more and more courageous, and there are endless ways to torture people. I doubt that if a period of time passes, those **** arms smugglers will still be able to escape from our custody point alive. Come out." Avrolla said without looking at Guo Shouyun, the old **** was there.

"Officer Avrolla, you know, you are playing with fire," Guo Shouyun said in a cold tone, his face turning ashen, "I know you are Josbayev's daughter, you want to avenge your father, this I can understand a little bit. The reason why I tolerated you before was because of this, because your father's death had nothing to do with me, he just acted as a victim of political struggle. But your actions today let me I'm annoyed, you're dangerous, you know?"

"I don't need you to tell me if I'm in danger!" Avrolla's eye circles suddenly turned red, and her beautiful little face became a little hideous in an instant, she pointed at Guo Shouyun, she said sharply, "Get down! Come back to the bureau with me to assist in the investigation, or I will let you taste the loss of a loved one!"

"Okay, okay!" Guo Shouyun pushed open the car door, got out of the car with a bang, and then stood up in front of Avrolla and said, "I'll play with you today, I'd like to see Look, is your Interpol yamen a Longtan Hu**!"

"Sir?!" Guo Shouyun's words startled Nikita, she grabbed the man's arm and said nervously, "You have to calm down, what this woman said is not true, Mr. Shoucheng. …”

"Don't talk, I know what I'm doing," Guo Shouyun interrupted Nikita's words, and then said, "You go and do two things for me. First, tell Moscow that our opponent is breaking the rules. Now, are they planning to continue watching? If so, I, Guo Shouyun, will be turned against me! Second, inform me the two generals, Sijakhov and Koryomenko, and tell them that there is a problem with our arms trade. It's hard to see what to do, and let them make up their own minds."

"But, sir..." Nikita seemed to want to convince Guo Shouyun to change her mind, she twisted her hands and said.

"Okay, let's do it like this," Guo Shouyun's tone softened, he reached out and touched Nikita's face and smiled, "Don't worry, Mr. Don't say anything else, Nina used me to fill a black jail for a week, didn't I come here too? I haven't paid attention to such an Interpol branch now."

Seeing that Nikita was still a little hesitant, Guo Shouyun continued: "Go, pay attention to the Vladivostok side, if the group has any difficulties, remember to contact the guy hiding there as soon as possible. Tell him that I, Guo Shouyun, have never been interested in things outside the Far East, so at this point, only me is his most valuable and most worry-free cooperation. Interests, without Guo Shi, his life in the future will be even more difficult."

"I understand sir," Nikita nodded in agreement knowing that Guo Shouyun could not be convinced.

"Let's go, Officer Avrolla," turning his head, Guo Shouyun said to Avrolla who was standing beside him. "Take me to see your site."

"Hmph," Avrolla didn't speak, she snorted coldly, and walked towards her police car first.

A minute or two later, a convoy of more than a dozen police cars started up again and drove towards the west side of the city.

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