Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 21: completely collapsed

? On the issue of taking away Far East Media, the five giants knew that Guo Shouyun would not be so happy to accept it. They had already prepared mentally in advance, and because of this, they had prepared three countermeasures in succession: capital purchase, Novosibirsk. The transfer of interests and the coercion of joint efforts, in their opinion, if these three points are effectively combined, there is no need to worry about Guo Shouyun's disavowal. w/

But now, Guo Shouyun's tough attitude is obviously out of the expectations of the five giants. He has blocked all possible conditions. Look at what he said, let alone media groups, even the least He wouldn't even take out a piece of valuable land to make a deal. In this case, what else is there to talk about?

Smolensky blinked, looking at this and that, not knowing what to say. As for Khodorkovsky, he seems to be the old **** now. Originally, Guo Shouyun did not accept the conditions, which was the most favorable for him. He had coveted Novosibirsk for a long time. Several major oil fields made him salivate. Vinogradov fiddled with his **** with a completely irrelevant expression. He looks like he bought a theater ticket from Moscow and then traveled thousands of miles to the Far East to watch the theater. coming.

To say that among the five people, the ones with the most stakes are Berezovsky and Gusinski. A month ago, the two of them marched into the Sixth Moscow TV Station at the same time. Berezovsky was the first to get 12% of the equity of this TV station, but Gusinsky came from behind and took away 100% of the shares in one fell swoop. Twenty-seven shares, thus temporarily gaining the upper hand in this "Ancient Dispute".

Berezovsky is not a good person, don't look at him as a high-level intellectual, but if this high-level intellectual is evil, he can't stop a rogue, not to mention that this guy has a gangster color when he gets up. Can he suffer this loss? So in the next period of time, Berezovsky went directly to Gusinski to buy the shares of Sixth Television in his hands. pity. Gusinski was also rich and powerful, and he was ignored, so the two sides began to fight. First, Berezovsky ordered the assassination of one of Gusinsky's cronies, and then sent the cronies to Gusinski's house in large chunks as a warning. And the old man does not show weakness. He had someone kidnap a woman Berezovsky had just set his eyes on, and then sent back the person who tossed the woman back, as revenge. In this way, the two of you came and went to fight, and it was a lot of fun.

As a few oligarchs who started their business with the help of the chaos in the Soviet Union, especially the five people who started their business first, they are all financial ruffians to put it bluntly. Their competition in the market does not follow normal methods at all. They disdain to use the strategy of using the stock market for acquisitions and mergers, and they do not use land conditions. Therefore, the "Battle of the Ancients" is completely underworld. off the table.

The life-and-death struggle between the two big businessmen finally caught the attention of the White House and took these people. The White House has nothing to do. Could it be because they instigated the murder and brought them to justice? That is simply impossible. For people like Berezovsky and Gusinsky, normal judicial regulations are equivalent to a piece of waste paper, and they have no coercive efficiency at all. Therefore, in order to resolve their disputes, the only way to go is to mediate.

that's all. The shady White House. A few days ago, the brains of the five major Moscow commercial banks were brought together to comprehensively mediate the contradiction between Gusinsky and Berezovsky. On the one hand, these two misfortunes were led to Guo Shouyun in the Far East. According to the mediation proposal of the White House, Gusinski, who is determined to enter the media industry with all his strength, can find a way to win the big meat pie of the Far East Media Group. Compared with a small Moscow Sixth TV Station, this big meat pie is definitely more valuable. In exchange, Berezovsky should contribute to this process in exchange for the stake in Gusinski's hands.

Of course, in Gusinski's view, the Far East Media Group in Guo Shouyun's hands is indeed more valuable than TV Six. He has long coveted this media network that controls nearly ten states in the Far East. However, he also knew that it was impossible for him to **** this piece of meat pie from Guo Shouyun's hands with his own strength. Although that kid's financial resources are not very strong, his influence in the Far East is deeply rooted. I felt uncomfortable running over there, and I guess I can only get into a show. And if there is Berezovsky's help, coupled with the secret assistance of the White House and the full participation of the other three giants, it will be another situation. No matter how strong Guo Shouyun is in the Far East, he will not dare to follow such a group. A mighty force to shake, right?

Just like that, five giants came to the Far East together, but one of the key points is that these five people have their own ideas. Three of them have no conflict with Guo Shouyun. They want this yellow-skinned boy to play his own in the Far East. Well, especially Khodorkovsky, he is still pondering how to break the water in this negotiation. Who can expect him to be so powerful?

"Shouyun, you have to think about it, don't be impatient," Berezovsky felt a little angry. He felt that Guo Shouyun was too arrogant. To say that in today's Soviet Union, facing these five people, there are other Who dares not sell some face? Guo Shouyun, as an outsider, actually said nothing during the preliminary negotiation. Isn't this too ruthless?

"Boris, do you really think I'm acting on my temper?" Guo Shouyun smiled casually and said dismissively, "Or do you think I, Guo Shouyun, are weak and can be bullied? Take it away from me with the power of blowing dust?"

"Your stuff? What's your stuff?" Gusinski said with a sullen face, "How did you get your hands on Far East Media Group? How much money did you spend? To put it bluntly, you're a robbery and a white wolf with empty gloves. I was deceived, and now..."

"What now?!" Before Gusinski could finish his sentence, Guo Shouyun stood up, slammed the lighter in his hand on the table, and said bluntly, "Yes, Far East Media is indeed my lie. I got it, so what? I know how clean I am, but I am afraid your fat goose is much darker than me? Please, before laughing at other people's pockmarks, please see your own uneven grimace."

"Everyone is calm, all calm..." The crisp sound of Guo Shouyun's lighter throwing the lighter shocked Smolensky. He suddenly jumped up from the sand. He persuaded with a smile on his face.

"I'm already very calm," Guo Shouyun said with a light smile, "It's the same sentence, my Guo Group is only based in the Far East. It will never expand beyond the Far East. As for the relationship between you, I don't care. I don't care either. But whoever wants to hit me with the idea of ​​the Far East, please consider whether it's worth it in advance. You can reach out or use a knife, but it's best to kill me Guo Shouyun directly. , otherwise. I don't rub sand in my eyes. I will pay back one hand, and I will pay back a knife. You can decide for yourself. I'm sorry, I still have a lot of important things to deal with today. I will not be honored.”

After speaking, Guo Shouyun kicked away the coffee table in front of him. He took large steps towards the door.

"Stop!" Gusinski jumped up from the sand and shouted at Guo Shouyun's back.

"Sir, please stay!" A strong man stood on the left side of the living room. Obviously Gusinski's bodyguard, he stretched out his hand and stopped in front of Guo Shouyun, and said expressionlessly.

"Ha, what a strong arm." Guo Shouyun, who was blocked from his way, laughed instead of anger. He stretched out **** and pinched on the big man's arm. With a smile, he said, "You don't want it anymore, do you?"

Compared with the big guy in front of him, Guo Shouyun's stature is really dwarfed. If it is going to be a fight, it is estimated that he can be crushed to death with one hand. Unfortunately, this is the Far East, and it is also Guo Shouyun's old nest, if it is in this place He was taken care of by a bodyguard, so this person was too useless.

Following Guo Shouyun's two smiling words, the two soldiers who were standing at the entrance of the hall had already taken off the assault rifles on their backs, and in two crisp "clicks", the dark and cold muzzle, Qi brushing aimed at the back of the big man's head. Look at it like that, if there is another word of discord, they will really dare to shoot people---- these soldiers don't care who is against whom, they only know that the above order is to protect the safety and protection of the villa area. Guo Shouyun's safety, other things, are not in their consideration.

"Go away!" Vinogradov, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke up. He sat on the sand and shouted without looking back.

He didn't know who he was shouting to, anyway, after hearing this voice, the big man stepped aside embarrassingly and moved Guo Shouyun away.

"That's right," Guo Shouyun, still smiling, took a step forward and flicked the dust off the shoulder of the big man, "It's right to take people's money to eliminate disasters, but there's no need to For a small profit, you will lose your own life, what do you think?"

"Sir," Guo Shouyun was in his current position, and he naturally spoke with a kind of majesty that was different from ordinary people. His smiling appearance brought a lot of mental pressure to the big man.

"Just understand, if I were you, I would immediately leave the Far East, run as far as possible, this place is too dangerous, not a place for you to play," reached out and patted the big man's shoulder, Guo Shouyun and him He passed by, and continued to walk towards the door with big strides.

"Mr. Guo, I hope you won't regret your stubbornness today in the future." When Guo Shouyun walked to the corridor, Berezovsky's leisurely voice came from behind.

"I don't know what regret is at all," Guo Shouyun said without turning his head, "If Boris is dissatisfied, then don't give it a try. I, Guo Shouyun, take it all."

After saying a sentence, Guo Shouyun's figure has disappeared in the corridor.

"How do you say this, how do you say this..." Smolensky rubbed his hands together and muttered with a look of frustration.

"Hey, there is character, there is character," Khodorkovsky stood up from the sand and said casually, as if he was nothing, "Everyone, I have some urgent matters in Moscow, the flight in two hours. , um, I can catch up with it."

"Hehe, then let's be a companion," Vinogradov picked up the lighter Guo Shouyun threw on the table, put it in his pocket, and said with a smile, "Hey, fortunately, I don't have to come back empty-handed this time. what."

"Ah, haha..." Khodorkovsky was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing. He followed Vinogradov and walked out while humming... . "Just as pear blossoms are blooming all over the world, a soft veil floats on the river..."

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