Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 199: Gunpowder-flavored start

? Mud Bodhisattva has a three-point earth nature, let alone a person like Guo Shouyun who has an identity and status. Of course, the most important point is that the requirements of the five careerists directly violated his bottom line of interests. To be precise, it is the Guo Group. It cannot be without the mouthpiece of Far East Media. If a weapon is lost, Guo Shouyun will lose everything. . qβ5.

"Shouyun, we also know that Far East Media can't give up no matter what," Vladimir said with a serious expression, "but Mr. Viktor means that if there is a conflict between you and Smurensky, they , the help we can give you will be minimal, and more importantly, among the five of them, the attitude of Smolensky and Berezovsky is not clear, especially Berezovsky, he There is a direct conflict with Gusinski in terms of commercial interests. Therefore, Mr. Victor specifically asked me to tell you that when you meet them in a while, you should pay attention to your attitude even if you tear your face. A tough attitude does not mean a bad attitude. The contradictions that exist between them, and then disintegrate one by one, that's the best."

Berezovsky and Gusinsky have a direct conflict of business interests? Guo Shouyun really didn't know this. He is somewhat regretful now. His original idea was really naive. Taking the Far East as his foothold does not mean that he should be trapped in this place. That is not the safest development strategy. On the contrary, it is more It is equivalent to resting on its laurels, and it is equivalent to sitting in a well and watching the sky. If I had paid some attention to places other than the Far East, then with the resources at hand, I could at least detect the development trend of the other five major commercial banks to a certain extent. If he realizes that they have the intention of uniting to exclude him, how could he be so passive now? Being bullied directly by someone came to the door and I was at a loss.

"I know. I still have this sense of proportion," Guo Shouyun quickly put his thoughts behind him with regret. For him, people who do great things can't regret it, and there is no time to regret it. It was coming, and the only thing he needed was to face it.

"Where are they now?" Guo Shouyun held Vladimir's hand and asked softly.

"It's in the living room," Vladimir replied.

"Where are my father-in-law and the others?" Guo Shouyun then asked. "With them?"

"Well, when I came out just now. Mr. Victor was talking to them about a loan." Vladimir hesitated. Finally said.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Vladimir gratefully and said. "That's it, okay, I see."

"Are you going in now?" Standing opposite Guo Shouyun, Vladimir said.

"Well, I'm going to meet them. Of these five people. I've only had a few contacts with Smullensky, and I haven't really met the other old ones. Today I'm going to open my eyes to see who is going from I took Far East Media away from me." Guo Shouyun said with a light smile.

"Then pay more attention, I won't accompany you in." Vladimir reached out and patted Guo Shouyun's shoulder, and said meaningfully, "I can't help you much in this matter, the only thing I can do is Good luck."

"That's enough," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Big brother, this war seems to be inevitable, but you can rest assured that as long as I, Guo Shouyun, can survive this test, no matter what, I will To get you the deputy mayor of Leningrad."

"Let's talk about this later," Surprisingly, Vladimir returned a helpless wry smile and said, "The candidate for the deputy mayor may be decided after today's meeting. Dolkovsky has provided a candidate for the teacher, and I think at this point, the teacher also has to think carefully."

When Guo Shouyun saw Vladimir's wry smile, the anger flashed in his eyes. He had a hunch that the conflict between the future Russian iron-fisted president and oil tycoon Khodorkovsky might have been buried from now on. seeded. But if this is the case, then Vladimir is really able to endure it. He did not officially take action against Khodorkovsky until 20 years later. That is to say, this feud caused by conflicting interests , he endured it for twenty years.

"Big brother, you have to have confidence in yourself in everything. Until the last minute, no one has the right to arbitrarily judge the outcome." Guo Shouyun said one last sentence with a new understanding, and then took a step and walked straight towards the main entrance of the villa. go with.

Seeing Guo Shouyun's slender figure finally disappearing into the main entrance of the villa, Vladimir sighed deeply. Now he really hopes that this young man can get through this juncture smoothly, because he feels that his own interests are from here. The beginning of the trip to the Far East has had a direct connection with the interests of this young man.

As a former resort, most of the villas in Guo Shouyun's villa area are basically the same in structure. The large living room on the bottom floor is at the end of the corridor.

Guo Shouyun walked into the main entrance of the villa unhurriedly, walked through the corridor, and walked straight into the living room without changing his shoes.

In the huge living room, there were a dozen or so people at the moment, and in addition to the strong men who stood around and looked like bodyguards, there were also seven people on the four sands in a circle in the center of the living room. Among the seven people, Guo Shouyun knew and dealt with only Viktor, Sobchak, Chubais and Smullensky. Even though Guo Shouyun met for the first time, he also knew that he was Berezovsky who stepped on Russia's black and white.

"Yo, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Guo Shouyun said with a slightly exaggerated smile as soon as he entered the living room, walking in the direction of Sha, "a few guests came over to talk about something important, let everyone Awaited."

"Mr. Guo," Smolensky, who was sitting with his back to Guo Shouyun, stood up first when he heard the sound, and turned around. With a smile on his face, he said to Guo Shouyun, "You are too polite. Today, it should be said that the few of us came here to be a little presumptuous. After all, this is your happy day for a short period of time."

After Smolensky finished speaking, he realized that among the people he was sitting, only he stood up, and beside him, Gusinsky, who had always had a grumpy temper, was looking at himself with an extremely contemptuous look. Woolen cloth.

In fact, I can't blame Smolensky for this. He has a contradictory personality, and he is more courageous than anyone else when it comes to money. But in the real matter of this knife and gun, his courage is surprisingly small. In addition, he suffered a big loss in Guo Shouyun's hands some time ago. Therefore, he instinctively feared this young man—of course, what he feared was not Guo Shouyun himself, but the political forces behind him. Honestly. This time, the heads of the five major commercial firms came to the Far East together to put pressure on Guo Shouyun. The most bottomless of them was Smolensky. He did not dare to offend Gusinski and others, and he did not want to offend Guo Shouyun. therefore. His wait-and-see attitude on this matter is stronger.

"It doesn't matter if you wait for a while, we all know that Mr. Guo is very busy." A young voice said in a calm voice, "Yesterday, Mr. was newly married, and we came to visit, but we didn't get to see it. Today is a good day. How many of us Finally got a chance to meet Mr.

You don't need to ask Guo Shouyun to know who the speaker is. Among the five financial crocodiles, Khodorkovsky, who is twenty-eight years old, is undoubtedly the youngest one. This fake Communist Youth League member who sold fake wine. , The process of starting up was too smooth, so he was a little carried away. Before this conversation started, he was already speaking with thorns.

"What's the matter? The fight is about to begin?" Guo Shouyun walked to the center of the living room, picked up an empty seat and sat down, glanced at Erlang's legs, his eyes wandered around the faces of everyone, and then he pondered in his heart, but he learned from Hodor. Kowski said in a tone of voice, "I don't dare to be a busy person, but Guo is considered a well-known person in the Far East. It's impossible for someone to come. I have to meet them, right? For example, those who sell fake goods If you have contact with them, wouldn't that have a **?"

Guo Shouyun himself came in with anger, and Khodorkovsky's straight-to-the-point sarcasm was more like adding fuel to the fire. Therefore, his verbal counterattack was also rude, pointing directly at the monk. Curse the bald man and satirize Khodorkovsky.

How could Dolkovsky not hear Guo Shouyun's words, his seemingly gentle little white face instantly flushed red. As the saying goes, "Exposing people without exposing their shortcomings, hitting people without slapping their faces", Xiao Huo had always been brooding about his disgraceful history, but most of the people sitting looked down on him. This is also the reason. At this moment, Guo Shouyun's remarks , just picked up the worst and said it, Xiao Huo naturally felt unbearable.

"Cough!" A deep, light cough sounded in the living room, and Berezovsky, who was known for his ruthlessness, spoke up. The strongman who dared to hire a KGB major general to assassinate Vladimir definitely had a certain majesty. Therefore, Facing his cough, the young and vigorous Khodorkovsky honestly closed his mouth.

"I have long heard that Mr. Guo is young and promising, but now I see him for the first time. It turns out that Mr. Guo is younger than the rumors outside," Berezovsky smiled and bowed. He stretched out a big hand towards Guo Shouyun.

"Mr. Bowie has won the prize," Guo Shouyun shook hands with him and smiled, "Compared to you, I, Guo Shouyun, can only be regarded as a junior. This young man is true and promising. Haha, I am ashamed to be worthy of it."

"Hehe, Mr. Guo is too modest," Berezovsky said with a smile, then suddenly turned his head and said to the two Victors who were sitting on the right, "Mr. Victor, what you mentioned? I have no opinion on that matter, and I will deal with it as soon as I get back to Moscow. But now... um, I wonder if the two gentlemen can avoid it for a while? Make it easier for us."

"What's the inconvenience of this?" Victor stood up with a smile on his face. "Just right, we two old guys still have a game of chess to kill. Let's chat with you young people. Let's go upstairs."

As Victor said, he went around Sha, and when he passed by Guo Shouyun, he stretched out his hand, patted twice on the back shoulder, and then walked away.

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