Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 197: major discovery

?Guo Shouyun said this while carefully checking the reaction on Sun Changshi's expression. What made him somewhat admired was that this guy was obviously very determined. After hearing that the Soviet representative of the negotiation was Victor, his There was a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth, but other than that, there was no response. , qв5, academy

"Mr. Guo means that the previous proposal to increase the negotiation of official representatives was also proposed by Mr. Victor?" There is no shock on his face, which does not mean that he has not been shocked. To be honest, Sun Changshi is in the After listening to Guo Shouyun's words, what appeared in my heart was not only shock, but even a surge of waves. In order to further confirm the news, he asked without hesitation.

"Yes, this matter was pushed by Mr. Victor behind his back at the beginning," Guo Shouyun raised the wine glass in front of him, raised a finger, rubbed the edge of the glass lightly, and laughed at the same time, "So you think If this cooperation is negotiated, more work needs to be done on him."

"Then..." Sun Changshi hesitated for the first time since entering the living room. He pondered and asked, "A very rash question, Mr. Guo, can you tell me, Mr. Victor, Suo What is the relationship between Mr. Buchak and Mr. Zyuganov?"

The reason why Sun Changshi asked such a question is because Guo Shouyun's topic has always been focused on this cooperation project. In this cooperation project, Victor is in the leading position of the Soviet side, but this does not mean that he is in the two factions of the Soviet Union. also dominate. As for the relationship between the two factions, Guo Shouyun must know very well. The key now is whether he wants to say or not.

"This question, hehe, Mr. Sun, I can tell you very comment." Guo Shouyun answered very happily, he said with a smile.

"I see," Sun Changshi also knew that it was impossible for him to obtain a further affirmative answer from this young man. This guy in the academy is a typical interest-oriented person. He will do things that are beneficial, and things that are not beneficial. Even if it is a simple truth, don't expect to get it from his mouth.

"In any case, on behalf of the domestic side, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Guo for this reminder. Don't worry, Mr., the friendship you showed today will definitely be rewarded by us in the future." Sun Changshi said with a serious expression .

Guo Shouyun smiled and said nothing. He now likes this Sun Changshi a little bit. There is no doubt that this person treats him Guo Shouyun from an equal perspective. When you get benefits, you should pay attention to paying in return, and everyone should pay tribute to each other. This is the way of business negotiation.

"Mr. Guo, I have another unkind request," Sun Changshi continued. "Because the previous negotiation estimates have changed, I must get in touch with the country as soon as possible, um. I wonder if Mr. can temporarily provide me with a A quieter room?"

"What's this," Guo Shouyun smiled. He said, "The second-to-last room on the far left of the corridor on the first floor is my study. Mr. Sun can use it with confidence. There will never be any monitoring devices there."

Guo Shouyun knew. Sun Changshi as the official domestic negotiator. He must have brought a high-frequency encrypted contact phone when he came here this time, and now he wants to get in touch with the country immediately. In order to ask for further negotiation points.

"Thank you," Sun Changshi was also polite. He heard the words and stood up, shook hands with Guo Shouyun, who was sitting on the sand, then turned around and walked out quickly.

Indeed, in Sun Changshi's view, the news that Guo Shouyun disclosed today is too important. It not only involves the negotiation of this cooperation project, but also involves the formulation of the country's major policies for relations with the Soviet Union. At present, whether or not there is a affiliation between the pragmatic faction represented by Victor and the opposition factions represented by Sobchak and Zyuganov, at least one thing is certain, that is, the two factions are very close. They even have a certain cooperation agreement with each other. The current domestic analysis of the academy is that the political situation in the Soviet Union is delicate, there is a balance in the struggle, and there are waves in the balance. The radicals control most of the central power in the current Soviet Union, while the forces of the opposition are mainly concentrated in local areas. As for Victor For the pragmatists, although their strength is relatively small, they also have their own strong positions. From this, the Department of Policy Planning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has come to a conclusion that the pragmatic faction with Victor is now in a position to be sold, once the radical faction truly grasps the central power of the Soviet Union, or the Towards a complete disintegration, then the pragmatists are very likely to move closer to the radicals for their own interests. Then, at that time, although the radicals cannot fully grasp the overall political situation of the Soviet Union or Russia, at least they can contain the offensive of the opposition to a certain extent, and then take a step by step to erode the living space of the opposition. So in this case, the existence of a powerful faction like Guo Shouyun is undoubtedly a tasteless --- he is standing too far ahead. Once the radical faction has the initiative, he will definitely be the first to strike. This kind of people. The previous incident of the military vehicle attack in the Far East had obviously shown such signs, but Guo Shouyun was able to dance well, and was bold and careful. A conspiracy he instigated succeeded, and he was finally able to escape the catastrophe. However, this kind of struggle that involves politics is impossible to finish in one wave. The persecution of political forces is extremely purposeful, and once it starts, it will be wave after wave. Under such circumstances, how long Guo Shouyun can stand in the Far East is really not optimistic.

Sun Changshi, as a research expert on Soviet relations from the Department of Policy Planning, held this view before. He even believed that from the perspective of long-term interests, China should still not have too much contact with the Guo brothers, in order to avoid future occurrences. A passive situation in diplomacy.

But now, as Viktor surfaced in this negotiation, Sun Changshi, a seasoned expert on Soviet issues, immediately sensed something very unusual. He has done in-depth analysis of Viktor, a figure who has experienced several ups and downs in the former Soviet political system. In his opinion, this reformist leader who rose rapidly in the era of Andropov and Chernenko, He is definitely an outstanding statesman with great wisdom and foresight. He put forward the "Thirty-six-point Outline of the Soviet Union's Institutional Reform" more than ten years ago, setting a precedent and proposing that political reform and economic reform should be "prudent" before and after. " conclusion. His reform proposal was once valued by Andropov and Chernenko, two Soviet leaders, but was later completely rejected by Gorbachev. At present, it seems that the reform measures proposed by Victor more than ten years ago are correct. The reforms currently underway in China are similar to his proposals in many aspects.

Just imagine, how could every step of a politician as far-sighted as Victor be pointless? And he put aside the White House dominated by the radicals, and came to the Far East to participate in this negotiation with great fanfare, how could he have no intention at all? If he had a deeper purpose, what would it be?

This is a signal sent to the outside world by the opposition forces of the Soviet regime! Based on the little information currently available, Sun Changshi is more inclined to this possibility.

The opposition of Sobchak and Zyuganov and the pragmatic faction of Viktor have come together. This is definitely a shocking news, it means that the possibility of the Soviet radical forces leading the political situation has become impossible. ; It means that the political power of the Soviet Union, which is pro-Western based on Western values, has been challenged by traditional forces; it means that in the future, the domestic political turmoil in the Soviet Union will not tend to ease, on the contrary, it will intensify; The radicals of the Moscow central government will face a comprehensive counterattack by local political forces... This simple piece of information can be derived from too many intelligence factors, even as an expert on Soviet issues, Sun Changshi is alone It is also impossible to consider it too comprehensively. This kind of analysis must be handed over to a special countermeasure think tank to brainstorm.

But having said that, Sun Changshi can at least be sure of one thing, that is, after the adjustment not long ago, it is necessary for the country to make a new estimate of the value of Guo Shouyun. Amplitude adjustment.

There is no doubt that if Victor's pragmatists really come together with the opposition, then the most likely situation in the future political situation of the Soviet Union is the further separation of the central and local governments. According to the political reform system of the Russian Federation, the presidential authority will It will face a comprehensive challenge from both the upper and lower houses of Congress. Once this happens, Guo Shouyun, as the first local representative of the opposition to come forward, will be in a very delicate position - in order to maintain the authority of the central government and combat the expansion of the opposition, the radicals will definitely not Let go of such a character as Guo Shouyun, their follow-up measures will definitely intensify, and it can even be said that they are omnipotent. On the other hand, the opposition will spare no effort to support Guo Shouyun, striving to keep his "iconic" existence and the Far East, a political site far away from the central authority. In this way, Guo Shouyun, as a character at the core of the struggle whirlpool, may instead take this opportunity to show off his swimming skills and get both sides.

A "big nail" in the eyes of a Soviet radical and a "golden leaf" in the eyes of the opposition, Guo Shouyun's existence value seems to be unusual, so in this case, what measures should be taken domestically? Do you see him only as a business partner, or as a shortcut to importing Soviet technology? This is obviously a bit of a priority. According to Sun Changshi's opinion, it is time to make a decision to further develop all-round contacts with Guo Shouyun.

A pro-Western Soviet Union or Russia is definitely not what the country is looking forward to seeing. How to prevent all this from happening is the key issue that must be dealt with at the current stage and even in the next few years.

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