Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 195: Re-business cooperation

"Support, anything that can make Sister Hong profitable, brother, I have to support everything," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "But then again, the conditions we discussed last time, I don't know what kind of conditions are there in China. Answer? Those are my minimum requirements. If these conditions cannot be met, there are still some problems with our cooperation. /w/”

"I knew that you little fox would hold on to this issue," Sun Hongyu pressed the document on the desktop with one hand, then pushed it in front of Guo Shouyun, and said at the same time, "Look at it, this is a new draft. A letter of intent for cooperation, I think this time should be able to meet your requirements."

"Oh, it's only been more than a week, and the new letter of intent has been sorted out?" Guo Shouyun didn't reach for the document. He knew that since Sun Hongyu came back again this time and was officially promoted to the chairman of COSCO Group, there is no doubt that, The country has made concessions on the cooperation project with Guo, so the harsh conditions he proposed before should also be accepted.

"I can't believe that this time, your efficiency is quite high." Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"Sir," Nikita came over with three glasses of red wine. She put a glass in front of Guo Shouyun, and then put a glass in front of Sun Hongyu, "Sister Hong, your wine."

"Thank you, Miss Nikita," Sun Hongyu didn't mind Nikita's rude behavior, she said with a slight smile.

Originally, how can this wine be given to the owner first. From this point of view alone, Sun Hongyu knew that this Russian woman was partly hostile to him.

Guo Shouyun also saw this, he glared at Nikita fiercely, and then made a "please" gesture to Sun Hongyu, but he stretched out his hand and took the document in front of him. Browse carefully.

"The current situation in China is also a bit complicated," Sun Hongyu said with a sigh while Guo Shouyun was reading the document. "The outcome of the reform in the Soviet Union has had a certain impact on the country. Many people are worried that China will also be affected by the reform. However, there are still a small number of people who follow the old path of the Soviets and support opening up to the outside world on a wider scale. This reality involves COSCO itself, and many cooperation projects are more tentative. Although I am currently in COSCO has the main right to speak, but whether this dominant advantage can be continued in the future depends on the cooperation effect of the first step. Little fox. You can also see that we have made a lot of sacrifices in this letter of intent. , you opened your mouth, and you took away a large amount of capital injection from our group, and at the same time, it restricted our free exhibition in the Far East. Previously, several domestic travel agencies set up in the Far East were also seized by the relevant departments here. This has caused us losses to a certain extent. The harsh conditions of cooperation, coupled with the previously unfriendly attitude towards exchanges, have given some people in China who were originally opposed to this kind of cooperation more excuses. Therefore, If the first cooperation project of COSCO is not done well, my future exhibitions will definitely have a bleak prospect.”

After Sun Hongyu said this, she paused, watching Guo Shouyun turn the document to the last page. Then he continued: "You have seen it too. This cooperation intention is completely modified according to the requirements you put forward before, and I said it bluntly. I have done everything I can do. Next, this Cooperation can only depend on your attitude. I know that you are still haunted by the fact that the trading company was shut down, and on this point, we have also taken remedial measures. People, all have been replaced now, and the country has also re-characterized you and Shoucheng. Of course, even if the matter is done, there will still be regrets in the end, but as an old friend, I sincerely hope that things in the past will not be It will affect our future cooperation. Well, even if it is not for business reasons, you can also see it as a request from Sister Hong. To be honest, I watched the three of you brother and sister develop step by step. Could it be that this friendship, Isn't that enough to make you look good?"

While Sun Hongyu was talking, Guo Shouyun had already read the documents, and he had also listened to what the other party said. For him, the current situation is a good thing, and COSCO will not be in the future. In the cooperation, they tried to set foot in the Far East, thus threatening the interests of the Guo Group. Combining the two, plus Sun Hongyu's earnest words, as the head of the Guo Group, he really has no reason to raise any additional objections. But having said that, it is unfeasible for Guo Shouyun to make private decisions about some things, like the cooperation with COSCO, which also involves the consideration of the power level in Moscow. We also need to see what Victor and the others mean. These high-level bosses are the ones who can really make a conclusion.

"Nikita, go and invite that Sun... Mr. Sun Changshi up," Guo Shouyun didn't answer Sun Hongyu's words directly, putting down the document in his hand, he turned his head and glanced at Nikita who was drinking himself with a glass of wine. Kita glanced at it and said, "Also, go and tell the two old men, say that the friends from the south are here, and ask them when they plan to get in touch."

"Okay sir," Nikita responded, put down the wine glass in her hand, got up and walked out.

"Sister Hong," Guo Shouyun said after Nikita went out, "As you said, the current situation in China is complicated, but you should also know that the situation here at Lao Maozi is a hundred times more complicated than in China. At present, I can indeed To a certain extent, it dominates the overall situation of the Far East. However, this power did not fall out of thin air, nor can it be obtained only by the efforts of me and Shoucheng. The reason why we have been able to reach this stage is that we are still old Maozi. The result of the game between all parties in the central power. To tell you the truth, my brother is greedy for money, but why am I greedy for money? Because for me, wealth is not only a necessities of life, but also a necessity to save lives, with strong financial strength as a Only the officials in the Far East will be obedient, and those who are behind the control of the overall situation of Russia will protect me everywhere, give me the green light, and **** me. If I don’t have strong funds, I can be sure that I will never speak. If there is no chance, I will be evaporated by the simple world. Similarly, the support of those big men and the green light they gave me is limited. Within the scope of their acquiescence, I do not matter. Even murder and arson, they can find an excuse to cover up the past for me. Why? Because these do not threaten their interests, and the things that do not threaten their interests are always small things, they will not be because of these insignificant little things , it will obliterate a very valuable financial support like me. In contrast, what is a big deal for them? Just like the cooperation with COSCO, this is a big deal. The power struggle in Moscow, no matter how hard it is. Intense, in the final analysis, it was Lao Maozi's own internal fighting, and everyone was bleeding to the core. From the outside, even if it was **** and devastated, it was only their own business and had nothing to do with outsiders. If it was at this time , I blatantly cooperate with COSCO in an all-round way, the nature is different, I dare not say anything else, at least I will run as soon as possible when the time comes."

"So, for our cooperation this time, we still need to see Changshi's next negotiation?" Sun Hongyu can understand this, she nodded and said.

"That's right," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "this contract is what I need, and what you have to do next is to settle the people in Moscow. I can answer you for sure, as long as they have no opinions on their side, then Our cooperation can officially start, I dare not say it, just because of your face, Sister Hong, I will also consider letting you guys get benefits in future cooperation."

"If that's the case, I'm relieved," Sun Hongyu sighed and complained to Guo Shouyun, "To be honest, before I came here this time, the people above came to me and sighed a few times. According to their estimates, It is not difficult to reach a compromise with Moscow, because they now need support from the domestic side on many foreign-related issues. Of course, I don’t know much about such diplomatic matters, nor do I care about them, but look at the above I mean, they are quite confident about it. Regarding the cooperation between COSCO and Far East, the above is more worried about you, the little fox. You, the guy who doesn't play cards according to the rules, is really elusive, to tell you the truth. , during this period of time, someone above is conducting a detailed investigation of your past. The former neighbors, friends, and even acquaintances of your three brothers and sisters have visited them, but they have come to the conclusion that they have no impression of you. ."

"Haha, am I so important?" Guo Shouyun laughed.

"What do you think?" Sun Hongyu rolled her eyelids, rolled her eyes at Guo Shouyun and said, "Some time ago, what happened in the Far East can't be concealed from domestic eyes. A military vehicle attack on the outskirts of Khabarovsk almost didn't cause Moscow. A new round of political turmoil. The country was watching closely at that time, and I heard that more than a dozen high-level generals of the Soviet military were trying to take the opportunity to challenge the Security Committee. But then everything was over. Two new regional heads of the safety committee in the Far East, one committed suicide and the other was in an air crash. Shebalshin was released from prison and began to restructure the safety committee. How many transactions and how many interests mediation were involved, we I don't know, but what is certain is that you must be aware of this, and even participated in it personally, am I right?"

"Don't talk nonsense, how can this matter have anything to do with me?" Guo Shouyun would never admit to this kind of thing, "We have a good relationship, but if you want to set me up so indiscriminately, I will also Sue Sister Hong for slander."

"Do you slander yourself clearly," Sun Hongyu said with a smile, disapprovingly.

"Sir, Mr. Sun is here." The two were laughing, and Nikita's figure reappeared at the door. She stood in front of the door and said softly.

"Oh, please come in." Guo Shouyun retracted the smile on his face, turned his eyes to the door, and said at the same time.

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