Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 187: pragmatic

? Indeed, for someone like Clara, who has never left the military jurisdiction since the day she was born, and has never been in contact with real social life, the world outside the jurisdiction is definitely a colorful world. .

Just like now, Guo Shouyun did not arrange for anyone to stare at Clara, and did not restrict her freedom. If she wanted to run, she could sneak into the woods at any time and run to a place she wanted to go. Sadly, she couldn't run at all because she didn't know where to go or how to start a new life after running. Clara is used to the days in the barracks, the barracks, the playground, the radar station, the maintenance warehouse, the canteen...these are the things in the barracks that she is familiar with. In the past twenty-eight years, she has only Knowing that there is such a way of life in the world, she knows nothing about the rest.

To be honest, Guo Shouyun didn't have any good intentions when he asked Clara out of the No. 3 library this time. On the one hand, his purpose was to hope that this somewhat perverted genius would contribute to his arms business, and on the other hand On the one hand, I also hope that the appearance of this woman can divert Shoucheng's attention away from Firna. From Guo Shouyun's point of view, Clara is obviously much purer than Philna. After twenty-eight years of confinement, she cannot have any ambitions, let alone any scheming. If such a woman is allowed to stay in Shoucheng's side, then he, the big brother, can be absolutely relieved. Of course, Clara is a little older than Shoucheng, and she has a wilder temperament. She's also a bit stubborn. In addition, there may be some problems with her identity, but it doesn't matter. Originally. Although the conservative temperament is relatively easy-going, but if you have a stubborn temper, it can also anger people, and the wild side, this can be adjusted gradually, so it is not a big problem. As for identity. That's nothing. Now that the Bolshevik Party has fallen, who is going to go back and pursue those old-fashioned things? What's more, this is the Far East. On this ground, if you can't even cover a woman, is that still him, Guo Shouyun?

In his mind, Guo Shouyun's little abacus was jingling, and he wondered, why did Clara leave the reserve. She must not be able to adapt to all aspects of life, but she is a taciturn and sullen gourd, a "false mute" who can't kick a fart with three legs. In this regard, she and Shouyun's personalities are exactly the same. . But then again, this taciturn person is generally very sensitive. And most of the minds are delicate and keep it like this. Clara should be the same. At the same time, coupled with the coincidental interests of the two, Guo Shouyun pondered, if they were given a certain amount of time together, it would be a man and a woman. Maybe it will not produce an ambiguous feeling ---- hey. Do you think it's easy to be a big brother? Being a father and a mother again, pulling my brother big with **** and pee, that's not enough. Also find a wife for his wife.

Of course, several women around Guo Shouyun are quite dissent about the fact that Guo Shouyun values ​​an unknown Clara. Since some time ago, he has decided to replace Shoucheng's close friends, including Shana Riva, Nikita and Larisa. Inside, they all had their own busy schedules. For more than a week, Shoucheng's secretary, driver, and servants in the villa have all changed over and over again. Although the three women didn't say it, the atmosphere of secret rivalry was quite strong----this person's home When the industry is big, some things can't be said. No matter what the relationship is on the big side, the intrigue in the back is always unavoidable. The three women fought infighting "You can stop singing and I'll be on the stage". As a result, Guo Shouyun bought a "big firewood girl" by himself, and then he kept the three women who were in internal conflict with one stick. All overturned. Faced with such a result, the three women were naturally unwilling. They picked up Clara, who was only on one side, and found a lot of faults. The origin was unknown, and the temper was too wild and unfeminine. , What skin is too rough, unsightly, etc., etc. I believe that if it wasn't for Nina's sake, Clara's growing up in the military camp would have become a flaw in their mouths.

Guo Shouyun didn't care what the women around him thought about Clara. Ever since he made up his mind to fill Clara with Shoucheng, the more he looked at the female sergeant, the more pleasing his eyes were, and the more Shanariva said about her. The more he feels that he is not a good match with Shoucheng, the only thing he worries about now is that Shoucheng and Clara don't meet each other's eyes.

I have to admit that, as Rilke said, Guo Shouyun is indeed very tight on Shoucheng. In fact, it is easy to understand. Today, the Guo family has a great business, and there are endless conspiracies and tricks involved in all aspects. Guo Shouyun sits in the power pyramid of the group. At the top, he had to maintain a cautious attitude at all times. At present, there are only Shoucheng and Rilke at the core of the group's business. For Rilke, if there is a problem with him, Guo Shouyun can take action at any time and get rid of him mercilessly, but what about Shoucheng? He couldn't do this, he could attack Rilke, and he could even attack Shanariva and a few women, but he couldn't be ruthless enough to attack his younger brother. In this case, preventing the small and preventing the gradual development and preventing the trouble before it becomes the only measure he can take.

Speaking of which, tomorrow will be Guo Shouyun's wedding day. In order to organize the wedding for him, everyone from the Far East, both involved and not involved, is working in secret, and they are all busy, but he is thinking about Shoucheng at this juncture. married.

However, Guo Shouyun's marriage is a major event for the entire Far East, the entire Soviet Union, and even some foreign related parties. For the Soviet power layer represented by Moscow, Guo Shouyun's marriage is equivalent to the combination between the old Bolshevik party in power and the emerging local power faction. The deep meaning of this combination is quite intriguing. Therefore, all aspects of The characters all want to test it out, and this is the fundamental reason why the White House sent Hasbulatov to the Far East. As for the Far East, Guo Shouyun's marriage contained more interests. Not to mention anything else, just to celebrate this wedding ceremony, the underground gang organizations in the Far East have fully restrained their daily actions: Sanariva has already An order was issued within the gang, all branches in all regions will stop collecting protection fees for September. At the same time, in the next two weeks, the gang will not allow disputes caused by usury, let alone bloodshed. With the issuance of this order within the gang, the crime rate in the entire Far East dropped sharply during the two-week period in mid-to-late September, and people even felt that the social order seemed to be back to what it was a few years ago.

In addition to the preparations for Guo Shouyun's marriage in the Soviet Union and the Far East, some people in mainland China, which is only separated by a river, are arranging a new letter of intent for cooperation.

Two days ago, Sun Hongyu, the general manager of COSCO North Group, just rushed back to Harbin from Beijing. For her, this trip to Beijing was like a dream. At present, the upper management is making every effort to prepare for the Eighth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee, which will open in November. According to the previous statement, the main topic of this plenary session is the relevant provisions of rural economic reform, but it is interesting that the above is responsible for receiving COSCO North Group. At this juncture, a group of officials talked about the main spirit of the seventh plenary session of the previous year, and Beijing did not give any direct answer to the conditions put forward by Guo Shouyun.

In the following day, including Sun Hongyu, the seventeen principals of COSCO North went to the Central Party School and received a comprehensive theoretical education. For four full classes, four professors turned over the past lectures for them. Three key points of reform and opening up are discussed: First, reform needs to correctly handle various interests. We must start from the key points and properly handle the interest relationship between the overall situation and the local situation, the long-term and the immediate, the country and the collective and individual opinions. It is necessary to make overall plans and properly arrange the distribution of interests, fully mobilize the positive factors of all parties, and stimulate the creative spirit of all parties; second, it is necessary to correctly understand and handle the relationship between governance and rectification and deepening reform. To create conditions for reform and to ensure the healthy development of reform, it also needs to implement the spirit of reform and carry out in deepening reform. Third, on the basis of self-reliance, continue to expand opening up and strengthen economic and technological cooperation and exchanges with the outside world. It is necessary to further develop the existing special economic zones and coastal open areas, and at the same time, consider selecting some border cities as a window for opening to the outside world and promote the development of border trade. We must work hard to learn and absorb the advanced technology, scientific management experience and progressive cultural achievements of foreign countries, including capitalist countries, and at the same time resolutely resist the erosion of those passive and rotten things in the capitalist system...

Sun Hongyu is a smart person. This simple day of study is enough for her to "know the elegance by hearing the sound of the strings". Obviously, the above has only one meaning for cooperation with Guo Shouyun, and that is "pragmatic". In the subsequent study report paper, she wrote these two words on her answer sheet.

"Pragmatic", these two words seem very simple, but in a deep sense, it contains too broad meanings, if you have to use a very simple word to describe it, it is "I can satisfy any of your demand, but you also have to give me everything I want."

Sun Hongyu's thesis with only two words brought her a comprehensive turnaround. In the following days, COSCO North Group made significant changes in the management level. Six of the seventeen directors of the original board of directors It was removed from the list, and the former chairman of the group was transferred to Yunnan, which means that Sun Hongyu will serve as the chairman of COSCO North Group and act as the general manager for a period of time after that.

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