Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 167: brutal struggle

? Set up a cover for Bakatin? Sijakhov naturally knew who Bakatin was a "radical thug". For a long period of time in the past, he had been in charge for Ye's family, so he was also greatly accepted by Ye's new appointment.

Look at what happened during this time. First, the White House hoped to use the hands of the Security Committee to pry open a breakthrough from the Far East, talk to Yakov, and then rectify Guo Shouyun, and then follow the clues and swept Victor and his team off the horse. . At the same time, Viktor and his group also took this opportunity to set up a big trap, starting from Liu Jing and Josbayev, and they involved Bakatin, and the ultimate target was obviously Ye Ye the White House led by Mr.

At present, the two most powerful political forces in the Soviet Union are using the Far East as a battlefield, sharpening their swords and fighting against each other, but the means they can use are tortuous and circuitous. "what.

To be honest, prior to this incident, as the chief of staff of the Far East Military Region, Sijakhov was quite conceited. Even though he was obedient and obedient to Guo Shouyun on the surface, in his heart, he had grown up with this Mao. The young Chinese people in the 2000s are really disdainful - "What's so great. Isn't it just rich?" But after this incident, Sijakhov's "hot" heart was completely cool, he realized So, Guo Shouyun is not a simple local rich man, and he is not a separate individual force in the Soviet Union. His Guo clan is a part of a huge interest group in the Soviet Union, and it is also a crucial part. . Those who oppose him have to face, not just a meticulous conspiracy, nor a wealthy Guo clique.

It is a dark force deeply entrenched in the Soviet political circle and with dense tentacles. The energy of this dark force is so great that it can be used in a very short period of time. It turned the entire safety committee upside down. This may sound bleak, but it is the reality. Sijakhov felt that he, the chief of staff of the Far Eastern Military Region, was probably inferior to an ant in the eyes of others, right?

"Oh, brother." After thinking about these things in his heart, Sijahoff asked tentatively, "Then what you mean is that Mr. Victor's intention this time is to completely remove the power of the White House from the Security Council. go out?"

"Complete eradication?" Guo Shouyun tilted his head to think for a moment, then said with a slight smile, "That's not very likely. No one is friends with anyone in politics, but then again. It's my old father-in-law that Status, between him and his opponent is probably not a deadly enemy. Everyone, if you mess with me once, I will calculate a game for you. The ultimate goal is nothing more than to force the opponent to make some concessions within a local scope. Can you expect them to fight to the death? The final result is nothing more than a lose-lose. So, in my opinion, we got rid of Liujing and Josbayev this time, and Moscow got it, which is not good for Bakatin. As for how long Bakatin can stay in his position, it probably depends on how much concessions the White House can make. ."

"Well, that's the truth," Sijahoff felt very reasonable about Guo Shouyun's speculation.

"Okay, I think Liu Jing and the others should have run away at this time." He reached out and patted Sijahov's poncho, Guo Shouyun said, "Come on, let's go up and have a look, that Lieutenant Colonel Batvey doesn't know How is it, I hope his luck is not too good."

"Don't worry, brother, I personally arranged it. Major Honibin is my person. Let him do it. I am afraid that our comrade Batvey will not be blessed by the **** of luck anyway." Walking out of the woods with Guo Shouyun, Xi Jia Hoff straightened the helmet on his head and chuckled softly.

"Haha, then tonight's drama is a big one," Guo Shouyun nodded knowingly and smiled, "The dignified senior officer of the Far East Bureau of the Security Committee brought the Alpha Special Forces team to attack the material vehicles of the Far East Military Region, causing heavy casualties. Not to mention, it directly led to the death of a lieutenant colonel on the spot. Think about it, if such a thing was spread through the media, what would happen?"

"At least the people in the National Defense Supervision Commission may not be able to sit still," Sijahoff said. "It has been more than ten years since the middle of the Afghan war, and there has been no example of a colonel-level officer killed in action in our domestic army. Well, this is a big shame for the military. What's more, our military has always had a bad relationship with the Security Committee. This blatant provocation by the Security Committee will definitely lead to a backlash from the military. Well, if

Move some hands and feet to make things more lively, it is estimated that the fun will be

"It's enough to do this step, but if you do too much, it will become superfluous," said Guo Shouyun, waving his hand.

While talking, the two walked around a bush one after another and walked to the road that had just experienced a fierce battle. Seeing the two coming over, a middle-aged major with a gun in his hand ran over from the latter military vehicle that was hit with bullet holes everywhere. He first gave a military salute to Sijakhov, and then smiled: "General, everything is done. Twelve of those blind guys were brought down, and the rest went north along the foot of the mountain. According to your order, we did not pursue them."

"Nice job, Hornibin," Sijahoff slapped the major on the shoulder and laughed. "How's the evidence collection going? Is there anything to identify these guys?"

"General, look." Major Honibin didn't answer directly. He raised his right arm and sent the chain of cards in his hand to Sijakhov.

Using the lights on the armored personnel carrier in front, Guo Shouyun glanced at the chain badges. He also knew this kind of thing. It was the military badge worn by the soldiers of the Alpha team. It was not much different from the military badges of ordinary Soviet soldiers. There are soldiers' numbers, names, and the numbers of the units they belong to. However, since Alpha's number is "a", there is no numerical unit number on the sign, only an icon of "a" with a sword inserted.

"Very good," Sijakhov apparently knew what these signs were, he praised and said, "Hurry up and clean up the battlefield, the corpses of those gangsters must be preserved, maybe they will come in handy later, Well, including their equipment, they have to find reliable people to take care of them."

"Yes, General," Major Hornibin answered loudly, standing up.

"Major Honibin, right?" Guo Shouyun spoke at this time. He took a slight staggered step to avoid the direct light of the armored vehicle. He looked up and down on Honibin with his bright eyes, and then smiled. Said, "You guys did a good job tonight, but there's one thing I need to check. It's about Lieutenant Colonel Butterway, he's now... you know what I mean?"

"Understood, Mr. Guo," said Major Honibin, who stood upright and said without squinting, "Lieutenant Colonel Butterway was ambushed and killed in the battle just now. He was shot six times, and the deadliest shot was hit. His brow bone runs through his head. Just now, I have ordered my subordinates to restrain his body, and now arrange it in the carriage of the personnel carrier."

"Look, brother, I just said it, you can rest assured that Honeybin does things." Sijahoff said with a slight smile.

"Yes, yes," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, completely lost in thought, "Major Honeybin is very capable, no wonder you value him so much, big brother. In my opinion, now that Lieutenant Colonel Butterway has been killed, his work will still be done in the future. Someone needs to do it. Talents like Major Honibin are always in the grassroots army. It's a bit unreasonable. Well, if you have no opinion, big brother, you might as well mention it to General Liaomenko and let him command the military area. Let's take over as Lieutenant Colonel Butterway."

"I think my brother's proposal is very good, Honibin, do you have any personal opinions?" Sijahoff nodded and said.

"I obey the general's arrangement," Major Honibin's face suddenly showed a look of joy. He first replied loudly, and then said to the two people in front of him, "Thank you sir, thank you general."

"You don't need these politenesses. You earn your own future. Major... ah, no, it should be said that the same is true for Comrade Lieutenant Colonel." With an indifferent smile, Guo Shouyun said, "You only need to Remember one thing, there will be no bad treatment for those who sincerely serve us, whether it is me or a few generals in the military region. As for what happened tonight, you did a good job, but in the future... ."

"Sir, please rest assured that the people who participated in the operation tonight were all specially selected by me. We happened to catch up with this conflict during our routine patrol mission.

Some unidentified thugs attacked the material vehicles of the military area. In view of the emergency, I ordered the troops to fight. After investigation, it was found that all the attackers had the identity plates of the "a" team. According to my judgment, these people should be impersonating. Other than that, we know nothing, and no matter who asks the question, we only have this one answer. Before Guo Shouyun could finish his words, Major Honibin hurriedly said.

"Okay, very good," Guo Shouyun smiled, he and Sijakhov exchanged a knowing wink with each other, and then said, "Lieutenant Colonel Honeybin, it's really hard for everyone to carry out the mission in the rain tonight. That's right, several generals in the military region and I have prepared some small prizes for you, which are in the car over there, you can go and collect them later."

"Thank you sir," Honeybin naturally knew what that so-called "little prize" was.

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