Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 161: KGB secret

?Josbayev? "The name is completely unfamiliar to Guo Shouyun, and he doesn't care who will be the director of the Far East Bureau of the Security Committee. Sanariva's infiltration of this department has been extremely successful before. To put it bluntly, from the General Bureau to all parts of the Far East. Bureau, from the head of the department to the general staff, they all have entanglements with the gang more or less. Therefore, no matter who will be the director, he must be honest and obedient, or he should get out of the way as soon as possible.

"However, Josbayev, the former head of the Central Asia branch." Yakov took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said with a weird expression, "A good man, I have never met in a hundred years in the safety committee. He is a good man, hehe, if he is a human being, it is not a bad idea to call him a person who does not get in."

"Oh? It turned out to be an honest official, hehe, that's a good thing." Guo Shouyun pursed his lips and said disapprovingly.

"A good thing? Hey, maybe," Yakov sneered, putting the handkerchief in his hand back into his pocket, and then he took out an old black-and-white photo with a yellow face. He put the photo on the bar, gently pushed it in front of Guo Shouyun, and then said, "Look at this, do you know any of the four people above."

Guo Shouyun twisted the photo in his hand and took a look in front of him. The four people in the photo are obviously officers of the Security Council, wearing military uniforms, and the background of the photo is the Security Council building on Lubyanka Street in Moscow. All four looked young. It is estimated that the oldest is only forty years old. They stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder, and their attitude is very close.

"This is probably a photo from decades ago," Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled after taking a closer look at the photo, "I think the statue of Comrade Dzerzhinsky has not been repaired, at least it was from 1982. How could I possibly know these people?"

"Don't you know the second one from your right?" Yakov said with a slight smile.

"The second from the right?" Guo Shouyun lowered his head and looked carefully.

Finally he shook his head.

"Ferikonovich you must remember?" Yakov said.

"Ferikonovich?" This man, Guo Shouyun, naturally remembers that when he first came to the Far East, the director of the Far East Bureau of the Security Committee was Felikonovich, but this old boy was later eliminated. him?"

"Well," Yakov nodded and brought the photo over, "this is a photo from 1972. The four people on it are, from the right, Liu Jing, Feliconovich, Boyce, and Josba. Yev. They were contemporaries of Lenin's special school and four of the best friends. Boyce was killed by the Americans when he was on a mission in Havana in 1976. Ferikonovich was killed by us a few months ago. Killed, now the four people in the photo, only Liu Jing and Josbayev are left. Now, Josbayev has been appointed as the new director of the Far East Bureau, while Liu Jing is the director of the positive action department. Don’t sit down, they volunteered to come to the Far East with Josbayev, hehe. Brother Shouyun, their intentions are very obvious.”

"What does this have to do with me?" Although he knew in his heart that this matter was a bit troublesome, Guo Shouyun still said it quite lightly, he smiled lightly, and said, "The case of Feliconovich, your Security Committee has already concluded. , so in this matter, no matter what Ryujing is, or Josbayev, even if they want to pursue it. I'm afraid they won't be able to hold me accountable, right?"

"Brother Shouyun. Do you really think so?" Yakov was silent for a while, staring at Guo Shouyun. He smiled and said, "I don't think it's possible, right? I know that the reason why you don't put Josbayev and Liu Jing in your eyes is because you rely on that woman, Shana Riva, who has been everywhere in the bureau these days. Throw money and buy everyone who can be bought. You can take it for granted, brother, that in the future, even if Josbayev comes to the Far East, you can easily take him off the ground and make him unable to do anything. Brother ,am I right?"

Guo Shouyun smiled and didn't speak, but he raised his heart. He knew that since Yakov had explained the words, there must be some problems with the safety committee that he didn't know about.

"Hey, since the establishment of the Safety Committee in December 2017, it has been developing for nearly 80 years. Its system is complete and rigorous. How can it be as simple as you think?" Yakov reached out and stroked Holding the wine glass in front of her, she said playfully, "Sana Riva did come from the Safety Committee, but her position is too low and there are many problems, which are not accessible to her level."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun became interested. He stretched out **** and tapped lightly on the bar, and said without raising his eyelids, "I heard something in what brother said."

"It doesn't matter if there are words or not," Yakov reached out and unbuttoned the two buttons on his chest, took out a sealed document from his arms, put it on the bar, and said lightly, "The important thing is , now I'm leaving, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after, Josbayev and Ryukyung

Came to Khabarovsk from Moscow. Well, maybe they are now, but we don't know yet. According to the internal regulations of the Security Committee, the first thing for the head of the branch to take over the regional secret file is to take over the regional secret file, and among all the secret files, this one is the most important. "

"This is..." Guo Shouyun glanced at the cover of the document, the word "top secret" on the seal was a bit striking.

"This is my 15 million," Yakov pressed his right hand on the document and said with a smile, "In order to get it, the first thing I did after taking office was to do it in the bureau. A cleaning. I know what kind of person I am, and I also know what will happen to people like me, so it is very necessary to keep a hand in advance. Have you seen this document? According to the regulations, In order to open a new branch, the person in charge must go through five procedures: the appointment order of the Moscow General Office, the permission of the a, the approval of the chairman of the security committee, the approval of the Soviet department representative, and the presence of the two secret department heads of the branch. How high is the value of a document like this, brother, you can estimate it, brother, I don’t want 15 million, right?”

Guo Shouyun was really heartbroken, not to mention whether this document has anything to do with him, the secrets it involves are enough to make one's heart tickle. What's more, 15 million dollars is nothing to him today. He used to think that Yakov was extorting himself, so he was angry, but now it doesn't seem to be the case. People want to do it with him. trade.

"Brother, you're a bit outlandish when you say this. If you want 15 million, I'll give it to you, brother. Not to mention that we were good brothers before. Even if you don't look at that face, Nina is still here. Is it?" Guo Shouyun smiled, stretched out his hand and took out the prepared envelope from his pocket, and pushed it to Yakov along the side of the bar, "I have already prepared everything you need. As for you Going to Japan will be arranged this afternoon. If you have nothing else to do, then you might as well rush to Vladivostok in the afternoon, where the people from Shana Riva will send you to sea, and there are also people in Japan. When someone picks you up, you don't need to worry about anything."

"It's always such a pleasure to work with my brother," Yakov picked up the envelope without checking the contents, just put it in his arms, and then pushed the sealed document in front of Guo Shouyun. , "Brother, put this thing away. After reading it, you should remember that you can remember it, but it's best to destroy the original, otherwise, once the news is leaked, hehe, it's not a joke."

"What is so mysterious," Guo Shouyun reached out and picked up the secret document, glanced at the clauses and instructions written on it, and said casually.

"You'll know after you've seen it yourself," Yakov picked up the wine glass in front of him, drank the vodka in it, then stood up and smiled, "The same sentence, it's better to destroy the original. It's for the sake of my brother. Well, today's goal has been achieved, and I won't stay here any longer. I'll go to the villa in Hongyi District in a while. If my brother has arranged the itinerary, let them pick me up there. ."

"Why, I'm leaving now?" Guo Shouyun didn't look back, he laughed softly, "Aren't you going to accompany me to drink two more drinks here? I'm afraid there will be no such opportunity in the future."

"Hehe," with his back to Guo Shouyun, Yakov lowered his head and said with a half-smile, "Yeah, I'm afraid there will be no such opportunity in the future, but for me, it's nothing to regret. In the country, the only thing I care about is Nina. For this sister, I have never taken good care of her or even paid attention to her. I often resent my father, his cold-bloodedness, and his disregard for family affection. Come to think of it, I'm actually no different from him. Hehe, forget it, it's useless to say this now, you go back and tell Nina, just say I'm a brother... I'm sorry for her."

After saying this, Yakov didn't stop, he took big strides and walked straight to the door of the bar.

"If I had known today, why was it in the first place?" Hearing Yakov's footsteps go away, Guo Shouyun didn't look back until the end. He could hear that although Yakov wanted to leave this country for a long time, when the day really came, this villain who did all evil was still a little reluctant. But this is reluctant to give up. It is impossible for him not to leave now, not to mention that those bad things he has done in the past will be held by those who care about him. Even if there is no such layer, I am afraid that people who want to put him to death will More to go.

Shaking his head and sighing, Guo Shouyun whistled, and at the same time unhurriedly opened the document, took out a stack of printed paper from the airtight document bag, and browsed it hastily in front of him.

"Damn it!" Guo Shouyun only looked at the first two sheets of paper in his hand, his face turned ashen, he stood up abruptly, kicked the chair beside him first, and then took a big step towards the door go outside.

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