Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 151: order list

? By the time the generals of the military region were sent away, it was just before nine o'clock in the evening, and Larisa, who had been busy for a whole afternoon, came back from outside. Larissa has had a hard time these two days. She has been very busy at work. Although the political situation in the Far East has stabilized, the problems in all aspects have begun to gradually manifest.

Take today as an example, the states have begun to arrange the work of laying off redundant workers, and the work being carried out at the same time, as well as the inventory of government book assets and other aspects. Not to mention other things, just in the two tasks of laying off government employees and liquidating book assets, there are a lot of problems in the government departments of the Far Eastern states. Needless to say, the dismissal of staff is a government personnel issue, which has always been one of the most complex and critical links in national functional departments. Factional power struggles in government agencies and the construction of complex relationship networks are all based on a personnel relationship, a seemingly inconspicuous little person, his dismissal and retention may be related to the interests of many people. Therefore, as Guo Shouyun's An agent, Larissa never dared to take this seemingly inconsequential layoff lightly.

Personnel issues are complex, and from another perspective, the task of checking book assets is not trivial. In the past few decades in the Soviet Union, the problem of government corruption was not a local phenomenon. To put it bluntly, from the center of the country with Moscow as the center, to the states and republics of the whole Soviet Union, the virus of corruption is almost the same. Infecting all levels of the power structure, corruption in the form of malpractice, corruption and bribery, embezzlement of public funds, etc. is everywhere. Under such circumstances, the country suddenly had a situation, and states needed to consolidate government assets. Naturally, the huge deficit in the books of local governments could no longer be covered. There are a lot of panic officials, and the Far East is no exception.

Everyone hates gangsters, but for the Guo Group, the existence of these people is a must. Therefore, on the one hand, Larisa has to find a way to appease these panicked guys, and at the same time, she has to try her best to keep these people alive. Make up those book differences they make. After all, these people are the resources of the Guo Group, and the more problems they have. The easier it is for the Guo family to control them, and the easier it is to get what they want from them. Therefore, maintaining their status is a crucial link at present.

After simply listening to Larisa's work report and setting a tone for her future arrangements, Guo Shouyun remembered that there was still a lot of things going on in Shoucheng, and he didn't know about him, Nikolayev and Muralitaran. How's the conversation going.

After coming out of the villa that entertained the generals of the military region, Guo Shouyun didn't let Larissa follow him. Guo Shouyun held an umbrella by himself. Along the Yong Road in the villa, I walked unhurriedly towards the villa on the west side.

The rain is still falling non-stop. The night wind soaked with water vapor felt very cold on his body, and even had a chill that penetrated the bone marrow, but at the moment Guo Shouyun seemed to be enjoying this feeling, because this chill could make his mind clearer.

The drainage facilities in the villa area are not well built. After several hours of continuous torrential rain, there are small ponds that have silted up everywhere on Yong Road. halo. As the dense raindrops fell, these halos rippling, and at first glance, it was quite a scene.

It's not very far from the villa that just came out to the small building that is guarded. At most, the distance was two or three hundred meters, and in the meantime, it happened to pass Guo Shouyun's residence.

"Sister Hong, don't know what you're doing?" When passing by outside the wall downstairs. Guo Shouyun glanced upstairs subconsciously.

Sun Hongyu was placed in a suite on the left side of the second floor. Looking from Yong Road, the lights in her room were still on, but the curtains had been drawn. On the other hand, the curtains in Nina's room on the third floor were not drawn. Because of the rain, the window was still open, and a small head stuck out of the window, looking left and right, like a mole who was planning to leave the nest. Needless to say, apart from Victor, the owner of this little head is probably no one else, but this little guy is in good spirits, and she is not too cold to look at the window under such heavy rain.

"Huh..." The little guy's eyes were very good. Her little head sticking out of the window clearly saw Guo Shouyun downstairs. A special language for little guys to say hello to others.

Victor's voice was very sharp and clear, and in this quiet rainy night, it also spread far away. In less than a minute, Guo Shouyun heard the sound of hurried footsteps coming from both ends of the road, and then, More than a dozen night guards in the villa area copied from the two sides. It seems that the little guy's greeting is indeed not small.

"Shouyun, it's raining so hard, what are you doing outside?" Guo Shouyun was thinking about dispersing the rushing guards when Nina's voice came downstairs. She stroked Victor's little head by the window and shouted downstairs.

"It's okay, I'll go to Shoucheng's place, you don't have to wait for me, just go to sleep first." Guo Shouyun started and turned back.

"Come back, stay here, wait for you for a while

. ' cried Nina from upstairs.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun was a little stunned, he wondered, could it be that Nikolayev and that Muralitaran are gone? This is unlikely. They haven't met him yet. Needless to say, Nikolayev, can that Muralitaran be at ease?

"Okay, I'll go back now." Although there was a little doubt in his heart, Guo Shouyun still answered, and then walked towards the right side of Yonglu.

In just these two sentences, there were no human figures on both sides of the road, and the guards who heard the sound, like ghost shadows, suddenly disappeared. Guo Shouyun was a little stunned. It seemed that those people were not night guards, but dark posts placed around the villa area. At this time, they would probably return to their posts.

Along the Yong Road, I walked all the way back to my villa. As soon as I entered the door, Guo Shouyun saw his brother sitting on the sand in the center of the living room, staring at something in front of him. Kita is playing with a small dark blue brocade bag with great interest.

"Sir, you're back." Seeing Guo Shouyun walking into the corridor in front of the door, Nikita stood up first. She hurried to the door and took a pair of slippers in front of Guo Shouyun.

"Well," answered casually, Guo Shouyun kicked off the soaked leather shoes on his feet, put on his loafers, and walked toward the center of the living room, saying, "Why, Vicky and the others are gone? How are things going?"

"Let's go? It'll be fine if you're gone." Shoucheng raised his head, glanced at Guo Shouyun, shook his head and said, "Well, this is the list of purchase intentions that Muralitaran prepared before. Nikolayev looked at it. After that, he said there was no problem, just what was on these lists, and it was enough to draw from the reserves everywhere."

"Oh? Isn't that a good thing?" Guo Shouyun walked to the sand and sat down, rubbed his slightly sore shoulders, and took the list and glanced at it.

This list was typed on a Russian machine, with letters piled up. Guo Shouyun didn't know what the characters of those models represented. What's more, these things were not what he cared about. What he really cared about was the price. How much profit is contained in a trade. However, there is obviously no price issue on this list, it is purely a list of weapons and equipment.

"It's a good thing, but now that something has changed, Muralitaran has temporarily changed his mind. He wants to contact Sri Lanka and redraw a list." Shoucheng shrugged and said helplessly.

"Re-define the list?" The list in the emotional hand is still invalid, Guo Shouyun couldn't help laughing, "Then why are you showing me this?"

"Brother, I'm a little flustered," Shoucheng lit a cigarette for himself and smiled bitterly, "Look at this list, this is a purchase project book totaling nearly 80 million US dollars, all these things they want are It is a weapon with huge lethality. And it is impossible for you to know about the LTTE, they are rebels, they are the guerrillas of Sri Lanka. Now this procurement project book is amazing enough, but Muralitaran It means that since there are such good conditions now, he will increase the procurement efforts this time."

"Oh, this is even more a good thing." Guo Shouyun smiled, put the void list in his hand on the table, and said, "Why, people buy more things, why are you a seller still not happy?"

"Brother, do you think this is selling tea eggs?" Angrily glanced at the elder brother, Shoucheng took the list and said, "Look at these things: four t-64b vehicles, six t-72um vehicles , four bmp1s, six at-9s, sa-1o racks, six for each of the registered ammunition, and forty-five p-16s..."

"What a mess," Guo Shouyun felt a bit of a headache, and said so much, except that he knew that there were ten tanks and four armored personnel carriers, other at, sa, etc., he did not know it was what. Interrupting his brother's words, he said impatiently, "What at, sa. You guys understand the clichés here, so you can show it off to me, right?"

Looking at him helplessly, Guo Shoucheng had to say in detail: "at-9 is the anti-tank missile equipment we saw in the reserve, they want six; sa-1o, ++The most common ground-to-air force in the Air Force Missile launchers and a full set of equipment; p-16 anti-tank rocket launchers, they need forty-five; 122m, 13om, 152mm, 2o3mm towed artillery, they each need five; 12om curved direct fire dual-purpose guns, ten Six; 12o-meter mortars, twenty; millimeter mortars, fourteen..."

Guo Shoucheng was talking next to him, Guo Shouyun listened very carefully, but the two brothers had different thoughts. In front of eyes, these things are used to kill people, but in the back, these things... . are used to sell money.

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