Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 136: guts a little fat

After five or six minutes in front of the Military Trade Bureau, Guo Shouyun's Volga sedan got up, but this time there was one more person in the car, and this person was obviously the director of the Military Trade Bureau, Nikolai Ye, who was full of anxiety and longing. Comrade husband. /

Playing with the stack of banknotes that he had just sent and returned shortly after, Guo Shouyun looked at this guy with a fat brain and a serious excess of fat beside him with a playful look.

Nikolayev? Guo Shouyun had never met this person before. If he met on another occasion, he would definitely not know what this old man was doing. Dealing with someone you don't know the slightest bit about is not easy, it's challenging, but it's also fun. To be honest, from the moment we met in the building of the Military Trade Bureau, Guo Shouyun has been observing Nikolayev, observing his expression when he speaks, observing his eyes, and even observing every inadvertent thing he makes. action.

After just a few minutes of observation before and after, Guo Shouyun has a preliminary grasp of the temperament of the director of the military and trade bureau. In his opinion, the director comrade is obviously not the kind of good cadre who insists on principles. Otherwise, just look at his fat, a pragmatic and conscientious state cadre, how can he have such a big belly? A government employee with a decent personal style and strict self-discipline will be matched with a female secretary who is always flirtatious and dares to accept any money? A public official who does not care about personal gains and losses and is not afraid of power will nod and bow in front of rich businessmen and rich people, and these signs are combined. Guo Shouyun came to a conclusion that he must have a chance to use the guise of the Military Trade Bureau to do a big business plan.

In the eyes of good people, bad people are good people. In the eyes of bad people, good people are also bad people. Guo Shouyun never thought he was a good person, so he didn't look down on so-called good people in his eyes. As for the Nikolayev in front of him, he liked it.

"Comrade Nikolayev, right?" He stared at Nikolayev for a while. It wasn't until the other party's face showed an uneasy look that Guo Shouyun let out a haha, slapped the palm of his hand with the new stack of banknotes, and said. "This name is a bit long. I think I should call you Comrade Director."

"Ah, no, no, Mr. Guo can just call me Vic. Of course, the premise is that you don't mind what you say." Nikolayev moved his body with difficulty, and at the same time, smiled shyly.

"That's not appropriate, right?" Guo Shouyun smiled indifferently. He said casually, "I heard that lady just now... Nikita, what's her name? It's the one who was in the bureau just now."

Nikita turned from the front seat. Shrug. That means she didn't notice.

"Mr. Guo means Srkina, right?" Nikolayev said cautiously. "Hey, this. This, I usually neglect her and spoil her. If the husband is dissatisfied with her in any way, I will go back and clean her up. Anyway..."

"Hehe, you misunderstood, I think her temperament is quite straightforward, she is a cheerful person, and I have always liked cheerful people," Guo Shouyun said, still with such a kind smile, "What's more, , I don't think her relationship with you is simple. When she calls you, she seems to be calling you by the name of Vicky. If I also call Comrade Director this way, I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate, right?"

"Oh, sir, don't get me wrong, my friends usually call me that, and they don't mean anything else..." Nikolayev quickly explained, because he was too excited, he The fat on the cheeks was shaking, which was really interesting.

"It's just a joke," Guo Shouyun said with a smile before Nikolayev finished speaking, "Why are you taking it seriously, Vicki? In fact, we all know the relationship between you and Miss Srkina. It's okay to be clear, man, some things will inevitably happen... ah, right, huh. This kind of thing doesn't violate the law, and it doesn't hurt others, it's no big deal."

"Yes, yes, yes, what Mr. Guo said is," Nikolayev nodded repeatedly, echoing with a smile on his face.

"Come on, take this and give it to Miss Srkina for me later," Guo Shouyun said, putting the banknote in his hand on Nikolayev's fat leg, "Nothing else. , just treat it as a welcome gift, I hope Miss Srkina doesn't think I'm stingy."

How embarrassing. "Nikolaev really doesn't look down on these small money. What he values ​​more is the big money and power in the hands of Guo Shouyun. Nikolayev knows that in today's Far East, he, the director of the Military Trade Bureau, is in the eyes of others. There is nothing in it, but to him, he is the Lord who wants to but can't.

"Put it away, put it away," Guo Shouyun got a little impatient. He was too lazy to bother with the question of two or three thousand rubles.

"Well, then I'll thank Mr. Srkina," Nikolayev also saw Guo Shouyun's impatience, so he got off the donkey and put the banknotes in his pocket.

Watching Nikolayev put the banknotes in his pocket, Guo Shouyun nodded to the key, "Speaking of which, it's the first time we meet today. I'm a bit presumptuous here, so you won't be surprised, right?" "

"How can it be, sir, you are a distinguished guest, and you can't even invite me here." Nikolayev hurriedly laughed. In fact, he is also very puzzled now, and he can't figure out what the purpose of this "big man"'s sudden visit today is.

"Well," the flattering words are nice to hear, but Guo Shouyun is not interested in listening to this kind of nonsense now, he needs to know something really useful.

"Actually, the reason why I came here in a hurry today is that I have something to ask you about," Guo Shouyun stopped talking nonsense and went straight to the topic.

"Sir, please tell me, I must know everything and say everything," Nikolayev said.

"It's like this," Guo Shouyun said, "you know, since the beginning of the year, our life in the Far East Military Region has been very difficult. First, the Kremlin and the Ministry of Defense have had a lot of trouble, and the result is that the troops can't get government finances. Budget. Next, there is another coup d'etat by the Emergency Committee, and another purge of the White House. The situation is chaotic and military spending cannot be allocated. Hey, those generals in the military region did a lot to help their brothers in business, so I can’t just sit back and watch their difficulties, so, during this period of time, almost all of the salaries and expenses of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in our entire Far East Military Region have been taken by the group.”

"I have also heard about this," Nikolayev took the opportunity to give a flattery, "Sir's generosity is indeed unparalleled."

"I don't know what someone can do and no one can match, but what I do know is that if things go on like this, the group will not be able to hold on. After all, we are running a company, not a gold mine." Guo Shouyun pouted and said indifferently. .

"That is, that is," Nikolayev echoed.

"I have been thinking about how to solve this dilemma recently. To put it bluntly, it is how to make the military region self-sufficient as much as possible, and at the same time, reduce the burden on the group." Guo Shouyun ignored Nikolayev. Gu Zi continued.

"The military region is self-sufficient?" Nikolayev's heart moved, vaguely, he seemed to have guessed something. As far as he knows, the Far East Military Region has now taken back all military-related enterprises, factory and mine management rights, and sales rights, and almost all of those profitable channels are in the hands of the Guo Group. Under such circumstances, Guo Shouyun still feels dissatisfied, so what else does he want to do? He found out his own director of the Military Trade Bureau today, and discussed these issues. What was he for? Thinking about it like this, the answer that Nikolaev needed came out.

"During this period of time, I've also observed it for a while," Guo Shouyun didn't know what was going on in Nikolayev's fat head. Of course, he wasn't in the mood to know. Just looking at the philistine spirit of this guy, it is impossible for him to have much immunity to things like "money".

"From the current situation, a large amount of outdated military materials are stored in the reserve warehouse controlled by the military region. These things are stored in the warehouse all day long, occupying space and having little use value," Guo Shouyun said here, already Without concealing it, he said bluntly, "So I'm thinking about whether I can find a channel to sell them out, so that these waste products can be exchanged for the funds we desperately need..."

Guo Shouyun stopped here. He squinted at Nikolayev in a daze, and said in a erratic tone: "What I mean, do you understand?"

"This, this, Mr. Guo, I'm stupid, I still don't understand what you mean, can you explain it a bit more clearly?" Nikolayev pretended to be stupid, but he was thinking: This young man from China is too bold. Obviously, he wants to do arms business? Private arms business, that's a big sin. Domestic sales of military supplies, firearms and ammunition are strictly prohibited. In the past, let alone the large-scale arms trade, even if it is privately configured gunpowder, once seized by the security department, it is the result of shooting or hard labor. But now, people are showing that the swords and guns are going to be "big", and this courage is really fat.

But having said that, Nikolayev also understands one thing, that is, in the current situation, there is no better way out for the cowardly except to starve to death. The surnamed Guo is so young. He became rich in the Far East, why would he? With the cowardly? That is sheer bullshit.

He wants to trade in arms, what is the attitude of the Far East Military Region? What is the attitude of the Pacific Fleet? What is the attitude of the safety committee? Will someone from the Ministry of Internal Affairs intervene? Guo Shouyun can ignore these issues, but Nikolayev has to figure it out. Therefore, when Guo Shouyun asked this question, Nikolayev not only did not answer directly, but also pretended to be stupid.

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