Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 119: Contradiction is necessary

?Since Shouyun said so, then in my opinion, it is better to do it this way." Although he said that he should negotiate in his military area, Liaomenko is not really stupid enough to make his own decisions. These two days in the military area Everything that happened made him fully understand the situation. He knew that without the support of the young man in front of him, he would not be able to control everything in the military area. w/What's more important is that Guo Shouyun has obviously made a difference to himself. Dissatisfied, if you don't seize this opportunity and show it well, your future will be really worrying.

"I'll go back in a while, and I'll hold a conference call within the military region to discuss it with the comrades of the troops directly under it, and try to draw up a reply to Moscow in the shortest time possible, and I'll have someone send it to you later. , let you take a look at it before making a decision." Liaomenko said flatteringly.

"That's fine," Guo Shouyun said with a smile as he pushed the glasses full of wine in front of everyone, "It doesn't matter whether I see it or not, the key is to communicate with most of the comrades. This communication is very important. , the so-called brainstorming, there are many problems that seem to be very complicated, but if they are discussed in front of everyone, they can be easily solved. The general will be in charge of the entire military region in the future, and the security plan of the Far East can be completely entrusted to you. , so you need to pay more attention to that.”

Holding up the glass in front of him, he gestured to the crowd casually, Guo Shouyun took a sip of the mellow red wine and continued: "Speaking of which, no matter how smart this person is, his energy is limited, so the general doesn't either. It is necessary to grasp all the problems in your hands, communicate and negotiate with your colleagues more, and you will be able to do your work more effectively in the future. Of course, I am just expressing my personal opinion, and many things still need to be taken by the general himself. idea."

"Yes yes yes," Liao Menke said in a loud voice, he knew that Guo Shouyun was talking to him, "Shouyun's proposal is very timely. You know, I have been working in the military area before. Party affairs work. There is inevitably a rigid set of thinking in the way of doing things. This is the first day of the new year when I come into contact with the overall work of the military region, and I haven't changed my thinking for a while. Hey. In the future, we must pay more attention to this aspect. Now, democracy is being promoted everywhere. , we can no longer be overly conservative in the military region. I have seen it for a while, and wait until these troubles are over. After the situation has stabilized, there should be a general and in-depth discussion of the democratic style of work in the military region. The 'Yiyantang' will be completely destroyed and smashed, and more people will have a chance to speak. Do you think this plan is feasible?"

Everyone heard it. Liao Menke was explaining to Guo Shouyun in disguise, especially Sijakhov, his heart was almost overjoyed - vying to be the leader of the military region. do it. Sit up and let you know how hard the seat is.

"You can look at the arrangement of these things. But the idea is still good, you can try to implement it." Guo Shouyun held the glass. Two fingers caressed the rim of the cup, and thoughtfully pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "There is one more thing that the two generals need to pay attention to. I think General Sironov should also take care of him now. When I got the notification from Moscow, although they said that the Pacific Fleet has little contact with the military region, they are all in the Far East after all. When necessary, it is still necessary to exchange news, you..."

"Sir, you can rest assured about this," Nikita interrupted before Guo Shouyun finished speaking, "General Sironov personally called this morning, and I listened to him, and it seems that I have no intention of going there. Moscow."

"Of course he won't go to Moscow at this time," Sijakhov said with a smile as he put down the wine glass in his hand, "After all, Sironov is considered a good guy in the military, but he and Moiseyev have a close relationship with him. The enmity between the two is well known. When he was assigned from the North Sea Fleet to the Far East, Moiseev was behind it. So, under the current situation, where would he give Moiseyev? What a face."

Is there still a grudge between Sironov and Moiseyev? Guo Shouyun had never heard of this. However, after all, he had long since gotten rid of the vulgar taste of "gossip", so although he was curious, he did not open his mouth to inquire.

"Okay, since there's no problem, let's settle the matter in the military region." After gulping down the red wine in the glass, Guo Shouyun played with the glass and said with a smile, "Compared to the military region's affairs in the past two days, it will be very difficult. I'm busy. I won't leave the two generals. If there is nothing else, you can go back first. Tomorrow night, I will hold a reception, and I will send the invitations back to you. You two must come to attend. ."

&1t;: Well, they stay here, it's inconvenient for people to talk about it.

"It's definitely," Liao Menke stood up, shook hands with Guo Shouyun, and said with a smile, "I won't leave the headquarters during this time, what's wrong with Shouyun turning back?

If so, just make a call directly, no need to bother others to run in person

"That's right," Sijakhov also smiled, "Shouyun doesn't know who to invite for tomorrow's banquet. If Polkkin and the others are needed to attend, then we can hurry up and let us know when we go back."

"No need, I'll go back and read their invitations in person. They're all old friends. There's no need to take the form of the military area," Guo Shouyun and Sijakhov shook hands and laughed loudly, "Otherwise, Susykhov It's time for my brother to say that I put on airs in front of him."

Who knew that the relationship between Guo Shouyun and the independent division was not simple, so hearing him say that, both Sijakhov and Liaomenko could understand.

Several people exchanged a few words, Guo Shouyun sent the two generals out the door, turned around, and said to Nikita: "Remember, next time when these people are present, don't talk about the government. ,do you know?"

"Oh?" Nikita was stunned for a moment, then she understood Guo Shouyun's intention, and she replied nervously, "Yes, sir, I remember."

Maybe it was because he felt that the tone of what he said just now was too severe, Guo Shouyun slowed down his tone, stretched out his hand to take Nikita into his arms, surrounded her and walked back to the living room, and said at the same time: "Don't think that everything will be fine if we get to this point, On the contrary, what we need more now is to be cautious. You must remember that none of the people we deal with are easy to deal with. Today they can hold you down and hold you up, but tomorrow if you If something goes wrong, they can throw you into the ravine. Climb high and fall hard, don't you understand this?"

"I see," Nikita whispered. She also knew that she had made a mistake today. Not to mention anything else, through the conversation just now, at least Sijakhov and Ryomenko could understand some of the internal problems of the Far Eastern states. If they wanted to do something small, Jestanev, who was the first secretary of the Primorye Soviet, was in danger.

"But you did a good job just now, that is, you quietly provoked the conflict between Sijakhov and Liaomenko." Going to the sand and sitting down, Guo Shouyun took Nikita in his seat. On his lap, he said softly, "This is what we have to do now. Only when there is a contradiction between them, can our position be better guaranteed. You can't take a personal preference for them. Look, I can see that you have opinions on Liaomenko, but he is just a puppet now, and he has no authority in the military region, so you can no longer target him everywhere. Contrary to this, you have to find a way Set him off and give him more support so that he can compete with Sijakhov. There are some things that I'm not good at doing directly, so you and Larissa need to find a solution. Go back and explain what I mean to Larissa, so that she will pay more attention in the future."

"Yes, sir, I understand." Nikita pursed her **** lips tightly, thought for a moment, and said in a muffled voice.

"As for Jestanev and the others, there's not much of a problem," Guo Shouyun took out the list from his top pocket, "This is what Victor explained, you can turn it over to Larisa and let her put it all together. Statistics on the people. Isn't the Moscow side looking forward to holding a plenary meeting? Well, let's use this opportunity to push these people out to show their faces. As for how to do it, I think Testanev and the others should know better. "

Handing the list into Nikita's hands, Guo Shouyun patted her high chest and hummed, "These people eat our food all day long, use our food, and hold ours, too. It's time to do something real for us. With such a big investment in them, if we can't solve even such a trivial matter, then we should consider changing people in advance."

Expanding the list, glanced at it hastily, Nikita found that there were not many people on it that she was familiar with. But things like this have always been handled by Larissa, so she doesn't care much about this list.

"Is there anything important that you need to take care of yourself these two days, sir?" Folding the list again and putting it in the close-fitting lined pocket, Nikita asked tentatively, "For example, your and Mrs. Nina's Is the marriage going to be done quickly in these few days?"

"Is this something you need to be concerned about?" Glancing fiercely at the jealous woman in his arms, Guo Shouyun said, "Don't put your mind on something you shouldn't think about. Besides, I'm not ready to get married so soon. I have done it. Tomorrow I will call all the heads of all branches of the bank together. The next two days will be a critical period. I estimate that as soon as the news of Gorbachev’s return to Moscow is announced, the short-term appreciation of the ruble and the short-term price of the dollar will There will be a devaluation situation. This is a great opportunity for profit for the group, and I will not let it go.”

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