Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 94: reward

?Shouyun's opening remarks reassured many generals present. Everyone knew before that this young man has been cooperating with the reorganized and independent 16th division led by Ivanov and Susykhov. It is precisely because of their cooperation that most of the officers from the top to the bottom of the 16th Division have benefited. When each unit has a headache for the monthly salary of several hundred rubles, the people of the 16th Division are all rich. After the oil flowed, the soldiers were not to mention their monthly salary, and they could also enjoy seasonal fruits. And all of this is because of the support of the Guo Group behind the scenes.

A little later, Bisef also secretly joined the interest cooperation system of this young man, and then, in episodes 45 and 29, all military spending issues were resolved by themselves. After that, it is the cooperation between the military region and this young man. Although it is said that under the auspices of Tretyak, the cooperation between the military region and Guo Shouyun is only a small-scale military-business cooperation. However, large sums of money have begun to flow into the accounts of the military region. These living facts are telling everyone that this young man is rich and generous, and that it is absolutely harmless to come together with him in the current situation of complicated and tense military spending.

"Mr. Guo is right," a middle-aged major general sitting in the third seat on Polkkin's left hand responded first. After this turmoil, our military region has suffered a lot, and the troops of various units have been allocated. , making the already tight funding even more scarce, and it seems impossible for Moscow to consider how to solve the problem of military spending in the short term. Hey, I think everyone should be worrying about the salary release in two weeks now, right? In this case, if we don't stick together again, it may not be long. Our troops will become a mess of sand. "

"General Bosko said it well," Pokkin nodded in agreement, and said without worry, "now Moscow is obviously completely out of touch with reality, whether it is Comrade Yazov or Comrade Yanayev. All of them. We only know our own gains and losses, but ignore the practical difficulties we face. Take an infantry division of mine as an example. From Vladivostok to Khabarovsk, it takes only 1 hour for supplies. A lot of money."

"Comrade Polkkin, you need a lot of money to move an infantry division, but compared with our fleet, this amount of money is probably nothing at all." As the only representative sent by the Pacific Fleet , Major General Lumanchenko spoke for the first time. He smiled bitterly, "What's more, your Far East Military Region has cooperated with Mr. Guo some time ago. You have also supplemented some military supplies, but what about us? We have nothing. Now, let's not talk about the maintenance of the fleet, and the cruise in waiting. We don't even dare to move even a diesel submarine easily, all the daily coastal defense patrol tasks have been cancelled. Now the most difficult thing is that our two strategic missile nuclear submarines and one nuclear attack submarine are in urgent need of repair. It's just that The funding gap for this item is as high as 3 million rubles, and the fleet cannot provide this money. The Ministry of Defense and the Budget Committee refuse to allocate it, and if such maintenance is ignored, once there is a nuclear leakage problem... ...Hey, now Comrade Sironov is frowning all day, and we are almost driven mad by these funding issues."

Pokkin's complaint with Rumanchenko immediately aroused everyone's approval. Now that the Soviet Union's financial constraints are not a matter of a day or two, and the problem of arrears of funds for the troops has also accumulated for a long time. Therefore, the various troops have More or less, there will be some financial constraints. It is rude to say that the reason why the Pacific Fleet sent Lumanchenko to participate in this meeting that had little to do with them this time was that Admiral Sironov hoped to get a part of the military spending, even if it was only a matter of time. A drop in the bucket is also good.

Guo Shouyun naturally understands the lack of military spending on all sides, and he is very happy to see such a situation. If these generals who hold military power are not troubled by these funding problems, it is really not easy to deal with.

The old **** was sitting in his chair, listening to the complaints of these generals in his ears, Guo Shouyun comfortably took out a cigarette and lit it for himself. There was always a pleasant smile on his face, and there was only one feeling that his smile brought to people, that is, the Chizhu was in his hand.

When the generals were complaining, Nikita suddenly appeared at the door of the conference hall. With a note in her hand, she walked quickly to Guo Shouyun's side, and first leaned over and whispered in his ear, Then he handed over the note in his hand.

Taking the note in his hand, Guo Shouyun frowned and looked at it. According to Nikita, someone called from Moscow just now. The caller also had some contact with Guo Shouyun. He is Ye's firm support and the current Vice President of the Russian Federation, Rutskoy.

The Moscow side is obviously well aware of the infighting within the Far Eastern Military District, and they should also know that the military district generals who oppose General Tretyak are gathering here in Kottolov. Therefore, Rutskoy is calling for only one purpose, that is. I just hope that these people can express their position as soon as possible and declare their opposition to the Emergency Committee.

for this trend

Naturally, Guo Shouyun will not refuse what needs to be done, but he thinks even more that the Russian government led by the Ye family has now found him directly, which means that what he has done in the Far East can no longer be concealed from these radicals. Head over. How do they feel about themselves in this situation? Is it seen as a threat, or as a potential best cooperation? Regarding this issue, Guo Shouyun felt that he had to figure it out as soon as possible.

And what Nikita came in and told him, in addition to this call from Lutskoy, there was another piece of news, and that was about Larissa's situation.

When she fled from Khabarovsk the day before yesterday, Larisa had already been imprisoned by the Far East Military Region one step ahead of schedule. Now, after two days of being imprisoned, she was inexplicably released. What does this mean? Undoubtedly, this shows that Tretyak has seen that things can't be done, and he began to give up confrontation and instead seek compromise.

Larissa was released by the military region, which is obviously good news. If you have any feelings for this woman, put it aside. At least, she is a very good assistant by Guo Shouyun's side. Without this woman by his side, Guo Shouyun is still true. It feels quite hands-off.

"Okay, I know it all,"

With a bang, he lit the lighter and set the note in his hand on fire. Guo Shouyun nodded and said to Nikita, who was standing in front of him, "Go ahead and make arrangements to bring Larisa back from Khabarovsk as soon as possible. Well, let go of all my entertainment tonight, and I'm going to hold a good shock reception for her."

"Okay, sir, I'll make arrangements right away." A look of relief flashed across Nikita's face, she whispered, then turned and walked out the door.

"Wait," Nikita had just taken two steps, and Guo Shouyun stopped her again, "call me Shoucheng again and ask him to arrange Dongting as soon as possible in the next two days. I may go to Moscow during this time. The overall situation here requires him to come back and preside over."

"Mr. is going to Moscow at this time?" Nikita was stunned for a moment, and then said worriedly, "I am afraid that the turmoil in Moscow will continue for a while, and this time, the position of Mister... if If you go to Moscow at this time, I am afraid it will be dangerous."

"You don't have to worry about this, just do as I say." Obviously not in the mood to explain more, Guo Shouyun waved his hand and beat Nikita away.

"Why, Shouyun is going to Moscow during this time?"

Guo Shouyun spoke in a loud voice just now, and the generals in the conference hall obviously heard his plan to go to Moscow. Therefore, when Nikita went out, Bisef spoke first.

"Is there something urgent that needs to be handled over there?" Suzyhoff asked immediately, "Hey, if you don't have to come forward, it's safer to leave it to someone else. As you, in It's too risky to go to Moscow at this time."

"It's better not to go to Moscow during this time. This is for power, and some people can do anything."



There was a chorus of voices in the conference hall. Obviously, at this time, these generals here have regarded him as a real person, a "big tree" that they can really rely on, even if it is not for anything else, but only for the "money" of the troops. , these generals do not want Guo Shouyun to take risks.

"I have to go to Moscow this time." Standing up from his chair, Guo Shouyun walked to the conference table. He stretched out his hand to hold the table and said calmly, "Because my trip to Moscow is not only about the future of the group. It is also directly related to the future of everyone here. In this coup, everyone here put their lives as collateral, and now the situation is clear, even if it is a reward for merit, we should all get it My own reward. So I went to Moscow this time to give everyone back the fruits of your change.”

Listening to Guo Shouyun's words, the conference hall suddenly became quiet, and every general present had a look of hope on the faces. Originally, this political stance was a bet of life and death, and everyone risked their lives before. Come to gamble like this, and now that the bet is won, who doesn't want to get the share of the bet he deserves? And it's obviously not appropriate for them to show the guns and guns for this "bet". Now that Guo Shouyun is in the lead, it is naturally the best.

"As I said before," Guo Shouyun continued with a smile, knowing everyone's thoughts, "We are a big family now, and you generals look down on me, Guo, so I will naturally think about you all the time and everywhere. After all, without you, I am nothing."

Having said this, Guo Shouyun changed his tone and continued in a strange tone: "But then again, this trip to Moscow is indeed very dangerous. Even if the generals are only planning for your own future, please pray to me more. Can come back safely. Hehe, because without me, you... are nothing."

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