Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 90: plan

?In the command room of the 45th Army Corps of Robizhan, an intelligence record in his ashen-faced hand slammed onto the table. With the sound of "pop", the briefing report slammed into a milky white tea cup with a lid. The cup spun around on the table, and finally rolled to the ground, and fell with a "bang". smash.

"It's nonsense! Playing the piano!" It seemed that the reimbursement of a teacup still did not quell Bisef's anger. He stretched out his big hand, slapped the red silk table with a "bang bang", and shouted furiously. , "Kortolov, what is that place?! It's only less than 70 kilometers away from Khabarovsk, and there are four helicopter battalions directly under the military region, and it only takes twenty minutes to get there if you send any one. I guard Yun, he is in a daze, what is the difference between him staying there and sending him to death?! And Suzyhof, it's a shame that he eats and takes from others all day long. At this time, he doesn't know where to stand. Come out and stop!"

The huge command room was filled with high-level officers from episode 45. Facing Lieutenant General Bisef's anger, these people didn't dare to catch a breath, so they sat upright in their seats and stared at the old general in stunned eyes. Perform violent stunts.

"Father, I know Shouyun's character very well," Yolinin, who was sitting in the left corner of the command room, stood up and said, "Since he has made up his mind to stay in Kortolov, he wants to come to Suzyhof. 's persuasion didn't work. Besides, now that things have developed to this point, I think if the military district intends to take action, it will be too late for us to do anything. But I think about it, even if Tretyak has the intention To deal with Shouyun, we shouldn't take any extreme measures. After all, he still has to sell some face to the old general of crab seedlings, so what we should think about most now is what to do next, especially Pokkin's side. How to deal with it. This old man, after hearing the news that Shouyun was staying in Kotorov, he never contacted us again, not only that. One of his infantry divisions also accelerated the speed of advancing westward, if they If it doesn't stop, it will be a direct threat to our right wing."

"Polkkin, hum, that old fox, don't pay attention to him." After all, Bisef was a general on the side of the army, and he quickly calmed down from his rage. The moment he calmed down, he understood Guo Shouyun's intentions and Polkkin's real plans at this time, "If I'm not mistaken, what he's doing now is purely acting."

"Acting?" Yolinin couldn't understand this question. Even most of the generals present could not understand. "What kind of play and for whom?"

"Of course it's a good show. As for who to show it to. Hmph, Polkkin naturally has an audience that he sees," Bisef said indifferently.

Everyone in the command room showed a stunned look. They thought that Bisef meant that Polkkin was acting for Tretyak, but what they didn't know was that Bisef did not mean that. It seemed to him that Polkkin was acting for Guo Shouyun.

I have to say that Bisef's vision is very accurate. As Polkkin, who has long planned to emigrate abroad, his pretense is still for Guo Shouyun to see. Now, his infantry division is heading west. Drive in, and the final destination is Sobyansk, a small town less than 80 kilometers away from Kotorov. According to Polkkin's plan, when his troops enter the designated position, that is, he officially declares his position. It's time.

Compared with Bisef's rage, Polkkin appreciated Guo Shouyun's risk of staying in Kotorov. In his opinion, this young man with a lot of money in his pocket is not only ambitious, but also very courageous. soul. There is no doubt that the current confrontation within the Far East Military Region has entered a white-hot stage. Unlike the past, this confrontation is bound to have a strong and weak result. That is to say, why should Tredia Ke strongly suppressed those military generals who did not obey orders, or the military generals who opposed Tretyak united to overthrow him. Apart from that, there was no third way to choose. At this juncture, Guo Shouyun, the great **** of wealth, has become the focus of competition among all parties, because his inclination can directly affect the final decision of some intermediary forces, such as Ivanov and his Polk. gold. In this case, Guo Shouyun is a focus. If he goes to Birobidzhan and accepts Bisef's protection, then there is no doubt that in this unprecedented infighting, Bisef will be greatly affected. In the limelight, he can even use Guo Shouyun's focus to become the most influential figure in the Far East Military Region. In the same way, if Guo Shouyun came to his Pokkin's side, he could also take advantage of the situation.

But now, Guo Shouyun's most shrewd thing is that he doesn't seek refuge with anyone, so he just stays in the exam.

Thus pulling the center of the storm there. Polkkin can remove this threat in the shortest possible time without taking any drastic measures. Then the time for this young man to be in the limelight is about to come. He has the news media and the Far Eastern states in his hands. He has a large amount of money in the government relationship network, and it is too easy for him to make some troubles when there is infighting in the Far Eastern Military Region. Of course, in Polkkin's eyes, the most brilliant thing about Guo Shouyun's approach is to take advantage of the situation. Now the general commander of the military region wants to control him, while the side with Bisef has to do everything possible to win him over. In addition, there are a large number of people who are watching the scenery waiting for him to set an example. In this way, Guo Shouyun While turning Kortolov into the core of the storm, he also raised himself to a natural position. All the people in the military area fought to the death, but in the end, all the glory was added to him alone. At that time, if the coup in Moscow shows signs of success, the young man can dignifiedly join the military region, thus becoming a hero of defending the coup and supporting the central government, and if the coup in Moscow is unsuccessful, then he can be logical. Be a fighter who maintains democracy and is not afraid of power. Taking some risks, but it can guarantee a win-win outcome, such a decision is really clever.

It was precisely because he clearly saw Guo Shouyun's plan that Polkkin finally made up his mind. He stepped up the western transfer of his infantry divisions. The commander-in-chief of the military region put pressure on him. He believed that as his actions were fully carried out, the old fox of Bisef would definitely take action, and Ivanov would naturally not sit still. When the time comes, the three parties will reconcile, I believe that those who are on the wall should stand up and express their opinions, and for Tretyak, as long as he is not completely confused, he should know how to choose.

But having said that, it will take at least nine hours for the infantry division to advance to Sobyansk, which means that if Guo Shouyun wants to win the final victory, he needs to withstand the pressure of the military region for at least ten hours. No one can predict what will happen during this time. In order to live a happy second half of his life in Switzerland with his family, Polkkin only has to pray twice for his God of Wealth.

"At a time when the fate of our motherland and the people of all our nationalities is in grave danger, we appeal to you! Our great motherland is in mortal danger! The reform policy initiated and started by Gorbachev was originally intended to protect the country's rapid development. The means of developing and democratizing social life have reached a dead end for various reasons. Loss of faith, indifference and despair have replaced initial enthusiasm and hope... Some people have power in their hands, but do not use it with care for the safety and well-being of each citizen and society as a whole, but to use it for interests incompatible with the people, as a means of unprincipled self-affirmation... The crisis of power has had a catastrophic effect on the economy . Sliding to the market in a chaotic, self-inflicted fashion has led to an explosion of egoism - regional, sectoral, group and individual egoism. Legal warfare and encouragement of centrifugal tendencies have led to decades of unified nationalism The destruction of the economic mechanism. The result was a sharp drop in the standard of living of the vast majority of the Soviets, a rampant speculation and a shadow economy..."

On the TV, the "Message to the People of the Soviet Union" read out by Yanayev himself was long and heavy. Between the lines, the concerns of the State Emergency Committee of the Soviet Union about the current state of the Soviet Union and their final efforts to save the country were permeated everywhere. effort. To be honest, this "Report to the People of the Soviet Union" sounds very touching, and the problems it reflects are also very profound, almost completely breaking through the problems that the entire Soviet Union is currently facing. However, these things sounded extremely harsh in Guo Shouyun's ears, such as loss of faith, indifference, egoism, speculation, etc., and so on, all of which seemed to be condemning him by name. He even felt that if the National Emergency Committee took control of the overall situation, someone like him would be out of luck. But fortunately, these guys are unlikely to succeed now, at least in history, they have not succeeded, their "Citizenship of the Soviet Union" has done a good job, and the understanding of the problem is also very deep, but these are too late , it's too late for them to do anything now.

In the city government office building in Kortolov, Guo Shouyun was sitting on the leather soft chair originally belonged to the mayor. The old **** was there after reading the whole point of the CCTV news release, and Khabarovsk fled all the way. The fatigue that came, seems to have disappeared a lot. Then, it seems that it is time to act.

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