Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 82: The black hand reaching out to the party property

When Nikita and Larisa walked into the living room, Guo Shouyun was holding Vic in his arms, his eyes wide open, staring blankly at the ceiling above his head, as if there was something attractive there.

"Sir," Nikita whispered as they walked to the sand one after the other, "Larissa is here."

"Well," Guo Shouyun came back to his senses, he supported Victor's back, lifted the little girl from his arms and sat up, then turned his head slightly and glanced at Larisa who was standing beside the sand. , smiled and said, "Baby, how is it, is this journey going smoothly? Did it bring me any good news?"

Larissa smiled slightly, and she leaned down and kissed the man lightly on the forehead.

"Sir, you have no conscience," he reached out and stroked Guo Shouyun's cheek softly, Larisa said with tender red lips, "It's been so long since we've seen each other, you don't know how to comfort others first. I just said a word, just to find out if there is any good news."

"Hey, you little vixen," grabbed Larisa's soft little hand and dragged her to sit in his arms, Guo Shouyun squeezed her full chest and laughed, "How dare you pick Mr. Li, I think your skin is itchy again. Do you want to comfort? Well, sir, I will comfort you well."

Feeling the man's grip on her chest, Larissa gasped and moaned twice, but a small hand reached into the hem of the man's pajamas and silently touched the culprit who turned her into a woman. disaster.

Guo Shouyun dresses casually in his residence, and his pajamas are bare and naked. Therefore, Larissa's warm and soft little hand directly saved his vital points. To be honest, he hadn't seen him these days. He really missed this woman in his arms, especially the refreshing pleasure he felt when he was happy with her.

With the gentle touch of the woman's little hand. Guo Shouyun felt that a mass of anger was slowly rising in his body.

"Cough!" At this moment, Nikita, who had been watching, coughed. She crossed her arms and looked at Larisa, whose face was pink and red, and said in a sour tone, "I said Larisa, are you going too far. When I saw me just now, my face was hot and hot. Say those two words. You're taking the urgency of the situation to prevaricate me. What's the matter now, Victor is not in a hurry about his appointment with Mr.

"Victor wants to see me?" Before Larissa could respond. Guo Shouyun said in amazement. As a prospective father-in-law, Victor hadn't even shown himself at the engagement ceremony with Nina, but now, at such a juncture, he offered to meet with him, if there was nothing odd about it. That would really be hell.

"What the **** is going on?" Guo Shouyun asked with a frown, grabbing Larisa's little hand between his legs, "Why does he want to see me. Where is he now?"

Seemingly blaming Nikita for ruining her own good deeds, Larisa first gave her sister a stern look, and then she straightened her face and said solemnly, "Don't worry, sir, Victor didn't come to the Far East, he is a man now. In Yekaterinburg. As for the place where he asked you to meet, he hopes to cooperate with you and do a big business."

"Oh, working with me? Doing a big business?" Guo Shouyun sat up straight, he could smell an unusual breath from Larissa's two sentences, "I seem to be doing big business all the time, just I don't know what new plans my old father-in-law has."

"I don't know the specific inside story either. That old fox obviously doesn't trust me very much," Larisa shrugged and said helplessly. "He came to my door before I was about to leave Moscow."

Larissa said, and shared the details of Viktor's contact with her in Moscow.

Just last night, Pavlov, the prime minister of the Soviet government, held a reception in his private villa in the eastern suburbs of Moscow. The purpose was to celebrate the return of his second son, as Guo Shouyun's correspondent stationed in Moscow. Larissa naturally received an invitation letter, and according to Guo Shouyun's previous instructions, she also prepared a generous gift for this reception. Because it was Pavlov's private reception, there were not many people present at the time. Except for some relatives of the owner, most of the others were old friends of Pavlov, and among these people included the deputy President Yanayev and a group of officials from the military and the Security Council.

The banquet started at eight o'clock, and after about forty minutes, that is, just after entering the palace, Viktor, who was in high spirits, rushed to the villa with two entourages, and then, together with Pavlov, who was the host, And the Vice President Yanayev who came to congratulate, after a few minutes of secret talk, Pavlov and Yanayev left the stage one after another. Perhaps out of an instinct, Larissa felt that something was wrong at the time, but because of the fear that had accumulated in her heart for a long time, she did not.

Ask Victor who stayed behind.

But it's still the same sentence, there's no way to avoid it. The more Larissa dodged, lest she meet Victor, the more they would hold her.

When the whole dinner was about to end, Victor came to the door. This KGB "Second Boss", who has always been ruthless, didn't know what a pocket **** was. He told Larisa straight to the point that he was the next day. He was about to rush to Yekaterinburg, and invited Larissa, who was going to the Far East, to accompany him.

Just like that, Larissa boarded a special plane to Yekaterinburg with Victor in the early morning of the second day.

During the flight, Victor proposed that he would meet with Guo Shouyun and discuss some important cooperation issues "related to the future". This old man has never trusted anyone, so Larissa naturally has no way of knowing what kind of cooperation he said. However, during the several hours of flight, this old man once lamented the decline of the Bolshevik Party several times. He also mentioned the property issue of the Bolshevik Party in a meaningful way. According to him, as the only ruling party in the Soviet Union for decades The assets under the name of the Bolshevik Party are staggeringly huge. The funds in each account alone exceed 12 billion rubles. In addition, there are more than 50 million freely convertible foreign exchange and hundreds of millions of foreign aid projects. , and others like holiday hotels, sanatoriums, publishing houses, and news organizations are countless.

Larissa is very smart. She heard some tricks from Victor's words. This old man seems to be sure that the Bolshevik Party is about to be destroyed. What he is most emotional about now is that this large amount of party assets will also follow. Because of the collapse of the Bolshevik Party, it was divided up by various forces. Therefore, Larisa believes that the cooperation that Victor needs to discuss should be about the transfer of assets. He intends to cooperate with Guo Shouyun to steal the accumulated assets of the Bolshevik Party for decades. wealth.

Just imagine, in the face of such a large amount of "business", how dare Larisa dare to neglect, so, she did not stop in Yekaterinburg, directly took a helicopter arranged by Victor, and rushed to Khabarov in a hurry sk.

What is heart-pounding, and what is greed for profit, to understand the true feelings reflected in people's hearts by these two words, you can ask the current Guo Shouyun.

Account funds of tens of billions of rubles; a lot of foreign exchange, bonds; fixed assets all over the major cities and tourist attractions of the Soviet Union. With these things in front of us, who wouldn't be moved? In the face of such a huge amount of wealth, who dares to say that he can still maintain a normal heart? Most importantly, this large amount of wealth is party property, party property! The biggest drawback of party property is that it never keeps an account within the state's financial institutions. Take the Bolshevik Party as an example. I am afraid that only the top leaders in the party know how much this wealth is in their party. knowledge. In the past, in order to avoid being criticized by the outside world, most of the assets within the party, especially the funds in the accounts, were secretly established and managed by special personnel. As far as Guo Shouyun knew, the current account of the assets of the Bolshevik Party was mainly controlled by a few people. In hand, for example, Shenin, for example, Baklanov, and then for example Cruzina. In other words, how much assets the Bolshevik Party has, what are the bank accounts, the property rights certificates for fixed assets, etc., are all in the hands of these people, and the person responsible for supervising the integrity of these people is the Safety Committee.

Now, the collapse of the Bolshevik Party is imminent. As the director of the Second General Bureau of the Security Committee, Viktor immediately put his mind on this party property, and he also knew so clearly about the state of the party's assets, it was obvious that this guy It must be one of the mysterious members of the Party Industry Supervision Committee. So what conditions does he need if he wants to successfully steal this part of the Bolshevik Party assets? There is no doubt that the first step is to get rid of the managers of the assets, the second step is to get rid of all those who know the inside story of the party's property, and the third step is to bring down the Bolshevik Party. These three parts are indispensable.

In the past, Guo Shouyun would definitely scoff at the old father-in-law's ambition, but now, he absolutely believes that this ambition has a great chance of success, and he can even be sure that those who now focus on the party property, Not just Viktor alone, they should be a large group, combined enough to overthrow the entire top Bolshevik Party leadership under the current circumstances.

To understand all this, combined with the upcoming coup d'état, Guo Shouyun couldn't help but feel terrified because of his boldness. He knew that with the development of his cooperation with Victor, the events in history started with vigour and then disappeared in an instant. The behind-the-scenes truth of the declared failure will be truly and thoroughly revealed to him.

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