Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 68: are not good people

?Well, this matter was handled well," Guo Shouyun's indifference eased a little after hearing that Shana Riva said it had been dealt with, he nodded and said something casually, and then, without waiting for Shana Riva He breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "But don't think that this matter has been dealt with cleanly, and you won't have to take any responsibility. Let's not talk about the fact that you used my guise to defraud the stockpile of arms this time, just say that you acted recklessly and recklessly, and I should give you a good meal. "

"Yes, sir, I'll pay attention next time." Shanariva said it seriously, but she felt at ease. She knew that since Guo Shouyun said such a thing, it meant that her goal had been achieved. ——The man in front of him already regarded her as his own.

"Next time? Do you want a next time?" Guo Shouyun said coldly with a light snort.

"..." Shanariva was speechless, she knew that anything she said at this time was in vain, and only "silence is golden" was the most suitable golden and good words for her.

"Also," Guo Shouyun continued when he saw the woman in front of him stopped talking, "Shoucheng called me yesterday and said that you were arrogant in the gang and even seriously injured two key members. This is true. ?"

"Yes, sir," Shanariva admitted honestly. After all, she couldn't hide something like this, even if she wanted to hide it. If she confessed frankly, Guo Shouyun would at least give her one opportunity to explain.

"Tell me the reason," as expected, Guo Shouyun said immediately.

Taking advantage of such an opportunity given by Guo Shouyun, Shanariva spoke out about a series of problems such as how the gang leaders did not obey orders, how to despise her as a leader, and how to expand passively and so on. According to her explanation, the reason why she had to deal with the two gang leaders was to stand up and lead the gang to develop better. Don't follow the rules and don't make a square. This is a very simple truth, and as a rule, it applies especially within the underworld. Shanariva claimed that it was precisely because of her powerful means that she quickly gathered the internal forces of the gang. In the next two or three days, the gang took large-scale actions in Belogelsk and In one fell swoop, the city was included, thereby extending the influence of the gang to the northern region of the Amur Region. Today, the gang has basically wiped out all the influential underworld organizations in the Amur region. The organization has branches in six districts and twelve major cities across the state, with nearly 6,000 gang members, and controls more than 70 bars, underground casinos, and dance halls in various places. It relies on the organization's operation and protection fees to collect two items every month. , it is estimated that the profit will be more than 4 million rubles. Say it bluntly. In terms of scale alone, it is already the largest, most members and most powerful mafia organization in the Far East.

"Looks like you have a good reason," honestly. Although Guo Shouyun tried to capture the underground mafia organization in the Far East at the beginning, since the Blagoveshchensk anti-mafia incident, he basically did not ask about the internal affairs of the gang, as for how the gang exhibition was and whether it was profitable Waiting for the situation, he can say that he doesn't know at all, so now, after listening to Shana Riva's detailed explanation, he realized that the gang under his command already has such a large scale.

"If you don't follow the rules, you can't make a circle. This is a good word," Guo Shouyun said in a deep tone, and then continued. "But you must also remember that this gang belongs to the Guo Group. You have to stand up and make those wise guys obey me. I have no opinion, but before making such a punishment, you should report to me or It is to ask Shoucheng for instructions, you did not ask for any instructions in advance this time, and you did something to them without authorization, is this called authority to know?"

"Yes, sir, I see." Shanariva whispered.

"Also, those people under your command have already sued Shoucheng in the past two days," Guo Shouyun continued with a gloomy face, "Based on the situation they reported, the reason why the gang had such a negative situation before it was scattered. It has nothing to do with your laissez-faire. This gang is the assets of the group. Although it is not something that can be seen on the bright side, they are equally important. Therefore, in terms of dealing with the affairs of the gang, you can’t be like you before, just think about it. Go take care of it, find a few people to do the surgery, if you can't remember it, just throw it aside and don't ask. You should admit that you've missed it in this regard, right?"

"Well, this is Shanariva's fault, and I am willing to accept the punishment." Shanariva said calmly.

"There must be punishment, and it's still an open punishment," Guo Shouyun said in a calm tone with an indifferent expression, "The gang you are now in charge of is the Mafia, a force that was originally difficult to grasp, to be honest. , I don't feel relieved to put it in your hands, because I don't know if you are worthy of my trust. In this case, it is necessary for me to let those people in the gang understand that although you are the leader of the gang , but the gang belongs to the group, so this time the punishment for you must be carried out in front of the main leader of the gang

: A clear person, a person who has made mistakes, no matter who he is, I will punish him, even if it is my woman. Can you understand that, Shana Riva? "

"Understood, I am willing to accept the punishment." The punishment in Guo Shouyun's mouth was more like a reward to Shanariva, her pale blue eyes flashed with unconcealed excitement for a while.

In fact, the meaning of Guo Shouyun's remarks has been very clear. From now on, the affairs of the gang will be handed over to Shanariva to take care of it, but he can't fully trust this woman yet, so he has to use the The opportunity to punish gives those gang members a clear notice of who they should truly be loyal to. For Shanariva, as long as it's not a horrific punishment, she doesn't care about the rest. It's nothing more than some flesh and blood. As an agent of the Security Committee, she has received special training in this area, and even has a Set of techniques to resist torture through self-hypnosis.

"That's good," a smile appeared on Guo Shouyun's mouth. For him, the punishment of Shanariva was not limited to the above two reasons. Of course, it was not just for the punch that the woman gave him before. , he also needs to polish the opponent's arrogance. In Guo Shouyun's view, this Shanariva is not as easy to control as Larissa and Nikita. She is cunning and ambitious. She is decisive, ruthless, and unscrupulous, so she can control those mafia gangs. It's a good choice, but in terms of loyalty, he can't do more consideration.

"Nikita, if the agents of your security committee make mistakes, how are they usually punished?" Ignoring Shanariva, Guo Shouyun turned his head and said to Nikita, who was sitting next to him.

"Well, there are many ways," Nikita gave Shana Riva a malicious glance, and said in a coquettish tone, "Especially when dealing with female agents like Comrade Shana Riva, the punishment will be fine. There are countless ways to do it, but if some of these punishments are used, I am afraid that you will feel disgusted when you see our Comrade Shanariva in the future, do you want to use them and try?"

"Bastard!" Shana Riva glared at this vicious opponent and cursed fiercely in her heart. If eyes could kill people, she would have torn Nikita to shreds.

"If you don't mind if I use it on you in the future, then you might as well say it and listen." Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand and pinched the woman's cock, hehe smiled.

"Then whipping," Nikita said in a panic, shrinking her neck. She also realized that it is best not to let her new master know about the methods used to deal with women in the safety committee. After all, this person has a dark side in his heart. Ordinary people are restricted by law and public morality. , but also to suppress this dark side in the bottom of my heart, and for a powerful person like Guo Shouyun, God knows whether he understands the suppression, if he understands too much, he may be unlucky one day.

"After all, Comrade Shanariva's fault is not very serious, and it is enough to use caning," Nikita sneered.

"Caning?" Guo Shouyun frowned, emotionally reminding him of the caning scene he saw at the Blagoveshchensk Police Station. If that kind of thorny whip hits Sanariva, it will be a scar at once. This woman will be her own ban from now on. If there are a few scars on her smooth skin, wouldn't it be a bad sight?

"Yeah, whipping," Nikita was obviously happy to show her opponent's appearance, she laughed, "Sir doesn't know, our whipping is not an ordinary whipping, and each whip is specially made. Yes, I think Shanariva should have this kind of torture device in her hands. Well, according to the mistakes she made this time, five lashes should be enough."

"You are so forgiving!" Shanariva's silver teeth creaked, and an angry sarcasm popped out from her slightly pursed lips.

"Of course, everyone will be their own from now on. How can I not think about you, sister." Nikita turned a blind eye to the anger of her opponent. She leaned on Guo Shouyun and said with a smile.

What kind of women are these around him? Guo Shouyun smiled bitterly in his heart. These two women had just met, and they had already exchanged **** for tat, and it seemed that they were eager to kill each other, and it seemed that he would not worry about boredom in the future. But having said that, it is not necessarily bad for these women to fight with each other. Their infighting can also save themselves a lot of thoughts, at least they don't have to worry about them joining forces to rebel.

"Then let's whip." Ignoring the gunpowder-smelling confrontation between the two women, Guo Shouyun turned his head to look out the car window, and said casually, "To be whipped, we will gather the main leaders of the gang tomorrow morning. I have a task to assign."

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