Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 66: fun for men

A dead person is destined to die, no matter how strong his sense of justice is or how heroic and unyielding he is in his eyes. Quan/Ben/Small/Said/Net This real life is not an American blockbuster, nor is it an emotional soap opera made to deceive women's tears. Reality is reality, it is cruel, and the dogma that justice can finally defeat evil is all illusory. , is simply impossible to exist. Guo Shouyun knew this very well, so he didn't care about being a big villain.

The situation in the Far East has now reached this stage. Guo Shouyun feels that he is still one step away from the end of grasping everything. At this juncture, he must firmly grasp all the media in the Far East that can speak and spread information. In his own hands, what he needs is: every night, the news he hopes to see and hear on TV, in the newspapers, and on the radio can be spread throughout the Far East the next morning, and the news he does not want to hear. What is expected to appear in public opinion will never appear in any news outlet in the Far East. And to do this, a newspaper like Kommersant can't let it survive, and a hairy old thorn like Buickley can no longer give him a chance to speak.

Guo Shouyun's goal is very clear now: he wants to build a Far East that belongs entirely to him and the Guo Group. And his measures to achieve this goal are even more clear: everyone who "pulls the cart" is good for it, and everyone who "blocks the road" will die! The old stubborn Buickley, who thought he was an international celebrity, dared to openly jump out to be a stumbling block. He thought that the Soviet government could not deal with him, and no one would dare to touch him in the Far East, hehe. Then he was wrong this time, and he was completely wrong.

The convoy stopped in front of the four-story independent building on Arbat Street. Guo Shouyun has now moved over from the Ukrainian Hotel. In Moscow, this is one of his homes.

"Let's have dinner together tonight?" Yakov turned around and said at the moment when the bodyguard opened the door for Guo Shouyun, "I heard that a few Polish girls came to the Holmes Night Dance Bar, are you interested in trying it?"

"You'd better go by yourself," Guo Shouyun smiled, took Victor's little hand next to him, and said, "I'm not interested in women in that kind of place."

"Forget it," Yakov shrugged. He casually threw the Kommersant on the back seat, "Aren't you going to take your newspaper back and take a good look at it?"

"You keep it," Guo Shouyun got out of the car door and glanced back at the wrinkled newspaper. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said sarcastically, "Take it well. Maybe this newspaper will become a very meaningful collection in the future."

"Oh?" Yakov obviously didn't understand what his brother-in-law meant. He was stunned, watching Guo Shouyun's figure disappear into the door of the small building.

"Sir, you're back." In the living room dedicated to Guo Shouyun on the third floor of the small building, Larisa and Nikita were sitting on the sand facing each other and sorting out a pile of documents. The man hurriedly got up to meet him, smiling charmingly.

"Well," Guo Shouyun nodded and said absentmindedly. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorting out Mr.'s entertainment records for the past two days," Larisa gently tore off the man's tie and casually hung it on the carved mahogany hanger at the entrance of the living room. At the same time, he said, "We just made a list. You can take a look at it later. Some of it can be solved before returning to the Far East, and some must be dealt with as soon as possible after returning to the Far East."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun seemed to be intrigued. He probed and kissed the two women's soft red lips, then walked to the sand, picked up a form, and glanced at it hastily.

This form is not so much a memorandum of entertainment, but rather a bribe account. It is on this form that it records in detail what gifts a senior Kremlin official asked for, and when they should be prepared. All right; what kind of sports car does the son of General XX like, and when he hopes to drive it; XX is going to celebrate his birthday in the next two days, what kind of gifts do they need; whose son, daughter, grandson and granddaughter are there Studying in a certain country, how much expenses are required for a year, etc., etc., such as this kind of detailed record.

"Well, very good," Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand and pulled Larisa who was standing next to him on his lap as soon as he sat on the sand, and then smiled, "Baby, all these tedious things are sorted out by you. Land? I don't think Nikita is good at doing this kind of thing, she's the one with the mouth."

"Sir, look down on people," Nikita walked over from the wine cabinet with a saucer with wine glasses and red wine on it. She just heard Guo Shouyun's teasing. , "These things are sorted out together with Larissa. If you don't believe me, ask her."

Larisa smiled and did not compete with her sisters for favor. She took the form from Guo Shouyun's hand, pointed to a record on it, and said, "Sir, I think these places that need to be entertained are basically all in the near future.

What is the problem, the only thing that is a little bit difficult is that the Minister of Internal Affairs Pugorm, I just met the Vajim couple yesterday, and I heard one thing from the conversation, that is, they seem to be very concerned about the housing allocated to them by the Moscow city government. Not so satisfied. I checked it out today. The couple are now living in the municipal apartment complex on Bereshank Street. The property is a six-year-old two-storey independent villa. I think that since they are dissatisfied with the current housing, if we want to send it, it is bound to improve the conditions by two or three levels. But now the situation in Moscow is that, the continuous tense of housing, and the deteriorating political environment make it impossible for us to buy a decent house even if we have money, so you see, sir..."

"What's so difficult," Guo Shouyun smiled, he stretched out his hand and kneaded **** Larisa's plump buttocks, feeling the unbearable softness and elasticity, and said at the same time, "Just a little. It's just a house, they want something more advanced, then give this one to them, I think they should be satisfied with my house."

"Ah?" Nikita was squatting in front of the sand and pouring wine, she couldn't help but say after listening to Guo Shouyun's words, "This is the house that my husband used to get engaged to Miss Nina, I'm afraid you won't give it away. Too suitable, right?"

"What's wrong with this?" Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said impatiently, "Nina is marrying me, not this house. Besides, what do I do, is it still her turn? Is a woman making irresponsible remarks?"

Guo Shouyun's tone is obviously full of strong dissatisfaction with Nina. Also, it has been a few days since the engagement. Nina has been ignoring his fiancé. I have only met three times, and every time I meet Nina, she puts on a face, as if someone owes her tens of millions and won't pay it back. To be honest, Guo Shouyun feels very unhappy about this. With the consolidation of his status day by day, his machismo ideology is also increasing day by day. In addition, during this period of time, there are two people who can come and go. A top-quality woman, his temperament is naturally more domineering, so in this case, he can't stand Nina's cold face.

Guo Shouyun's dissatisfaction with Nina is obviously what Larissa and Nikita want to see the most. As two accessories by the man's side, they naturally know that they can't compare with Nina in terms of identity and status. At the same time, they also know that their advantage may lie in the lack of identity and status. It is precisely because they have no status or status that they are more obedient and obedient, and it is precisely because of that status and status that Nina dares to put on airs and make her face in front of men. How many of this man likes strong women at home and abroad? So both Larisa and Nikita can be sure that as their man becomes stronger and stronger, Nina's status in this **** will gradually weaken, and when her "pedal" role is completely wiped out, Then the day of the first couple of sisters has come.

It is not easy to be a rich and powerful man, and it seems even more difficult to be a woman of a rich and powerful man. Just like Guo Shouyun, he always has a battlefield outside his home, where he has to fight with others and even fight, and as his women, Larisa and Nikita have to face two battlefields at any time - outside the home They couldn't afford to lose on the battlefield or the battlefield at home.

"Then, sir, I'll do what you want?" Silently exchanged a wink with Nikita, Larissa smiled, "If Miss Nina is held accountable in the future, sir, don't put the blame on onto me."

"Don't bother with me," Guo Shouyun was very cunning, he saw through the two women's thoughts at a glance. He slapped Larisa's plump buttocks hard, and he said with a sullen face, "My business, you'd better distinguish what you should worry about and what you shouldn't worry about, some things are too much to worry about. You are not good."

"Oh, sir, you hurt me," Larisa said with a coquettish cry. Seeing her like that, it was obvious that Guo Shouyun was talking in vain.

Knowing that his warnings in this regard were of little use, Guo Shouyun was too lazy to say that as long as the women around him were loyal to him, it was enough. For things like this kind of jealousy for their own sake, if they like to toss, just toss them. After all, this is also a pleasure for men.

"Does it hurt you? I think it was too light." He reached out and lifted Larisa's skirt, Guo Shouyun glanced at the woman's plump buttocks. Speaking of which, this slap is really not light, and a big red handprint has already appeared on the plump and beautiful buttocks.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you guys," Guo Shouyun said absentmindedly, stroking the handprint, "Tomorrow I'll take Nikita back to the Far East first. You are responsible for arranging the entertainment here."

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