Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 61: terrifying engagement ceremony

?Shouyun has always believed that in terms of the complexity of weddings, the world can be compared with China, but until today he understands that compared with the Russian nation in the Soviet Union, the weddings in China are absolutely too simple. Simple. Take today's engagement ceremony between him and Nina as an example. There are seven steps, whether simple or annoying: matchmaking, blind date, accepting color, church announcement, parting party, giving dowry, baking wedding bread, etc. There is so much to say about it, it's just a headache.

In fact, according to the custom of weddings in Central Russia, the seven steps of the engagement are carried out separately, especially the first two steps, which should be separated by more than a week from the official holding of the engagement ceremony. It's just that the old general Xie Miao's decision was a little hasty. The engagement was a bit rushed, so there was no time interval. At the same time, the old general loved Nina, his granddaughter very much. These seven He insisted that none of the steps should be missed, so the whole process had to be done in one day.

Old General Xie Miao's insistence doesn't matter. On the fourth day of July, Guo Shouyun was not the only one who was busy, but all the senior officials and generals were also very tired.

According to the wedding customs in Central Russia, "matchmaking" is an important step in the engagement process, and in this link, the matchmaker must be an old lady with a high reputation and a wide range of contacts. I chose it at night, because I couldn't meet people on the way to matchmaking, and even if I met people, I had to bow my head. When the matchmaker arrives at the woman's house, he must first press the door frame lightly with his hand, and then knock again. Only after obtaining permission can he enter the house. As for the media process. It is also very particular. According to the custom, the conversation pair must sit under the ceiling beam of the room. to indicate that the mediators are firmly connected.

In order to make this step the best, the old general invited Mrs. Dmitry, the wife of Defense Minister Marshal Yazov, to act as a matchmaker. When the people went out of the Ukrainian hotel to Nina's residence on the outskirts of the city to talk about matchmaking, General Govorov also mobilized soldiers from the Moscow Military District to block the road so that the old lady could reach her destination smoothly.

That's it, after the mediating step was completed, it was already six o'clock in the morning. After that, it's natural to be a blind date. In this step, according to the Russian custom, the first thing to do is for the parents of the female family to go to inspect the mansion and courtyard of the male family, so as to let the female family understand the family background of the male family. And at this point. The problem arises again. Although Guo Shouyun is very rich now, he does not own even an inch of real estate in Moscow. As for real estate, let alone. Fortunately, although Guo Shouyun has no real estate in Moscow, his uncle Yakov does. Therefore, a four-story independent building on Arbat Street became Guo Shouyun's mansion during the blind date.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Yakov, as the elder brother of the bride, took a limousine named Susanna to the mansion that originally belonged to him for a blind date. Facing Guo Shouyun, who was wearing a white suit and was full of energy, the elder brother complained a lot. According to him, that is the marriage of the younger sister, and he, the elder brother, not only did not get any benefits. Instead, he folded into a house for no reason. However, Guo Shouyun was much more assertive than his uncle, as it should have been. During this period of time, Yakov got the money from him, not to mention such a set of houses, even thirty or forty sets were bought.

He simply walked around the house and finished the first step of the blind date. The next step is to invite the man to entertain the representative of the woman's family, and this is also a great opportunity for Yakov to slaughter Guo Shouyun, because According to Russian customs, the representative of the female family who comes to the blind date can order wine and food at will, and finally ask the male family to seal a red envelope as appropriate.

In this part, Yakov really did not spare his brother-in-law. Whether it was fruit or dishes, he held a rule: only the most expensive, not the best, especially the one that made Guo Shouyun vomit blood. The accompaniment red wine ordered by the woman named Susanna turned out to be the bottle of 1787 Raphael winery, which is the most expensive red wine in the world. It was sold by Christie's auction house in London six years ago. It sold for $160,000 and is currently on display at the Forbes Museum. He Guo Shouyun may not care about spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a bottle of red wine, but like this unique thing in the world, even if he is rich, he may not be able to buy it - obviously, this "dog man and woman" is deliberately harass him.

In the end, after some bargaining, Guo Shouyun just paid a big red envelope of 400,000 rubles to get rid of the difficult female representatives. It was also when he was sending Yakov and Susanna out that Guo Shouyun knew that he The mansion that Yakov planned to give to Susannah, there is no doubt that Susannah came here specifically to "seek a place" today.

He finally beat Yakov and his mistress away. It was already twelve o'clock noon, and before Guo Shouyun had time to take a break, the second wave of blind date people had already arrived. But what makes Guo Shouyun somewhat happy is that the person who came to the door this time is not a difficult character, but Nina accompanied by a middle-aged nun.

Today's Nina is not wearing the military uniform she is used to, but wearing a snow-white traditional Russian wide-sleeved skirt. To be honest, Nina in this dress is less sassy and heroic in the past, but it is A little more tranquility and tenderness, which really made Guo Shouyun have a bright feeling. He even thought that it would be good for him to marry such a wife - with a pretty face and a hot body. Duo, hidden in the house is a delicate flower, as the saying goes: out of the hall, in a coquettish bed, of course, the most important thing is that this wife can cut thorns and pave the way for his Guo Shouyun's magnificent career.

If there is anything that makes Guo Shouyun unsatisfied with Nina today, it must be the woman's attitude. I don't know if it was because of the dinner party a few days ago or because of the dissatisfaction with this transactional marriage, Nina not only didn't give a good face during the whole blind date, but also said nothing. However, Guo Shouyun is not on this point.

. He also knew that the reason why he wanted to marry this woman was because he was really thinking about it, fundamentally speaking. Nina is a victim and a powerful tool on his road to success. If someone asks Guo Shouyun at this time and if he feels guilty about Nina, his answer will be a very positive "No". Women, it's not like that in life, so-called love is pure bullshit. At least, he felt that he still respected Nina. If it was Nikita or Larissa, he didn't want to do whatever he wanted. Who would dare to show a face in front of him. Say half a word?

After sending off Nina and the nun who accompanied her, the second step of the blind date is complete, and the next thing to do is Guo Shouyun's return visit to the woman's house.

This means that General Xie Miao's popularity in the Soviet Union is very high, so that the process of marrying his granddaughter can proceed smoothly. Today, the struggle between various factions in Moscow has also announced a temporary truce. After leaving the Arbat Street where the Ministry of Defense is located, Guo Shouyun is on the way to the suburbs. I didn't even see a group of demonstrations, which is an extremely rare sight in the past two years. No wonder Yazov, who later became the Minister of Defense, said that he really hoped Guo Shouyun's engagement ceremony could go on forever and never stop, because then he wouldn't have to face the block at the door of the Ministry of Defense all day long. Demonstrators.

At the home of the old General Xie Miao, Guo Shouyun, who went to a blind date, saw another strange custom in Russian weddings. The man's blind date could not be carried out yet. He first had to pray under the leadership of the old General Xie Miao's family, and then circled around a large oval table in the living room three times. This boring process. This made Guo Shouyun very disgusted, because he could always think of the last trip around the grave for three weeks during funerals in China. However, disgust is disgust, and this procedure must still be followed. After all, General Xie Miao was watching from the side, and the old man looked very happy today. Guo Shouyun didn't plan to get in trouble at this time.

After finishing this simple ceremony, the next thing to do is to "accept the color". To put it bluntly, this Nacai is a dowry gift to each other. As a bride-to-be, Nina gave Guo Shouyun a very simple dowry gift, a traditional hand-carved Russian men’s robe, two white silk underwear, and two if they were men. Wear big flared trousers to go out. As a return gift, Guo Shouyun gave Nina land, which is 20% of the total assets under his name.

To the old General Xie Miao, Guo Shouyun did not hide the real number of his assets. His total deposits in the Swiss and Industrial Banks amounted to 370 million US dollars, equivalent to nearly 70 million rubles, and this huge deposit was a large amount. Part of it was obtained in the past month through rouble speculation and the theft of cash loans from the Soviet Central Bank. In addition to deposits, Guo's Trading Company, Far East Venture Capital Company, and the Second Kuibyshev State Special Hospital have assets of 1,163 million rubles. Adding up these two aspects, rounding up to the nearest 20%, Nina instantly became a rich woman worth over 40 million rubles.

Obviously, General Xie Miao was quite satisfied that Guo Shouyun had such a huge amount of assets, because he knew that after his granddaughter had the dowry of more than 40 million rubles, no matter how the situation changed in the future, she should He was able to live the second half of his life happily and happily. As for how Guo Shouyun had amassed such a huge amount of assets in the past few months, he was directly ignored by the old general. Perhaps for him, these issues are no longer necessary to consider.

Because this engagement ceremony was held in the presence of many high-ranking Soviet officials, Guo Shouyun's reported huge amount of assets shocked everyone on the spot, with hundreds of millions of rubles, which is second to none in the Soviet Union. , at least on the public wealth list, so in the exclamations, the minds of these senior officials have also changed in different ways. Some people watched with cold eyes, some were envious, and some secretly planned, looking for an opportunity to hug the thighs of the rich, but no one considered jumping out and questioning the origin of this huge amount of assets. Because everyone knows that in the field of power, there is never any question of legality or illegality. There are only questions about whether the "queuing" is correct or not. Now Guo Shouyun is in a good position. Fang Du is not a threat, and there is support from the neutral old man Xie Miao, so the source of his assets is not a problem.

General Xie Miao is definitely an old fritter. Although he doesn't say anything, he also knows that the source of Guo Shouyun's assets is not very clean. In order to eliminate hidden dangers for his granddaughter and grandson-in-law, he took the opportunity to propose The central bank is required to conduct a unified adjustment of Guo's assets, and the results of the unified adjustment must be included in the Soviet state financial archives. The so-called central bank's asset survey refers to the detailed verification of the source of a certain private property by the central bank's audit department. The verification result of this survey is the official historical record, which is included in the country's financial files. becomes an evidentiary document. According to this unified adjustment plan, after Guo Shouyun's assets verification is completed, as long as there is no problem, even if all his previous capital account and business records are lost, he does not need to worry about the auditing agency's re-examination, because the financial records in the financial files That verification result is the most legitimate account. what does this mean? There is no doubt that this means that all of Guo Shouyun's assets before his engagement have become the most legitimate income. Once this ironclad proof is confirmed, no one will be able to take Guo Shouyun's two hundred million rubles even if the old general is gone in the future. It's a matter of his huge assets, because he can destroy all the previous accounts. Anyone who wants to investigate in the future should go to the national financial archives.

Father Xie Miao's intentions can not be described as bad, he is preparing for everything after his death in the future, and the most profitable in his heart is naturally his prospective grandson-in-law who is about to welcome Nina. Yes, but the old general never imagined that his good intentions had stimulated Guo Shouyun's greed even more. This unscrupulous profiteer was now thinking about how to get Nina into bed as soon as possible.

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