Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 58: noisy moscow

?Scoo seems destined to be very lively this July this year. With Ye's victory in the Russian presidential election, the aggressive radicals who have always been in the political arena seem to have become more arrogant. Although the Russian presidency at this time is not a real leader of a country, but this At that time, the Ye family had already started an all-out offensive against the mainstream and traditional factions.

On July 1, Ye Shi, who had just assumed the presidency of Russia for only half a month, signed a "non-partisan" presidential decree at the White House in Moscow, announcing a complete ban on the activities of Soviet institutions in Russian government departments and state-owned enterprises at all levels. what does this mean? Undoubtedly, this means that the Ye family has begun to strangle the Soviets, which have been around for nearly a century.

In a country like the Soviet Union, the abrupt ban on the work of Soviet agencies at all levels is equivalent to the sudden abolition of county, city, and provincial party committees in China, as well as the abolition of party committees in state-owned enterprises. What would this lead to? What happens? Obviously, a lot of power will be concentrated in the executive branch, the country's original government work supervision system will completely collapse, and eventually lead to the crazy breeding and spread of the phenomenon of violence.

Facing the full-scale offensive of Ye's radical faction, the mainstream faction of the Kremlin, which still holds the central power of the Soviet Union, still has an ambiguous attitude, while the traditional faction with a solid foundation in the army has not made a decisive counterattack. In this way, Ye's The adventurous offensive was once again victorious, de jure destroying the basis of the Soviet presence in Russia, and at the same time removing the greatest obstacle in the path to power.

Also in Moscow in early July, the news that the granddaughter of General Xie Miao would be engaged to a Chinese businessman also caused a shock in the upper echelons of Soviet power, although many people had heard of the name Guo Shouyun . There are also many people who know that this Guo Shouyun has a close relationship with General Xie Miao's granddaughter, but everyone did not expect that this engagement ceremony would come so suddenly, and before that, not even a little bit of wind was revealed.

Guo Shouyun and Nina got engaged on July 6th. Two days before the wedding, according to the list given by General Xie Miao, Guo Shouyun visited a large number of official officials successively with the following invitations as an excuse and with generous gifts. In a few days, he Guo Shouyun has exhibited from the original "famous" to "showing his face". As his figure appeared in the homes of high-ranking officials and officials, more and more people remembered the young face with yellow skin. Everyone knew that this young man had a promising future.

The same two days. Along with Guo Shouyun's emergence in Moscow, Larissa and Nikita, the two socializing female agents, also began to appear in front of Moscow's senior officials with new looks. Their outstanding appearance, charming temperament and elegant appearance. Conversation and demeanor spread throughout the upper classes of Moscow in just two days. These two assistants to the president of the Far East Guo Group have become the dream lovers in the eyes of countless senior officials.

It was also during these two days that Guo Shouyun truly realized the feeling of "there are people in the DPRK and China who can handle things easily". Almost as soon as the news that he and Nina were about to get engaged, all the green lights came on: Smolensky's Capital Savings Bank honestly allocated a huge sum of 70 million to the Far East Venture Capital Company. In the accounts, I don’t know if it was to keep no trace or to please Guo Shouyun, the ghostly Smolensky changed the name of the fund transfer place. Investment in Khabarovsk Industrial Plant. This way, the reason for the disbursement of the funds, according to the records on those appropriations. In order to support the resumption of production of the Khabarovsk Industrial Plant, Capital Savings Bank borrowed the hands of the Far East Venture Capital Corporation and unilaterally injected 70 million rubles into the industrial plant. obviously. According to the content shown on the allocation record, Far East Investment Company has become an intermediary passively accepting the venture capital direction of capital injection. According to financial regulations, Far East Investment Company will not be held responsible whether the investment can be recovered or not in the future. In this way, Smolensky, who felt that something was wrong, generously gave Guo Shouyun and Yakov a huge sum of 70 million rubles, because the so-called Khabarovsk Factory did not exist at all.

In addition to the huge sum of money from Smolensky, Guo Shouyun also successfully obtained various opening procedures for private commercial banks under the central bank headquarters and the general affairs department in the past two days, as well as the agency procedures for the central bank to transfer loans. , and the acquisition of these procedures means that Guo Shouyun has all the conditions for opening a private commercial bank. What he needs to consider next is how to withdraw as much ruble cash as possible from the central bank in the shortest possible time. loan.

"Money, everything is for money!"

In the bathroom of the guest room of the Ukrainian Hotel, Guo Shouyun was half-lying and covered in milky white

In the large bathtub, squinting, almost talking to himself, the world is full of irony, no matter what mainstream or traditional, or shouting all day long to give the Russian people the right to democracy and freedom Although their political views are different and even contradict each other, when it comes to money, they have almost the same ridiculous face. "

Wearing a silk translucent black pajamas, Larisa sat on the side of the bathtub, rubbing a gauze gently on Guo Shouyun's body, and said worriedly, "Sir, you these two days. It's too generous to give. Five million 700 thousand rubles is not a small amount, but you gave it to those greedy guys for no reason. Well, Ilarissa, there are many on that list. People don’t need to manage at all, they have no power and no power, and to be more specific, they are at best a celebrity, but this person has no effect on our plan.”

"Oh, who are you referring to?" Guo Shouyun opened his eyes, looked at the woman beside him, and said with a smile.

"For example, someone like Borowski," Larissa said without thinking, "he's just a literate man. I really don't understand that a person like him can write two so-called so-called articles with a pen. What else can you do other than the article. But sir, you are also generous to him, and it is 300,000 yuan in one throw, hum, I dare to say, I am afraid that a person like him has never seen 300,000 yuan in his life. What does it look like when the rubles are stacked together? It's a shame that he still thinks he is a literate scholar all day long. You haven't seen the way he looked when he saw the money, and those cloudy eyes are about to fall out."

"Hehe, how else would you say that you women are long and short-sighted," Guo Shouyun smiled and threw a handful of water on Larisa's body, saying, "This literati has the usefulness of a literati, and a high-ranking official has the energy of a high-ranking official. Take the current situation as an example, maybe that day the country will change for another day, and by that time, these high-ranking officials that we value now may not know what will happen to them. But these literati are different, their high prestige , will be converted into the most useful capital at that time, and their mouth and pen will also become the most powerful weapons. We have an idiom in China called 'mouth and pen attack'. Hey, mouth and pen, mouth and pen, if the radical reforms If it really succeeds, then I think any big man who hopes to gain power through democratic elections will have to rush to please these literati, because none of them can withstand the offensive of these cultural celebrities.”

"Oh? What do you mean by sir?" Larisa is very smart, she just vaguely understood Guo Shouyun's intention after hearing this.

"Darling," Guo Shouyun raised his arms and kneaded **** the plump buttocks covered by Larissa's pajamas, "You always thought my old father-in-law was a lunatic, but in my opinion, he Not crazy, on the contrary, he has a bigger head than anyone in this country, and he has a very thorough understanding of the Western-style democratic elections that the radicals are trying so hard to advocate, which is why I say that if it goes well, his There is a good chance the plan will succeed.”

"But sir, I still don't... ah!" Larissa let out a suppressed **, but it turned out to be Guo Shouyun's raging finger, suddenly poking into her buttocks from behind.

"Don't you understand?" Guo Shouyun felt that a certain part of his lower body began to grow rapidly, feeling the warmth and humidity at his fingertips, and he wanted to vent to his heart's content. Guo Shouyun feels that he has changed a lot in the past two days. If Victor sent Larissa and Nikita to him just to lead him to depravity, then Victor obviously succeeded, because now Guo Shouyun has been released. All the ** in a man's heart, these two superb women around him have become his best partners to vent his ** anytime, anywhere.

Larisa and Nikita have made a big splash in Moscow's upper class these two days. In front of people, their excellent temperament and elegant demeanor have made them the angels that the sons and daughters of high officials are chasing, but no one knows, It is these two angel-like women, once they return to the hotel, they will become Ren Guo Shouyun's playthings.

"Then sir, I'll give you an example," Guo Shouyun retracted his big hand, then stood up, turned the switch on the nozzle on the wall, and let the warm water from the dual nozzle pour on himself. Then he continued, "Darling, if you are an ordinary resident of Khabarovsk Oblast, and now there is a ballot in front of you, you have the right to vote within the Khabarovsk Oblast through this ballot. Get someone to be governor. Well, tell me now, who are you going to vote for?"

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