Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 56: A hero

?Everything that happened after this was almost completely in line with Victor's guess. Various opposition voices, and increasingly extreme nationalist sentiments, forces in all aspects began to turn to the traditional faction that had been suppressed to the point of exhaustion. The forces moved closer, and they immediately launched shelling on Ye's pro-Western government.

In this period of history that Guo Shouyun is familiar with, Russia began to be turbulent in 1991 until Platts was re-elected for two terms. The fact of the evolution in the past 20 years has almost perfectly confirmed Victor's prediction. Just imagine, how could Guo Shouyun remain indifferent in the face of such a father-in-law whose vision was extremely accurate? He could now almost conclude that the father-in-law was trying so hard to keep himself in his hands. It's not that he intends to make money for him to splurge, he is saving money for a future plan to seize power.

"Sir," Nikita couldn't possibly know what his "new master" was thinking. But she knew that the man must have something on his mind now, because the firmness she was rubbing was showing signs of softening. In order to continue this "seduction cause", she interrupted Guo Shouyun's thoughts, "Actually, in our It seems that Victor is crazy, he is not a normal person at all. You know, he can be said to do anything for that impossible plan. You remember a while ago when you were in Gubi The bomb attack on the Shef Riverside Guest House? That incident was actually done by Victor himself."

"What did you say?!" Guo Shouyun was startled. The cigarette **** in his hand also fell down with the huge tremor, and rolled onto the carpet.

"It's true, sir, that bombing was really arranged by Victor's envoy," Larissa picked up the cigarette **** from the ground and snuffed it out in the ashtray. At the same time, he said, "You know, Victor is not optimistic about the relationship between you and Nina. Because he is sure that even if the old man Xie Miao has a good impression on you, I am afraid that he will not easily agree to the marriage between you and Nina. Besides, Some time ago, Nina's mood was also very abnormal, and her relationship with you did not seem to be good enough to talk about marriage. But anyway, after all, you have already made an impression in the mind of General Xie Miao, and The relationship with Nina is also very good, so if you are killed at this time, the old general Semyon will definitely not give up. At that time, Victor can find an excuse to get the power to investigate the case, by the way Get rid of some of his opponents. On the contrary. If that bomb doesn't kill you, some of the people who are competing with him will temporarily abandon certain actions. Because of Yakov's presence, those opponents Surely the target of suspicion will not be set on Victor, so they will have doubts about their own people, and even have internal fissures. Sir, you think, even the vicious jackal will not risk his own children. , but when Victor was thinking about this plan, he didn't worry about Yakov's life or death, do you think he is crazy?"

"Okay, okay, okay, okay!" Guo Shouyun lay on the sand for a while, then burst out laughing. The Kuibyshev Riverside Bombing had been sinking in Guo Shouyun's heart for a long time. He once thought that the real murderer who tried to kill him would never be found in his life. But he learned the whole story from the mouths of two women who were eager to show their loyalty to him.

"Old father-in-law, old father-in-law, you are truly a hero through and through." He laughed loudly, but Guo Shouyun hated him to the extreme. Guo Shouyun is a villain, and it is absolutely unfortunate to be hated by such a villain. The moment he was laughing wildly, he was already thinking about how to deal with the director of the Second General Bureau of the Security Committee who he had never met in the future. Although he knew that that person was Nina's biological father and his future father-in-law, this relationship could not stop Guo Shouyun's revenge. His mortal enemy.

Guo Shouyun's wild laughter made Nikita and Larisa

That's right, they don't understand what's so funny about what they said just now

"Sir, what's the matter with you?" Larissa asked cautiously as she stretched out a hand and gently placed it on Guo Shouyun's chest.

Grabbing Larisa's little hand, Guo Shouyun pulled her down into his arms, and then buried his face in the woman's deep cleavage, feeling the fragrance and softness there. He stopped laughing and said, "Tell you guys, I laughed because I thought of a very classic saying."

"Oh, what are you talking about?" Larisa wriggled in the man's arms, and slipped the loose bathrobe under her body, thus completely exposing her plump **** so that she could bring it to her lower body. Men are more convenient.

"The history of this world is actually created by lunatics," Guo Shouyun said, obviously satisfied with Larissa's sense of taste, he raised his arm and held the woman's plump **** in his palm, while kneading forcefully, " Because lunatics can always see things that normal people can't, and can always do things that normal people don't dare to do, so they can always achieve great things that normal people can't."

"Ah," Larissa let out a coquettish moan under Guo Shouyun's molestation, and she asked with a slight panting, "What does Mr. mean, Victor's plan, too, has a chance of success?"

"It's very possible," Guo Shouyun raised his head and let Nikita, who was doing small tricks below, take off his pants, and said in a cold tone, "I have to admit that my old father-in-law has a good vision, he is in the His political sense is very sharp, so sharp that one has to be admired. Let me tell you, if my father-in-law is not too suspicious and has a poor sense of trust in others, then he may be able to realize it someday in the future. his plans."

Guo Shouyun's remarks obviously attracted the attention of Larisa and Nikita. The two women stopped their movements and cast doubtful eyes on his face.

Facing the doubts of the two half-naked women around him, a small smile flashed across Guo Shouyun's mouth. He did not intend to relieve the doubts of these two women. In his opinion, his women only needed to know the things they should know. Well, as for the others, it would be better for them to have more doubts.

"Larissa," the big hand rubbing the woman's **** slowly moved up, along the dazzling white chest and slender neck, until it touched the woman's red lips, Guo Shouyun smiled, "honestly, Tell me, you have been with my old father-in-law for so many years, has he really never touched you?"

"Well," Larissa was taken aback, she didn't know why the man in front of her suddenly asked such an irrelevant question again. But she didn't think much, and replied directly, "Yes sir, in Victor's opinion, Nikita and I are the two most useful cards in his hand. Although he is lustful, he also knows how to control himself. "

"Oh, then it seems that my father-in-law really takes care of me," Guo Shouyun put his fingers into Larissa's mouth and tugged it in her warm, wet mouth, giggling, "Hey. , If he is not too controlling, maybe I will do my best to help him because of you two little stunners. But now, hehe, some things are hard to say now. "

Guo Shouyun's remarks really made Larisa and Nikita's hearts suddenly lift, and then suddenly let go. The two of them really have no way out now. They have no other choice than to stick to the new master in front of them. If at this time, Guo Shouyun turns his head and cooperates with Victor, then they will undoubtedly be. to be the poorest victim.

The fleeting paleness on the faces of the two women did not hide from Guo Shouyun's eyes. He could naturally guess what the two women were worried about, but for some unknown reason, he actually enjoyed this kind of speech that could make him feel uncomfortable. Others feel terrified.

"Why, I'm worried that I will abandon you again?" With a smile, Guo Shouyun slowly pulled his fingers out of Larissa's small mouth, looking at the huddled and bright red lips implicated between the fingers and the woman's **** red lips. Xiaosi, he said, "How many times do you want me to talk to you to calm down? Don't say that it is impossible for me to get together with my old father-in-law now, even if I cooperate with him again, I will not You two fascinated little goblins have returned to him. Hehe, I am different from my father-in-law, he has good things to trade with others, and I, I am a businessman, in my eyes, The best thing in the world is money, so the only thing I can use to make deals with others is money, and as for the rest, I have to keep it for myself."

Guo Shouyun said, and pushed Larissa's little head towards the place under his belly, which was full of anger.

"Come on, two darlings, now let me try your little mouths and see who is more capable."

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